Code: Battledroid Missile
NOTE: Sorry about that. The images, weapons, animations for both my battledroid and battledroid missile are all custom made jobs. I suggest you write weapons and such yourself... or perhaps I could host all my dat files if I knew how. But here is the missile creature. If you don't want it you could always replace it with creature 59. The normal Notrium missile. But it does a lousy 20 dmg.
BattleDroid Missile;//name--------------------------------------- 117;//identifier 0;//class creature_missile2.png;//texture 2;//draw layer -2;//corpse item number in items.dat, -1=nothing, -2=whole corpse vanishes when dead 0;//corpse item amount 1;//attack type, 0=shooting attack, 1=close combat 18;//particle to show on radar, -1=none 7;//primary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat 7;//secondary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat 31;//footstep particle from particles.dat 20;//die after how many seconds, 0=doesn't die -1;//eat item number from items.dat, -1=nothing 0.700000;//creature size 1.200000;//creature weight (affects pushing) 1.350000;//maximum movement speed 0.675000;//minimum movement speed 0.000000;//leg animation speed 0.840000;//turn speed 0.500000;//inertia level (acceleration/deceleration) 1;//hide when behind walls 149;//weapon number 0.000000;//weapon_x 0.000000;//weapon_y 5;//blood particle 0;//bars visible when player hovers mouse on top 1.000000;//death animation speed 1;//creature can move from area to another 100000.000000;//AI hear range 50000.000000;//AI see range 6.000000;//AI see angle begin_footstep_sounds end_footstep_sounds begin_hit_sounds end_hit_sounds begin_die_sounds explosion.wav;//sample name end_die_sounds begin_eat_block end_eat_block begin_death_block end_death_block begin_hit_block end_hit_block begin_timed_block 20;//interval in milliseconds begin_conditions; end_conditions; begin_effects; 27;//effect number 15.000000;//parameter1 60.000000;//parameter2 0.200000;//parameter3 0.400000;//parameter4 end_effects; end_timed_block begin_specialties ;//description 0;//number 0.000000;//parameter0 0.000000;//parameter1 50.000000;//parameter2 50.000000;//parameter3 end_specialties
Its graphics creature_missile2.png I made by simply inverting the colours of the creature_missile.png file. It gives a funky white missile with blue blast. But the weapons and so on you'll have to do yourselves. Or someone has to help me host my, *Cough* Highly unbalanced *COugh*, mod.
EDIT - NEW: I am adding links to all of my picture and animation files needed for the battledroid and its missiles. (Also a bazooka. Which apparently looks like a giant flashlight. Mmmm, it actually does... Oops. ops: )
Battledroid Missile: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... le22qf.png</a><!-- m -->
Battledroid Creature Animation: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Battledroid Inventory Icon: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Broken Battledroid Inventory Icon: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Bazooka / Missile Launcher: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
New Edit - AGAIN : I'm adding the blueprints item for making the battledroid and bazooka. I also replaced my other custom items needed for the battledroid and bazooka with items already in Notrium, that way you can use it as is.
Code: Item - Battledroid Blueprints
BattleDroid Blueprints;//name--------------------------------------- 273;//identifier 2;//item class 0.000000;//weight For a Battledroid, you need a laser turret, pulse laser, 3 robot wreckages, 3 computer units, enhanced power armor, 4 energy units and a replicator cell. Press U to construct a Battledroid \ \ For a Bazooka you need 3 energy units, 2 computer chips, a replicator cell, 3 long metal rods, a De/Magnetizer and a motion detector. Press Y to construct the PML.;//short description You find a blueprint to building a human military Mark IV BattleDroid. What the hell is such plans doing here? \ \ Most of the text has been ruled out and replaced in a dark red ink, but the drawings clearly show the main components. It seems that the standard parts needed were replaced with somewhat similar items more easily obtainable. \ \ The battledroid might not be up to military standards but will certainly still pack a punch. \ \ As you look at the plans you realise that you can probably use these replicator control systems to construct a missile launcher for yourself. It would take long for it to reload itself but it would pack one hell of a punch.;//first pick up text 0.350000;//size on map 0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner 20;//particle to shown on radar 1;//visible in inventory 0=no (can only be used via quick keys), 1=yes blueprints2.png;//texture name -1;//wielded script,-1=nothing, only applicable for wieldable items -1;//wielded item disabling script, -1=nothing, this script is only checked for conditions while the item is wielded, if the conditions prove false, the item is unwielded 1;//show help text for conditions begin_wield_slots; end_wield_slots; begin_effects_block; With huge effort you combine the parts to create a complete BattleDroid. Combining the four energy units into one advanced unit was hell, not to mention redesigning the replicator cell to be able to do whatever it will be doing. \ \ Looking at your proud accomplishment you stand back and admire it for a moment, smiling at your own skill. It will be heavy to lug around so maybe using it as early as possible would be smart. \ \ Before picking up the battledroid you download the programming on the chip attached to the plans. It seems the Droid will only respond to your DNA once you activate it, making it impossible for anyone else to steal.;//event text none;//event failure text use.wav;//sound, none for nothing 0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes U;//use key -1;//quick key begin_conditions; 0;//use condition number 32.000000;//use condition parameter0 1.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 7.000000;//use condition parameter0 3.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 56.000000;//use condition parameter0 1.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 65.000000;//use condition parameter0 3.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 87.000000;//use condition parameter0 1.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 12.000000;//use condition parameter0 4.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 13.000000;//use condition parameter0 1.000000;//use condition parameter1 end_conditions; begin_effects; 16;//effect number 32.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 7.000000;//parameter1 -3.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 56.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 65.000000;//parameter1 -3.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 87.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 12.000000;//parameter1 -4.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 13.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 287.000000;//parameter1 1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_effects; With huge effort you combine the parts to create a complete BattleDroid. Combining the four energy units into one advanced unit was hell, not to mention redesigning the replicator cell to be able to do whatever it will be doing. \ \ Looking at your proud accomplishment you stand back and admire it for a moment, smiling at your own skill. It will be heavy to lug around so maybe using it as early as possible would be smart. \ \ Before picking up the battledroid you download the programming on the chip attached to the plans. It seems the Droid will only respond to your DNA once you activate it, making it impossible for anyone else to steal.;//event text none;//event failure text use.wav;//sound, none for nothing 0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes Y;//use key -1;//quick key begin_conditions; 0;//use condition number 6.000000;//use condition parameter0 3.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 7.000000;//use condition parameter0 2.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 12.000000;//use condition parameter0 3.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 13.000000;//use condition parameter0 1.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 29.000000;//use condition parameter0 1.000000;//use condition parameter1 0;//use condition number 33.000000;//use condition parameter0 1.000000;//use condition parameter1 end_conditions; begin_effects; 16;//effect number 6.000000;//parameter1 -3.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 7.000000;//parameter1 -2.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 12.000000;//parameter1 -3.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 13.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 29.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 33.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 16;//effect number 291.000000;//parameter1 1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_effects; end_effects_block; begin_combinations; end_combinations;
Battledroid Blueprints Image: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Now for the Bazooka code...
Code: Item - Bazooka
Note: I removed the need for ammo but increased the reload time heavily. It is not meant to be a primary weapon anyhow.
Plasma Missile Launcher;//name--------------------------------------- 291;//identifier 0;//item class 27.500000;//weight The plasma missile launcher is a heavy weapon that uses an in-built replicator to produce the homing missiles it fires. Although devastating and long range the replicator takes a long time to construct a rocket, thus resulting in a massive reload time.;//short description none;//first pick up text 0.350000;//size on map 1;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner 20;//particle to shown on radar 1;//visible in inventory 0=no (can only be used via quick keys), 1=yes bazooka.png;//texture name -1;//wielded script,-1=nothing, only applicable for wieldable items -1;//wielded item disabling script, -1=nothing, this script is only checked for conditions while the item is wielded, if the conditions prove false, the item is unwielded 1;//show help text for conditions begin_wield_slots; end_wield_slots; begin_effects_block; Rocket Rampage!!;//event text none;//event failure text use.wav;//sound, none for nothing 0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes U;//use key -1;//quick key begin_conditions; end_conditions; begin_effects; 9;//effect number 152.000000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_effects; end_effects_block; begin_combinations; end_combinations;
The weapon code for the bazooka:
Plasma Missile Launcher;//name--------------------------------------- 152;//identifier 0;//class invisible.png;//bullet texture 1;//bullets at one shot 0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop 3.000000;//bullet size 0.000000;//spread 2.400000;//bullet speed 400.000000;//time until bullet disappears 25000;//fire rate 0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue -1;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat none;//hit effect sound 0.000000;//push target back 0.100000;//push shooter back bazooka.wav;//fire sound laser_hit.wav;//hit sound 1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon begin_wield_conditions; end_wield_conditions; begin_fire_effects; 10;//effect number 117.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 -1.000000;//parameter3 -1.000000;//parameter4 end_fire_effects; begin_hit_effects; end_hit_effects;
Code: Item - Broken Battledroid
Broken BattleDroid;//name--------------------------------------- 288;//identifier 0;//item class 27.500000;//weight A broken BattleDroid, fix it by combining it with a repair unit.;//short description none;//first pick up text 0.350000;//size on map 1;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner 20;//particle to shown on radar 1;//visible in inventory 0=no (can only be used via quick keys), 1=yes brobot1.png;//texture name -1;//wielded script,-1=nothing, only applicable for wieldable items -1;//wielded item disabling script, -1=nothing, this script is only checked for conditions while the item is wielded, if the conditions prove false, the item is unwielded 1;//show help text for conditions begin_wield_slots; end_wield_slots; begin_effects_block; You try to activate it only to hear electric sparks...;//event text none;//event failure text use.wav;//sound, none for nothing 0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes U;//use key -1;//quick key begin_conditions; end_conditions; begin_effects; end_effects; end_effects_block; begin_combinations; 1;//discard this item after combine 84;//combines with 1;//discard that item after combine 8;//combine time 1;//can be broken up begin_items_given; 287;//result of combine 1;//amount to give end_items_given; end_combinations; This is the item the battledroid drops. Combining it with a repair unit gives you a usable battledroid again.
Now the weapons:
Code: Weapons - All battledroid weapons and the missile weapons
BattleDroid Laser;//name--------------------------------------- 146;//identifier 0;//class laser_small.png;//bullet texture 1;//bullets at one shot 0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop 3.000000;//bullet size 0.000000;//spread 2.400000;//bullet speed 400.000000;//time until bullet disappears 50;//fire rate 0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue 0;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat none;//hit effect sound 0.005000;//push target back 0.000000;//push shooter back laser.wav;//fire sound laser_hit.wav;//hit sound 1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon begin_wield_conditions; end_wield_conditions; begin_fire_effects; end_fire_effects; begin_hit_effects; 4;//effect number -55.000000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_hit_effects; BattleDriod Discharge;//name--------------------------------------- 148;//identifier 2;//class electric.png;//bullet texture 30;//bullets at one shot 0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop 3.000000;//bullet size 3.000000;//spread 1.000000;//bullet speed 250.000000;//time until bullet disappears 1000;//fire rate 0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam 3;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue 6;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat none;//hit effect sound 0.000000;//push target back 0.000000;//push shooter back electric.wav;//fire sound electric2.wav;//hit sound 1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon begin_wield_conditions; end_wield_conditions; begin_fire_effects; 27;//effect number 5.000000;//parameter1 50.000000;//parameter2 0.300000;//parameter3 0.350000;//parameter4 26;//effect number 6.000000;//parameter1 3.000000;//parameter2 45.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_fire_effects; begin_hit_effects; 4;//effect number -30.000000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 1;//effect number 7500.000000;//parameter1 20.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_hit_effects; BattleDroid Missile Creature Shoots, fires weapon 150;//name--------------------------------------- 149;//identifier 1;//class invisible.png;//bullet texture 0;//bullets at one shot 0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop 0.000000;//bullet size 0.300000;//spread 5.500000;//bullet speed 50.000000;//time until bullet disappears 1000;//fire rate 0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue 0;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat none;//hit effect sound 0.000000;//push target back 0.000000;//push shooter back none;//fire sound none;//hit sound 1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon begin_wield_conditions; end_wield_conditions; begin_fire_effects; 31;//effect number -1.000000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 24;//effect number 150.000000;//parameter1 1.000000;//parameter2 1.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_fire_effects; begin_hit_effects; end_hit_effects; BattleDroid Missile Damage;//name--------------------------------------- 150;//identifier 3;//class invisible.png;//bullet texture 1;//bullets at one shot 0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop 0.000000;//bullet size 0.300000;//spread 5.500000;//bullet speed 50.000000;//time until bullet disappears 1000;//fire rate 1;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue 0;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat none;//hit effect sound 0.000000;//push target back 0.000000;//push shooter back none;//fire sound none;//hit sound 1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon begin_wield_conditions; end_wield_conditions; begin_fire_effects; end_fire_effects; begin_hit_effects; 4;//effect number -250.000000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_hit_effects;
And hopefully that is the end to an EXTREMELY long post. Btw. Is this long post considered spamming? I don't want to get ruffled for being overly generous.