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  • Where did you hear about Ville or his Games?

    Marevix 20 years ago
    Gamehippo pre-1.0.
    ville 20 years ago
    And those Gamehippo people haven't still updated their Notrium posting, it even has the old website address which has been down for a year.
    michael 20 years ago
    I got here from zex's sig before it was deleted.
    void 20 years ago
    Just letting you know that the January 2005 issue of PC User has Magebane 2 and Notrium 1.3 on the cd along with some others under the title "Simple yet addictive".
    ville 20 years ago
    Ooh! Is it a big magazine?

    I don't remember if I've told you or not, but the best magazine one of my games has ever gotten into was a Japanese magazine that featured beautiful nude girls and games. I've always wanted to be in a porno magazine, and at least one of my games (The Forge) has gotten to be there now.
    Leego 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    gotten into was a Japanese magazine that featured beautiful nude girls and games. I've always wanted to be in a porno magazine

    Wow!!You go ville !! I never would have thought!!
    void 20 years ago
    Ooh! Is it a big magazine?

    I don't remember if I've told you or not, but the best magazine one of my games has ever gotten into was a Japanese magazine that featured beautiful nude girls and games. I've always wanted to be in a porno magazine, and at least one of my games (The Forge) has gotten to be there now.

    Yeah, that was really unexpected . You haven't told us about that though.

    The magazine is one of the bigger ones over her in Australia (Sorry it's doesn't have any nudes in it ) so I think a few thousand people will be playing your game over the next few days or weeks. I looked through the mag and it didn't have any review inside so it probably won't boost your traffic to much .

    I've always wanted to be in a porno magazine

    Your games or you? heehee. I have to say it again, I wouldn't have expected you to say that . Were you drunk or something when you wrote that because it doesn't sound like something you'd say.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    I'm a PCuser subscriber, and its the top-selling technology magazine in australia. Great magazine, and I'm sure it will lead alot of peapole to
    Here's a scan:
    Idiota 20 years ago
    hehe, that's great. I'm hoping on some new forum members through the magazine
    void 20 years ago
    I doubt very much that this will bring in more then a handful of new forum members let alone traffic. People will just play the games a little and probably go back to their halo or half-life, a few will probably go to and even fewer will take a look at the forums and fewer still will join and fewer still will even post.

    Damn I love being a being a wet blanket.
    Neoecs 20 years ago
    I saw it on the page when i was searching for free games =/
    ville 20 years ago
    "void" said:

    I've always wanted to be in a porno magazine
    Your games or you? heehee. I have to say it again, I wouldn't have expected you to say that . Were you drunk or something when you wrote that because it doesn't sound like something you'd say.

    Just joking obviously. But I must admit it was some sort of a high point of my career.
    Soulefoin 20 years ago
    I got it from a forum which I used to go to. I no longer go there and I have decided to do my banter here...

    Anyways, Notrium rocks! Keep up the good work Ville!

    HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
    DL'ed it on Gamehippo the first day it was out. I got a good few hours out of it. I came back a few months ago and I nearly fainted when I found out it changed so much. I refused to download the new version and googled for version 1.0. Later, I finally tried version 1.32 and what do you know? It's actually pretty good
    Murska 20 years ago
    I dont remember where I found this, but it was before notrium, or at least its 1st version. I think it was wazzal, at least I played wazzal before notrium. Magebane was 2nd and Notrium 3rd.
    It was before any mods exept Ville...
    Quanrian wasn't here (At least actively, that is.), Zex wasn't here...
    I seem to be one of the first members here, but my account was one time hacked or something, It wouldn't recognice my password, I told to ville and he changed my password to "1". Now I have of course changed it back...
    EDIT: Seems like I registered 8 days before Quanrian... I still remember that few weeks after my registering, Quanrian took over the forum. Fast.
    He made MANY ideas for notrium when it was in its first versions, and soon he became a mod. After that, I was away for a long time...
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    But I must admit it was some sort of a high point of my career.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! So you are.... are.... are..... are....


    Anyone a come-back member?
    HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
    Marevix is. I thought he never made an account but apparently from his profile, he did.

    Murska is one.

    Uh, can't think of anyone else.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I got it from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> in the freeware section.

    I also got the game from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> under the freeware section. (Back when it was version 1.0 - They have updated the version to 1.33, just checked). Since then I been a regular visitor but only recently signed up as a member.

    (Btw: Websites would be the number one source since this is the internet. People are more likely to check out a website while on the internet rather than while reading a magazine or some such.
    Note: Theory based on human laziness.)

    I don't know if Notrium has appeard in any magazines in South Africa but I'll take a look and get back to you all on that.
    Rayo 20 years ago
    "Neoecs" said:
    I saw it on the page when i was searching for free games =/
    Yeah me too that's a great site for free games. Well i downloaded it, played it and was addicted. The new version works slow on my comp so i haven't played it too much, i must start playing again...
    Marevix 20 years ago
    I believe I joined a nice, long way back. My case is similar to Murska's, I registered before ZeX came about. I lurked about, posted some messages, and then got stuck in my System Shock 2 web for a while. 1 month and 1 day after Quanrian, about 4 months before ZeX. I'm getting off-topic here, however.
    Toko 20 years ago
    io found it in a dvd demo and install it.
    Lichtenstein 20 years ago
    Found Wazzal in magazine. Then forgot about it, rememberd, couldn't find magazine and found on internet. Don't know how managed it don't remembering title... Guess i'm higher life form...
    eug1404 20 years ago
    Got Notrium after reading the review on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> you've likely gotten many people from there, as the type of people that visit the site, are the same type of people who would give your game a go.

    Also i detes the title 'Simple but Addictive' that PC mag used, if you think about it Notrium is far more complex than say Halo 2 and it's ilk of FPS gaming, but that's not to say that Halo 2's not fun(as it most definately is).
    *waits for a horde of rabid Halo 2 fanboys to assault him fo reven comparring another game to Halo 2 *
    iceman 20 years ago
    that thar link be broke, it do i say it be broke
    eug1404 20 years ago
    "iceman" said:
    that thar link be broke, it do i say it be broke
    Lol, spending too much time in the pirate topic eh.
    Well the link is fixed up now, damn commas.
    B0rsuk 20 years ago
    I came here from forums.

    D.R.O.D., Deadly Rooms Of Death, is the best turn-based puzzle game I ever played. It's free, and has great fan base, thanks to level editor and stuff.
    The graphics may look a bit dated, but the new version is about to be released. It's very challanging and non-frustrating at the same time (unlimited time, "lives", you can conquer rooms in any order, almost perfect saving...)
    UPDATE: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Website? I'm interested
    slyvena 19 years ago
    After downloading a game known as Notrium 1.3 to play as it was betwenn 10 and 15mega bites i thought i'd play it

    after getting bored i decied to go on the net to see if there was a sequel well there wasn't but there was all this... and ever since i have never not posted 1 time a day exept when i was not a home well at least i do now.
    J.O. 19 years ago
    "B0rsuk" said:
    I came here from forums.

    D.R.O.D., Deadly Rooms Of Death, is the best turn-based puzzle game I ever played. It's free, and has great fan base, thanks to level editor and stuff.
    The graphics may look a bit dated, but the new version is about to be released. It's very challanging and non-frustrating at the same time (unlimited time, "lives", you can conquer rooms in any order, almost perfect saving...)
    UPDATE: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Hey I'm also from there, was it you who posted the link?
    B0rsuk 19 years ago
    "J.O." said:

    Hey I'm also from there, was it you who posted the link?

    No. Yes. It depends.
    I wish I had tried out Notrium earlier. A month or so ago I couldn't run it because I had duron 700Mhz.
    However, I posted a topic "notrium modding is fun" few days ago.
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    I got it from
    Everything is free I played notrium, liked it, visited the maker's website.
    GreatOsiris 19 years ago
    oo, oo, oo, madness combat fourms
    i dont go there no mo this forum is too good
    Warrior_Fate 19 years ago
    I heard of it from my friend
    Nerd 19 years ago
    Anubuis, who secretly left but i know him in real life heard of it from me.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    I got it from a magazine in 2004(or something), Notrium where at 1.2 back then. I had a great time, playing it, then, after some months, I began searching for the official website. I found it, read the modding FAQ, and began modding my first mod, (It SUCKS!) after a time, when I got bored of the much more spam infested The Sims 2 forums, I found the Notriumforum. I can't belive those who leaves the forum because it is to much spam, old members of TS2 BBS would consider these forums as a heaven...
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