Hey! Just because you don't know how to extract what I mean from my Crazy Posts of Crazily Craziness (TM (Well... actually... no...)) doesn't meant it's SPAM spam!

Anyways... I'm nuts like that... I'll give you a brief synopsis of what I was saying above, craziness excluded...
Hello all of my various friend on Ville's fine forums of many threads!
I enjoy listening to the music-creating group known as Modest mouse, and I think their music is "Pretty good stuff". Smiling wink.
All unrelatedness asides, my good friends, I am currently reading the learning-orientated document on the topic of the C++ programming language.
In an out-of-topic fasion, though, my friends... I wish to inform you that I greatly dislike bees. I would also like to mention that you should not place cheese in your pants. Butter does not equal a spread, you know, chickens are not fuel for an atomicdestabilizationary raygun, and feet (in general) do not exude pleasant odors.
Just so you may know this, I have no idea why I have typed the above non-topic items. On a more on-topic message, when I am quite well learned at the C++ programming language, I will be royally and unmercifully screwed. Silly face. One day, I might posess the talent and knowledge required to program my ultimate game, but I lack the graphical creation skills to create the images, characters, and various other things that my game will need. I am graphically-challenged, you see. One who is graphically-challenged is unable to draw.
I now shall sing you some lyrics from a Modest Mouse song that I have taken a liking to:
Alright already, we'll all float on... Alright already, we'll all float on... Alright, don't worry, we'll all float on... Alright already, we'll all float on... Alright already, we'll all float on... Alright, don't worry, even if things end up a bit too heavy... We'll all float on! Alright already, we'll all float on... Alright already, we'll all float on... Ok, don't worry, we'll all float on... Even if things get heavy, we'll all float on...
In closing I wish to grin and wink, yell "Whee", yell "Cows", and close with a smile and a wink.
And there you are... As you can see, while my message is intergrated with what would be considered 'spam' elements, I am still staying on topic throughout the craziness...
However, I doubt your, "Zombie, please keep the spam on the other threads made for it." qualifies as on-topic for this thread.
You know what I mean, so thank you and goodbye person who is new to me! I hope you are well and never become critically ill or injured throughout the course of your (hopefully) very, very, very long and happy life.