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  • You've played Notrium too much when...

    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    367: When you can make new items by bashing two items together.
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    369 (correct number, someone reversed a bit earlier)

    : When you reliase that you are a normal human and live on Earth.

    370: When you stick a new element to replace Natrium, it is Notrium.
    371: When you manage to get to E3 safely with that Idiota's car.
    372: When you ride a hoverbike to E3 instead.
    373: When you turn Notrium into a world that you can physically live.
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    374: When you read the whole forum and think all 373 posts fit you (Naw, really?)

    375: You see a roach and run and scream like a girlie like it was a 6-foot horrid-looking alien.

    376: You hallucinate that there are aliens all around you and become their friend. Of course after this one 375 dosen't apply.

    377: You hallucinate that YOU'RE an alien soon after hallucinating the aliens in 376 and then they invite you to do some wierd stuff with them and soon after you lay an egg.

    378: An android comes up to you and asks if he can consume your computer.

    379: A Werivar comes up to you and you get scared so you jump out your window only to hit the ground which was 2 feet below the window (Yes, first floor)

    380: When you are no longer pressing buttons on your keyboard but realize electricity is fizzing between your fingers and the keys.

    381: You play a space simulator and and are about to launch a Saturn V and you see a little dark-green thing get on the ship right before launch.

    382: You play a racing game and see inside your opponents car and realize YOU'RE RACING AN ANDROID!

    383: You start up notrium and then this whirlpool comes outta nowhere and pulls you in to live the thing!
    DeadSource 18 years ago
    384: When you join the forum just to post in a year old "You've played notrium too much when.." topic.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "DeadSource" said:
    384: When you join the forum just to post in a year old "You've played notrium too much when.." topic.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    Well, thats a good way to get new members
    385) when you post a link to here on other forums to hook in new memebers
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    386: When you think someone should actually do that.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    do what?

    [edit]OH! dangnabbit! I thought you were talking about the link -.-[/edit]
    ScytheKnight84 18 years ago
    387: When you read every point a 386 point "You've played Notrium to much when.." thread

    388: When you make a post about reading every point in a 386 point "You've played Notrium to much when.." thread

    Anarion 18 years ago
    You read them ALL?!? Wow, you must have had a lot of free time on your hands.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    I find myself with too much free time these days...

    Especially at school
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I got comment/processor 386! HA!

    Everyone has/had free time on the last week of school, except if you had Finals and forgot to study. Shame on you if you did, 'cause I spent those days playing... stuff. What did I play? Hmm...

    By the way, does anyone know which chip on a Color Pixter is the BIOS?
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    388: When you read ALL the posts (like me)
    389: When you take a sharpener and stick a pencil in it and try to use it as a lead shot gun
    390: when u take a light bulb and combine it with an energy unit and use it as a lazer pistol
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    392: When you can be torn away from the game to do nothing else but to correct the count in this topic.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    393: When you think everyone on the forums with a half-decent avatar should be depicted in a mod as their avatar.
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    394: When annonomys insults your avatar!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "ModSlayer" said:
    394: When annonomys insults your avatar!
    1: I don't think that can be linked to Notrium in any way.
    2: His name is ANONYMOUS! A-N-O-N-Y-M-O-U-S! And ease up with the smilies, will ya? [/OT]
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    395: When you get insulted unjustly by a newbie who didn't even listen to his request to JUST CALL ME ANON!!!

    [OT] I agree. Now, shut up, MS, before Grimsy gets his hoe-type axe thingy! [/OT]
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Sorry and Sorry again! Why me?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    'Cause it's fun picking on you! [/sarcasm] We all have reasons. You came in speaking noobish, and if you can't figure out the forum in the next few days, you won't be coming back out much better than before.

    Now, shut up. You already have a bad rep and you just joined.
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Hey! This is my 2nd day!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    *hint* Shut up. Thanks to you, this thread might have to get locked. Hopefully, Idiota will spare us and just clean it.

    Oh, THATS where my 386 went! It's in the "You spent too much time on Notrium" thread, not "You spent too much time on Monkkonen Dot Net"!
    Murska 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    395: When you get insulted unjustly by a newbie who didn't even listen to his request to JUST CALL ME ANON!!!

    [OT] I agree. Now, shut up, MS, before Grimsy gets his hoe-type axe thingy! [/OT]

    [OT] I remember in a thread you asked people not to call you Anon but Anony or Anonymous because Grim was calling you Canon.[/OT]
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    [OT] Oh noes, you brought it up again! Quick, let's hide before are new names are Canon and Murky!

    That sounds like a TV show... [/OT]
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    The Canon And Murky Show... Durumpadum
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    You have a horrible joke sound. *Budabum psss* We don't use those. We just know when it's supposed to be funny.

    Please, could you stop ruining your rep further? We know each other and can excuse the occasional spam, but you just got here and are doing stuff reserved for long-standing morons.
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Yup, Thats me Im special
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Long-standing, I said.

    *hint* Shut up.
    ville 18 years ago
    Ok, off topicking stops here. I'll leave the posts here for a while, and Idiota or me will delete them in a few hours.

    Anonymous, ModSlayer, cool off.
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Hmm... When did the fun end...
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    394: When you can't think of any more stuff to post in this thread.

    395: When you can think of loads and loads of stuff to post in this thread.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    396: When you've exhausted this thread but can't help bringing the damn thing back up.

    [OT] My computer just arrived in the mail! WOOHOOOOOO! I've been spared from eternal boredom! [/OT]
    Pete 18 years ago
    397: Whenever you walk past plants youre at full alert because they might attack you.

    I just couldn't resist...

    Think a bit and youll know why...
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I see how badly you couldn't resist. That was DUMB! Made sense, though.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    398: When you have nightmares of a strange little man shouting "burgit!"
    Forum » You've played Notrium too much when...
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