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  • Notrium modding questions/answers

    Crazy 19 years ago
    dont double post like that. Because you did i wont tell you how to fix it. The reason is also slightly connected to the fact that i have no idea how to...
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    "Neonlare" said:

    has ultimate upgrade bar;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    energy make bar;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    health make bar;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    Start with nanites;//description
    0;//difficulty level

    I noted that these things (noted in bold) are from my mod. I know for certain that none of these things are standard within the game, so if you copied only my android race code you should either remove these or copy their relevant data into the other files. I do not think this is why it isn't showing up in the menu (which is most likely due to the fact that you have no ragdoll graphics for it yet) but will cause other problems.
    Neonlare 19 years ago
    Wow, thanks for that, but It still doesn't show up in the start menu...
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Well, then I suggest you take a look at:

    M.D.R (Mobile Defence Robot);//name------------------------------
    1;//visible in start menu
    41;//start area

    and make sure you don't have another race that also has 6 as its identifier. For it will cause it to overwrite your M.D.R race. Which will mean it will never show up.

    EDIT: I'm somewhat certain that this is your problem.
    Neonlare 19 years ago
    I'm sorry but this problem is persistant, not only have I checked that it is a different number, I've also moved it into a new mod folder, and I'm still having no luck what so ever.
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Did you make sure to paste your code before the end of the file? Remember, if you pasted it after the end of the file line it will ignore your code. This might be your problem.

    Have you made some ragdoll graphics yet?

    Have you already defined creature 888 in creature.dat?

    Have you declared start animation 999 in animation.dat?
    Neonlare 19 years ago
    Your a god Uber, you've fixed it! All Hail!


    Well atleast it's in the Menu, but it crashes now whenever I try to play as my race, it doesn't with the others mind you...
    I fixed the problem, now I have to fix the graphics for the race >_<
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Glad to be of service. Hope you are able to get along with your mod.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Is there any way to change a creatures eat item when it did not start with that one????

    Is there a way to start an infinite drain that a creature does not start with????

    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "NOSBoi" said:
    Is there any way to change a creatures eat item when it did not start with that one????

    Is there a way to start an infinite drain that a creature does not start with????


    I'd suggest that you make two creatures (or more, depending on whether or not you want the creature to have both of those attributes at once) that are exactly alike, except the first doesn't start with those attributes, and the second does. Then you just replace creature A (attributeless) with creature B (the one with attributes), and that should be it.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    yeah i know but a weapon does this so i would need so many different weapons.............
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "NOSBoi" said:
    yeah i know but a weapon does this so i would need so many different weapons.............

    You mean that the creature would gain attributes due to being shot by weapon X?
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Yes a Weapon but then i would need one for each type of creature i wanted to be able to be affected which is quite a lot.......
    Admiral 19 years ago
    Hi i started wondering about changing the maps and their layout and thought: is there any way to create a "World Map" with "Cities" on it which the player can click on and teleports them to various other maps?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Tom Paris" said:
    Hi i started wondering about changing the maps and their layout and thought: is there any way to create a "World Map" with "Cities" on it which the player can click on and teleports them to various other maps?

    Sounds fairly easy to do.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    yes, look at the Wazzal II code. you would have to have a character on this "map", with which you walk around and click varous plot objects that teleport you (ie. the psionic portals in the deafult mod) to another location.
    Admiral 19 years ago
    but the question is... how to get back?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Tom Paris" said:
    but the question is... how to get back?

    Put some sort of an item in the entry spot that teleports you back to where you left the world map, duh...
    HEDIS 19 years ago
    How would you make trap in the game.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    You could just make a creature that can't move I guess. It would kill itself on hit. Shouldn't be too hard, I suppose.
    HEDIS 19 years ago
    By trap I ment something that can trap it's victims.I already know how to make traps like mines.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "HEDIS" said:
    By trap I ment something that can trap it's victims.I already know how to make traps like mines.

    Just replace the killing wep with something that stuns the creature to be trapped for as long as you want it to be trapped or something.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    And if you want to make it really fancy you'd make it spawn a new creature, with the graphic of a trapped monster/human/animal. This makes it a LOT more complicated though.
    Fez 19 years ago
    This is a total noob question, but how do I install mods?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Just unzip the mod over the Notrium folder. In some cases, you have to unzip it inside the Notrium folder.
    Mattyw 19 years ago
    i had to unzip it and open the files such as data sound etc and put them in the notrium files if thst mskes sense
    Mattyw 18 years ago
    is ther a guide to make a new ragdoll anywhere
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Perhaps in the modding FAQ, but I don't know. Perhaps you should pm quanrian. He knows stuff!
    Mattyw 18 years ago
    on the map editor i deleted the hermits dialog thing is there a way to get it back with out having to reinstall notrium
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    By getting a copy of someone else's data files (which practically is the same as reinstall).
    Idiota 18 years ago
    yo could also just back up the save files/mods and reinstall Notrium.
    Mattyw 18 years ago
    ive just reinstalled notrium again, ive still got the old one that has my edits and that, how do i put the hermits dialog in the old one from the new one
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    You copy all the new data files from the new installation to the old installation, it's really that simple.
    Mattyw 18 years ago
    but wont that delete all the new files i made
    Idiota 18 years ago
    no, it will only replace the old files and leave the new ones. Trust us on this, it won't go wrong.
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