This should do the trick, right?  Here goes:
Even before buying the game, I was already surprised by two things:
(1) the screenshots were 16:9, so that suggested a support for widescreen resolutions (which I confirmed later on, very nice!). (2) Buy Notrium, and support the development of our new game! This can only mean that you really are working on something new, right? I wonder if it really is the sequel to Notrium.
Now, actual game-wise:
- In this version, the top-view camera is not afraid to move beyond the map, showing black regions and non-interpolated edges around it. I felt a slight reduction of immersion with this, and I wonder if this was really intended.
- The 3D sound might also be a bit off. Some sounds that are slightly far away are barely audible (e.g. picking up items, putting out fires), whereas sounds produced by the player are sometimes deafening (e.g pebble shotgun).
- I had the feeling that I obtained the Murderous Frenzy achievement too soon in the game (took me perhaps 20 in-game days in a hard playthrough by killing less than half of the available robots, aliens and marines in the world). I wonder what's the criterion for getting this one.
- I wonder where the settings file is in this verion. Having a second option for running a setup program on Steam would probably be useful as well.
- Edit: Oh, one more thing, any plans for having steam trading cards and other Steam-related goodies?
That's it for now. 
Edited 9 years ago