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  • Impalpable Eidolon (Version 0.9 Under Development)

    Casanova 20 years ago
    I got it to work now, though you might want to move the hit area so the player can be closer when attacking. In normal mode, I got cornereed and was unable to damage it since it was too close to me.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    I got it to work now, though you might want to move the hit area so the player can be closer when attacking. In normal mode, I got cornereed and was unable to damage it since it was too close to me.

    That's actually an easy fix. It was originally done like that because a sphere was in perpetual motion and it was basically a hit/miss ordeal. If you punched too soon by the time you punched again it would be past your fist and you'd be hit, so you'd have to time your punches. I just never really changed it. I'm actually thinking of making enemies get shoved back when they get hit. I was going to have them backpedal too, but as you're probably aware Notrium doesn't support that, instead they turn around.

    I'm certainly not done polishing things up either. I'm kind of adding things here and there, but mostly trying to get in new stuff. If you want to check out any of the other areas, just to see how you'd do, simply change the start area of player race 0 to 1 or 2. Just make sure you change it back to 0 for the full experience. The last level is incredibly hard because of the whirlwinds. Than again you normally can't even play the last level unless you're playing on Hard

    Don't really get too attached to anything but blocking or punching though since I intend to change some dynamics with the fighting so it's alot more diverse. I want to give more options during a fight. Just with the combo and counter attacks though it should add some much needed depth. So far there is only one enemy with a special boss move but I'll probably add more, which should add some extra spice.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    I was going to have them backpedal too, but as you're probably aware Notrium doesn't support that, instead they turn around.
    Why not just use one of the "push" effects to send the creature backwards?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    That's what I was planning and actually I originally did set that up, but in older versions of Notrium that effect didn't seem to work very well with creatures. It's also debateable how accurate it is even now. I've gotten somewhat sporadic results using that effect. Though obviously if I'm gonna shove them back, that is the only way to go

    I removed the lower end range of the player's punches. I only left it in place when it comes to projectiles which shouldn't be a problem since they're one hit kills. I'll probably put out a small update soon with the change in it.
    ville 19 years ago
    If you've still got any problems with the push effect, do tell me (preferably with example script).
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "ville" said:
    If you've still got any problems with the push effect, do tell me (preferably with example script).

    It's hard to tell really. I already know for sure that it can be halted by a counter movement by the player. What this ends up doing is creating more a slingshot effect than the original shove back. I've also noticed on enemy creatures at least, if they're not mobile they can't be moved with the effects, I'm sure this is on purpose though so turrets can't be shoved around. My problem is when something doesn't work I try something else.

    I'm more curious about the amount of effect blocks in my creatures causing problems. Is there any limit on a creature's amount of blocks and/or amount of total effects a creature can have ? This is something really important for me to know since I do use an aweful lot of effect blocks and effects as well.

    As I mentioned before I plan on releasing a smaller update. The new update 'should' have a shove back to the enemy when they're hit. The lower end of the punch for the player has also been removed on all but projectiles. Depending on how busy with other stuff I get it should be out within a few days or sooner.
    roburky 19 years ago
    I'll just say that I've only had the mentioned screen shake once. Every other time I've been hit, or hit an enemy, there has been no screen shake.

    I suppose it is possible that this is similar to the problem I'm having with effects failing to come into play.
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "roburky" said:
    I'll just say that I've only had the mentioned screen shake once. Every other time I've been hit, or hit an enemy, there has been no screen shake.

    I suppose it is possible that this is similar to the problem I'm having with effects failing to come into play.

    It's possible, but everytime I test it on my computer it seems to work just fine, I just sit there and let the guy hit me and every time he does the effect works. It's possible some lag is causing you to miss it perhaps. Lag with Notrium will often cause frame skipping and the frames that are skipped can contain nothing more than a visual effect. I'm not justifying the problem, but I'm unsure of how to fix it as of yet.

    I tried doing the shove back upon being hit with some mixed results. Bottom line however is that it messed with the AI too much and so I saved the code, but I wont be using it. It's unfortunate because it actually does look pretty neat, but it made the AI more of a bouncing back punching bag than anything else. I'm not sure how much better this will be, but I edited the damage frames so they're more noticeable.
    slyvena 19 years ago
    I noticed that the game goes really slowly and is very scrappy(probly to do with the fact that it is a side scroller so cornors have to be cut but still...) it has that essence of i'm slow and ****, please not play me because i do not have enough action or moves. If you could pick up the games speed and ITEMs for one matter it would make a big difference.
    Inane 19 years ago
    "slyvena" said:
    I noticed that the game goes really slowly and is very scrappy(probly to do with the fact that it is a side scroller so cornors have to be cut but still...) it has that essence of i'm slow and ****, please not play me because i do not have enough action or moves. If you could pick up the games speed and ITEMs for one matter it would make a big difference.
    Ever played a turn based strategy game?
    Like... Alpha centauri? or Civilization?
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    What specifically should I make faster paced ? Enemies are fairly frequent and the difficulty jacks up signifigantly from one area to the next. So while you're probably basing the whole of the mod on the first area, I assure you things get far more frantic by the third. Just getting through the second area can be a real trial. Of course I wish to add more moves and I would have had tons by now had it not been so much work. I'm not adding a creature, I'm adding every frame for that creature and that's quite a bit.

    I'm trying to stick to adding moves that will have indefinate use and wont simply be there for variety's sake. You're just going to have to be patient as far as new moves go because they take more time to put in than other stuff. I'm also trying to polish things up and hopefully make it alot more fun. Really though if you've never been into a side scroller beat-em up I seriously doubt my mod is going to convert you, especially considering its simplistic nature.

    I've played many turn based games, and some I really enjoy. Are you compared Impalpable Eidolon to a turn based strategy game ?! I have to object to it being considered 'that' slow paced lol. I'll try and make the mod more fun, but really I've already done way more than I ever planned considering it's really just a demo. This is also the first beat-em up I've ever done period, so I didn't expect it to be great or even good. Heck I'll be happy if even half the people who try it get some enjoyment out of it.
    ville 19 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    I'm more curious about the amount of effect blocks in my creatures causing problems. Is there any limit on a creature's amount of blocks and/or amount of total effects a creature can have ? This is something really important for me to know since I do use an aweful lot of effect blocks and effects as well.

    There's no limit for blocks, they're all read and counted for.
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    Here I am again announcing a very small release of Impalpable Eidolon. Don't expect many changes as I mostly spent my time trying out things that didn't pan out and so they were removed. In this version the lower end of punches on all but projectiles was removed. Another change is that damage frames are slightly more obvious and a bit more graphically impressive, but not much. Lastly the two versions of the skulls now have particle trails.

    Impalpable Eidolon Build 0.82

    As usual feedback is appreciated. Please keep in mind if you want me to change something you have to be fairly specific or at least descriptive enough so I have a good idea of how to implement your idea. Any ideas I do use will of course earn you a credit. I apologize for the lack of additions but I haven't been that motivated lately.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Its definitively easier to hit the enemies now. But one thing that bothers me is that i cant harm them if they are doing their attack animation, or if they are just starting to do the block move.

    Also I sugest that the gameplay is made 2x or 3x faster. Its rather dull at the momment since i have to wait for them to attack in order to regain my own stamina.
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    Its definitively easier to hit the enemies now. But one thing that bothers me is that i cant harm them if they are doing their attack animation, or if they are just starting to do the block move.

    Also I sugest that the gameplay is made 2x or 3x faster. Its rather dull at the momment since i have to wait for them to attack in order to regain my own stamina.

    I'm only willing to add collision for the first frame of an attack or block and after that you're considered missing them. That will hopefully be enough of a compromise for you. This is really the best I can offer as doing a check on every single frame basically allows you to knock them out from ever being able to attack and would make everything incredibly easy. Even with just the additional frame you may find it way too easy to fight an enemy as you'll easily be able to cancel out their attacks with button mashing since a hit will send them into their damage frame so it doesn't stack.

    To your other feedback I need something more specific. I have actually increased the entire game speed up to 2x's and it was incredibly hectic and everything was less accurate. Now if you like I can make enemies attack more frequently but that will also mean less chances for you to hit them. So really what I need is for you to give me a better idea of exactly what you think will fix it.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Just make the and attack/defence animations play faster
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    Just make the and attack/defence animations play faster

    Well actually it's pretty damn fast. The longest frame lasts 600 milliseconds and that is only first frame. This is done to allow the player time to see an attack coming and react accordingly. I can easily speed it up by removing that slack but you'd basically be guessing instead. So I don't want to cut it down too much. I'll tell you what. I'm going to rework the starter frames to 400 and retime the actual animations to cue at 150 instead of 200 milliseconds. This is the best solution I can think of since everything is timed to a degree and I don't just adjust one thing, I have to adjust several things so they all sync up.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    How's your mod coming along? Any major breakthroughs/specialties/difficulties?
    Marevix 19 years ago
    What Casanova sort of meant by that is Quis' punches look very slow. An accelerated punch would, while making the game harder, be more pleasing for fans of the console fighter genre.
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    How's your mod coming along? Any major breakthroughs/specialties/difficulties?

    Many difficulties as I'm redoing some of the more vital chunks of code to make things more accurate. I am trying to make it into a sort of an engine that can be built off of. Currently I'm in a bit of a snag and will more than likely need a condition to detect what was the last weapon type or weapon class the creature was hit by, something you can't currently do. Once I get it all working to a degree I'm going to add in the two new attacks and I might even change up one or more of the enemies.

    So basically I broke my mod, now I'm fixing it again with newer, hopefully more efficient code

    "Marevix" said:
    What Casanova sort of meant by that is Quis' punches look very slow. An accelerated punch would, while making the game harder, be more pleasing for fans of the console fighter genre.

    Ah the pause with the punch was done more for drama than anything else. I wanted it to appear to have a bit of a snap to it so it looked like it had some power behind it. I can probably speed it up a bit, but it was meant as well to make sure the player 'did' time their punches and didn't mash them. Some timing issues might arise as well until I finish redoing the code I'm working on.

    I wouldn't say it's anything like any kind of console fighter unless you want to go back in time to games like Karate . It's really pretty base stuff, but there is still more than enough there for other people to work off. So far though I haven't seen even the slightest modification mentioned publically, and I did give my permission for such. Just make sure you credit me somewhere since you're using my mod as a starting point

    Really I kind of wanted to make a side scroller engine though and Impalpable Eidolon is the demo of the engine. Obviously I could of made my mod a hundred times easier just using something like Little Fighter 2 as my base, but I wanted to be able to use all the extra stuff that is possible with Notrium, not to mention the graphics engine is just a hundred times better in my opinion I wouldn't mind however borrowing the AI from LF2 lol. It still is some of the most vicious AI I've ever seen .
    Ozzie 19 years ago
    Actually I think that it is frustrating that you can't hit the enemy while he tries to attack you but he can! The game is already hard enough and not that easy to get in.
    That's the only think that really bothers me.
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    Well Ozzie I sped things up quite a bit. I just haven't had the time to put into a project with minimal interest. I'm trying to maximize my time at this point. I'll definately put out the newer version, it will just be delayed. In the newer version I've changed how the collisions are done and it increased accuracy signifigantly. It's still not perfect, but the main thing I kept hearing was that the mod had too slow of a pacing.

    Anyways I appreciate that you took the time to play it at all and more so give some feedback. It's definately not finished however and I hope you realize you're playing a beta and not a final version. However even when the mod is done it'll still be just a demo of what I had originally planned.
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    I wouldn't even bother bumping this thread if I didn't have something new to report. No this isn't a double post by the way, check the dates. So what's new ?

    1. I changed up the whole hit detection system to work with bullets instead of distances.

    2. There is now a low and high block(Ducking was removed and replaced with low block). Currently low block really isn't much use except for against the Sand Woman.

    3. I added in the combo finally. It's only one extra swing, but I'm not really trying to get too fancy here. The extra swing is faster and can do damage to them when they're temporarily stunned from a hit, basically allowing you a cheap shot. The second swing must be timed properly. If you time it right and you're lucky you can actually do 3 consecutive swings and wipe out the Sandmen in one flurry.

    4. The Sandman says when he's going to swing. This was basically just to test something, but it does help you get used to the game a bit. The downside is I found I got spoiled on it and when it wasn't there I had more trouble... So I may either add this to all enemies or remove it from the Sandman.

    I haven't done the Counter Attack yet, but when I do that 'will' allow you to hit them when they're swinging if you're fast enough. I'm not really sure how I'm going to balance it out or if I even want to. Essentially I'd just like to finish up the demo so other people can hopefully make something nicer from it.

    I've still got a bunch of annotating to do with the files. However if someone wanted to mod the demo I'll answer whatever questions you might have to help you along. What I've got done is by no means fantastic, but it works and it's pretty stable. Basically though if you plan on editing the mod you should 'really' know what you're doing with modding as it's really easy to break it if you don't know what you're doing.
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    I hate bumping my own threads but this is a necessary evil. What I need are one, or more testers to guage the new additions to the mod. I'd really like to finalize this puppy and have the one on the Notrium page updated finally. However I'm not going to press it on Ville until I'm satisfied. So if anyone is interested in testing my side-scroller beat-em up than simply message me on any of my various messengers.

    New additions are:

    *Combo Punch - You can actually do up to three in a row, possibly four, but I've only managed 3 at the most. I find it pretty easy to do combos, the downside is that if you miss you're wasting stamina.

    *Counter Attack - This took me a bit to figure out how I wanted it done, but it's there now. You've got a low and normal counter attack and it works seamlessly with normal blocking. This attack does more damage then a normal hit, but it also costs twice the stamina.

    *Help Screen - This has been planned for a while, and it's there now. This should help with the learning curve as all the vital information is right there. I spent a bit of time on this to make it look decent.

    So there you go, even with those two additions the fighting is a lot more diverse. This allows you enough choices to keep things from getting dull right away. This mod is not going out until I test and clean up the mod as much as possible. This means polishing things up and adding a few graphics to fill it out.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    It looks very good, allthough I never manages to get pst the third sand woman on the first level ops:
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    The female after the three sandmen is the boss of the first level. If you want to beta test the latest version I've got it all packed up. You'll just need to message me on AIM or MSN.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    I'm not going to do any more work on this anytime soon, but I'll at least get Ville to put up the last version on Notrium's main page. I checked and it's 3 versions behind, since I put out 0.8 and 0.82, and finally 0.9. I guess I am open to any suggestions from anyone who happens to have 0.9 or is willing to try it and tell me what would be a good final touch to finalize it (I just can't promise anything because I've got very little spare time at this time of the year).
    Forum » Impalpable Eidolon (Version 0.9 Under Development)
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