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  • AETAS Discussion Thread

    The Gemini 19 years ago
    That's why I am mentioning siege. If I conquer Idiota's system, I can easily bomb that warmongering population of the DDC to bits! The problem then will be that the war turns into a nightmarish elimination war, where the only option will be to eliminate the entire enemy population.
    Both parts will face difficulties when it comes to ground combat and occupation.

    Remember that Japan was never conquered, they only surrendered. Nearly no American troops even touched the Japanese soil, unlike what happened with Germany. I believe something similar will happen with me and Idiota. We are both unable to make a successful occupation of the entire enemy territory. Either one of us must surrender, unless we want genocide.

    However, I believe it will never be peace between the UFDC and DDC. While DDC population is fond of war, most of the UFDC population is actually pacifists. Also, we have the two ideologies. The war will probably end in a state of cold war.

    MK? Can you please get my empire description up on that AETAS site? And if you're refusing because of those shields, you're allowed to change it into something that describes that most of the UFDC ships don't have shields.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    No, actually just laziness. I'll get on that soon.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Hehe, lazyness. I know how it is.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Uh, actually we'd better delay doing that until we sort out the whole reset/not-reset thing. We're working on a way we could do it without resetting entirely, but giving those that want to reset (Me, for one) a chance to. Chatlog coming soon.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Here is a bit of convo between Cejer and I that addresses the now-dreadable "realism" problem.

    [17:17] <@Zombie> I think that the realism in this RP shouldn't parallel real life...
    [17:18] <@Zombie> But you should at least be able to concretely defend how your technology works.
    [17:18] <@Cejer> Yeah, but then people get into arguements over what is concrete enough.
    [17:19] <@Zombie> Like the Aegrus shielding tech, for example. Well, I should really say Lamia's but she does assist the Aegrus a lot. While she's a free spirit, the Aegrus are like her family.
    [17:19] <@Zombie> Well, the Aegrus shielding tech works with a central shield generator.
    [17:19] <@Zombie> The shield is not emitted from the generator itself, however.
    [17:20] <@Zombie> The generator is simply able to control the energy 'net' and such.
    [17:21] <@Cejer> Do you mean by controlling ambient radiation?
    [17:21] <@Zombie> Several emission points are set on the hull, and when the shield is activated the emission points are extended away from the hull of the ship, so the shield generator doesn't end up frying the hull and possibly disabling the ship.
    [17:22] <@Zombie> The emission points then can stream a sort of energy 'net' to other emission points using fine particulate waves and ambient radiation (when available)
    [17:22] <@Zombie> A sensor system onboard detects when sections are failing due to lack of current flow and such.
    [17:23] <@Zombie> The 'fine particulate waves' are specially designed micromachines that funtion like miniature freebase emission points.
    [17:24] <@Cejer> Yeah... this is way more detail than most people would be expecting, and the same level of detail that I go into.
    [17:24] <@Zombie> Ships like the Koneko, however, have specially designed hull.
    [17:24] <@Zombie> *hulls.
    [17:25] <@Zombie> And in the Koneko's case, she is capable of utilizing her micromachines as a shield with no emission points by utilizing advanced sensory equipment.
    [17:26] <@Zombie> But that is rarely used, as the Koneko's hull was built to last in an intense firefight.
    [17:26] <@Zombie> There is an example of being able to concretely defend the workings of your technology.
    [17:26] <@Zombie> There shouldn't be any, "It just works."
    [17:27] <@Cejer> Yes, but that is a pretty high standard that most people won't be able to live up to.
    [17:27] <@Zombie> I'm not saying that people need to be able to go into advanced detail like that
    [17:28] <@Zombie> Just that they are able to describe how the tech works, and are able to describe why things like repulsive shields don't tear a ship apart.
    [17:29] <@Zombie> Just because it's an RP and we're all having fun doesn't mean we can't learn a bit about being creative and stuff.
    [17:29] <@Zombie> And if someone is having trouble describing how their tech works, then we should be able to give them assistance based on information they tell us about it.
    [17:30] <@Zombie> Like, "It uses pieces of things to block incoming shots."
    [17:31] <@Zombie> "What kind of pieces?" "Groups of really small ones." "How does it block them? Deflection or what?" "It makes things like missiles explode and can deflect incoming bullets by knocking them offcourse."
    [17:32] <@Zombie> "So, you've got a particulate shielding system that aggresively attempts to deflect incoming projectiles which it senses with a motion detecting array."
    [17:32] <@Cejer> Yeah, that would work well.
    [17:32] <@Zombie> "I guess so." "Now, where does this shield come from? What creates it?"
    [17:33] <@Zombie> "A generator in the ship." "Well, if the generator is in the ship and since you want the shield outside the ship, you would need exterior emission points. Is that okay?"
    [17:33] <@Zombie> I'm not asking in-depth sciency crap here. We should be helping each other out, not bickering over how some fictional technology works.
    [17:34] <@Cejer> The council would be able to assist people with producing better descriptions of their technology, and then because the technology has already been reviewed people would have no room to argue over it.
    [17:34] <@Cejer> That is a great idea Zombie.
    [17:34] <@Zombie> Exactly.
    [17:34] <@Zombie> That was kind of what I was aiming for in the first place...
    [17:35] <@Zombie> I think I said somewhere that we should help players who are having trouble with their characters.
    [17:35] <@Zombie> And I don't know where this whole "realism level" thing came from.
    [17:35] <@Zombie> Seriously. It came out of nowhere for me.
    [17:35] <@Cejer> I think I was probably the cause of it.
    [17:36] <@Zombie> I was under the impression that we were already doing that "If you can provide a logical description about how it works, then it can work."
    [17:36] <@Zombie> Because I feel that that combines appropriate amounts of realism, imagination, and creativity.
    [17:36] <@Zombie> Like with how you have a 13,000 year-old human leader.
    [17:37] <@Zombie> I asked you how he was able to live that long, and you answered with a logical reason.
    [17:37] <@Zombie> I'm not asking that things be all willy-nilly with sciency crap, just that we keep it logical, fun, and creative. Give people a chance to stretch their imagination.
    [17:38] <@Zombie> And this whole thing just got me rather pissed because I thought we were pretty clear about the whole thing.
    [17:42] <@Cejer> Well, I think if the council is more availible to help "flesh out" ideas for how tech works, that would be a plus.
    [17:43] <@Zombie> When I'm here, I'll help as best as I can.

    That was how it was going to be, if I remember correctly. Somewhere along the way, people decided that this was obviously something worthy of being overlooked.

    The main points (or at least what I think is main) of the discussion that was going on before involve dealing with 'sidekicks', or crew/partners/etc., of single-player characters and how exactly to carry out this reset without damaging characters that wish to remain after the reset.

    My understanding with single-player-controlled NPCs is that they can assist the single player character(s) in doing things, but can not just go and do things randomly on their own. Also, if an activity is performed that the council (or a player who brings it to the attention of the council) deems inappropriate or "overpowered", that activity can be nullified through a simple majority in a vote. Single-player characters can not control an empire, but they still should be able to have a small crew or band of friends/misfits if they wish.

    Single-player character bases, I think, were also a thing that should be addressed. My understanding with these is that a single-player can own and operate a base within reasonable bounds of what a single-player and his/her crew can accomplish, or can create a more advanced complex with help or resources from an empire. Research, technology, engineering, and other such things can be handled in the same way an empire character handles them.

    The "not-reset reset" I believe, in a nutshell, would entail a 100 year or so jump forward in time. Lamia, the Aegrus, Garret, and other such 'immortal until killed' characters would obviously survive this large timejump.

    I will agree to a reset on the terms that I and anyone who wishes to be able to retain their character is allowed to provided they can come up with a reasonable idea as to what their empire/character did over the 100 year span. Another prerequisite to retaining your character should also be a council review as to the soundness of your character and technology.

    Just throwing out some ideas and stuff.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    [17:35] <@Zombie> And I don't know where this whole "realism level" thing came from.
    [17:35] <@Zombie> Seriously. It came out of nowhere for me.

    You're still Zombie. :>

    "Zombie" said:
    My understanding with single-player-controlled NPCs is that they can assist the single player character(s) in doing things, but can not just go and do things randomly on their own. Also, if an activity is performed that the council (or a player who brings it to the attention of the council) deems inappropriate or "overpowered", that activity can be nullified through a simple majority in a vote. Single-player characters can not control an empire, but they still should be able to have a small crew or band of friends/misfits if they wish.

    This seems reasonable to me. Single players should be allowed to step outside the major person once in a while. However, Zombie, I wasn't too happy with Slink. I think it would have been better to just tell Grimsy the anwsers to the questions Garret asked, then let Grimsy RP both Garret and Slink, just giving my opinion here.

    "Zombie" said:
    Single-player character bases, I think, were also a thing that should be addressed. My understanding with these is that a single-player can own and operate a base within reasonable bounds of what a single-player and his/her crew can accomplish, or can create a more advanced complex with help or resources from an empire. Research, technology, engineering, and other such things can be handled in the same way an empire character handles them.

    We plannes Single player bases from the start, yet no one started with a station . As far as I recall, you were allowed to have an independant business or tradecenter, perhaps even a pirate hideout.

    The "not-reset reset" I believe, in a nutshell, would entail a 100 year or so jump forward in time. Lamia, the Aegrus, Garret, and other such 'immortal until killed' characters would obviously survive this large timejump.

    I will agree to a reset on the terms that I and anyone who wishes to be able to retain their character is allowed to provided they can come up with a reasonable idea as to what their empire/character did over the 100 year span. Another prerequisite to retaining your character should also be a council review as to the soundness of your character and technology.
    Please do note that empire player leaders age. I already set what happened to the DDC, if Gemini agrees, and this includes the death of Niras and the female leader after him, Leshirin.

    [Addon]Here is the history I suggest, note that you have to add what you're going to do yourself in 100 years to it.

    General History

    After Niras’ initial attack, there was a slight pause in the war. Thor, the UFDC minister of war, enlisted the help of a previously unknown and primitive race. This race is apparently so unknown and primitive, they have yet to be named. When Garo noticed this new thread, he ordered the major part of the DDC fleet and the MC ships to attack the new empire*. However, Gemini used this weakening in DDC defense to attack the base of the DDC in Nemesis. He took Garo prisoner, while the rest of the DDC died to protect their leader, refusing to surrender. Gemini then moved towards Nemesis planet. Upon reaching the planet, the MC forces hyperspaced behind the fleet and caused an impossible amount of damaged before they were all destroyed. Capturing the still defenceless planet was no problem for Gemini. With no bases left in Nemesis, the remaining DDC forces (still the major part of the army) fled to their own system.

    *Note: MC and DDC never reached the empire. They turned back. The MC rushed off to try to hold off the UFDC, but failed. After their defeat, the DDC, with their main fleets still intact, left for their owns system

    DDC (Renamed Empire of Minnet)

    When the forces returned , they found Niras as a wreck. He lost his most beloved and only son. As if this wasn’t enough, a wormhole opened in the middle of the system. As if this wasn’t random enough, the wormhole was the size of the whole system and a large part of the nebula. All of the DDC were transported to a location that was not mapped or heard of before. Niras could not take it any longer. He committed suicide the day after. With Niras’ death, the last member of the main Lindo bloodline passed away as well. This resulted in a civil war between three factions:
    The former DDC elite, led by Leshirin Lindo, the last member of the Lindo family (Nephew of Niras)
    The people of the DDC (Led by their desire)
    The former UFDC captives. (Not led at all)

    All had enough reason to seek control, but none submitted to another. After twenty years, decision finally fell. The UFDC decided they would seek fortune somewhere else a year ago, and Leshirin died of old age. The DDC elite saw that it was useless to keep fighting. They had no right for the throne anymore. The DDC joined again and selected a new emperor through the traditional tournament, Bocha Minnet. After 80 years passed, Bocha was long gone. His healthy granddaughter, Vehin, was now the young empress of the DDC, renamed into the empire of Minnet.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Here's something I have in mind:

    After the scanning, Garret decided that he must find out where he came from (assuming that A: Garret was deemed as an unknown race, which I find very probable, or B: The whereabouts of the race Garret was deemed a member of are not known, something less probable, but still plausible, methinks) with the aid of the humans in BSRB (Bermuda System Research base, if you have forgotten) and the Aegrus in their compound (whilst, of course, helping the Aegrus with whatever they might need help with). This continued pretty much the same for the next hundred years.

    Hmm... Perhaps Garret could've met with the... Dalgûn, IIRC, and gotten some help from them, too...

    Please tell me what you think of this.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Well the Aegrus is like a large family, so it is plausible that as long as Garret agrees to assist around the compound that they would provide room, board, and things like that.

    Slink was meant to just expand upon how intricately diverse the Aegrus are. She was mainly an "assistance NPC" and I truthfully meant her as part of the Aegrus empire, which seems to have no actual player as a ruler. As such, the Aegrus empire is an NPC empire with NPC characters until someone wants to try their hand at running what is meant to be a secret civilization. Slink was not part of Lamia's ensemble, nor will she ever be. Sara is more part of Lamia's crew than Slink is. If Grimsy wanted control of Slink, he could have had it... But I felt that it would simply be much simpler if I answered as Slink. Either way I would have to type out the answers.

    "Please do note that empire player leaders age."
    Also please note that there can be some exceptions to this. Not exceptions as in, "I like ya so your emperor can survive. ^-^" No. I mean exceptions as in Aegrus-like cases or certain other circumstances that sustain a leader's age past the normal limit of natural death.

    On to the actual bit though:

    In the 100 years that pass, Lamia will be constructing a foothold on the icy planet that the Koneko was stranded at. The first freighter of Aegrus-bought supplies arrived a few weeks after the Dalgûn ship left the orbital lift's docking assembly. The freighter also brought a prototype mass-transportation system that stemmed from Lamia's 'hyperspace gate' experiments. (Yes, the gates used in the battle of Nemesis were not guaranteed to work. In fact, they could have slaughtered every last DCC troop if the hyperspace tunnel collapsed while the ships were in transit.)

    The system allowed a hyperspace tunnel to be opened between two complexes great distances away. Encryption keys and various other security measures made it near impossible for any unauthorized tunnels to be opened, and the fact that you need data on another gate before you can connect to it also made the transit system very secure. The gate was quickly assembled on both Lamia's and the Aegrus' side but minor complications delayed activation and testing for a few months.

    In those months, the complex on the ice planet grew to the size of a small base and Aegrus personell were stationed there as well as Lamia's personell. Eventually a small shuttle system could ferry people and supplies through the transit systems. The supplies in question were perishable things and pure necessities like medicines, and due to the harsh nature of the travel through the transit system the people were usually specially trained simply to pilot the vessels within the transit system.

    More to come. Bed time is now.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    Zombie, I'd like to talk to you sometime about several things I had been planning may happen in the RP. If we could arrange some time to chat and work out a possible partnership between the Dalgûn and the Aegrus or Lamia, I would be grateful.

    Grim, I would be fine with Garret contacting (with Aegrus help) and receiving assistance from the Dalgûn, but we should probably work it out a little first.

    I still have no classes to worry about so my schedule will be quite open. I live in GMT - 6 or Central time, whatever label one prefers, although I will be visiting my brothers' place over the weekend (probably starting Thursday).
    Idiota 19 years ago
    It's strange to see every country calling their own timezone 'central time'

    But anyway, hurry up guys, I miss my AETAS
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    But anyway, hurry up guys, I miss my AETAS
    You're not the only one...

    Oh, btw, do I have to write a 100y description of what Larry has been doing, too?

    Also, the AETAS thread will remain as is, allthough with a note of 100y "timejump", right?
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Yeah, I think so.

    I also have to come up with the final details of my character. It will be a single player character this time, since I seemed to find the least problematic characters were Lamia and Garret.

    Anyway, expect my character details to show up here soon. I highly suspect he will end up being a swordsman, as I just bought Soul Calibur II (Finally...) and I've been watching Bleach like a rabid fan. So expect something involving swords.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Ok, here's the 100-year log on Larry:

    After he had gotten to the destination he was headed towards, he found a den of thieves, murderers and space pirates. He gained reputation amongst them throughout the years. One day, some 5 years after the DDC had disappeared, not that Larry knew about it, he had another one of those "ideas" that were fed to his conscious mind by his unconscious mind. The "idea" was to capture one of the Chronoshocks (he had overheard a conversation in that military base he crash-landed in after he entered this galaxy), get it nearly charged, and direct it in a crash-course to the most populated planet, Diamond Shoals. Or, actually, the biggest nuclear reactor on the planet he could find. He had no idea why he had to do it, yet he felt compelled to.

    After he had gathered a group of space pirates, he led the strikeforce to the UFDC system. Once there, they hijacked a chronoshock (too tired to go into details...), moved it into position and started charging it. Once it was nearly fully charged, Larry "pushed the button" and made it crash-land to the biggest nuclear reactor on the planet, thus wiping out about two thirds of the planet's total population. After this had been done, Larry left the scene amongst the space pirates that accompanied him. He went hiding from something. Some rumour that he was setting up a base of his own, but who knows...

    And that's Larry's 100-year log thingamabugger.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Something slipped into my mind when I read that.

    Could it be possible that Garo was in the Cryochamber on that planet? If so, would you mind if Garo got away, Gemini. He just might be crucial to the Minnet return in 'common space' as I would call the warzone of DDC-UFDC right now.

    It doesn't even have to happen then. Perhaps the Chronoshock explosion bordered to the compound where Garo was located. The explosion caused everyone to flee the compound, leaving Garo behind, still safe in his Cryopod.

    For now. The radiation would prevent anyone from nearing for litterally 100 years.

    from here, I will be speculating what could happen to set Garo free.

    A bunch of burglars was looking for a hide-out. They found a deserted research compound which they entered. They found a room full of Cryopods. All were empty except one, in which a man, around 25, slept. The power was shut off long time ago, but the back up power for the compound seemed to have kept the man alive for this entire time. The burglars were curious. One of them tried to access the main terminal. Suprisingly, the power loss made the screen show 'Back up power activated'. An easy click of the button made the man find out the scientists who fled never shut down the terminal. The security was bypassed. It didn't take heroic computer knowledge to wake Garo from his sleep.

    This is just an example. Just anwser wether Garo may escape or not.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Here's the log. Notice me if it's missing something.

    UFDC history over the last 100 years:

    After signing an alliance with Murska’s empire, the UFDC began to lay battle plans for the Nemesis campaign. When most of the DDC fleets left Nemesis, Thor was able to successfully assaulting the system. However, the UFDC casualties were high, and the Democracy destroyed, possibly killing Thor. The Mercenary Coalition tried to hold of the UFDC fleets, but was destroyed. The DDC defenders didn’t want to surrender, and kept on fighting, resulting in the complete annihilation of the DDC fleets guarding the Nemesis system. Garo was captured, and detained. He was later placed in a form of suspended animation, as the UFDC has execution outlawed. Some weeks later, the UFDC fleets was reorganized, and sent out on the final assault on the DDC. However, when they arrived at the coordinates believed to be the DDC home system, the entire system was gone. The fleets returned home with the feeling that the DDC would at some point in the future return for revenge.

    After the war: The next years were relatively peaceful. Alexander returned with a huge alien battleship, named Sentinel. However, UFDC scientists are unable to replicate the technology. The Sentinel is still being hold in The Great Shipyards for research.
    Alexander grieved the loss of his best friend, Thor, but he continued to lead the UFDC another 5 years, until a disaster struck Diamond Shoals, the capital. A malfunctioning chronoshock, crippled after a pirate attack, ditched into the clear, blue sky of Diamond Shoals, and upon impact triggering a huge nuclear/gravitationally explosion, killing billions. The casualties were near 2/3 of the planet’s population. The following years, a nuclear winter struck, destroying most of the nature left from the explosion. The green pride of UFDC was reduced to a desert world, with a huge crater on the main continent, creating a spectacular view from space. The government thinks the disaster was sabotage. Alexander retreated from public eyes, and was never seen again. Following the war and the Diamond Shoals disaster, several xenophobic parties got more supporters, and formed a coalition, known as the Radical Anti Xeno Party. However, they were never able to overcome the Liberal Social Left party, but they managed to get what they wanted anyway. Following the disappearance of Alexander, the leader of Green Centrist Party, Quxia Xitle, was elected as the new emperor. The tletlequxian was known for his support to xenophobic parties, and the UFDC went into isolation form other empires, and became more hostile. However, funding for Murska’s empire increased, aiding it in its expansion. The next years were peaceful. 30 years after the war, a breakthrough in wormhole technology allowed the UFDC to create stable and functional wormholes. By the end of the decade, nearly all systems were connected by a wormhole-net, leading the UFDC into an economical golden age. The economy began to grow rapidly, and the military funding dropped. 70 years after the war, the colonies in the northern part of the UFDC, colonized during the war, was declared as “Third Stage Colony”, systems with the possibility to support itself. 87 years after the war, the present UFDC emperor, JuliusDernise, was elected, and the empire began to open itself to the outside universe. By the end of the century, UFDC emerged with a strong economy, but the imperial fleet was reduced to half of its size in the DDC-UFDC war. However, lots of funding had been poured into the research programs, and this resulted in much higher technology in both military and civilian aspects.
    Several terraforming projects have been made to rebuild Diamond Shoals, but they all failed. However there are signs that the pine forests that once covered the northern hemisphere is returning. Today, almost 10 billion people reside upon Diamond Shoals desert surface, but the capital was recently changed to New Paris, on the terran planet Mithril.

    Science History:
    Today, the UFDC is utilizing gravitational weapons, instead of kinetic weaponry. The chronoshock is also perfected, and is found on most capital ships. A new armor, capable to absorb energy and radiate it back into space was discovered 34 years after the war, based on strange crystal formations on one of the planets in one the newly colonized systems. This armor makes the UFDC ships a lot more resistant to energy weapons. The civilian gravitational technology allows the creation of wormholes that may be used in many other ways than just instant travel between systems, such as mining asteroid belts. *A wormhole is sent through the belt, scooping up any asteroid it encounter, sending them to the refinery. A ship with a repulsor field is standing in the other end, and stops the wormhole before it leaves the belt.
    The battleship discovered by Alexander, as an extreme high technology level, thus making the UFDC battleships on the same size inferior. The ship, named Sentinel, utilizes huge energy based weapons, capable to both draining shields, rip through hulls, and just kill of the entire crew of the enemy ship without even scratching the paint. Today, it’s standing in dry dock in the Great Shipyard. However, UFDC scientists are unable to replicate the technology, and how to command most of the weaponry is still not known. It is however recognized as the flagship of the imperial fleet, although it rarely engages in open combat.

    *Idiota’s idea.

    @Idiota: Yes, thats ok. He escapes the suspended animation, 100 years after the Diamond Shoals disaster.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    *Idiota's idea

    I am just too kind to my enemy.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Just found out that it was some kind of unbalanced.

    The UFDC does still not use shields. Nearly no changes have been made to the ground forces when it comes to weapon technology. The UFDC have lost the contact with the Inner Rim Traderoutes, forcing them to develop weapons and other devices of their own. Due to the wormhole technology, the engine research was neglected. Today, the UFDC do still use subspace, and the ships are a bit slower than the standard. Despite the strong economy, the UFDC have to use most of it on supporting its growing population, and therefore limits the amout of fleets it can construct.

    Here you see several changes I am willing to add. I want the counsil to check what changes that should be added in order to balance it.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Using crystal armor to reflect energy shots back into space? What a brilliantly original idea, Gemini!

    Okay, enough sarcasm. Also: Don't lecture me on how you never said the crystal reflected the shots. I assume it absorbs incoming energy shots and uses either some kind of siphon to vent captured energy or it simply vents it when idle. You do realize, however, that your armor can, theoretically, be 'overloaded' in a manner similar to overloading shields. The effect would most likely either cause the crystal to crack (possibly explodings) or to suddenly vent all contained energy. Sudden venting like this would most likely have an effect akin to a kind of EMP, except it would damage your ship's electronics as well.

    ^-^ Just thinking out loud I guess..

    But, please do explain how these "gravitational weapons" work. And what about this wormhole technology? What does it use to create a wormhole and how can a wormhole be "sent through" an asteroid belt? A wormhole is not like a projectile. You can not simply create a moving wormhole. That would be immensely unbalanced, especially if it were to be used on enemies. What if the "asteroids" happen to be ships and this "refiner" happens to be a deathtrap? Also, wormholes require an entry and an exit and each needs to be made before the two can be connected and travel initiated. Keep that in mind.

    Might be more to poke at, but not right now. Need to do stuff.
    Solus Lupus 19 years ago
    I have read all I could find on what the Heck y'all are talking about but I am still confused!!!! Please PM me someone I am lost and might want to join in *starts screaming madly and bangs head on wall* *pauses* Searsly tell me so this can stop *contenues*
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Name: Zahibata Hadachi
    Age: 48
    Weapon: Sacred Weapon Masamune.

    Background: For the last twenty years, Zahibata and his younger brother Mohimoto have been searching for the legendary Mystic Sword Muramasa, which had been passed down their family for generations. Before Zahibata was born, his Grandfather had been fighting in the third Succession War when a group of bandits stole the Muramasa. As soon as Zahibata reached the age of five, he's been training constantly in the arts of swordplay and mastery of psionic combat arts. Specifically, psionic combat arts deal with directly harnessing psionic energy to harm an opponent or modify the user or his surroundings. A master can fire energy blasts with impunity, as well as increase his own strength, create a psionic armor barrier, and even move faster than the eye can see. Both Zahibata and Mohimoto are experts in this art, and have been tirelessly working to track down the Muramasa. Lately, they recieved a tip that a race known as the Dalgun may hold the answers they seek. They have aquired passage aboard a cargo ship headed toward that region of space...

    Sacred Weapon Masamune: This sword is the only remaining sword in the entire galaxy made by famous weaponsmith Masamune. As such, it bears his name only (in the past, weapons made by him also had a surname). The secret to it's survival is identical to it's cousin sword Muramasa. The Hadachi family infused the swords with powerful psionic energy, both increasing their longevity and power. By tapping into this power with his own energy, Zahibata can enhance his own Psionic abilities. However, this drains his mental reserves very quickly, which can be painful at times, so he reserves it only for particularly difficult foes.

    Anyone see any problems with this character? Don't just speak out if you think it might be overpowered. If you think it's underpowered, speak out as well.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    This is probably the last post in a while, and I'd like to make it clear that I do not want AETAS to wait until I'm back from my brothers' place. Since I'm going to spend quite a bit of time with them, I don't think I'd be able to squeeze in any decent RPing. Let me repeat myself, I want AETAS to start before I get back, and I would not be happy for a postponement on my behalf.

    Not that I think you would, but I want to be clear on this.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    @Zombie: Well, about wormholes first: it's one of the ends that is shot through a belt with a strong magnetic field, like kinetic weapons, while the other end is lockated near or in the refinery.
    Also, I've discussed the use of wormholes in war with Idiota, and we came to the conclution that it's too expencive. In battle, it's much harder to catch the wormhole-end before it leaves the fleet's reach. Making wormholes is expencive, by first using gravity to create a hole, then add anti matter to keep the hole stable. Therefore, wormholes is best in civilian use.
    The gravitational weapon launches a ball of "Semi" black hole (SBH) on the target. Upon impact, the SBH collapses, causing the ship to implode. But of course, shields usually makes the SBH collapse before it reaches the ship hull. The use of gravitational weapons was chosen in order to eliminate the problems with ammunition.
    The new armor is actually not crystalline, but more like an alloy with several metals, but with nearly the same effect as if pure crystals was used. However, the overloading scenario is still possible. The armor makes UFDC ships as much resistant for energy weapons as if they had shields. However, they are not capable to "recharge" the armor if it's broken.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    So, do we have green light for the restart? Guys? I'm for.
    Solus Lupus 19 years ago
    Please tell me what it is please please please. I want to know *begging and pleading at everybody'd feet contunes for 20 minutes*
    NO NO green light till I know!!!! Bad green light bad, red light good
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    What is it that you want to know, Lonewolf? Perhaps the amount of cheese I have in the storage room?

    Anywho, I'm go. And here's something green for you:
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Lonewolf, what is said here mainly concerns other players and is of no importance to you. You should just post up your details to get started, but it's not reasonable in my eyes to hold AETAS off because you want to join. It makes no sense.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    So, we're doing the hundred year timejump, right? I think we have at the very least a simple majority of council votes, so I say we should go for it.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I think we should just continue in the old thread. I'll be deleting the last off topic posts now.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Okay, I think I'll start by introducing my character since he's going to be the only new character I know of. Zahibata and Mohimoto, here I come!
    Cejer 19 years ago
    I'm back from my trip, and I've got my 100 year interim history finished. And so, without further ado, here it is.

    After the MC’s ill-fated attempt to defend the Nemesis System and the DDC’s mysterious disappearance, Dalgûn military buildup slowed down. The Dalgûn navy ceased expanding after creating a fleet suitable for defending Dalgûn territory.

    The Dalgûn citizens have colonized all of the systems within the Lenoltris nebula. Exploration ships from various independent factions that have entered the nebula have all been captured, and the crew and descendants of the crew have begun being integrated into Dalgûn society. 55 billion citizens live within the home system, and 25 billion are spread out between the various colonized systems. All naval production facilities are still within the home system.

    Galam-Barazdulun has died, and the new emperor, Galam-Azigûn, has renamed the Dalgûn Imperium as the Imperium of Combined Sentients [ICS].

    Garret has been given a modified cutter specially adapted to take advantage of his unique radiation. He has been granted citizenship within the ICS, and full access to all records on the Dalgûn home world.

    If anyone wants more detailed information on any part of the 100 year interim, contact me somehow and I can let you know. Most of it anyway, some of it is top secret.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Behold! Our (possible) Star map! Rate it from 1 to 10 and tell me if we should use it. I just want a bit more organised RPing, so I made a screesnhot in EVE online and edited the HUD away.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... map0pl.jpg</a><!-- m -->
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Strange that you made that map now. I was actually thinking about making a map while I was checking the forum!

    Seems nice, but there are no nebulaes. Also, no stars fit my empire map, but that's easy to fix.

    So, I'll give it a 7/10. Just make a few minor adjustments, and it would be perfect.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Well, I have no idea how big nebulas are for real. I mean, stars are sometimes so far away from each other and I didn't have a clue how big a nebula would be.

    But thanks for the feedback.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Meh. 5/10 for shamelessly stealing it from somewhere else.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    Hmm, I don't have a very strong opinion on this right now. I'm going to leave the decision to others. Idiota, nebulae can be at least a thousand light years across, although smaller nebulae are more common.

    As it is, without either a coordinate grid or indicators for important stars, the map is rather useless, but indicators could be added in if this map is chosen to become official.

    Note: The word "nebulas" and the word "nebulae" are both acceptable to use. I just like adding an e more than adding an s.
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