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  • Werewolf 11 - A Dark Night Falls

    Amarth 12 years ago
    The day before
    The papers were grim, again.

    “Economical collapse for the biggest city in our glorious nation”
    “Three boats hijacked, nothing heard about crew”
    “High-security prison breached!”

    “What do you think, master?” the old butler asked. “Do you agree these news reports are frightening at least?”
    “Oh yes, my dear”, he answered. “Destabilization of our city. Various shipments of the new gadgets are going missing. Criminals on the street. I can already guess who is behind this. We shouldn’t wait too long.”
    “So it is time again, master?”
    “Yes Alfred. To the Batcave!”

    Do you know what is the funny thing about Batman? The good guy needs to keep his identity secret. The villains, not as much. Also, Batgadgets!

    (no italics beyond this point -->.<-- There’s too much text and italics are harder to read. Think italics if it makes you sleep better)

    Sorry for the wall of text, you guys. Some things are different, though, so I do urge you to read it all.

    Player list
    MK, E_net4, Speedblade, Grim, Endymion, Crazy, Shingo, Murska, Kario

    Batman, Talia and Gordon form the Batman (werewolf) team, and they know each other. The rest of the players form the villain team (the villagers).

    Batman: Werewolf (brutal). Batman is quite elusive, so he’ll survive his first death.
    Talia: Werewolf/thief. Talia can steal items from other players at night (also see Catwoman).
    Commissioner Gordon: Sorcerer (aux evil). Gordon is on team Batman (team werewolf), but doesn’t count for werewolf victory conditions because no villain cares about him. He is able to conduct research at night to search for the Joker (the Seer). He’ll get a positive/negative result from this (ie “this person is the Seer” or “this person is not the Seer”)

    Joker: Seer. Each night, he’ll try to prank another of those Gothamites, following them around and waiting for the best time to strike. Conveniently, this means that each night, he finds out which side his target is on. The Joker will get a “Batman team/villain team” result - no individual roles. Gordon is on the Batman (werewolf) team.
    Poison Ivy: Cupid. She injects two people with two different venoms, each the antidote of the other. The two people need to be together forever: if one dies, the other will die too. The Joker has no idea about all this. The venom needs some time to stabilize, so linking only goes into effect at the start of the phase I know about the linking.
    Bane: Crazy War Veteran. When Bane gets lynched, he can kill someone else because he goes rather insane. If team Bat can find him in the silence of the night, this does not happen, because they are ballers enough to subdue him without other casualties.
    Catwoman: Thief. Can steal items at night, exactly like Talia. If Catwoman and Talia steal the same item from the same person in the same night, they both get scared and neither gets away with it. Stealing items happens before they are used, so if you steal someone’s toxin that they wanted to use, that person’s plans might be ruined. Items are stolen by appearance, not by name.
    EDIT: Catwoman and Talia can only steal 1 item from 1 person, per night.
    Hugo Strange: Identifier. He is quite a smart cookie. If he can study an item overnight, he will know its identity and function. Each night, he will identify all items in his inventory.
    Bobbie: Innocent child. Everyone knows Bobbie tries to be a villain but he kind of fails at it. Bobbie is identified at the start as being Bobbie for everyone (so he’s a known/trusted villager), but has no further abilities.

    That means yes, hooray, whoopee doo, no plain Villager roles! Everyone is special (which is just another way of saying no-one is).

    Everyone has items. Some of these are identified, some of these are not and knowledge about items is different for different players. Hugo Strange can identify items, there are items to identify items, and the batman (wolf) team can also identify one item every night because Batcomputer.
    The items come in remarkably similar boxes, diversified by color. These colors are always the same for the same items. Also, items that are usable on someone else will come with a striped color motif, so you know you can experiment on someone else. Using items on someone else will not identify the items.
    To use items, PM me. All items are single-use only. Nothing keeps you from using unidentified items. Some items will require additional info (like a target), and sometimes something might not be 100% clear (the rules will probably interact in strange ways), so try to PM me early rather than late so we can work out possible problems. If you use an item on someone else, they will not know who used it on them. You are allowed to use multiple items in the same phase.
    You can give items to another player, to do this, PM me and I’ll keep track of the changes. Items will only arrive at the start of the next day/night phase, because the postmen are on strike due to the bad economy. The items will still arrive if you get killed. (EDIT: giving items is always anonymous, by the way, just like using items on other people)
    There are some subtle timing effects in play to prevent last-minute abuses of items, so read carefully!

    The following items exist:
    Usable on others:
    Scarecrow’s Toxin: drinking this toxin, or being injected by it, will cause you to go completely insane. If you don’t do anything about it, you will die at the end of the next phase. The toxin does not stack. It will also set off Bane’s ragequit ability. This item can be used on other players, obviously.
    Lazarus Essence: If you use this item, you will be unkillable for one phase. There is one catch: the essence needs time to work, so you cannot drink it during the day to save yourself from dying that same phase. If you drink the essence during the night, you must specify whether you want to be protected that night or the next day, it can be used for both (think of it as drinking it before you go to do your night business or right after you wake up). If you drink it during the day, it’ll always be for the next night. Other players will not know you have drunk the essence. Lazarus Essence will also instantly neutralize Scarecrow’s Toxin, but it will lose its protective effect when it needs to do that. This item can be used on other players.
    Hiding place key: This makes you go into hiding for one night. Everything that targets you will fail (items and powers), but you cannot target anyone else either. Hiding places can only be used once, because they can be compromised afterwards. This item can also be used on other players. You lock them up, I guess.
    Sleeping gas: This will make someone sleep the entire night, which makes them unable to use their special powers. They can still use items. This item can be used on someone else, durr.
    Megaphone: Using this item will make you have more influence during the next (not current) day phase. Your votes will count double. Other players will know about this at the start of the day. This item can be used on someone else.
    Mad Hatter’s Tea: This is no ordinary tea. Drinking it makes you lose all track of time and space the next day phase. While you can still talk, no-one will take you seriously and you lose your vote. Other players will know about this. This item can be used on someone else.
    Binoculars: Nothing like some good old-fashioned technology. This item will allow you to see what items your target is carrying around. Surprised, you drop them after use. Can be used on others, because looking at yourself sounds kinda wrong (and impractical) to me.
    Apple juice: You’re not sure anymore what idiot you paid for this, but here it is. Tasty, but useless. Can be used on someone else, but it’s still as useless.

    Only usable on self (but might still need a target):
    DNA tracker: Using this item allows you to keep track of what is happening all around you. You will know who targeted you with special powers and items after the next night phase. You will not know what items or powers were used.
    Instruction manual: Wayne Industries’ All-Purpose Instruction Manual will identify one item for you. Because it uses Ubisoft DRM, it will auto-destruct after one use.
    Broken sleeping gas trap: Like sleeping gas, but you cannot use it on someone else, because the box will explode when you try to open it. Oops. You will skip your next night phase power. You can still use items.

    Other rules
    Nights from Saturday 21:01 till Monday 20:59 UTC. Days the exact opposite! What a coincidence.

    As opposed to other times, we start with DAYTIME! This is to counterbalance the random first night death, and the poor player who cannot play. Both Gordon and the Joker will get a random negative (“person X is NOT the Joker/NOT batman team”) vision with their role PM. Poison Ivy is allowed to link whenever, but the link will only go into effect at the start of the next phase, so no linking about-to-die people, meaniepants.

    Italics for out-of-game chat, try to keep it to a minimum. Dead people don’t speak, ever, until after the game.

    Villager team wins when Batman and Talia are dead, Werewolf team wins when there are as many werewolves as other players, so 2 or 1 (Gordon counts on villager side, but wins with werewolves). Cupid team wins when everyone except the two of them are dead.

    Anymore questions, ask me, PM or in this thread.

    Wait for my next post, which I’ll put here after I sent all the PMs, to start the game.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Amarth 12 years ago
    The night before
    “Whoah”, Kario exclaimed, mesmerized with the explosion. “When I grow up, I also want to do that.” In his fantasies, he had joined the Secret Society of Super Villains, as his alter ego Bobbie, the Crusher of Souls. Until now, his applications have returned no answer, but he was sure that if he kept it up, they would eventually notice him. After all, Bobbie, the Crusher of Souls had quite a few superpowers, like..
    “Out of the way, kid!”
    The firefighters have arrived to prevent spreading the fire to the adjacent skyscrapers. In the flickering of the flames, a dark shadow. Or was it just imagination?

    Kario is Bobbie, the villain-with-no-special-powers.

    Nighttime on Saturday the 25th, 21h01 UTC.

    All PMs sent. Hope I didn’t make mistakes, this is an effing lot of work.

    Let the games begin, and may the odds be forever in your favor!
    Err, other series. Oops.

    Ah dammit, I forgot about the mayor. No biggie, you all know how it works: first day, a vote to have a mayor. He's a tiebreaker in voting for lynch.

    Also: Shingo's nickname is Shingotemp for some reason. It seems to work equally well.

    Edited 12 years ago
    E_net4 12 years ago
    I must add that this variant looks terrific! The idea alone of the Werewolves being the heroes and the Villagers the villains is quite amusing.

    Ah, day time. The sun is caressing our skins. Are you all up, gentlemen?

    Edited 12 years ago
    Endymion 12 years ago
    E_net4 said:
    Ah, day time. The sun is caressing our skins. Are you all up, gentlemen?
    Not really, I'm still quite sleepy.

    Anyway since everyone knows Kario is Bobbie The Crusher Of Souls maybe he should be the mayor?

    Edited 12 years ago
    Murska 12 years ago
    Yeah, I vote Kario for Mayor. Also, shouldn't we all just contact him and tell him our roles?
    Amarth 12 years ago
    Rule update, by the way: giving items is always anonymous, just like using items. You wouldn't want the Dark Detective to find out where that huge helpful package came from, right?

    You can still PM the receiver if you want them to believe it was you.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Murska said:
    Yeah, I vote Kario for Mayor. Also, shouldn't we all just contact him and tell him our roles?
    That is rather interesting, but it can wreak havoc as well. Sure, anyone who hasn't announced himself to Bobbie would likely become a target. To avoid that, they would simply attempt to outrun the real villain on performing a fake announcement himself. In other terms, they could easily claim to be a villain they are not, followed by persuasive words. For how long the lie would last, we do not know. I just had to make everyone understand how things can unravel if we opt to do that.

    Kario has my vote for mayor, however. Hopefully his votes will not be based on the heroes' thoughts.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Murska 12 years ago
    Well, obviously. But that'd limit our targets to the people who've claimed double role - leaving the majority of us cleared.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    E_net4 said:
    I must add that this variant looks terrific! The idea alone of the Werewolves being the heroes and the Villagers the villains is quite amusing.
    This was also the case in Werewolf 4; the one where the Villagers were a group of wizards trying to bring about the end of the world, and the Werewolves were rogue wizards trying to stop them.

    Murska said:
    Well, obviously. But that'd limit our targets to the people who've claimed double role - leaving the majority of us cleared.
    Of course, that also relies on trusting Kario not to screw anything up. Still, if everybody else is game, I'm willing.
    Murska 12 years ago
    Alternatively we could all claim here in the thread.

    That'd result in one cleared player in addition to Kario, and a 50% shot at nabbing one of our enemies with the first lynch.
    ShingoTemp 12 years ago
    I'll go ahead and vote for Kario as mayor, as well.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Murska said:
    Alternatively we could all claim here in the thread.
    That sounds like a terrible idea; revealing privately to Kario gives the same advantages, except nobody knows what anybody else is, so the Bat-team can't "claim" to be someone that hasn't been claimed yet, making the actual holder of that role seem like the imposter.

    I hereby throw my support behind both the plan for everyone to tell Kario their role (making anybody who refuses to do so (or reports a duplicate role) suspect), and voting Kario for Mayor.
    Endymion 12 years ago
    Murska said:
    Alternatively we could all claim here in the thread.

    That'd result in one cleared player in addition to Kario, and a 50% shot at nabbing one of our enemies with the first lynch.
    Actually wouldn't we have 2 cleared players? 5-3=2?
    Anyway I'm up for whatever we decide to do.
    Murska 12 years ago
    Endymion said:
    Murska said:
    Alternatively we could all claim here in the thread.

    That'd result in one cleared player in addition to Kario, and a 50% shot at nabbing one of our enemies with the first lynch.
    Actually wouldn't we have 2 cleared players? 5-3=2?
    Anyway I'm up for whatever we decide to do.

    Oh, right. We have nine players.

    As response to MK: The order in which people report their roles has no bearing on whether or not they're faking it. It's pretty clear which roles the bad guys should claim, and they'll claim them as soon as they're online, which might or might not be before the actual holders of said roles. What claiming in the thread does is:

    1: Remove Kario from the equation - no chance of a single player making a mistake.
    2: Give the bad guys nightkill targets - they might not kill the cleared players if they don't know who those players are.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Also note that we can no longer be protected by someone else but with items, which can eventually run out. This means we don't have a real "Guardian Angel". This, on Murska's second point.
    I wouldn't really be the main supporter of the former strategy, but I guess I'll cope with it as well.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Grim Reaper 12 years ago
    Kario's mayorality seems pretty certain, so I might as well just add my vote to the pile (Kario for mayor).
    E_net4 12 years ago
    We are missing replies from Crazy, Speedblade and Kario himself. Please report.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Murska said:
    1: Remove Kario from the equation - no chance of a single player making a mistake.
    I'll admit I had some initial worries there, but after talking with Kario, I don't think he's that likely to screw this up.

    Murska said:
    2: Give the bad guys nightkill targets - they might not kill the cleared players if they don't know who those players are.
    Um... how would they not know who the cleared players are when everyone announced their role publicly?
    Murska 12 years ago
    I think it's pretty obvious that I was clarifying "Give the bad guys nightkill targets" with "This is why the bad guys wouldn't have nightkill targets if we did not announce our roles openly".
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Murska said:
    I think it's pretty obvious that I was clarifying "Give the bad guys nightkill targets" with "This is why the bad guys wouldn't have nightkill targets if we did not announce our roles openly".
    Actually, it wasn't pretty obvious.

    Murska said:
    The order in which people report their roles has no bearing on whether or not they're faking it.
    True, but if you were trying to pretend to be something you weren't, claiming to be a role nobody else has yet claimed to be and hoping the actual holder of that role is idle is the preferable strategy.

    Murska said:
    It's pretty clear which roles the bad guys should claim
    Oh really? Perhaps you'd like to share with the class? Which three roles are so obviously going to wind up being duplicates?
    Murska 12 years ago
    1: Well it should've been.

    2: Depends on the roles that've been claimed.

    3: I think that regardless of it being obvious saying it in public would be sort of dumb.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Murska said:
    1: Well it should've been.

    2: Depends on the roles that've been claimed.
    1. Your point was not clear here, to be honest. Nevertheless, a public announcement is too far from happening.

    2. Well, yes. That leaves to...

    3: I think that regardless of it being obvious saying it in public would be sort of dumb.
    I can think of one particular role that might allow someone to bluff. But finding 3 adequate roles to be faked is definitely not trivial. That even makes me wonder how much you've thought about it, and how interested you were in doing so.
    Kario 12 years ago
    E_net4 said:
    We are missing replies from Crazy, Speedblade and Kario himself. Please report.

    Sorry, I've just been doing some... evil things. Mwahaha! >
    Murska 12 years ago
    It's not about the roles you want to claim, it's about the fact that claiming some roles is downright stupid.
    SpeedBlade 12 years ago
    Hi! Err, I mean wassup homies?

    I was actually a bit confused when I first saw this. We are calling the wolves the good guys with jailing the bad villagers. And a random villian's role was revealed by Amarth instead of a first night abduction.

    I guess I'll vote for Kario for gang leader, who is soon to be jailed.

    Kario 12 years ago
    SpeedBlade said:
    Hi! Err, I mean wassup homies?

    I was actually a bit confused when I first saw this. We are calling the wolves the good guys with jailing the bad villagers. And a random villian's role was revealed by Amarth instead of a first night abduction.

    I guess I'll vote for Kario for gang leader, who is soon to be jailed.

    From now on, the bad guys are good guys, and the good guys are bad guys! At least... That's what my first mayoral thing to do.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    I vote to lynch Crazy, because he hasn't said anything yet.

    Oh, and he's totally Batman. BATMAN. Batman. Nananananananananananananananana BATMAN.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Very well. Crazy was also going to be my next target, just because of that. So yes, lynch Crazy.
    Kario 12 years ago
    Crazy vote, I lynch him.

    Also, I'm not sure if self-votes count so... Mayor vote for Murska, Murska's cool.
    SpeedBlade 12 years ago
    Lynch Crazy, because he's a naughty person.
    ShingoTemp 12 years ago
    (in character, voting to lynch Crazy) There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.
    Murska 12 years ago
    Okay, I'm pretty damn sure Crazy is not a Wolf now, considering there was absolutely zero people voting against that wagon...

    Shingo for lynch.
    ShingoTemp 12 years ago
    (ooc) lolwut?
    Grim Reaper 12 years ago
    Villain or not, he's still been away from the start.

    Lynch Crazy.
    Endymion 12 years ago
    Lynch Crazy
    If he actually shows up I might of course change my mind.
    Forum » Werewolf 11 - A Dark Night Falls
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