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  • MOD: Notrium 1.11 Remake (Download Available)

    Doogsy 20 years ago
    I have decided to do a mod of version 1.11. It will be finished in the next week. (I'm going away this weekend so maybe a little longer). I don't really have too much left to do.
    If anyone has any suggestions they would like to suggest, or any gameplay issues they did not like from 1.11, please mention them (eg. the hive had scattered eggs and was hard to find them all. This new version has a randomly placed nest with eggs in it, and a queen guarding it)
    I am unsure as to whether to add some of my own ideas, sticking extremely closely to the Notrium theme, or not. I will see how it pans out. (Things like a few new items and areas and creatures)
    So please post some comments on what you think.

    Latest Version
    ville 20 years ago
    Ooh, you're fast! One week, and you're all ready.
    roburky 20 years ago
    As long as you stick to the idea of the theme you're going for, adding more in there isn't going to hurt.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    its fast because all of the items and objects etc are already done for me and I've probably already spent a week on it. Depending on how much i add, it could be a bit longer. And im away sunday monday too. I'll make it two weeks just to be safe.
    I forgot to mention too that it was only human player to begin with. I may add further creatures later. I'm don't think I will add Psonic though.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Make sure to remove the weight limit and alien evolution, those are 2 major differences from 1.11 and 1.3.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    And the mushroom and electric plant generators.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    I was thinking of keeping the weight limit, but if people are against it I will remove it. And if I do put the alien in it, I will probably put the evolution in it, purely for the fact that there is no other reason to use the alien, however, it is not in the original spirit of notrium. Now you got me thinking. Well the first edition will defiantly have the human. The human is the main focus, then the android, only it will be more balanced. Once I've done them, then I will think about alien.
    And Zex, did you want mushroom and electric plant generators, or not want them. I was going to put them in, I don't like the idea of ether = ration.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    A hint: try to make it as close the v1.11 as possible. So yes, definetly put in the mushroom generators.
    roburky 20 years ago
    No, don't put it as close to the old version. I thought the idea was simply to take Notrium back to the theme of the original. There have been plenty of additions that don't harm that, and there's no sense in removing those.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    But that isn't the point. Does 1.11 have a weight limit? No. Take it out. This is a remake of Notrium 1.11, not a mimic of it.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Exactly, it's a remake, not a copy. Some features that stuck to the original theme may be kept. But the wieght limit doesn't worry me that much. I may make a weight limit for the medium and hard difficulties though.
    ville 20 years ago
    I'm with you on that Doogsy, there's no point in making a copy of the original since the original is still around. The important part is the abandoned lonely feeling of the original with its randomness.
    Crazy 20 years ago
    exactly, leave in as many features as you want, as long as those two are there. Now the problem is, that in Notrium 1.11 (without the QPack) did not have any marines and there was no Ville Corp...
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Yes, 1.11 had no Ville Corp, and the remake will not have it either. Ville Corp made Notrium 'unabandoned' so I wont include it.

    Ok, it's coming along quite nicely I think, the improved features I added work quite well and fit in well too. A couple of bugs here and there which I am trying to fix but they will be sorted.
    But now I'm calling for ideas. Does anyone have anything in particular they would like to see (items, weapons etc). Maybe even an area idea. I'm also looking for an idea for the missile base. The 1.3 base was fixed in the middle of the area (ie no randomness), so if anyone has an idea to make it more random, please suggest it. My current idea was maybe to have the bots guard a random place on the map, have a few turrets scattered around them, and some small bots which gaurd this place too.
    ville 20 years ago
    I suggest somehow trying to deepen the feeling of isolation on an alien planet. Deepening the shadows and making it more scary. One thing I thought was scary was the reapers, you might want to include them.

    The one thing I hated about the original was the item hunting. While it was possible to survive without methodically scourging the entire planet surface, you might never actually find all the necessary items. To me it was very boring to walk long distances on foot and look for any new items. The core gameplay of Notrium in that time was survival, if you can think of elements to enhance that you might become a very good game designer.

    I suggest generally making the areas smaller and perhaps adding some more rare random elements. In the new version people have loved finding the eastern eggs. You could even add random events, something like an ambush in the jungle.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Yeah, scariness in games, or atmosphere in general is excelent. I'll definatly try to improve this. I already have a few ideas now
    I always felt that the item hunting was part of the surviving, maybe not so much in the original 1.0. But if you always know, for example, the warp generator is in the cemetery, it makes it far less tedious. I'll try and work on improving this.
    I also have a few plans for easter eggs too. The areas are smaller and there is more of them. I found that really increases the randomness, and its not to tedious to move about. One thing I like in adventure games is writing stuff down, and drawing maps, I remeber doing this for 1.11 so I remebered where I was and where other areas were. Some people dont enjoy it though, so it wont be forced. I love random elements, its just thinking of them is the hard part, and then makingsure noone finds out before its released, so it can be a surprise. I love the ambush thing too. I've already got plans for it circling in my head.
    Thanks for the ideas Ville. Keep them coming everyone.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I would like to see the alien spawn points to be included in this version as well. It would help to keep things challenging if you cannot be safe from the continuous attacks of the aliens. But you should also add a condition that stops the aliens from respawning once the queens are dead.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Agreed. If there are no more queens or eggs, there should be no more spawned aliens. And I did like the spawners, so they are definatly in this version.
    Any one got any suggestions for the missile base?
    slyvena 20 years ago
    make the missile base and ville corp be their it jsut won't be the same without them.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Its not supposed to be the same.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Missile base will be there, Ville Corp will not. It is the very point of the mod. The remake is being made due to the fact that Notrium 1.3 is just not the same as its predecessors. Its bringing back the original theme.
    jcristofaro 20 years ago
    I have only recently recently restared playing Notrium (I used to play 1.11) and I have noticed heaps of new features (I don't know what version they all appeared in) and although they are all good (especially new race) I liked the feel of the original game. I think that having a remake of the old 1.11 is a great idea but I believe that it needs keep that totally random feel as it made the world seem much larger even though the regions were quite small and the terrain repeated.
    How long till your finished?
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago
    Yeah, how long? By the way, I think that you should just add everything in and make a copy, then we'll see what needs changing. It'll make your life a lot easier, like for example, its much easier to make a 1.1 generator then be told to tweak it to 1.11... on top of that, you'll have a template for the changes.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Thanks for the support jcristofara. It probably wont be long till I release it but there has been some delays due to bugs I'm trying to smooth out. I will make all the nescessary changes I think are needed, and then I'll release a beta. If anyone has any suggestions about improvements, I'll add them in. So I'm not making an exact copy, so I'll still have the template for changes.
    jcristofaro 20 years ago
    There have been many comments about the loss of remotness in the new 1.3 with many feeling that it spoiled the game (myself included). If your gonna make a 1.11 mod version you should make it an exact clone except dump the puzzles, and more weapons and from there it could evolve as a Notrium story in its own right because i'm sure many 1.1 players have be asking themselves what would Notrium be like now if Ville corp was never invented? (It is probably this idea that has sparked so much intrest in the Notrium remake).
    burgerking 20 years ago
    How bout some scaryer music and stuff. also some more random areas. and what about some better weapons.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    And make the aliens far more ferocious. In v1.3 they are more likely to run away than attack.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    The only problem with new music and sound is that I have none, and have no-idea how to make any. I've looked through various free sound sites but most are very unorganized and takes hours to find the sound your looking for.
    Thats a good idea making the aliens a bit more mean. I guess smaller aliens wont be as aggresive, but larger ones will.
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago

    I agree with everyone else; Totally random, ferocious aliens, and one more thing: The queen can't have a predefined spot. Sure, there'll be eggs, but the queens have to be all over the place.
    ville 20 years ago
    You could actually simulate randomized buildings somehow. Say you wanted a randomly located alien queen with eggs all around her. You would place them in multiple places on the map, one queen and eggs here, another queen and eggs there. Then you would add a plot_object called Queens_and_eggs_are_here to every one of those places.

    When the game starts you would randomly destroy all but one of those plot_objects. This can be done with a script, I'm sure. Now you have a plot_object in one of the places that have the queens and eggs.

    Then you would add a code in the eggs and the queen that's only activated in the game start. It would check whether it is near the plot_object, and if it wasn't, it would destroy itself.

    This way you would have a randomly placed set of queens and eggs. Not easy to produce, but it could be done with buildings and other things that need a strict formation.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Meh.. I'm against all this.. I like the idea, but my general idea of a 1.11 remake is the feel of gameplay, and with the weight limit and alien evolution, it'd practically be 1.3 without Ville Corp, the Psionic, and the hermit.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    You could actually simulate randomized buildings somehow. Say you wanted a randomly located alien queen with eggs all around her. You would place them in multiple places on the map, one queen and eggs here, another queen and eggs there. Then you would add a plot_object called Queens_and_eggs_are_here to every one of those places.

    When the game starts you would randomly destroy all but one of those plot_objects. This can be done with a script, I'm sure. Now you have a plot_object in one of the places that have the queens and eggs.

    Then you would add a code in the eggs and the queen that's only activated in the game start. It would check whether it is near the plot_object, and if it wasn't, it would destroy itself.

    This way you would have a randomly placed set of queens and eggs. Not easy to produce, but it could be done with buildings and other things that need a strict formation.
    I actually did this a different way, (except I wont tell how as it will spoil part of the mod) However the method I used wouldn't be good for strict building placement, only rigid ones. I like the method though.

    "Marevix" said:
    Meh.. I'm against all this.. I like the idea, but my general idea of a 1.11 remake is the feel of gameplay, and with the weight limit and alien evolution, it'd practically be 1.3 without Ville Corp, the Psionic, and the hermit.
    Its only going to have a human to begin with (even though 1.11 had human android and alien) And trust me, it feels nothing like 1.3.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Alright, if it plays like 1.11 then I don't mind it at all. I enjoy 1.11 today just as much as 1.2 and 1.3.
    burgerking 20 years ago
    There has to be a lot more randomness but it needs to end or loop somewhere or people will get lost. Use the area desciptions for the non-random areas but dont have the bases in the middle. In the old one the big missile defence robots wandered the map free, make it like that for this one, except maybe with a group of robots following them.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    the only thing with wandering robots is that sometimes they took forever to hunt down, however with smaller areas, this may not be a problem.
    Forum » MOD: Notrium 1.11 Remake (Download Available)
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