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Forum » You've played Notrium too much when...
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  • You've played Notrium too much when...

    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    399: When your new computer arrives in a mail, and although you originally wanted to play something like Battlefront 2 because your graphics card is super pwning, you come here anyways.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    399: When your new computer arrives in a mail, and although you originally wanted to play something like Battlefront 2 because your graphics card is super pwning, you play Notrium instead.
    Fixed the end to be more appropriate fer this thread.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Oh... whoops. Well, both work, even though I haven't even installed the thing...
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    400: When you reach this number from 1 and at this point you start reading from 399 and backwards to 1 again.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    400: When you reach this number from 1 and at this point you start reading from 399 and backwards to 1 again.
    And what exactly has that got to do with Notrium, I wonder?
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    All the numbers before that should be about Notrium i believe
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    All the numbers before that should be about Notrium i believe
    But how does reading the whatsits point out that you have played too much Notrium?
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    394: When you can't think of any more stuff to post in this thread.

    395: When you can think of loads and loads of stuff to post in this thread.
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Madgamer" said:
    All the numbers before that should be about Notrium i believe
    But how does reading the whatsits point out that you have played too much Notrium?

    We both don't need to explin it right?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    [OT] Whatev then. [/OT]

    401: When all the following whatsits apply to you.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    402: When it starts to bore you (Finally, a post that makes sense)

    403: Access denied.

    404: Not found.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    405: When you play it for a year and mutter to yourself how some of the things could've been done better and how the game lacks this and needs that (and so on) and you finally notice that there's a website for the game and all the stuff that's been bugging you has been fixed and loads of improvements have been added.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    [OT] Whatev then. [/OT]

    401: When all the previous whatsits apply to you.
    Already been done, Grim.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    [OT] Whatev then. [/OT]

    401: When all the following whatsits apply to you.
    Fix'd. [/OT]
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    [OT] You could just drop the word and include all the posts. [/OT]
    E_net4 18 years ago
    (Man, i just join the team...)

    406: You go to the beach and start ripping all blue beach balls, like if they were crawler tracks.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    407: When you turn all the security cameras at school into laser and machinegun turrets.

    408: When you find a VC pistol from a dead marine in the army.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    409: When you go berserk everytime you see a large, round tracked vehicle.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    410: When you expect the little fire you made in your backyard to just keep going.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    411: When you die of a heart attack If you enter to a jungle.

    [OT] YAY! Im a black alien![/OT]
    kyazr 18 years ago
    412: when this simple 2d birdseye game is more fun than UT2004

    413: when you get a cramp you back yourself into a corner straining your eyes swearing you just felt a reaper.

    414: when youve been holding in your urine for 2+ hours just to read this thread

    415: when you force your siblings to play even though their only 8

    416: when you cant open a box with a shotgun, but can with a blowtorch.

    417: you feel like playing another game, so you mod another game into notrium(doom )

    418: you hear mice crawling around your room and cower in fear of reapers

    419: when you tell your girlfriend you cant see her because your almost to beta in a mod.

    420: when you have 100 lbs of gasolene in your house waiting to find a specimen container to finish that food gen.

    421: you add the missle fireing enemy to every map to incease the challenge.

    422: you use a full can on bug spray on 1 bug afraid that he will shock you.

    423: you turn on your radio and expect it to show all the good items around you

    424: you go digging through bee hives to find blueprints for a hoverbike

    425: you have a complete excel chart of how to make every item in notrium.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    "Kyazr" said:
    425: you have a complete excel chart of how to make every item in notrium.
    Ooh, you should post that in it's own topic to help any newbies.
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    426. When you start to not know when you play notrium too much

    427. When in real life you think you just started the game and get confused and think hes the hermit and kill him for his car keys

    428. And you think that giant ant queen is the alien queen and you kill her and use the ants blood on a stick to make a dart
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    429. When you think that green marbal is the key to geting off this planet and you try to kill every planet on earth

    430. When you think the military is Ville Corpe and start killing them

    431. When you think your own computer is a high tech alien divice.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "DarkAlienX" said:
    429. When you think that green marbal is the key to geting off this planet and you try to kill every planet on earth
    Correction: I do believe you meant "plant" instead of "planet" as the underlined word.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    432: When you think 4 metal rods are enough to make a bike chassis.
    433: When you want to go to the North Pole and search for the Battledroid blueprints(Werivar mod)
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    When you think pebbles are so valuble.

    When you start to test on plants to see wich one does what.

    When you mentaly try to combine powers in yoru brain and try to physic blast your friend because hes running towards you.

    When you thing that lil kid with a banana is dangerous and think that bannana trees are gun racks.

    When you go the NASA and kill everyone thier and take the spaceship.

    When you cant even read english anymore

    When you post a thread like this and dont know what else to post.

    When you try to decipher the CIA code and think that thats the way to geting off this planet.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    Use numbers next time.

    Oh yeah, and on general talk section Stop Spamming!
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "DarkAlienX" said:
    334: When you think pebbles are so valuble.

    335: When you start to test on plants to see wich one does what.

    336: When you mentaly try to combine powers in yoru brain and try to physic blast your friend because hes running towards you.

    337: When you thing that lil kid with a banana is dangerous and think that bannana trees are gun racks.

    338: When you go the NASA and kill everyone thier and take the spaceship.

    339: When you cant even read english anymore

    340: When you post a thread like this and dont know what else to post.

    341: When you try to decipher the CIA code and think that thats the way to geting off this planet.

    the next one is 342
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    342: When you dump ether all around the building and use flamethrower on them to wreak havoc

    343: When the computer suddenly sucks you in to the game and now the Notrium guy is playing the computer with you inside the game.

    344: When you think you're an android and you need constant supply of electricity to keep you alive, thus you never eat and starve to death while getting electrified.

    345: When AFKMaster actually come back to the forums (O noes, the end of humanity!... And manatees, or whatever they are called )

    346: When you mistake a human corpse for a blue alien and eat it to replenish your hunger.

    347: When you find out that Earth lost its gravity do to too much anti-gravity boxes (see the top left corner and watch how menacing it is. The cute look is only denying the true power it holds )

    348: When you superglue yourself to your chair, keyboard, mouse, computer, power supply, monitor, and the floor so nobody can take you off without taking all of them with you.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    349: When you pick up a green ball and try to see yourself inside it.
    350: When you think PowerPrisms exist (Werivar MOD).
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    351: When you misread the minimum requirements and buy the fastest computer in the world spending thousands of dollars but only play Notrium instead of other game nonetheless.

    352: When you combine your favorite game and merge it with Notrium (Ex.: WoW version of Notrium).

    353: When you sit on the computer so long that the surrounding gradually becomes into forests filled with blue aliens and wrecked space ships.

    354: When you remake Notrium within 1 to 2 years but notice that it completely sucks and you go back to playing the original Notrium.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    355: When you even can't make a remake of Notrium because you can't resist not playing Notrium for 5 minutes.
    Bokasha 17 years ago
    356: When you read all of the posts in this topic and completely understand and can relate to all of them.

    357: You think that it was time well spent...

    358: You play Notrium so long that you try to shoot the annoying person hovering over your shoulder, watching you play.

    359: You try to shoot them with an automatic weapon, or several times with your bazooka...

    360: It actually kills them...

    361: You cook his/her corpse by using your lighter to make a battery explode, then, under estimating the power of an exploding battery, you burn him to a crisp and eat some mushrooms you find growing in his/her armpit instead.

    362: You find a green string and put it on the ground to protect you from further interuptions and hermits who want your radio.

    363: When a swat team comes to your house to arrest you, you enhance your armor with a blue sweater shaped alien so you can escape
    E_net4 17 years ago
    364: When all of the above are false, since you're too concentrated in Notrium to do such things.
    Bokasha 17 years ago
    365: When you buy a laptop so all of the above are possible (except for #364)

    366: When the swat team somehow manages to pierce your enhanced armor, you yell: "Burgit! Ya broke my torso!"
    Forum » You've played Notrium too much when...
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