"Idiota" said: How's your mod coming along? Any major breakthroughs/specialties/difficulties? Many difficulties as I'm redoing some of the more vital chunks of code to make things more accurate. I am trying to make it into a sort of an engine that can be built off of. Currently I'm in a bit of a snag and will more than likely need a condition to detect what was the last weapon type or weapon class the creature was hit by, something you can't currently do. Once I get it all working to a degree I'm going to add in the two new attacks and I might even change up one or more of the enemies.
So basically I broke my mod, now I'm fixing it again with newer, hopefully more efficient code 
"Marevix" said: What Casanova sort of meant by that is Quis' punches look very slow. An accelerated punch would, while making the game harder, be more pleasing for fans of the console fighter genre. Ah the pause with the punch was done more for drama than anything else. I wanted it to appear to have a bit of a snap to it so it looked like it had some power behind it. I can probably speed it up a bit, but it was meant as well to make sure the player 'did' time their punches and didn't mash them. Some timing issues might arise as well until I finish redoing the code I'm working on.
I wouldn't say it's anything like any kind of console fighter unless you want to go back in time to games like Karate . It's really pretty base stuff, but there is still more than enough there for other people to work off. So far though I haven't seen even the slightest modification mentioned publically, and I did give my permission for such. Just make sure you credit me somewhere since you're using my mod as a starting point
Really I kind of wanted to make a side scroller engine though and Impalpable Eidolon is the demo of the engine. Obviously I could of made my mod a hundred times easier just using something like Little Fighter 2 as my base, but I wanted to be able to use all the extra stuff that is possible with Notrium, not to mention the graphics engine is just a hundred times better in my opinion I wouldn't mind however borrowing the AI from LF2 lol. It still is some of the most vicious AI I've ever seen .