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  • AETAS Discussion Thread

    EvilP 19 years ago
    Have to agree with Cejer on this one - I can see Earth becoming a major annoyance to everyone because it'll become an unwanted focus with lots of emotional and historical baggage. Then someone will blow it up just to spite The Gemini.

    Call it "EEToEETwo" >:J
    Zombie 19 years ago
    We should just keep calling it the EEToEE, in my opinion...

    But hey, what do I know right?
    Murska 19 years ago
    Yep. EETEE it has to be. Actually, that makes sense... Or not. Well, lets just get on with the important matters.

    I think at least Zombie should be in the council, and What do empires start with should be a not very big base, and a small to moderate fleet.
    Pete 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    "Pete" said:

    reasons why this cannot be written by me.

    1. I dont write whole sentances in caps, mostly fragments or words.
    2. I am smart enough to know IL is spelled I'll
    3. I dont use excessive punctuation. (ex. :: and !!!!!!!!)
    4. I dont use 4 of the same smilies in a row.
    5. I do not have the power to ban people.
    6. I write in red when I type in someone elses post.
    The real Idiota would have written this:

    Idiota: Please, let's not make any hasty decisions. We're not even sure wether this'll work or not.

    there. Wise lesson learned, I hope?

    Do not try to impersonate me please, thank you.

    OK, I just wanted to write something funny. Sorry for my spelling and lack of humor.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    Why do people even want the role-play to take place near Earth? It makes so little sense to me, because many people are going to argue needlessly about the current state of Earth. This arguing will cause an unnecessary delay in the start of the "new EEToEE."

    I didn't say that the roleplay was near Earth, my story was only background for WHY Earth has lesser priority than other planets.

    I love Earth, and I doesn't like that it will be gone in EEToEE.
    And since all of you want it gone, what does it matter that it DO excists, but it has been reduced to a planet like the other ones? So if you chose a planet that will be your home/capitol, why can't Earth be mine?

    It would, however, be better if this universe(or at least the galaxy) is something we have made up.

    Anyway, I think it should be named EEToEE2 or something like that. EEToEE are dead, and I don't want to be confused with two threads named EEToEE.
    Pete 19 years ago
    Ah. You know, your post is broken. Quote must be like this :: , not quote].

    Now delete this.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Sorry, my mistake, ofcourse!
    Idiota 19 years ago
    It limits us to what we know of our system, and that ain't right. We have to RP, not meddle with old things. Even as a poor nation as you describe, it must still have all the huge cities it had and still be a livable planet. Just accept it is not there.

    discussion over.

    To the more important things. I'd say the empires don't start entirely equal. I'd say everyone should pick his favoured and hated things out of this list:


    These determine how a person starts, if it either be with a bigger fleet or a smaller fleet, rich or poor, big or small, with a happy population or an unhappy population. Everyone should pick 4 positive and 4 negative traits.


    I also would like it if you would not start this thing until I am back from a little while, on monday, ok? I'm off now.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    We should just keep calling it the EEToEE, in my opinion...

    But hey, what do I know right?

    There are two reasons I brought up the idea of a new name. The first is that I think the EEToEE has had a long and distinguished life; it should be honored and put to rest. The second reason is that we don't actually want an "Extremely Evil Thread of Extreme Evilness," do we? Wouldn't a name like "The Role-Playing Thread of Well Thought-out yet Interesting and Occasionally Argumentative Posts" be better? Although the acronym is a bit messy (TRPToWToyIaOAP, someday I will form the “American Association against Acronym Abuse”), the example name encourages more enjoyable behavior. But regardless, the name detail is a minor issue.

    "Murska" said:
    I think at least Zombie should be in the council, and What do empires start with should be a not very big base, and a small to moderate fleet.

    The problem with such a simple reply is that different people have different scales. You might be envisioning a "not very big base" as a well fortified underground labyrinth. I see a "not very big base" as a star system with advanced cloaking devices, defensive satellite rings (hollow spheres is more accurate), cloaked mine fields, two or three planets where 60% of the surface has underground complexes stretching down for several miles, and several dozen shipyards. We both start out with a "not very big base" in our minds, but our scales are incompatible. True, I exaggerated my position a wee bit, but by doing so I can easily illustrate the hazards of using wording that is so ambiguous. We need a concrete example empire that people can use as a guideline in building their own empires.

    "Zombie" said:
    I volunteer to be part of the council, if you all will have me... If we are going to assign positions, then I would love to be the EEToEE's judicator... I also would like to nominate MageKing.

    I agree with Murska that Zombie deserves a position in the council; I do not think that Zombie should be the sole/head judge (I'm not saying that is what Zombie's intentions are). I see the council as being an odd-numbered collection of judges who work out a fair compromise or, in the case of all or nothing disputes, vote on what the outcome of an event should be.

    There are a few non-humble parts up ahead coded in white. They are white so that you can ignore them if you feel like it.
    You may have noticed that I edited Zombie's text a bit in my quotation. I did that because I think it would be rather presumptuous to quote someone else's nomination of me to the council. I would not refuse an appointment if one were offered; I am merely living up to my code of honor.
    Pete 19 years ago
    "not very big base" Case

    Well, thats a problem.So, lets solve it with power, right?

    Number of peoples.
    Number of facilities and powerplants.
    The function of the base.

    These were the ingrediends chosen to create the perfect littl... Oops.

    These were the ingrediends chosen to create power meter.

    (Ok, I admit it. I watch Powerpuff girls. Sometimes. )
    EvilP 19 years ago
    It seems clear that we can't create empires based on subjective criteria like "small".

    I was thinking of suggesting having say ~100 000 tonnes worth of equipment. (this happens to be a bit over an aircraft carriers displacement for the reference) However it's far from a perfect solution because it makes it rather scientifical.

    Why not just let people submit empire suggestions to the judicial board and instead of saying "I have..." they request roughly what they want with priorities, letting the board tell them what they are to write in.
    So if someone wants a huge orbital station in an asteroid field with a defensive fighter fleet and laser cannons they might be allowed it, but with a big hole blown in the orbital station from a reactor failure and no more than 7 squadrons of fighters or a similar disadvantage.

    Letting one person or a board/council determine the 'scale' as you put it might sort a lot of arguments. I also like the point of letting people decide strengths and weaknesses.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    I am pretty much alright with whatever you people decide here, as the only major concerns I have is that of the basic rules. I already know what kind of character I am going to be, and I also plan to give many of you empire players out there a scare or two perhaps... I think it will be interesting to see how you all deal with quieting down your populace and their superstitious beliefs...

    I am quite flattered by all of your comments... ops: I, however, agree with Cejer... I do not think I would make a good sole/head judge at all... I am far to lenient about things that serious. Perhaps I should have worded it a bit better? I, if I can and you all want me to, would be glad to be the or one of the judicators for RP matters. Not a judicator of the entire thing, rules and all, just one that points at a post and says, "Proper RP does not involve post counts, you know." Or things like that... However, I will be happy with wherever you would like me to be.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Idiota is right, the empires must have negs and benes. I am just wondering, when an empire player is badly hurt after some heavy battles, can he/she switch over to a single player "modus" then?

    And when a player dies, will he/she be able to make a new player, or will he/she be banned from the RP for all eternety?
    Zombie 19 years ago
    They can make a new player...
    Shingo 19 years ago
    Hello, I would like to apologize for my absence. As I haven't posted since my first two posts, I obviously don't have a whole lot of clout in this forum. However, I would like to concur with Cejer and say that having Earth play a part in this new RP thread would be entirely too much trouble to be worth it.

    About the council, I hope to eventually earn a spot on it, although I realize that this can only be the result of dedication. (Sadly, up until now, I have been unable to give to the EEToEE, due to events going on in my outside life (and yes, contrary to popular belief, us “geeks” can indeed have a life ). Most notable among these would be my role as Ichabod Crane in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, which is finally done!)

    Instead of taking a long time to come up with a new set of empire-start guidelines, might I suggest we pick a time, X amount of days from now, to have groups be on MSN. I believe that Zombie, Cejer, and myself all live in the Central time-zone. This will allow us, and any other players who might live in compatible time-zones, to have one such discussion. I further advise that the Europeans among us have a similar discussion and so forth. The purpose of these MSN discussions would be to allow all players to fully work the bugs/kinks out of their ideas and figure out their wants/needs for starting guidelines before they post them in this thread. With luck, each of these separate discussions will produce at least one or two viable ideas. These ideas can then be put to a vote, and there you have it: The NEW EEToEE guidelines.
    EvilP 19 years ago
    MSN? pah.
    IRC would be better, I know there is a irc channel somewhere, but you've failed to advertise it so I can't recall what irc server it's on.

    In case anyone is on (quakenet basically) i've temporarily set up residence in #EEToEE
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    I don't have much belief in MSN discussions, this thread is enough. However, I don't care if you start those discussions anyway.

    I have a idea. Instead of a counsil or something like that, all players are allowed to post a complain if an other player are getting to powerfull. So we have a tactic that was used in China; everyone can say when a player gets to powerfull. However, we need a person that can make the restrictions that we need to weaken a player.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    Hmm, because my long replies take so much time to write, I appear to have posted (May 27, 2005 8:05 am monkkonen time) after several other posts that I want to talk about.

    "The Gemini" said:
    I didn't say that the role-play was near Earth, my story was only background for WHY Earth has lesser priority than other planets.

    I love Earth, and I doesn't like that it will be gone in EEToEE.
    And since all of you want it gone, what does it matter that it DO exists, but it has been reduced to a planet like the other ones? So if you chose a planet that will be your home/capitol, why can't Earth be mine?

    First, if we just skip the background of Earth entirely, that will make people more relaxed in the long run. By skipping the background of Earth, everyone can (in their mind) have different results of what happened to Earth.

    Hmm, you ask for a reason why it might matter if Earth is within the new thread, and I answer with the reason that Earth will have a great deal of prestige attached to it. All of us, hopefully, live on Earth, and our living quarters now would hold some significance to us in the thread. If we just exclude Earth completely from the thread, then no one will have any reason to fight over it in the slightest.

    "Idiota" said:
    To the more important things. I'd say the empires don't start entirely equal. I'd say everyone should pick his favoured and hated things out of this list:


    These determine how a person starts, if it either be with a bigger fleet or a smaller fleet, rich or poor, big or small, with a happy population or an unhappy population. Everyone should pick 4 positive and 4 negative traits.


    My answer summarized is "No, I do not agree." The list is not nearly comprehensive enough for this sort of start, and you are giving no indication that someone could simply start out balanced. Second, some of those traits are redundant and other traits are underpowered. Finally, that system uses subjective measurements, which my post afterwards already discussed in some detail. I do agree that empires should not start out identically, but I disagree with the methods you proposed.

    "Pete" said:
    "not very big base" Case

    Well, that’s a problem. So, lets solve it with power, right?

    Number of peoples.
    Number of facilities and power plants.
    The function of the base.

    I don't think that this measure would work either because of three reasons. The first reason is the synergistic quality of the first two criteria. A base with a million people but no factories or other forms of employment is pretty much a slum or giant plantation, and a base with a hundred factories but no people (or robotics, which would count as people) is useless. But a base with ten thousand people and a dozen factories would be able to grow enough crops for its needs, train small quantities of soldiers, and produce the equipment for war. The second reason is that this system ignores differences in technology. The third and final reason is that the numbers involved are going to be quite large (not by my scale, but by most scales). The populations of even small (starting) empires are going to be in the hundreds of thousands at least, empires will start with dozens of facilities, and more than one base. We've pretty much settled that when we decided that a single character would become an (very weak) emperor character after his/her second base was obtained, because of this, a character who starts with an empire should be rewarded for knowing his goal in the beginning.

    "EvilP" said:
    It seems clear that we can't create empires based on subjective criteria like "small".

    I was thinking of suggesting having say ~100 000 tonnes worth of equipment. (this happens to be a bit over an aircraft carriers displacement for the reference) However it's far from a perfect solution because it makes it rather scientifical.

    Why not just let people submit empire suggestions to the judicial board and instead of saying "I have..." they request roughly what they want with priorities, letting the board tell them what they are to write in.
    So if someone wants a huge orbital station in an asteroid field with a defensive fighter fleet and laser cannons they might be allowed it, but with a big hole blown in the orbital station from a reactor failure and no more than 7 squadrons of fighters or a similar disadvantage.

    Letting one person or a board/council determine the 'scale' as you put it might sort a lot of arguments. I also like the point of letting people decide strengths and weaknesses.

    As EvilP himself said, one problem is that this requires a very scientific approach to empire creation. There are several additional problems, and I will start with the problem that is least important and easiest to fix, scaling. I know EvilP only said 100 kilotonnes (100,000 tonnes) as an example, but it was a poor example. Our aircraft carriers are not large enough to build an empire off of. We are talking about empires, not pirate groups. I have not seen a single post (beyond my own) that uses the scale necessary to describe an empire or nation, only pirate bases. Having people submit empire suggestions to the council will be necessary, but the council should not be the ones to fill in details. The role-play thread is to allow creativity to flow, and if the council makes every empire creativity is going to be limited to the council during the remainder of the set-up process. There is still one more suggested facet of empire creation before I apply constructive feedback.

    "The Gemini" said:
    Idiota is right, the empires must have negs and benes.

    True, empires should have certain areas it excels at and certain areas where it lacks expertise, but we should not force empires to pick from a list, regardless of how comprehensive the list may be. We should allow people to weave such advantages and disadvantages into the empire's history and culture, rather than simply reverting to a resently finished war that left the fleet crippled. Additionally, I find it hard to accept that someone is not able to pick the disadvantage of balance between all aspects. I will not explain why balance is a disadvantage (it would be unfair to give free advice to everyone), but I will restate that balance should be a choice that empires can make when starting.

    Now that I've covered everyone's post on this topic, I'm going to add my own input. If we have one person create their empire first then have it inspected and approved by the council, we will then have an example of what our empires should be like. Everyone else will then create their empire keeping the example in mind as a guideline of power level. Players then submit their empires to the council for an inspection. Players then receive one reply that might be from four types. The types of reply are about overpowered empires, empires that are too unusual, acceptable empires, acceptable but underpowered empires.
    In the case of an overpowered empire, the player receives a reply detailing how overpowered the empire is, as well as some suggestions on how to bring the power level in line. The overpowered player then edits his/her empire (or makes a new one from scratch), and resubmits when he/she believes his/her empire is acceptable.
    If there is an empire that is too unusual to be allowed (bogus techs might cause this to happen), the player receives a reply detailing what is too unusual, as well as a few suggestions on how to make such a thing acceptable without removing something entirely (if possible). The unusual player then edits his/her empire (or makes a new one from scratch), and resubmits when he/she believes his/her empire is acceptable.
    If there is an acceptable empire that is of comparable power to the other empires, the player receives a reply welcoming him/her to the role-play thread. The player can the join the role-play thread, or edit his/her empire (or make a new on from scratch), and resubmit when he/she is satisfied and believes his/her empire is acceptable.
    If there is an acceptable empire that is significantly weaker than the standard empires, the player receives a reply notifying him/her that his/her empire is acceptable but underpowered. The reply details about how underpowered the empire is, and includes several suggestions on increasing the empire's power without overpowering it. The player can then join the role-play thread, or edit his/her empire (or make a new one from scratch), and resubmit when he/she is satisfied and believes his/her empire is acceptable. An empire that is significantly weaker than the other empires is not used in comparisons for the new empire creation process.
    While this is a fairly long process, it will produce balanced empires that still maintain a large amount of freedom for new ideas. Comments, criticism, and unrelenting praise are all welcome.

    I still have more posts to go through, but at over two pages I think I should let you all have a break from reading this post. Please be lenient about any run-on sentences, fragments, and other grammatical errors, or, even better, you could PM me about such mistakes, and I can edit them without inflating our post counts or cluttering up this thread.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Alright people. As I see that we are going to just argue incessantly about this damn empire player thing, I propose that we first form the council, then someone make an example empire and an example single character. This will let everyone see what people are talking about instead of straining to explain their views.

    I will, to show you what I am talking about, reveal the character I plan to play in the new RP... I will use AETAS as the name for this new RP... AETAS is latin for 'period of life' and stands for (A)wesomely (E)ntertaining (T)hreaded (A)dventure (S)tory. Good, yes?

    Now for the character!

    Name: Lamia Victus Minuo

    Sex: Female

    Gender: Female

    Age: 597

    Hair: Long, silvery red

    Eyes: Vertical pupil (catlike), color shifting

    Physical Oddities: catlike ears, fully articulate tail, retractible claws, abnormal bone structure (various features, none physically visible)

    Abilities: transformation abilities (two so far), possibly others

    Race: Aegrus Sodalitas

    Race Description: Not many know about this group's actual existance as most dismiss it as superstitious fantasy nonsense, and fewer yet have actually met a member without turning up dead or becoming a member themselves. Called 'Vampires' by some, the Aegrus Sodalitas are a ecclectic group of individuals from various facets of society. They are not, in fact, a single actual race but more of multiracial individuals with a common affliction. They are 'cursed' with a rather enigmatic condition that causes an 'unlife' as many call it. Gifted with eternal lives yet cursed with a thirst for blood, these individuals lurk amongst more 'civilized' societies for sustenance. Their bodies, while surprisingly quick to heal and resilient to most everything, are weak UV radiation and especially weak to fire. Given that they are gifted with the skill to stay alive and with a supply of blood, one of the Aegrus can survive indefinitely. Caution is advised dealing with the elder of the Aegrus, as prolonged afflicion with the condition causing this 'vampirism,' officially referred to as "Cruentus Morbus" or simply CM, is known to gift an individual with odd powers. Ongoing scientific research in incredibly secretive circles has yet to uncover the source or cause of these powers or even CM itself. All that is truly known about the transfer of CM is that it is done through something called the 'embrace,' commonly refered to as 'siring.' The embrace is a blood transfusion from an Aegrus to their intended victim. A simple bite from one of the Aegrus will not make one a member of the Aegrus, despite contrary belief. Other dispersed vampire lore are holy items. These have no effect at all. Stakes, however, are a different matter. A stake to the heart, or hearts if the target has more than one, will not kill an Aegrus. Instead, the Aegrus will become paralyzed. The paralyzation lasts for as long as the Aegrus has the stake in their heart.
    Murska 19 years ago
    Good name... I think I could actually CALL it that name...
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Zombie, do you like cats?

    Hmmhm, Zombie's AETAS name is a very good name!
    And your char description are very good to. I want to reveal my character to. Since my char will be an empire-leader (if you can call his new planet an empire)

    I think the empire player descriptions should be different, and the coming description will be my proposial for empire description layout:

    Empire name: United Federation of the Diamond-system's Colonies,
    or UFDC. Named "Diamond Shoales" by commoners.

    Empire's Main Race: Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Empire Descriprion: Was founded by the rebel leader Alexander Haraldson. He and his rebels destroyed the former tyrranic empire of Diamond System, "Hatranemun" which took the power in a military coup against the old colonylord of Diamond System for 500 years ago.(See history for more details). Alexander wants to create an economical empire, but because of the coup, the military is big, and both economical and sciencetifical aspects in his newformed empire are weak.

    Prefered Character: Alexander "Gemini" Haraldson

    Prefered Character Race: Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Sex: Male

    Empire History: When the humans first came to this system, they where amazed by it similarity to their own home system. It have twelve planets, arranged in the same way as the Sol system, with rock-planets near the star, and the gas planets in the fringes. All of the planets had resources, but it was the fith that was the most intresting. It had big seas and an atmosphere very similar to Earth's. It had some shoals of crystals, wich where first mistaken as diamonds, and therefore the name Diamond System. It had actually remnants of an ancient civilization, and since the planet had only desert, and only a few microbes, scientists thought the civilization had destroyed their own world. After 300 years, the most resources was depleted, and the planet was terraformed. Big cities was built, and the colony was now the biggest colony in its sector.
    But suddenly, the colony government was overthrown by a tyrranic fanatic called Hatranemun. Strangly, the human Federation's fleet that guarded this sector were gone. If Earth had been invaded, or had been a victim for a wormhole was unknown. The coup was an easy maneuver.
    For 500 years, the once prosperous colony was reduced to one of the poorest colonies in the sector. Then, a general, Alexander Haraldson, saw what his masters had done, and took control over the biggest Hatranemun fleet, and destroyed the tyrrans.

    Navy: Big and balanced.

    Ground Forces: Big and balanced, but has low-tech equipment.

    Economy:Very weak.

    Science: Very low

    Imperial(How much the empire have expanded): One system.

    Races: Homo Sapiens Sapiens, Anucrity Junctus, Tletlequx.

    Citizens: 6 billions

    Overal happiness: 65%
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    I have a idea. Instead of a counsil or something like that, all players are allowed to post a complain if an other player are getting to powerfull.

    The way that Zombie, I think, and I see the council is a group of people with the authority to make and enforce decisions within the AETAS thread to prevent bad role-playing.
    Everyone can complain about a character's posting, but an off-topic post of your own probably isn't the best idea. PMs, or some other private message system, to the 'offender' and to the council will solve problems more easily than an off-topic post, which would clutter up the AETAS. Remember that when you're looking for poor role-playing, something that is effective or powerful is legitimate if the role-player has a fair way of producing such an object.

    "Zombie" said:
    Alright people. As I see that we are going to just argue incessantly about this damn empire player thing, I propose that we first form the council, then someone make an example empire and an example single character. This will let everyone see what people are talking about instead of straining to explain their views.

    Zombie is correct; figuring out who should be on the council is top priority right now. I see it as a given that Zombie ends up on the council, and Mageking (if he is still active) is also worthy of a seat, though he may decline if he is appointed. Shingo has announced his desire to be a member of the council, but, even though I know him, I do not think that he has earned a spot on the council, yet. I have volunteered to be a member of the council, probably looking out for pseudo sciences. We have four people that either deserve or have asked for a position on the council. I think we should hold a vote, or something, to determine who finally makes it onto the council.

    "Zombie" said:
    I will, to show you what I am talking about, reveal the character I plan to play in the new RP... I will use AETAS as the name for this new RP... AETAS is latin for 'period of life' and stands for (A)wesomely (E)ntertaining (T)hreaded (A)dventure (S)tory. Good, yes

    AETAS is short, easily spelled, stands for something we want to encourage, and is an actual word to boot. I like your suggestion for the thread name. But does your character really fit in? Hehe. No, that was not an invitation for everyone to tell me that, "Yes, Zombie's character does fit in because of W, X, and Y (and possibly Z)."

    "The Gemini" said:
    Hmmhm, Zombie's AETAS name is a very good name!
    And your char description are very good to. I want to reveal my character to. Since my char will be an empire-leader (if you can call his new planet an empire)

    I think the empire player descriptions should be different, and the coming description will be my proposial for empire description layout:

    The one thing missing (in my opinion) from your description is concrete amounts about the strength of your starting fleet, population, happiness (what percentage of the people are content with your rule), and ground armies. If you could add some other minor descriptive details, then you would really be able to flesh out your empire.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Glad everyone likes AETAS.

    Yes, Gemini... I do happen to love cat...people... It is best not to ask...

    Anywho... I tend to grin whenever I think of my character and her 'race' because of the simple fact that they are a highly secretive bunch. If people knew about them, do you think they would let them continue to exist? Nope! Most people, however, dismiss 'vampires' as mere superstition... Some actually believe they exist however, but their general motives for believing this are unclear. The general premise is that most people will not accept a vampire into society as they are thought of as evil monstrous killers... what people do not think of, however, is the fact that most are just normal people trying to get by in life as best as they can despite their affliction.

    Also... I love how I masked the race my character used to be... I just can not help but think that some of you are thinking what she could have been beforehand...

    Anyways... Just a simple question, but did anyone notice my inclusion of both 'sex' and 'gender' in my character description? Just wondering.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    Anyways... Just a simple question, but did anyone notice my inclusion of both 'sex' and 'gender' in my character description? Just wondering.

    Yea Zombie, what was that?
    Murska 19 years ago
    I noticed that too, but I thought it was just another oddity of the english language.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Ok, we're making too much fuss about what shouldn't be a problem AT ALL. The problem is, that we're being human. We're trying to plan everything out. That's impossible. I suggest we start this dang thing right now without further discussion and we'll see to all the other things at a later time.

    About the council: no, we do not need a bunch of people who control things. We can do it with all of us.

    Who needs to vote to change things in the AETAS anyway? The EEToEE went good for over 80 pages, we dont need to keep changing stuff. Let's RP instead of agreeing and disagreeing with other people's ideas.

    And Zombie, I think you're up to something... Can't say more though

    Another thing, if you need to discuss things, pm the player you want to discuss things with and set a time and date to do so. Then, go into the #monkkonenrp room in IRC to discuss it with him or her. This room was created in the time of EEToEE and I'm glad I gave it the name #monkkonenrp instead

    Well, my empire details:

    DDC (Darwin David Combination) was founded in an unknown year. The planet Farduk, which was a planet with a lot of factions, was taken over by an outside force. Two men rallied the other factions against the invaders and combined, the power of their enemy was inferior to theirs, and were crushed. The names of the two men: Darwin and David Lindo (twins). After they had defeated the invaders, they forged a strong unition on the planet and called themself the DDC from here-on. The planet went into a golden time, with alot of new discoveries on the area of science and healthcare. These new discoveries led to a massive disbelief in the so-called "god" and the whole thing was dropped. This formed another, stronger connection to former enemies who believed in different gods. Soon after, the people who salvaged the materials the invaders used against their planet, managed to create the first space vessel capable of inter-planetary travel. This was when the tradegy occurred. Darwin wanted to be with the crew in their test flight to the nearest planet, Hurnak. The ship's computer made a miscalculation and the ship crashed into one of the moons of Farduk at full speed. The entire crew died, of course. Later attempts were more succesful and soon, Hurnak was colonised. The empire is set 50 years after this now, under the current rule of emperor Niras Lindo.

    Current situation: The empire has three main planets: Farduk, their home planet, Hurnak and Sorrow.

    Fleet info: DCC's fleet is quite small, yet high trained and high equipped. The economical boost of the last 100 years led to major discoveries on the area of warfare and space navigation. The forces are trained to handle all situations at the best way and are trained to cooperate even with the dumbest of soldiers. These skilled and brilliant men are the pride of the empire.

    The empire has equally divided their machinery into several subtypes: Naval units, Ground units, Air units and Space units. The empire is best at ground and Space fight, while it doesn't really drop the others.

    Economical info: The empire does not have any currency. The people work for the empire and are rewarded by using a unique honour system: A chance to rise in position and ranking. When you work hard enough, you are allowed to challange a higher ranked person in a one on one melee battle, or ranged combat, with stun weapons. You might have guessed, the Lindo family has never, ever been defeated in combat and that makes them the empire's elite. They are the most powerful men on all three planets and no one dares to defy their rule. (I'll go in more detail about the honour system later, if you want.) This way, the people never really lose their dedication to their jobs. They work hard and efficient.

    The thing this empire is bad in is reproducing. The people are not very interested in raising babies, because it weakens them and makes them vulnerable. Only the lower ranked and the highest ranked really reproduce and the average number of children per couple is barely over 2.

    Was that detailed enough? I made it all up on the spot, really, so it might have some oddities.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Idiota, what is the name of your race? Since they have recently discovered FTL travel(Faster Than Light), they must be an other race.

    One question: shall the races that inhabitate AETAS's universe be preset, or will they be made up during the RPing?
    And will they be written down in a list, with pros and negs, like the PCs?
    Pete 19 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    "Pete" said:
    You know, I still don’t know what to become... I would like something else, in the middle of this... Like me be someone else starship (a bigger one, with a woman computer voice) captain...

    I'd be happy to allow you to be one of my ship captains, but my race does not install voices on our ships. We communicate by noticing incredibly small movements. Talking is more like lifting your index finger just so and slumping your shoulders ever so slightly. I'll give bonus points to whoever can name who I'm ripping off.

    Does this still count?
    Crazy 19 years ago
    this is looking pretty good... i might be in for the AETAS, too... But i'm not really up to download an IRC, would that be a problem? Not up to making up my char just yet, ill probably do that when i have nothing else to do.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I thought it would be forum RP again, not IRC one...
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    I don't know where Crazy got IRC RPing from, but I have read each post in this thread, and none of them contains IRC RPing
    Crazy 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Another thing, if you need to discuss things, pm the player you want to discuss things with and set a time and date to do so. Then, go into the #monkkonenrp room in IRC to discuss it with him or her. This room was created in the time of EEToEE and I'm glad I gave it the name #monkkonenrp instead
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Idiota wrote:
    Another thing, if you need to discuss things, pm the player you want to discuss things with and set a time and date to do so. Then, go into the #monkkonenrp room in IRC to discuss it with him or her. This room was created in the time of EEToEE and I'm glad I gave it the name #monkkonenrp instead

    That is for the discussion of problems or in-depth role-playing with another character. If you lack IRC, it would be easy to set up an appointment with some other type of program.

    Curses, Zombie posted before I did. He managed to do so because part of my post looked better as a PM. So I clicked on my inbox to send the PM, and I lost the whole post. But, I was going to post pretty much the same thing as he was, although I would have used more detail in explaining things.

    "Pete" said:
    Does this still count?

    If you asked if you can still be one of my captains, the answer is yes. If you asked if the bonus points are still availible, the answer is yes. (Although I have no idea what the bonus points will be good for.)
    Zombie 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    About the council: no, we do not need a bunch of people who control things. We can do it with all of us.

    No. No we can not. Communism works in theory, Idiota, not in reality. The council will mainly be for the big decisionmaking or whatnot... People can, instead of cluttering up the thread or the IRC channels with arguing, let the council solve a dispute about RP or whatnot...

    Anywho, about the sex and gender thing... It is not really an oddity with the english language, more of a psycological oddity... You see, there is physical sex and then nonphysical, or 'mental,' gender...

    "Idiota" said:
    Who needs to vote to change things in the AETAS anyway? The EEToEE went good for over 80 pages, we dont need to keep changing stuff. Let's RP instead of agreeing and disagreeing with other people's ideas.

    Oh yes. The EEToEE went good for over 80 pages until it died horribly because of no group like the council to say, "Hey! That is not good rp right there!"

    Also, we always need to have a general majority to change things. If we do not have a general majority then that means people can just make rules and changes all willie-nillie and then where do we go from there? Back to what the EEToEE originally was.
    EvilP 19 years ago
    What IRC server is #monkkonenrp on?

    It seems like we're getting close to actually launching AETAS/EEToEE. I'm writing my empire "CV" now so I'll prob submit it shortly.
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