E_net4 said: First of all, I will express my greatest commendations for turning the mod into a complete state. I would dare to say that this has turned into the most mature Notrium mod yet, making a wide and creative use of the Notrium engines for tasks that did not seem possible at first glance: a stock market, galactic maps, fishing and planting, and so on. The use of alignments and ranks also reminded me of the days playing Pirates!, and introduces a lot of replayability into the game. So yeah, great mod we have here! Give yourself a pat in the back! 
Now, on to a few nitpicks:
- Entering some planets did not change the player's movement pattern (from key-controlled orientation to the usual 4-axis movement), and that made it pretty hard to control the captain. - There's a particular planet that was quite heavy to load. It took more than 10 seconds on my machine for it to show up. It might have to do with its size and the high resolution of the textures involved. I'm not sure to what extent this issue can be addressed. - Not a bug, but I have a system named after my anagram! How awesome is that? :'D
Hopefully you'll be maintaining the mod for a while... but do you have any intentions of making more mods? Or perhaps take a similar project?
Bladekill1298 said: There are no friendly aliens, even if there were where would they be? Actually, you can persuade the aliens in Dorian Prime into joining your cause. So there you go, friendly aliens. Hey E_net4! Yay, thanks for testing things out. It sounds like you explored most of the more "niche" additions I made for this version... It might be weird, but out of everything in the mod I think the galactic map which shows your current position is one of the things I'm most proud of. I didn't think that would be something that was possible in Notrium! 
As for the nitpicks: is there any chance you can remember which planets had the incorrect movement patterns? It certainly sounds like a bug, but I couldn't seem to replicate it in a quick bit of testing. I'm guessing the slow loading occurred in the Naquarin/water planet? I've noticed it too, and think it's probably due to a plot object loading all its timed instances at once (we had a similar problem in the Zoo system which was solved by putting a limit on the instances). Will look into it!
Haha, and I'm glad you like your system! Shh, though... we don't want any still remaining bananas being unpeeled... I will definitely be supporting this mod for at least the next few weeks or so... hopefully as a few people play it we can iron out any remaining problems. As for new mods... I really don't know at this stage as I'm ridiculously busy, but after this mod somehow got finished after 11 years I don't think I will ever rule it out completely!