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  • AETAS Discussion Thread

    Cejer 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    Umm, Cejer, when will you post in AETAS?

    As soon as enough time passes where I can make strategic decisions. The exploration ships need to refuel, re-supply, and the crew members need to board the ship. Even then, it will take about 63 hours for my exploration ships to exit the Lenoltris cluster. I am looking at making another significant post three (in-game) days after my original post.

    "Idiota" said:
    The whole tournament is placed on a single Farduk day, which equals 36 earth hours.

    That would be a brutal tournament. As you guys get further into the tournament, maybe you could fight some people who look like they were already fighting? Your characters could also begin to fatigue and lose effectiveness. Whatever.

    Mageking, I have one assumption that I would like you to confirm. Does your empire lack large scale industry that prevents it from building more ships? If so, you have a fine looking empire to me. Hmm, your definition of a 'battle frigate' (crewed by 1,500 sentient entities) and my definition of a 'frigate' (crewed by 48.) appear to be quite different. Umm, I may need to design some much bigger ships.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    If you guys want, I can make a record of all known sentient races(spacefaring, or not) in the AETAS universe. However, I need help with the human race.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    As I said in the AETAS, I can make one of those lists.

    Speaking of races, I forgot the description of the Velasiun race I meant to put in my last post. Oh well, here it is anyway:

    Velasiuns are a race of quadrupeds that look like they are bio-mechanical, although they are not. Any of their four limbs look like an double-jointed arm with six claws at the end, sharp enough to slice through flesh like daggers. Each limb can be lifted up to manipulate objects, such as computer consoles. They rarely use weapons in combat, partly because of their claws, but also as they have an inherent psionic ability to fire beams of enery not dissimilar from disintegration rays. Their triangular heads jut out from the top of their circular body and seem to be able to turn 360 degrees, a useful ability in combat. Valasiuns are also fairly agressive, and as such, they make perfect mercenaries. For the last 3,000 years, their entire recorded history, the have been travelling through the galaxy in search of what could have been their homeworld. So far, their current suspicion is that it must have been destroyed.

    What'dya think?
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Erm... do "sentinent species" include drones? Their not too sentinent but... you know... i would not like to reveal my empire much, but it would have lots of species. Sentinent. And stuff. No, i won't tell you, what stuff. But alot of it.

    "Idiot... a" said:
    a map: definite no

    Thanks for stomping the idea i stole...
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    @Gemini: I have been thinking this for a few times, although I never remembered to post it anywhere...

    The blue wave that destroyed the Chronoshock (or what ever the wave did), did ye mean the same wave of energy that came from the Bermuda System?

    And also:

    A map - Definite YES.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    @Gemini: I have been thinking this for a few times, although I never remembered to post it anywhere...

    The blue wave that destroyed the Chronoshock (or what ever the wave did), did ye mean the same wave of energy that came from the Bermuda System?

    And also:

    A map - Definite YES.

    So you noticed? Yes, I thought making a strange wave of my own was more storytelling, not RP.

    @Crazy: A drone would not be considered as a sentient race, but as a robot with artificial intelligence(note the difference between those two). If the robots are independent, I see no reason that it cannot be in the sentient being list.
    Marevix 19 years ago
    God, I have been gone.

    Since when has the EEToEE juggernaught fallen, and how did it fall?
    Pete 19 years ago
    It was a long and silent fall. But Mageking gave it last shot with trying to start storytelling about some NPC aliens... Without allowing anyone else Zombie join the fights.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    You didn't allow yourself to enter the fight, Pete. It's all about how you RP. You can bypass th limits other people set for you in most cases.
    Pete 19 years ago
    Its irrevelant now. EETEE is dead, long live AETAS!

    EDIT: After all, I wasnt planning to join that fight, but other people had those problems with joining...
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    The EEToEE had been growing stagnant for a while. It was only a matter of time, anyway. Besides: The AETAS finally has fixed rules for starting a new character!
    Marevix 19 years ago
    So what exactly is AETAS?
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    So what exactly is AETAS?
    EEToEE, but with more rules and a new universe.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    "Marevix" said:
    So what exactly is AETAS?
    EEToEE, but with more rules and a new universe.
    Or, literally, Awesomely Entertaining Threaded Adventure Story.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    We now have an official chatroom for AETAS: #monkkonenAETAS

    Yes, it too is on
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    We now have an official chatroom for AETAS: #monkkonenAETAS

    Yes, it too is on

    *cough* Grim Reaper, one chatroom for the samne topic is enough... #monkkonenrp
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    We now have an official chatroom for AETAS: #monkkonenAETAS

    Yes, it too is on

    *cough* Grim Reaper, one chatroom for the samne topic is enough... #monkkonenrp

    Blame Zombie, 'twas his (or her? ) idea.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    My chatroom is better and more official. So nyah.

    #monkkonenrp is more for general RP... like the DND sessions Erendor runs every once-in-a-while... Or the crazy 30-min RP thingies we do sometimes?
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Idiota" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    We now have an official chatroom for AETAS: #monkkonenAETAS

    Yes, it too is on

    *cough* Grim Reaper, one chatroom for the samne topic is enough... #monkkonenrp

    Blame Zombie, 'twas his (or her? ) idea.
    Actually, you should probably blame me, since Zombie (probably) got the idea from the #monkkonenEEToEE I created.
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    I just read up on AETAS...
    I want to join in but I am not sure I know the complete set of rules.
    On the contrary, though, I don't want to be a leader of any sort. I just want to do small roles. To put it simply: I want to do what Gemini is doing too.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    >.> I believe The Gemini is also the leader of a large organisation in charge of the UFDC empire, but that's just me <.<
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    >.> I believe The Gemini is also the leader of a large organisation in charge of the UFDC empire, but that's just me <.<
    And whats makes you think that? Just asking, haven't said yes or no...

    @:yes yes, join the AETAS, on my side. Heheh
    Idiota 19 years ago
    In a discussion in #monkkonenchat, it became clear to me we needed a ship class index for Aetas. I make the following suggestion, even though I probably don't cover all the areas and classes of ships, but that's because they're all very obvious.

    Ship Classes
    Light Cruiser

    The index goes from small to large and uses the classes from SEIV, basically. Of course, these are mere estimates of the SIZE of the ship, not how it is used.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "eddeshun" said:
    I just read up on AETAS...
    I want to join in but I am not sure I know the complete set of rules.
    The rules are few and simple. I think there are only seven of them, at the most. All you have to do is make sure you can role-play properly and you'll do fine.
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    Idi, If I were to make a suggestion, why not use the full class system from SEIV?

    WarShips, Smallest -> Biggest:

    Fighter (Sub-Ship Only), Crew 1-2
    Drone (Sub-Ship), Crew 1-4
    Escort (Possible Sub-Ship), Crew 1-8
    Frigate, Crew 8-70
    Destroyer, Crew 120-400
    Light Cruiser, Crew 600-2000
    Light Carrier (Sub-Ship Reliance), Crew 24 + Sub-Ship Crews
    Cruiser, Crew 2000-8000
    Carrier (Sub-Ship Reliance), Crew 580 + Sub-Ship Crews
    Battlecruiser, Crew 32000-100000
    Heavy Carrier (Sub-Ship Reliance), Crew 1400 + Sub-Ship Crews
    Battleship (Capital Ship), Crew Subplanetary
    Dreadnought (Capital Ship), Crew Planetary
    Anything bigger than a Dreadnaught would require the populations of multiple medium-sized planets, and are thus not known to exist.

    Ships, Smallest -> Biggest:
    Small Freighter, Crew 1-20
    Small Transport, Crew 1-40
    Freighter, Crew 40-80
    Transport, Crew 80-160
    Large Freighter, Crew 160-240
    Large Transport, Crew 320-640
    Colony Ship, Crew 1000-8000
    Any non-WarShip that does not fit one of the general clasifications above, has it's own specific class.

    Stationary, Smallest -> Biggest
    Mine, Crew 0-2
    Satellite, Crew 0-4
    Troop (Stationary Space/Mobile Planetary), Crew 1-48
    Weapon Platforms (Larger Warships, Stationary Planetary), Crew 1-120
    Space Station, Crew 8-400
    Battle Station, Crew 64-1600
    Starbase, Crew 3000-20000
    Ringworld, Crew Subplanetary
    Sphereworld, Crew Planetary-Multiplanetary
    Anything larger than a Sphereworld is utterly impossible.

    Grouping, Smallest -> Biggest
    Individual/Pair/Trio, 1-3
    Squad, 4-8
    Unit, 8-64
    Platoon, 64-240
    Company, 240-1000
    Regiment, 1000-10000
    Division, 10000-100000
    Branch (Sometimes refered to as Army), 100000-1000000
    Any mass above a Branch has no specific name.

    Just to point out, Gemini's derelict is very much so possible in creation. It would be a Sphereworld. Although listed as "stationary", anything that is in space has the capability of moving some way or another. A space station must manage to realign it's orbit, and at times thrust away from the planet in order to maintain an orbit altogether. A Sphereworld would also have the ability to move, just through the use of directional thrusters and not engines. It is very possible to make a craft of such magnitude as well, given that one of two conditions. The first condition is that of practicality. The only place you could find enough resources to create a craft the size of a gas giant is on/in -a- gas giant. The race whom built it may have slowly converted their homeworld from a celestial body to a celestial ship. The second condition would be that of science. The only other way you could find so many resources is by taking resources from many different locations, and putting them all in one area. The way a planet is made is through asteroids smashing together due to gravity. Two asteroids have a dense gravity, pulling more asteroids in. The even larger mass has an even larger gravity, pulling even more asteroids in. The process continues until all the asteroids in the proximity are in one location, the planet. This process, though, takes billions of years. Provided you began with one instance of a gigantic gravitational force, though, it could be done instantly. If you dropped a white dwarf into the center of an asteroid field, the asteroids would be part of the dwarf instantly. If by some chance reason, this race discovered a way to create a huge amount of gravity without having a superdense mass to begin with, that would make the creation of such a craft just as possible.

    One last thing to add, the timescale and specifications of this craft are unknown. It might have taken zillions of years to make. It might have been the production of several races, whom found it, added to it, and perished. It might just simply be hollow! Point in key is that this craft is in it's entirety is simply unknown. Due to that, it's basically a Pandora's Box. Anything could have made it, and until more is found out about it, it may be anything.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Could be, but what's the USE of building such a gargantuan ship? It's immobile, for it would consume too much fuel. And also, you couldn't have made it out of a gas giant, because Not every element of the gas giant is usable in the construction of a ship.

    My original arguments still stand with both of the cases. I'd say we'll leave it be as it is now: A shipyard the size of the moon and a strange ship the size of a gas giant *cough*.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Could be, but what's the USE of building such a gargantuan ship? It's immobile, for it would consume too much fuel. And also, you couldn't have made it out of a gas giant, because Not every element of the gas giant is usable in the construction of a ship.

    My original arguments still stand with both of the cases. I'd say we'll leave it be as it is now: A shipyard the size of the moon and a strange ship the size of a gas giant *cough*.

    As I said before, the derelict is shrouded in mysteries. Maybe those who made it used thousands of years making it. Maybe they built a small ship in the beginning, and built it bigger. Maybe this ship contained the whole race, so instead of having several ships and colonies, they had one large.
    Maybe the ship didnt use fuel, but wormholes, or made fuel out of dark matter, or took hydrogen directly from stars.
    eddeshun 19 years ago

    Basically what we're saying is the fact that the ship is so mysteriously big, it seems impossible. But, that's why the ship is there to begin with... to make you ask "How the hell is that thing so big?".
    But if your going to argue that a ship of such immense magnitude is unrealistic, just note that Zombie has two feline characters, Garret is purple, and the galaxy's most favorite profession at the time is mercernarianism.

    How on earth could a ship be so big? That's the question.
    How come the technology on board a ship of that size be so behind? That's the question.

    To be or not to be? That's the question
    EvilP 19 years ago
    Like the egyptians laboured for years to put the pyramids together perhaps someone had a greater motivation than reason to construct it?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Isn't anyone going to make up wisdom from my words! Let it rest!
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    I think your crew chart is a bit off, there. For one thing, a ringworld would be "multiplanitary" and a sphereworld would be "supermultiplanitary," since both are gargantuan. Second, a Dreadnaught would not take the crew of an entire planet. Thirdly, the reason a drone is called a drone is because it is unmanned. And lastly, there IS a ship class larger than Dreadnaught. It is a Baseship, and it is essentially a mobile starbase. Or, rather, more mobile than usual.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    This is my suggestion for ship classes:
    These classes are made from both size AND use. The classes have only some examples of the ships the classes covers.

    Drones: All small non personell ships goes here, like probes, satelites, AI mines.

    Fighters: We all know what this is, do we? Fighters, Defence Fighters, Fighter Bombers.

    Corvette: A corvette might be mistacken for a fighter. It is a little bigger than a fighter, and is often lesser agile and slow moving.

    Frigate: The frigate is a large ship with a big attack, but also non combat vessels goes here too. The length is about 500m-1km. Assault frigate, missile frigate, Medic Frigate.

    Capital Ships These ships are big, and one is capable to destroy several frigates. But like the frigates, non combat ships goes here too. 1km-10km long
    Destroyer, Battle Cruiser, Carriers.

    Super Capital Ships These ships are the pride of the space navy. Gargantuant ships with huge cannons and extreme armour, that could be called space cities. Their only drawback is that they are the opposite of the word agile. 10km-100km
    Super Carriers, Flag Ships, Mobile Ship Yard, Super Battle Cruiser.

    Mother Ship This is a mobile HQ, who have everything a fleet needs, medics, engineering, research, construction yard, docking bays, ability to colonize planets etc.

    Others Colonyships, space stations etc
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    This is my suggestion for ship classes:
    These classes are made from both size AND use. The classes have only some examples of the ships the classes covers.

    Drones: All small non personell ships goes here, like probes, satelites, AI mines.

    Fighters: We all know what this is, do we? Fighters, Defence Fighters, Fighter Bombers.

    Corvette: A corvette might be mistacken for a fighter. It is a little bigger than a fighter, and is often lesser agile and slow moving.

    Frigate: The frigate is a large ship with a big attack, but also non combat vessels goes here too. The length is about 500m-1km. Assault frigate, missile frigate, Medic Frigate.

    Capital Ships These ships are big, and one is capable to destroy several frigates. But like the frigates, non combat ships goes here too. 1km-10km long
    Destroyer, Battle Cruiser, Carriers.

    Super Capital Ships These ships are the pride of the space navy. Gargantuant ships with huge cannons and extreme armour, that could be called space cities. Their only drawback is that they are the opposite of the word agile. 10km-100km
    Super Carriers, Flag Ships, Mobile Ship Yard, Super Battle Cruiser.

    Mother Ship This is a mobile HQ, who have everything a fleet needs, medics, engineering, research, construction yard, docking bays, ability to colonize planets etc.

    Others Colonyships, space stations etc
    Looks almost like it came straight out of Homeworld2...

    *shakes head*

    Anyway, we have a choice.

    Do we want "rules" for ship classes?

    If so, then what type of rules do we want? Do we want the "rules" to just be guidelines of what to call ships of certain sizes, or do we want rules that govern the way they act?

    If not, then how is that better than having rules? Can we simply trust that people won't make something completely unrealistic up?

    Feel free to answer, or not answer, whichever you like. Just some thoughts.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "The Gemini" said:
    This is my suggestion for ship classes:
    These classes are made from both size AND use. The classes have only some examples of the ships the classes covers.

    Drones: All small non personell ships goes here, like probes, satelites, AI mines.

    Fighters: We all know what this is, do we? Fighters, Defence Fighters, Fighter Bombers.

    Corvette: A corvette might be mistacken for a fighter. It is a little bigger than a fighter, and is often lesser agile and slow moving.

    Frigate: The frigate is a large ship with a big attack, but also non combat vessels goes here too. The length is about 500m-1km. Assault frigate, missile frigate, Medic Frigate.

    Capital Ships These ships are big, and one is capable to destroy several frigates. But like the frigates, non combat ships goes here too. 1km-10km long
    Destroyer, Battle Cruiser, Carriers.

    Super Capital Ships These ships are the pride of the space navy. Gargantuant ships with huge cannons and extreme armour, that could be called space cities. Their only drawback is that they are the opposite of the word agile. 10km-100km
    Super Carriers, Flag Ships, Mobile Ship Yard, Super Battle Cruiser.

    Mother Ship This is a mobile HQ, who have everything a fleet needs, medics, engineering, research, construction yard, docking bays, ability to colonize planets etc.

    Others Colonyships, space stations etc
    Looks almost like it came straight out of Homeworld2...
    Ahem... It came straight from HW 1 and 2 with some modifications.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I say we can be pretty much clear about the fighters. When a player states his fighters are somehow better than normal, due to <reason>, this will be taken into account in the battle. Capital ships should be carefully described with Function, weapons equipped and miscellaneous components installed. This way, the battle results can be calculated by a thir party. If player A somehow decides he'll go into battle with only carriers fully loaded with fighters and player B decides he goes into battle with a lot of anti fighter ships, let it be clear who wins this battle.

    We do need some rules about this, before we have a player with three overly advanced Dreadnoughts while the rest merely has Light Cruisers for battle. (like what happened in EEToEE)

    Let's make a vote about this. Who votes for rules and who votes against, rest of the council?

    I vote for.
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