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  • Got a great idea for a mod? Post it here!

    Peter 19 years ago
    NAME: Turret life

    THEME: U are the first super AI controlled turret in the universe and have to blow up hundreds of enemies, in the meantime picking items with drone... It will be made like book(chapters)

    Contribution: basic stuff, drone...

    REGUIDEMENS: ALOT of help with graphic, Making spawners come and vanish... and other help.

    Usseles hardware
    Weird chip
    AI transformer(have)
    Mini laser gun(have)
    Mini machine gun
    Other weak guns
    Strong guns
    SUPERMEGARMAGGEDON bringing guns
    Special guns
    Even more guns
    Thing that give you guns one by one (terminal)
    Some sniping scopes
    other usesfull items
    Repair unit
    and so on...
    edit:Maybe Western egg

    STORY:U are the first super AI controlled turret in the universe and have to blow up hundreds of enemies.

    Someone interested
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Quanrian" said:
    You could probably do cities, but you'd need some way to direct the AI through them. Either that or have no roaming AI and have the cities act as a sort of hub for missions.
    Doesn't the AI automatically move around stuff like rocks?

    Stuff like rocks, yes. It moves more freely around them of course because their collision zones are circular, so it's more difficult for the AI to get stuck on them. However with a square build for example or something that has sharp edges you might likely see creatures getting caught alot more often. You would also more than likely need to force AI, which in turn would mean limiting their numbers.

    I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just telling you that you'll find alot more problems with it than perhaps you originally realized. The AI simply works best in wide open, unhindered areas with minimal clutter. The best way in the end to see what problems you'd have is to simply do it I couldn't have told you the issues that would of arised in my current mod until I actually came upon them.
    Koruhl 19 years ago
    I got a few ideas of a mod although its not possible for me to do them.... my problem is that i am not that good in modding...

    the first mod i wan tto introduce is some kind of a medieval mod.... you could be a knight /rogue/ mage "walking" around to do several things like rescueing a princess out of the claws of a evil dragons or eleminate a gang of bandits.

    the second one could be a wild west mod... you play as a indiana ( sp?) or a cowboy..... maybe possibility to become the good guy or the bad guy.. stoping or doing the bank robbery.. know what i mean?.. would be fun to see someone of you doing one of those mods...

    Well.. the only things i could do to help with those mods is giving some ideas ( story and such) and of course doing some graphics...
    B0rsuk 19 years ago
    "Koruhl" said:
    I got a few ideas of a mod although its not possible for me to do them.... my problem is that i am not that good in modding...

    the first mod i wan tto introduce is some kind of a medieval mod.... you could be a knight /rogue/ mage "walking" around to do several things like rescueing a princess out of the claws of a evil dragons or eleminate a gang of bandits.

    Well.. the only things i could do to help with those mods is giving some ideas ( story and such) and of course doing some graphics...

    Sounds great, because I'm making such mod ! I'll need extra graphics, and story, too. I have no idea for good story. It should pass following requirement: it should justify Notrium-like gameplay, I mean you woul have to visit at least several areas and go back and forth. And, preferably, have several possible endings. So endings should be somehow related. If they are like either kill a dragon, or a vampire, or find a way back home it makes little sense.

    My mod is strongly influenced by Nox and Rune. Also Hexen and Sacrifice. It's still in alpha stage, but, finally, no longer crashes. Only two areas, one enemy, several climates.

    Has working shield, but it needs to be optimised.
    Has working berserker, but I need to make it enabled like in Rune - when you hit enemies enough times.

    The first race I'm going to code is Warrior, mostly melee.

    Others will certainly be Wizard (like in Nox, too)
    Astaroth (a demon, doesn't own a body but can posses others. Actually easy to make)
    Conjurer - like in Nox, uses Bow&Crossbow and can summon 1-4 creatures.

    Other races I may implement would be
    Thief/Assasin (I can design backstab)

    Keep in mind I make 2 mods at same time, second being Funderful, and will go back to university since 15.II.2005. So I may not be able to code all races, etc.
    I'll probably implement something like weapon skills (by hitting creatures with certain weapons you're getting better versions of same weapon, mostly reduced weapon spread, reload etc).
    clogmonkey 19 years ago
    mod: alien vs alien/human/android

    contribute: none, story maybie?

    eny items the aliens of notrium could use? ie sticks & stuff

    note: need age bar (small-b too blue too qween when qween you have childre and controll 1 when die)

    storie: later have to leave now!
    Marevix 19 years ago
    Name: Harvest Moon on Notrium
    Contribution: N/A, this is just an idea.
    Items: Gardening tools, food, etc.
    Concept: Ever played any of the Harvest Moon games for GB/GBA/PS/PS2/Gamecube? Well, you take Notrium and add a farming simulation to it, where you grow alien crops to be sold to the hermit for money to either buy new items/seeds/equipment or weapons/guards to keep the aliens off your back.

    Got this idea while cutting off the blood flow to my brain through the juggulars, thus making an unconscious stimulation occur.
    slyvena 19 years ago
    Not many ideas but it's a name that is ringing in my head now

    Theme:You are a fabuolus christian but die and end up in hell,why who knows but you've got to get out and mabye have some little one on one time with the boss(becuase your are dead you level up and stuff becoming very strong at the end where you will chalenge satan.
    fenor 19 years ago
    Perhaps give the alien or mayby even all of them the ability to
    dig tunnels with spades/shovels with the exception of the alien who could do it as a last evolution after egg laying?
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Name: FullMetal Alchemist!

    Description: You are Edward Elric, famed FullMetal Alchemist on the quest for the mystical Philosipher's stone. You'll have to visit places from the show, as well as new enemies on your quest.

    Gameplay: You can find raw materials on the ground (like stone, metal, sand, etc.) that are used as components in deadly attacks ranging from simple (uses one or two elements, low damage/special effects) to godlike (uses massive amounts of elements, high damage/special effects).

    NOTE: Special effects would be like health draining, multi-hit, poison, area effect, or just plain script-based stuff.

    I Can Supply: Everything except graphics. As you all know, I'm good at coding something if I set my mind to it, but I can't draw worth ****. Just give me the graphics and I'll supply the mod. As soon as I have time, that is...

    Example Items:
    -Steel (resource)
    -Sand (resource)
    -Stone (resource)
    -Crystal (resource)
    -Some stuff like the above (resources)
    -Alchemist's Handbook Pages (attacks and moves)
    -State Alchemist watch (gives bonus while equipped, maybe multiple versions with different effects)
    -Automail (weapon, has different modes that require energy to change into)
    -Other stuff relating to FMA

    Storyline: See description above.

    B0rsuk 19 years ago
    I will do this one in summer holidays unless someone picks it up earlier.

    Notrium Battlefield (Multiplayer Play-By-Email/Forum). Tactical game.

    If you've seen Dominions2 battles, you know what to expect. It would work as follows:

    - you buy your army for fixed amount of money.
    - you choose creature types, and amounts.
    - each creature is worth certain amount of gold (3, 5, 7, 9..)
    - you place your creatures anywhere you like on your half of the battlefield .
    - you choose primary and secondary tactics for each creature.... if you like. Most creatures, even ones from original Notrium, will support tactic changes (hit effects, perhaps others.)

    Then, you do the same for army of your opponent.

    Then you use Start, and armies start fighting.
    When battle ends, it's restarted with same settings several times. (Notrium is random, so if battle is run for 5 times there's less room for luck wins).
    To make interface more convenient, I believe I can design a system to "save" and "load" your army settings. After designing your army, you'd be given several (preferably - only one, but I have no idea how to do this so far) numbers. All you have to do is to write several numbers down.
    Then, to load settings, you "enter" several numbers representing your army. Notrium generates army basing on this numbers. Each number means something, for example one defines creature types/order, another - amounts, yet another - tactics.

    After it's all finished, playing the game goes as follows:

    Step 1:

    - you setup your army, and write down your numbers.
    - your opponent customizes his army, and writes down his numbers.
    - You post them both on forum, or send via emails, whatever. Up to you.

    Step 2:

    You launch Notrium and
    - enter first set of numbers
    - enter second set of numbers
    - use "start battle" item. Creatures start fighting. Then again, several times, with same settings. You can see which army does better.

    Msg me for details if you want to do it. At the moment I'm quite busy and can supply only design ideas.
    "entering numbers" can be done with ammo-using weapons and scripts. Bar setting/adding effects. For example: 1 represents scout marine, 2 blue alien, 4 brown alien, 8 flamethrower marine, 16 turret, 32 reaper, 64 vc pistol marine.... Let's say you're going to use brown alien(4), reaper (32), flamethrower (, and scout marine (1). Thats 4+32+8+1 = 45.
    You are given 45 ether.

    Now to read creature types properly, you substract from 45 ether. Or scripts do. Starting with largest "powers" of 2:

    45-128 (can't be done without negative, no creature placed)
    45-64 (can't without negative, so no vc marine)
    45-32=13 (script can substract it without negatives, so reaper (32) is placed !)
    13-16 (can't, no turret)
    13-8=5 (can be done, so flamer ( is placed)
    5-4=1 (can be done, 4= brown alien)
    1-2 (can't, no blue alien)
    1-1=0, 1=scout marine
    Sicon 19 years ago
    Name: Dunno
    Theme: Set 3 years after Notrium, the Ville Corporation returns to the Hive system to obtain precious ores n' stuff from the Alien infested worlds ( Notice the S in the end ). But instead they are met by other rival corporations that are also after the precious ores n' stuff. You are one of the Ville corporation's men and you will help your corp whatever's the cost.
    Description: You start as a lowly private and advance your way to being a general/pilot/scientist/medic/anything. Bassicaly the mod allows large scale battles, space battles, construction of bases, the corporation who has the most land which is filled with the most recources has the most control/money. You can take missions from the certain role you are ie. You are a pilot and you have to escort a convoy. Or you are a general and you have to lead your own little army of 30 or more troops with scout cars, tanks and such to capture some land. You also have to look after your men. Or you can be an average private who earns money by fighting with which he can buy weapons. Or you may be a medic who is in charge of healing wounded by risking his own life. Hell you may be the captain of a Capital Class ship set to bombard a large sector of the planet! Imagine large scale space battles
    Contribution: If I have the time to learn the basics of modding I may aswell do something.
    Requirements:A modding team.

    But it seems like no one is really looking at these ideas, this may aswell die like the rest.
    slipfuzzy 19 years ago
    This isn't really a good idea, but it's my first mod that I'm making:

    Name: Notrium Agility Mod

    Concept: Mainly it's just the normal Notrium game, I'm just screwing with the stuff like making the enemy speed higher, but at the same time lowering their strenght so they don't whoop your ass. I'll also make more enemies and stronger weapons.
    Sicon 19 years ago
    "slipfuzzy" said:
    This isn't really a good idea, but it's my first mod that I'm making:

    Name: Notrium Agility Mod

    Concept: Mainly it's just the normal Notrium game, I'm just screwing with the stuff like making the enemy speed higher, but at the same time lowering their strenght so they don't whoop your ass. I'll also make more enemies and stronger weapons.

    make sure you can also build bases and such,
    Rokan'sharp'claw 19 years ago
    "Sicon" said:
    Name: Dunno
    Theme: Set 3 years after Notrium, the Ville Corporation returns to the Hive system to obtain precious ores n' stuff from the Alien infested worlds ( Notice the S in the end ). But instead they are met by other rival corporations that are also after the precious ores n' stuff. You are one of the Ville corporation's men and you will help your corp whatever's the cost.
    Description: You start as a lowly private and advance your way to being a general/pilot/scientist/medic/anything. Bassicaly the mod allows large scale battles, space battles, construction of bases, the corporation who has the most land which is filled with the most recources has the most control/money. You can take missions from the certain role you are ie. You are a pilot and you have to escort a convoy. Or you are a general and you have to lead your own little army of 30 or more troops with scout cars, tanks and such to capture some land. You also have to look after your men. Or you can be an average private who earns money by fighting with which he can buy weapons. Or you may be a medic who is in charge of healing wounded by risking his own life. Hell you may be the captain of a Capital Class ship set to bombard a large sector of the planet! Imagine large scale space battles
    Contribution: If I have the time to learn the basics of modding I may aswell do something.
    Requirements:A modding team.

    But it seems like no one is really looking at these ideas, this may aswell die like the rest.
    Your idea is good but did you think of how much scripting that would take?I think only a professional team of modders and maybe ville himself could make this mod well thats my opinion but good idea and all.
    slipfuzzy 19 years ago
    Another Idea...

    Pastry Kingdoms!!!

    You play a warrior for the Raspberry Waffle Kingdom. I am king of this place. Basically you do quests and such and kill those on the Muffin King's army. DEATH TO THE MUFFINS! HUZZAH!
    This is already going to be a text RP eventually on my site.
    Marevix 19 years ago
    Since I never got around to posting it here..

    Notium Survival Mod
    Items- All from the original Notrium.
    Races- Same as items.
    Theme- Once you escape Notrium, you become the commander of a colony on Notrium 5 years after the original Notrium. You have to guard the colony from waves of marines in the first level. So on and so forth.
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    Enemy Clearer

    Items: weapons only

    Creatures: Stationary turret, smashed-up Tank (also stationary)

    Story: The year is 2006, one year after the conquest (?) of Notrium.
    You are the commander of either a turret base or a defeated tank. You must destroy all waves of enemies in all whats-the-number enviorments. Your teleporting device only works if you kill all aliens in current wave. Doing this takes 3 seconds after last enemy is destroyed. If all waves are cleared, you get to fight a boss in an exclusive enviorment. If you die, well, you die.

    Requirements: A script to teleport you to the exact center of the next stage (curent stage # +1) 3 seconds after beating the wave, and one to end the game after defeating the boss.

    Ups: It's creative, it's weapon-filled, it's gunpowder scented!

    Downs: You cant move, a working mouse is required.
    HEDIS 19 years ago
    these are some items i thought of:
    a knife(can be used to make other items and cut meat)
    the metal rods could be used as weapons
    an electric turret
    a flame turret
    a robot pet(can be remade after destroyed)
    items for stealth such as invisiable armor(made from reaper corpse)
    picks to mine things out of the ground
    explosive mines made from minerals that have been mined
    traps made from vines to trap aliens
    a cage were you can tame aliens
    and you should be able to combine light diode with guns for aiming beames.
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    Alien Foreverz (Yes that's spelled right)

    Characters: All the different aliens in the game, including the ones from Werivar!
    Items: Obviously only the things to make stuff useful for the alien. It's a big list, OK?
    Story: Essentially the same as standard Notrium, except you're the Alien who actually managed to kill the crew before the crash (You know there cant be survivors, except a second alien!) So you are all-powerful and all-evolved when you start, only you can only make more of your type of alien. So you get in your escape pod and see two more fall in with you. One is destroyed by missles, the other one lands near you. (Essentially, you end up with an ally who goes off to make more aliens. It'll have to be a special alien type that no-one can use and of which there is only one in the whole mod.)
    Disabled endings: Kill Queens, Marines, anything that has to do with killing. And replace the supposed YOU WIN message with a CONGRATS, NOW WHAT? message that dosen't win, but gives you ALL your health and food back. After killing the robots you can build droid scout type robots (The teeny ones littering the desert).
    New endingsiscover your true power and turn yourself all-powerful, or maybe or maybe have an alien king and queen of all races?
    Completely new features: You dont need to evolve to lay eggs, but you DO need to kill the queens of the breed you want to reproduce. The first queen you kill gives you their corresponding "Reproduce (color/name) Alien" item which you Use (note caps on U) to create that breed. Using it is done with the M and F buttons (Guess what they do) and once the queens are full grown they lay TWO eggs in your nest and then go make their own nest. (That last one is problably a lot of coding, but hell, it'd make this COOL!). The alien offspring automatically scout the area.

    Requirements: Obviously a hell of a lot of coding and scripts, nothing graphically new except maybe the reproduce items and making reapers "a little" visible (hee hee).

    One last note: The Dire will be the Reaper queen/king. They're too big a reaper to ignore their true purpose!
    sod9gfk 19 years ago
    "Armageddon1212" said:
    NameYB (Defend your base)
    Theme: self explanitory
    Requirements: A a money system to buy stuff
    defending against zombies
    aliied troops
    lots of cool realistic guns
    story: In 2005 an outbreak occurs and small bands of people are defending thier homes. Military and police forces are present too helping you alot. You have fled to a near by military fortress where lots or refugees are. You and your teammates have to defend your base.

    It will be like defend your castle only better.
    I could probably do that..Making alied troops, fortifications and such isnt a major task.
    shadowgandor 19 years ago
    name:the planet of notrium
    theme: the same as the original story only with more races and more maps
    requirements: many more races
    story: same as notrium original

    it would be so cool to have more races and more enemies like radiated snail and creatures like that.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    right... how original. Very, very original. Their called "expansions", shadowgandor and we have 2!
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    right... how original. Very, very original. Their called "expansions", shadowgandor and we have 2!
    You can't get enough expansions.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    3 has been enough for me
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    I don't know why, but I was bored and I came up with a cheesy idea for a Mod. I think its funny! Teeheehee!

    It's a wave-based game. Every wave, you have to run around and kill like 40 of a monster and then leave... but it isn't so simple. You have to fight the door to leave. The door for one wave can only be defeated with the new, more powerful weapon you earned that wave. Only that weapon so much as affects it, but the Paralyzer Killer from Level 1 still paralizes it, but just that. As you near the end, you start getting weapons that need ammo and doors that blockade their doorways to fly out at you and shoot lasers. At the end, there's one boss level with a big, lumbering boss, and when you think you killed the boss, five thingies that are a cross between a tank and a robot come out and they all must be killed. And then there's a door which is really easy to open, the end.
    Nocture17 19 years ago
    Name: The Forgotten Tale of Notrium.
    Theme: A Notrium Expansion/modification. On the world of Doran Prime, Pre-Notrium. Playing the male mentioned in the Stowaway's journal, Kai T'Qi evolving and progressing on the untamed Doran Prime.
    Contribution: Badly recoloured graphics, plots, descriptions, potentially scripts, if I get round to actually doing this.
    Requirements: Item ideas, extra evolution ideas, anything extra to help flesh it out a tad....

    Evolution Abilities:
    Aggressive -
    NB: Aggressive evolutions must all be purchased in order.

    Sharpened Claws (Claws +1)
    Razor Claws (Claws +2)
    Scythe Claws (Claws +3)
    Monomolecular Claws (Ultimate Claw?)

    Spit (Just paralysis, no damage)
    Acidic Spit
    Venomous Spit (Longer paralysis time)
    Toxic Spit (Higher damage + Longer paralysis time) (Ultimate Spit)

    Bite (1.5 ordinary claw damage)
    Deadly Bite (2.5 ordinary claw damage)
    Terror Bite (2.5 Razor claw damage)
    Hell Bite (5 Razor claw damage)

    Note: Timid creatures will run away from a howl, potentially allowing interesting stalking tactics, using landscape features such as "blind canyons" and other enclosed spaces, whilst aggressive creatures should act as per normal towards hearing a weapon, potentially at extreme ranges. Perfect if you're spoiling for a fight, just try not to use it in the middle of a boss area....
    Howl (Attracts short range prey/allies - Invisible ultra loud weapon)
    Ferocious Howl (Attracts mid range prey/allies from further away)
    Terra Howl (Attracts distant prey/allies, stuns adjacent prey)
    Sonic Scream (Attracts distant prey/allies, stuns adjacent prey and drives them back)
    All howls should have extra long recharge periods, and preferably be hotkey'd to use, rather than equipped to wield as a weapon, stopping a need for switching.

    Defensive -

    NB: Exoskeleton must be purchased first.
    Exoskeleton (armour +1)
    Harden Exoskeleton (protects against acid rain, armour +2)
    Insulated Exoskeleton (Prevents lava damage, reduces flamethrower damage, regulates temperature - halves increase, decrease?)

    NB: Purchase in order.
    Defensive Spines (+1 armour)
    Projectile Spines (Spine becomes a new item, long ranged sniper spine, lower damage than basic spit, no stun, low knockback and low fire rate)
    Projectile Quills (+2 armour, Spine weapon becomes Quill, higher damage, same range and low knockback, slightly improved fire rate)
    Superkinetic Spikes (Quill becomes Spike, higher damage, higher knockback, same range and fire rate)
    Spike Patches (Replaces Fires three spikes at once at target - with this, Spikes should deal damage equal to or greater than toxic spit, but cost is triple)

    NB: Purchase in order.
    Sharp Senses (Short range motion sensor, as alien)
    Enhanced Senses (Mid range motion detector, as alien)
    Preternatural Senses (Long range motion detector, as alien)
    Blood Sense (Maximum range motion detector, as alien)
    Electrical Sense (Mid range energy detector?)

    Extras - Primarily one off purchases.

    Photosynthetic: Generate food at 1 per second whilst not in cover and it's daytime.
    Hyper Regenerative: Use food to heal injuries, 20 food : 10 health
    Self Cannibalise: Use health to increase food, 20 health : 10 food
    Cold Blooded: Increases speed at high temperatures, immune to cold shock. Lowers food consumption by 90%, movement is three quarters base at 0 temperature, caps at twice base at 70-80.
    Internal Furnace: Speed becomes 120% of normal, permanent 80% rage (as opposed to 33%), food use is doubled.
    Hyper Efficient Respiration: Reduces the reduction of food by approximately 20%.
    Primal Rage: Primal rage, slows time as per standard alien rage, but potentially needs a different bar filling, with "fills to the max possible for bar". Starts low, maybe 20.
    Adipose: Increase maximum food level by 20. (Multiple selections possible, price increments each time) Caps at 1000.
    Viscera: Increase maximum health by 20. (Multiple selections possible, price increments each time) Caps at 500
    Adrenaline Sacs: Increase Rage time by 5. (Multiple selections possible, price increments each time) Caps at 200
    Nesting: Builds a nest. Requires various items to use. A nest functions much like a stasis field in terms of health/temperature regulation. Unlike a stasis field, nests do not slow food consumption, or prevent weapon use. They also operate as cover.
    Tertiary claws: Footclaws reduce knockback by a degree.
    Hyper digestion: Allows the consumption of poisonous brown alien corpses. Preferably, without this ability, brown corpses would not even be possible to pick up, and would then become auto-feed items on evolving this.

    Creatures and foodstuffs:
    Note, ALL food is consumed on pick up, with the possible exception of things like Marine rations.
    All predator species grant evolution points at small degrees on killing, prey do not.

    Rabus: Small, cowardly and timid. Herbivorous Lizards, also known as rabusaurs, or "rabus" for short, breed prodigiously and feed on grass, whilst every other species on Doran Prime feeds on them. Nutritional value is minimal, due to their tiny size, but they taste like chicken.
    Rabu Eggs: Rabu eggs, picking up eats them for a tasty snack, whilst leaving them alone will eventually allow them to hatch into adult rabus, which, much like tribbles, will immediately set about laying eggs once every few minutes.
    Bisars: Fast quadrupedal herbivore. Much like rabus, bisars lack offenses, but are fast runners. Whilst their large frames are highly nutritious, they are much more durable to damage than rabus, and prone to running away as soon as they notice a predator.
    Blue Aliens: Distant relatives to the Doran Prime's dominant alien species, these occupy the same niche as their Notrium counterparts, turning up everywhere, in various sizes, and generally being annoying.
    Brown Aliens: Also relatives to the dominant Doran Prime aliens, and also identical to the Notrium variety.
    Reapers, Dire Reapers and Reaper Queens: Dire Reapers are too villainously good and evil to pass up, even if destined to be different from their Werivar counterparts, whilst Reaper Queens will serve to punish the unwary for treading on their invisible eggs by accident. Reapers to be modified to provide food as well as health, because I always thought that a bit odd.
    Dorani Aliens: The dominant species of Doran Prime, voracious hunters, high speed, high health, high powered claws. Some variants might use acidic spit. To include green drones (of which a certain famous green alien is), "soldiers", dark red Dorani predators, no runts these, but straight up deadly hunter killers, and finally the massive golden elite stock, the primary breeders.
    Corpses in order of nutrititive value: Rabu, Small Blue, Reaper, Green Drone, Normal Blue, Brown, Dire Reaper, Bisar, Red Predator, Blue Queen, Brown Queen, Reaper Queen, Golden Queen.
    Naturally fungi and health plants will remain, though edible fungi will be much rarer.
    Other: Human outposts and exploratory parties, possibly robots, androids, something I felt sorely lacking in the original Notrium: Marine corpses, their rations, and potentially a tamable creature.

    Unlike Notrium proper, few items beyond natural resources occur, those that do would be purely in the hands of outposters, explorers and generally non-alien areas.
    Most natural items will have at least one location where they will regrow, allowing potentially indefinite survival.
    Wood: A piece of wood.
    Stone: A very ordinary stone.
    Spice: He who controls Doran, controls the- Just kidding. Mustard Jacket, a yellow plant which, when ingested, raises body temperature.
    Cactus: Desert plant which contains a large amount of vital moisture for cooling down.
    Leaves: An autopickup, much like sand, for use in nests, and as... alternative tinder. Findable in pretty much every location barring deserts.
    Sand: For sandcastles.
    Metal: A sliver of metal, maybe if I combined it with a piece of flint....

    Other items of human and other alien origin a definite possible, though extremely rare, some one of a kind items....
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    One quick off-topic question: Have any of our modders ever actually at least tried an idea from this modbank and how'd it turn out?
    Fez 19 years ago
    Name Foreign Nature Shipping
    Theme You wake up, marooned on a desert planet, with a lost memory. You (and possibly your crewmates, if implemented) must forage into the wrecked starship to find things with which to survive. But there is a dangerous alien threat...
    Contribution CT, and, er, that's about it.
    Requirements Pretty much like Notrium, but instead of the map being open air, there are only a few squares of open air and the rest is set inside the hulk.
    Deuranium Rod - Can be used as a weapon, and can be used to open doors. Does 10 Damage.
    Medical Spray - Heal yourself. 50 points.
    Torch - Shiny, useful at night and in the dark corridors. Motion powered, so no battery power used. (Because it will be a crucial item.)
    Laser Pistol - Long ranged weapon. 20 damage.
    Laser Cutter - Cut open doors, and kill aliens with more efficiency. [Laser Pistol+Beam Intensifier]
    Deuranium knife - Kill things at short range. 15 damage, but short ranged.
    Water Condenser - Condenses atmospheric moisture. Use a bottle near it to get a water bottle.
    I may think of more.
    Story Your ship crash lands on a desert planet. You need to find out why, by venturing into the hull. You will also need this for survival.
    Mattyw 19 years ago
    an idea.... just like norium you crash land into an alien tribes village you awake in a throne been worshipped as a god you get stronger longer you survive, but the other gods dont like this challenge and try hunt you down and kill you.
    Mattyw 18 years ago
    or maybe you could have an alien vs predator type mod, that would be cool
    Daz_T 18 years ago
    "Mattyw" said:
    or maybe you could have an alien vs predator type mod, that would be cool
    i tried this. ALIENS GOT SCREWED!!!!!!!!! ok my idea now Hover bike Racingz!! But how do you make a ai that moves in a path...DOH!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    One quick off-topic question: Have any of our modders ever actually at least tried an idea from this modbank and how'd it turn out?
    Will somebody PLEEEASE answer my Q? At least say nobody did it!
    YinYin 18 years ago
    if you are happy then ... : "nobody did it" or finished/released sth

    anyway id still like to post an idea i had cause i think i wont have time for the next year to do a mod myself
    here it goes:

    this mod should be all about aliens and their evolution
    you would be an alien of a chosen kind (green/blue/brown) wich is on the mission to conquer planets (the planet might be notrium at first cause its easyer to do the whole mod then - but actually it doesn matter wich - it could also be several planets you have to conquer)

    so you are not crashing on the planet - but landing cause you intended to (so you could also lift off as you please - maybe to get to another planet)

    the aliens should be able to use any technology this time aswell but ammo/energy/weight should make it impossible to use weapons all the time

    the evolution should not concentrate on "kill 25 brown aliens" this time but on "more health - if lost and regenerated a lot of health"
    "more food store - if eating a lot"
    "lower food drain - if starving a lot"
    "higher attack - if more damage done"
    "getting a heat stroke faster - if freezed a lot"
    "getting a cold faster - if burned a lot"
    "being able to carry more - if overburdened a lot / or carrying turrets around lol"

    the aliens should not have any energy at first
    but they should be able to wear armors/suits wich are including a battery (or else a laser gun could just be filled with one battery as ammo -> becomes useless if battery is empty and batteries are heavy :p)

    the ship with wich you landed should already contain some basic technology - maybe you need to get some fuel and energy to start again after some flights

    breeding should work from the beginning on
    you will only be able to lay eggs from the race you are (green/blue/brown)
    small lavras and baybies will automaticly stay in the nest - no follow/attack mode available
    need to feed them cooked meat
    will only evolve to the next step (lavra->egg->alien->etc) after one day and at least two cooked meat pieces (well the lavra might need plants and the egg will only need warmth)
    (will also be able to cook other corpses - not just brown aliens)
    + some kind of a whistle item with wich you can qick-key (1,2,3) give instructions to all your aliens in one area (stand,follow,roam)
    they will only evolve to dire reaper size (will need more than two days and meat - x])

    now the three "races" i got so far (basic ones you'll already know):

    green Alien

    this is the basic one already selectable in notrium
    average speed
    average inventory size
    average weight
    the basic attack is fast and long ranged (compared to the others)
    will evolve the ability "acid spit"
    will evolve "night vision"
    average health
    average food
    zero energy

    blue Alien

    fast speed
    small inventory size
    light weight
    the basic attack is at average speed and short ranged (like a punch)
    will evolve the ability "sneak" (reaper invisibility + more speed)
    will evolve "motion" (enemys/items are highlighted a bit)
    low health
    low food
    zero energy

    brown Alien

    slow speed
    big inventory size
    heavy weight
    the basic attack is at slow speed and at average range
    will evolve the ability "shock" (you know that from the enemys)
    will evolve "light" (similar to the psyonic)
    high health
    high food
    small energy (for the shock ability - brown aliens have that much electricity in their nerves that they can use it ^^)

    maybe i should also add a white Alien to have two of the same body kind ...

    well if you are interested in giving me directly more ideas for that - or interested in making it and want to have the original graphics for the three aliens and more ideas xD - contact me <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> (would just need credits for the graphic edits and the idea then)

    but i guess nobody is ever trying to use an idea from this thread cause either you are interested in making a mod and have a lot of ideas already ... or you dont want to do such work anyway

    so you just know the idea ... lets see if ill ever start and finish this
    Daz_T 18 years ago
    Name: Dodge this!
    Some storyish stuff: You Are an agent From A Confidential Facility on a Hidden Planet.
    Some other stuff:It Uses white bears bullet time item. you are shot down by Ville and his marines are swarming all over the place. Using your Bullet dodging ability and rapid fire pistol, you have to kill Ville.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    YinYin, I have already suggested that, but unfortunately it's been lost. (Where the hell is it?)

    Edit: Here the hell it is!

    Not simple... HA HA! Hee hee hee... Hee hee... hmm... Anyways...

    You people managed to bring my old forum back up! Yay! When was this? I haven't been on ever since a few days before school ended. Rolling Eyes

    I thought of a new one! How about Staged Battle?

    Idea Staged Battle Idea
    Arrow You start in the area on the other side of one of the edges of a HUGE zone. You cannot have any sort of locator, so biomass detector (Does this still exist?) and radio are disabled. Up to four people build up their forces and everyone gets unlimited food (Helps the aliens A LOT) and good health (Helps human A LOT). There are plenty of ways the Psionic and Weriver (if playing on the Weriver-enabled addon/upgrade/version) can break rules, so the Psionic is not allowed and the Werivar can't use werivar versions of psionic abilities.
    Arrow Lots of action, plenty of preparation! So, there should be a bar for each of the 4 players that turns red/green depending if they use a beacon item to say "READY!".
    Arrow There should be sand-brown and ice-white aliens to replace the Psionic and to add an extra race. Werivar, Human, Android, Original Alien, Blue Alien, and Brown Alien are all the same EXCEPT WHERE STATED. (like anti-psionic for Werivar)
    Arrow All USED races start in a randomly-selected area thet ISNT the middle one (as I explained, that one's for battle.) and there can only be four players so people don't cross directly into enemy territory and cheat by destroying everything.
    Arrow The only area all four races will be able to cross into is the middle one. A script should keep them from crossing into enemy territory.
    Arrow All aliens will only be able to reproduce themselves, not like the original alien that can lay blue and brown eggs. Also, all aliens will have a king and queen. The queen can lay eggs, and the king is stronger. (Whatever happens, sex should NOT be implemented Twisted Evil , even though there is a king and queen, or if you do, you'll just have to register some fourm topic as an 18-year-old and then Ville sends you an access code or something to use the adult version of the aliens Wink . I hate that, but I can control myself unlike SOME people)
    Arrow That's basically strict... err, it. Oh, and the king and queen thing would allow for 8 players at once, so don't mind the 4 I put up there somewhere... Wow, I wrote a lot. Where IS the 4?
    Arrow I almost forgot! The areas where you start reflect the natural habitat of the character you chose. The aliens have a HUGE nest to begin with, so they don't need to build one, and there aren't even any twigs!
    Arrow I FORGOT ANOTHER ONE! All races start fully evolved.
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