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  • Learning C++

    void 20 years ago

    The Facts:

    -Most members here are young which is the perfect time to learn.

    -Most members think of Ville as a superhero, coincadently he is a C++ programmer.

    -Most members would love to be able to make games like Ville.

    So I have given you some links to help you get started learning the language. Also some info, C++ is used by almost all professionals to make games. C is also widely used but luckly C++ accepts all C code (with very few exceptions).

    Don't be scared if you've never programmed before, it's computer language and therefore is logical (most of the time ).

    First go to this site and download a compiler which will convert your code into an executable file (It would probably be better to get version 4)

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (FREEWARE)

    Once you've done that google for some c++ tutorials or visit this one which will get you started.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Once you've got into C++ a bit I would advise you to go and buy a book.

    Remember to start small and get the fundamentals down before trying to make your code run in windows format (that's right you'll start in dos).

    At the very least this will give you all an idea (maybe) of what Ville does. Hopefully it will give a new side to the forum if enough people start to learn programming.

    Be warned I may not know exactly what I'm talking about but I think I do .
    Crazy 20 years ago
    C++ is a bit too complex, all that memory splitting and stuff... but its the only code if you want larger games to work...
    void 20 years ago
    You don't start with the hard stuff. First you'll learn about variables, loops, arrays, functions, and structures. It isn't as difficult as difficult as people make it sound.

    Crazy you've just taken a scary word and been put off by it. When you were in 1st grade if you had of seen quadratics you would have crapped yourself. You have to start small all you'll just give up because you can understand a word of the code.
    Leego 20 years ago
    well I'm intresded in learning C++ although I do know Visual Basics 6
    void 20 years ago
    It's great that you have some programming experiance but as I'm sure your aware VB is very limited and nowhere near as powerful as C/C++.

    Don't delay get a compiler and start reading! COME ON EVERYBODY IT'S THE HAMSTER DANCE!
    Click 20 years ago
    What is the point of learning C++? What's it gonna be used for? What is C++? Can you explain it in more detail instead of telling us it's a programming tool?
    void 20 years ago
    Let me put it like this. Every half decent game you've played on your computer and most decent applications are made using a programming language called C++.

    When you press a key on your pc what happens? Windows will responded based on how it's been programmed too, for example:

    // this is known as [b]pesudo-code[/b] meaning it doesn't acctually work it just gives an example of what the code will do and how it should be structured

    if (someone presses 'p')
    display 'p' on screen

    Software is created with programming languages so if you want to make games or anything else for your computer you'll need to learn a programming language and C++ is the one to learn.

    Even the webpage you're looking at right know is created with a programming language. You can look at the source code by right clicking on the page and choosing view source (don't be intimidated by it, it was created by a team of very skilled people).

    If you want to be L33t learn C++

    Click 20 years ago
    Well, if I wasn't to start learning now, when do you start learning programming? 10th grade? 9th grade? 8th grade? Pre-school?
    void 20 years ago
    In school I think they teach you a bit of Visual Basic in yr 10 and up. I would advise you start right away. I started learning in 7th grade however I stopped quite a few times and I've only restarted over the last few months as a result of playing Wazzal (thanks Ville ).

    Don't delay learn now!

    You don't seem very enthusiastic about it click, if you don't have a reasonably strong desire to create software then it's probably not worth doing it.
    Click 20 years ago
    You're right, I'm not very enthusiastic about it...but I still want to learn it. The problem is that I have no idea where to start, and don't really understand the tutorials. I downloaded the thing you recommended...but I have noooooooo idea what to do with it...
    ville 20 years ago
    I started programming when I was about 15. The earlier you start, the better you'll be when your 20!

    I use C++ because it's very flexible for game development, but don't be ashamed of using a game creation tool like Dark Basic or something similar.

    If you're interested in game development in general, the two good addresses are <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
    Click 20 years ago
    Well then *rubs hands together* LET THE CODING BEGIN!!!
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Im applying for a scholarship to do a bachelor of interactive media (game porgramming), where they teach you C++ and everything you need to know about games (character development, plot, etc) but if I don't get it, I will have to do it the hard way. (I don't exactly have 26 grand lying around)
    ville 20 years ago
    All you need is a computer. All the programs are free.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    I downloaded the program, but the tuturial goes way to fast for me .
    And whats the difference between a Unix and a Windows machine?
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    I think there are some step-by-step C++ books, however I don't have them since I'm a Delphi programmer.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    there's a help function in the compiler I have too, so I'll work things out step by step.
    NeoGangster 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I downloaded the program, but the tuturial goes way to fast for me .
    And whats the difference between a Unix and a Windows machine?
    if it goes too fast just stop and read it sometimes until you understand it and can go on.
    As long as you aren't programming for Unix you don't need to know the difference
    void 20 years ago
    I downloaded the program, but the tuturial goes way to fast for me .
    And whats the difference between a Unix and a Windows machine?

    Like neogangster says just slow down and make sure you understand each bit, if you come across words you don't understand or something that's confusing try serching on google or ask us here. Even if it takes you a year to get the basics down it's still progress.

    Unix is an operating system like window only it's more stable and it doesn't came with a graphical interface (meaning it's alot harded to pick up). It's mostly used with internet servers because of its stability and security. You shouldn't really worry about it, windows is in control and you can't really sell software on anyother OS, it's all open source software.

    You're right, I'm not very enthusiastic about it...but I still want to learn it. The problem is that I have no idea where to start, and don't really understand the tutorials. I downloaded the thing you recommended...but I have noooooooo idea what to do with it...

    If your finding it a little to hard it could be a good idea to start by learning a bit about some simpler languages:

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... rial1.html</a><!-- m -->

    This is javascript which is used along with html to make most webpages and it will familurise you with some of the programing basics that are used in every language. (I learnt a bit of html and javascript before I went on to C++)

    I glad that some more people will be learning programming soon my master army will be complete.
    Amarth 20 years ago
    omg javascript seriously isn't easy... I just looked up some javascript tuts because I needed them and it was nowhere as easy as vbscript or even It's plainly different with all the objects etc.

    Now for C++... If it's going too fast, stop. And don't be afraid to experiment. experiment, experiment. It learns you mostly to debug . Try all weird ideas you have, and feel you can do. But don't be afraid if it's going slow, I'm coding for a couple of years and I haven't done much usefull up till now . (well mostly some small vb apps and a tiny 2-player strategy game i never finished... but i liked it It was in dos however and didn't have graphics... only ASCII, a bit as in NetHack)

    void 20 years ago
    The link I gave him introduces you to the very basics of javascript and you don't need to compile the code to see your app, you just run it in your browser.

    Of course VB is easier then javascript. VB and BASIC were created not to improve coding they were created to make it easier.

    If you learn the basics of javascript you are learning concepts that are used in all languages (variables, loops, and stuff).
    Amarth 20 years ago
    If you learn the basics of javascript you are learning concepts that are used in all languages (variables, loops, and stuff).

    As you learn in VB... Based on a bit easier syntaxis... But it's not because I started with basic everyone should start with basic, of course. javascript just seems so hard... With a decent editor it can be fun, though.

    NeoGangster 20 years ago
    "void24601" said:
    I downloaded the program, but the tuturial goes way to fast for me .
    And whats the difference between a Unix and a Windows machine?

    Like neogangster says just slow down and make sure you understand each bit, if you come across words you don't understand or something that's confusing try serching on google or ask us here. Even if it takes you a year to get the basics down it's still progress.

    Unix is an operating system like window only it's more stable and it doesn't came with a graphical interface (meaning it's alot harded to pick up). It's mostly used with internet servers because of its stability and security. You shouldn't really worry about it, windows is in control and you can't really sell software on anyother OS, it's all open source software.

    You're right, I'm not very enthusiastic about it...but I still want to learn it. The problem is that I have no idea where to start, and don't really understand the tutorials. I downloaded the thing you recommended...but I have noooooooo idea what to do with it...

    If your finding it a little to hard it could be a good idea to start by learning a bit about some simpler languages:

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... rial1.html</a><!-- m -->

    This is javascript which is used along with html to make most webpages and it will familurise you with some of the programing basics that are used in every language. (I learnt a bit of html and javascript before I went on to C++)

    I glad that some more people will be learning programming soon my master army will be complete.
    are you learning c++ sometime already or did you just start learning it?
    void 20 years ago
    I've been learning programming in general for quite a while but I've had big breaks in between and now I've restarted. I've been learning C++ for a few months now after playing Wazzal rekindled my desire to make a space sim.

    The more people that learn the more help and hopefully more games that will be available in the future. LEARN LEARN LEARN!!!!! NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!! please, it's for your own good .
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Can't you delete a useless post? (like this one)
    ville 20 years ago
    No, you can't at the moment.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Could someone enlighten me on the differences between C, C+, C++ and C# ?
    Zombie 20 years ago

    My kinda thread!

    void 20 years ago
    Could someone enlighten me on the differences between C, C+, C++ and C# ?

    C was the first of all the above.

    C++ is basicly an object oriantated version of C with lots of other little improvements.

    C# from what I know (not much) is microsofts lame version of C/C++ (I say C/C++ because C is a part of C++). Not that I have some stupid hatred of anything microsoft it's just I don't see the need for it.

    C+? never heard of it.

    note that I'm not responsible if what I've just said is all lies. (disclamers are nice)
    Amarth 20 years ago
    Today we had our first programming lessons in school. We're using Java and from what I've heard it's the most stupid language ever . It is as hard as C++ in terms of syntax (about everyone in our class are beginners...) and it's about as slow as can be (because of real-time compiling). The only positive thing I see is the ability to run a Java 'program' (a class actually) on every OS, but even that's marginal considering that in our clas, about 5% uses something else than windows...

    So, I hope I'm wrong, but if I ain't, certainly never learn Java... VB is easier to pick up, C/C++ is plainly better and not much harder...

    void 20 years ago
    I don't know java but from what I've seen it has a real advantage in that it can be embeded in web pages. I don't think it's used as often for stand alone apps. So it's not really an alternative to VB or C++ it's just another language for a diferent job.

    Your school probably wants all the students to be good with internet programming because it's become so big so quickly and it will only get bigger.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    I hope to take programming, graphic design (so I can learn to freakin' draw!!! ;P), and an electronics class or two before I leave high school... I'm definitely going for programming next year though...

    On an off-topic note:

    What the heck happened to the thread you all posted to wonder about where I went?! I just wanted to ask, because I didn't get to read the responses or nothin'... ;P
    void 20 years ago
    Hi Zombie! Yay your back! .......... that's pretty much what the topic said when you came back.

    So have you started to learn C++ at all?

    Like I suggested to everyone else you should download a compiler

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (download version 4)

    If you have Visual C++ then all the better but this one is freeware.

    After that you should read some tutorials to get started. Just some 'Hello world' stuff to start.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (if you google you can find a million other tutorials)

    Remember to ask us any questions you have. It makes me feel smart
    Zombie 20 years ago
    Nope, havn't had the time yet...

    But I wanna know where the thread went!!!
    Crazy 20 years ago
    i bet quanarian zex or ville deleted it as usual.
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