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  • Notrium modding questions/answers

    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Check one of those ASCII character mapping charts. Maybe it'll tell you what character to use for Tab. If that dosen't work, then it isn't supported. Sorry!
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Check one of those ASCII character mapping charts. Maybe it'll tell you what character to use for Tab. If that dosen't work, then it isn't supported. Sorry!
    Uh... you really don't know how ASCII works, do you?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    No, I do. I just don't know every detail.
    Grombolar 18 years ago
    Oh well, thanks for telling me so I don't try to make anything stupid with the .dat file.
    Admiral 18 years ago
    "Inane" said:
    Okay, I got a problem with time-based plot objects...

    I'm trying to make a plot object that spawns enemies. unfortunately though, the object runs it's timer even when the player is in a different map, so a map will have quite a few enemies spawned by the time you get to it.

    Any solutions?

    I'm not sure but would condition 17 work here, it uses terrain but you could select a terrain which is only present in the area you are using, anyone any ideas?

    P.S. TAB in ASCII is 'TAB' but that is 'horizontal tab' (not sure what that means. VT is also ASCII for 'TAB' but this is 'vertical tab') again unsure
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Tom Paris" said:
    I'm not sure but would condition 17 work here, it uses terrain but you could select a terrain which is only present in the area you are using, anyone any ideas?
    Better to use something like condition 13, for that. Inane, is the problem that there are enemies at all or just that there are too many? Because I don't see a problem with enemies spawning before you get there. If it's just that there are too many, something like condition 30, or 32, ought to solve that.

    "Tom Paris" said:
    P.S. TAB in ASCII is 'TAB' but that is 'horizontal tab' (not sure what that means. VT is also ASCII for 'TAB' but this is 'vertical tab') again unsure
    Useless Information(tm).
    Pete 17 years ago
    "Inane" said:
    I was bored .



    Huh. I was looking at the earlier posts in here and I just cant remember what I reguested this thing for... anyone remembers?
    Crazy 17 years ago

      ammo meter;//description
    0;//difficulty level

    0;//bar type, 0=normal, 1=show body temperature, 2=show number of items parameter0, 3=show wielded weapon ammo, 4=show armor, 5=show carry weight, 6=show seconds from game start
    1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
    0;//visible on enemies
    1;//show number
    3;//anchor point (0=left top, 1=right top, 2=left bottom, 3=right bottom)
    -250;//location x, pixels from anchor point
    -35;//location y, pixels from anchor point
    bar.png;//bar picture
    none;//background picture
    0;//background picture x offset
    0;//background picture y offset
    0;//background picture width
    0;//background picture height
    -100;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
    1;//red color component for minimum
    0.8;//green color component for minimum
    0;//blue color component for minimum
    0.8;//red color component for maximum
    1;//green color component for maximum
    0;//blue color component for maximum

    This should make a bar which has a minimum of 0, maximum of 50 and start amount of 50, right? Well, ingame, i ave a bar that has a maximum of 10, mimimum of 0 and starts with 1. Also, the bar doesen't increase or decrease in size.

    EDITED! Noticed and fixed the problem of why the bar refusd to change it's size.
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    You should probably show the bars.dat file entry as well so we can see if there are any errors there. Please edit your post rather than make a new one or copy into the new one and delete the old one.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Well, thar.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    EDITED! Noticed and fixed the problem of why the bar refusd to change it's size.
    And the reason was...?
    Crazy 17 years ago

    It was
    -ˇ100;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
    But it's still maxed at 10 and starts at 1.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    I think I found your problem.
    "Crazy" said:
      ammo meter;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    Your bar is identifier 3, yet your parameter0 is 0.
    Crazy 17 years ago

    *smacks himself in the head several times in rapid succession*
    Admiral 17 years ago
    would a Bestiary/Encyclopedia be a good idea to include in a mod?
    I'm just wondering if people would find it useful
    Pete 17 years ago
    I need a little bit of info and that is... how is creature vision handled? Just because I was thinking a bit and I decided to try making a FOW in the stealth part of my mod, but I need to know how the vision is handled to find out what size and shape plot object (or maybe light) use.
    Nocture17 17 years ago
    How exactly does Condition 16 "player has parameter0 free weight" work?
    Is it only on pick up, the first time it happens, or an ongoing check?
    Secondly, is it "at least" parameter 0 free weight, "less than" parameter0 free weight, or "exactly" parameter 0 free weight?

    This seems like a very odd condition with so little additional things to do with it.
    Omega 17 years ago
    How do I save Mod work? I'm using Crimson Editor and I need the link to download Jan’s File Viewer.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Notrium file wiever is junk. Use notepad. As for saving... what the heck.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Nah, Crimson Editor is just fine. Just click that icon labeled as "save" somewhere amongst other such icons. The data files are just text files with a .dat ending.
    Omega 17 years ago
    Okay thanks both for your help.
    Omega 17 years ago
    How come after I mod the game it won't load-up?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Check the crashlog. It should be in the same directory as the Notrium executable.

    Also, did you get my PM?
    Omega 17 years ago
    Okay and yeah.
    rob 17 years ago
    using the Werivar Expansion

    1. how do you change a creatures health?
    saw no 'health'-o-meter in the creature file and no bar thingy like the player_races one (that i could see). Damnable Dire Reapers are too hard core even on easy. do you make a weapon more powerful with out changing how much ammo it uses. in particular the flamer

    first person to tell me to use the downloadable FAQ or to use the search button gets a stab in the face, the FAQ has the word Health in it twice (neither of which are helpful) and the search just gives you a thread with the word you want IN it somewhere. i seems up to the searcher to actually find that word in the 100+ threads (many with zonks of pages).


    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    It's somewhere in the creatures.dat (or whatever it's filename was). Do remember that Player Races doesn't hold anything but the playable races.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    And you are...?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Anonymous" said:
    I haven't thought of a witty, suave, refined name yet but will think of one soon
    Howsabout "Stranger Man"?

    You can always change the username later on (I myself started out as Outpacer, moved on to Reaper at one point, and after a while to Grim Reaper).
    Amarth 17 years ago

    Sounds good.
    rob 17 years ago
    Amarth as in Amon Amarth??

    @ Grim Reaper - haha i'm not quite that slow. it IS called 'player_races' after all

    @Mysterious Guest - ah ha! there they are. kinda feel silly now, should have known 'hit effects' and all. cheers mad respect and all that.

    *off topic*
    as for your name how bout gonzotipplefork or your favorite
    Red Vs. Blue character. mine btw is caboose (if you dont know what RvB is your missing out - google it)

    cheers guys

    *edit* personaly i don't like their singer, everything else aint to shabby
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "rob" said:
    Amarth as in Amon Amarth??
    Yes, but not the band. Although they're not bad.
    Sherimital 17 years ago
    Here's a question: I'm making the guns in my mod eject brass (bullet shells come out when I shoot). I have it looking good, using one that is moved to the right of your gun and gets smaller, then another which stays still. However, the one that stays still happens to disappear in about one second. How can I make it stay longer? Also, I know there's a 'get smaller' option for making a particle disappear, but is there a 'fade out'?

    Also, is there a way to make a particle blood-splat particle when an enemy is hit by a bullet, but the blood-splat is rendered /under/ the enemy instead of /above/ it?
    Pete 17 years ago
    Try using plot objects.
    Sherimital 17 years ago
    Can plot objects be made to disappear in time, or when you leave the area?

    Also, how fast is Notrium's scripting system? Can I run 100 scripts with a delay of 200 at the same time and still run smoothly? I'm not /planning/ on using that many, but it'll be good to be sure.

    Also, I have a gun item with the following code. How come hitting "S" sometimes does nothing, but hitting "E" always works?
      Nine equipped.;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    w_9mmready.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    E;//use key
    -1;//quick key
    9;//effect number wield the Nine
    none;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    S;//use key
    -1;//quick key
    25;//effect number show screen with pic and extended info about the Nine
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Sherimital" said:
    Also, I have a gun item with the following code. How come hitting "S" sometimes does nothing, but hitting "E" always works?
    Perhaps because, by default, "S" is bound as the "Move down/backwards" key?
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