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  • AETAS Discussion Thread

    Cejer 19 years ago
    So, we have a set of rules, now what about a map? Do we want one? If so, how big should it be? What shape should it be? What kinds of intersystem travel should exist? As I already mentioned earlier, I would be more than happy to create a map, because it won't take me very long.

    Do we want a basic history of our universe? I think that we should at least know what happened a few years before the start of the role-playing. Most important is the power system(s) in place. As I've stated earlier, a universe where the main power systems rapidly break down right before our introduction into the story would ensure that we could understandably have a high tech level and plenty of room to expand.

    Most important, we need to figure out what our characters can start with. I think empires should start with at least the following items: a moderately pacified planet or significant portion of a planet, three bases (either on other planets, moons, asteroids, or they could be freely floating in space) in the same system, and a system defense fleet of 12 corvettes, 3 frigates, and 1 light cruiser.

    Anyways, I'm definitely going to be 'playing' as an empire.
    Pete 19 years ago
    I just dont get why Empires cant have main characters.

    And tell me what single character can do? One man/alien/beast/suprabeing cant do anything to fight with empires, but empires can fight with him! Look, what a 1 man can do against 10000 men army?

    OK, now go on and crush me with arguments...
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    "Cejer" said:
    Second, a question for everyone, when are you usually awake? For simplicity you should reply in time.

    Uhh... I'm in central time. I am usually awake... Well... Whenever.

    Since I do not know what central time is in GMT, I ask you to state the time you're normally awake in GMT+2 (or at least GMT ).
    Murska 19 years ago
    Well, I awake at the same time than you, Grim, at least I think so.
    About 5.00 at time... At school days earlier, but I cant post in the morning on school days, so who cares.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Firstly, I want to say that the rules Zombie made are just perfect,

    If we are going to make a starmap, I think all of us must work together, making starsystems, planets, nebulas, black holes. Also it need to be a sircle, not square, like our maps of Earth.

    Also, I want to declare that I am going to be a single player, not an empire player. I have actually made the story, character and his ship.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    a map: definite no

    a history: let's just start off already, shall we?

    I highly reccomend we do not further adjust the rule set now and in the future. It's good as it is and further add-ons will limit the freedom of RP-ing.

    Gentlemen, good luck, I wish you a fine battle
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    a map: definite no

    a history: let's just start off already, shall we?

    I highly recommend we do not further adjust the rule set now and in the future. It's good as it is and further add-ons will limit the freedom of RP-ing.

    Gentlemen, good luck, I wish you a fine battle

    Could you give reasons why you don't want a map? The reasons for having a map are that distances will be fixed, room for expansion will already be known about, it enables thinking on the strategic level, and everyone knows where a planet is (in OOC knowledge at least) when people talk about it.

    We can't start yet because we still don't have a council (which I nominate Zombie and Mageking, and volunteer for), not everyone has agreed on whether or not we have a map (or basic history), we don't know what everyone gets to start with.

    Not adjusting the rule set? That doesn't sound like you've even thought about it. It's not perfect, is it? And limiting freedom of role-playing is (mildly) necessary. Creating an empire spanning the entire universe in one post is technically role-playing, so several limits are needed.

    "The Gemini" said:
    If we are going to make a star map, I think all of us must work together, making star systems, planets, nebulas, black holes. Also it needs to be a circle, not square, like our maps of Earth.

    We don't need everyone to make the map; I have a computer game which creates maps that are quite nice without causing me much hassle. And it's not likely that someone would be able to twist the entire map (of all things) to his/her advantage without giving such advantages to most other 'players,' which happens with random maps anyway. A circular (spherical?) map does not make much sense to me. I think a spiral map, like our own milky way, would be the best shape.

    "Pete" said:
    I just don’t get why Empires can’t have main characters.

    And tell me what single character can do? One man/alien/beast/super being can’t do anything to fight with empires, but empires can fight with him! Look, what a 1 man can do against 10,000 men army?

    A single character doesn't have to post every single day. A single character doesn't have to be a leader for the entire thread. A single character can simply role-play without worrying about inter-empire politics. The advantage to single players is that you don't have to be nearly as active as an empire. You don't have to think about as much, making things much easier on you and allowing a more casual role-play. The extra effort needed to run an empire is why empires are more powerful.

    Empires can have main characters, fate just isn't as kind. It would damage the role-play a lot less to have a mercenary mech pilot miraculously escape death than to do the same thing for an emperor.

    Finally, I too live in central time, where it is 3:37 pm at the time of this post.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Empire players do not control a single entity... They must manage their entire empire. I simply call the 'leader' character of an empire a preferred character to differentiate between these characters and the characters of singular players.

    Empire players also can not focus on their preferred characters all the time. It will stunt the growth of their empire and ultimately lead to their downfall. If they always gear things to be beneficial for their preferred character, then only the preferred character will really be getting the best benefits while the rest of their empire gets weaker. Empire players must maintain a careful balance between keeping their empire safe and keeping their leader, or preferred character, safe. At times, it may be beneficial for an empire player to sacrifice their leader in order to keep a skillful bounty-hunter player or another empire off of their backs for a little longer.

    Single character players only have their main character. While they may have followers, these followers may not always want to do as the character does as the character's word is not absolute. If the character's word was, in fact, absolute... Well, then the single character player would be ruling a small empire now, would they not?

    Basically the two player types appeal to two different types of RPers. Empire players are geared more toward those looking for dominance or enforcing universal peace/stability. Single character players are geared more toward those looking for pure RP.

    Anyways, if there is indeed a map then we need to understand three basic things:

    1) It will not be a universal map

    2) The Milky Way galaxy will be included and it will not be fully explored

    3) The map will most likely be constantly expanding or changing in some way

    As for history... I quite like the multipurpose barebones shell of a history that I thought up...

    The human race abandoned Earth after the planet was drained of the majority of its natural resources. Technological upgrades since this point have ensured that planets need not be stripped bare of resources anymore as most everything can now be reclaimed. Now branching out to the remaining useable planets in the Sol system, the human race finds itself entering an age of turmoil and chaos. The transition from Earth to the vast reaches of space have been hard on everyone and, due to the open nature of space, all major governments have crumbled under the pressure of keeping their populace in check. Several independent factions have splintered off from the main populace, heading into the vast outreaches of space to start their own colonies where they can remain unbothered by attempts to start new governments, or perhaps to gather strength to sieze control themselves. No one is truly certain of the intentions these factions may have or how they intend to survive as space technology is highly primitive and inefficient even though it is incredibly cheap.

    The prospects of a government rising to power, with most scientists in private employ, is very grim. Corporate control, however, seems to be the direction things are currently heading in, what with businesses already vying for control of planets like Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. Quickly built, and very primitive, orbital stations are now the main habitats of the human race. Unrest among those who opted to remain in the Sol system skyrockets due to a lack of resources and now-primitive technology hampering the development of planetary colonies. As time goes on and conditions show no sign of improving, talks of war spread like wildfire.

    Soon the inevitable happens, a group of people opening fire on a corporate convoy and stealing several freighter class ships full of supplies. Similar occurances plauge shipping routes as word of this attack spreads, piracy rapidly spreading. Suspicion and paranoia between companies rises, soon reaching critical levels. Companies start to consider war as the attacks become more frequent, requests to cease going unheard. Eventually war is declared, every company denying guilt and blaming every other company for the piracy. While the war has spurred technological advances, it only seems to be gaining velocity and force. The independent factions have still not been heard from, and are all presumed as dead or lost in the reaches of space.

    Everything we have so far, mind you, is not set in stone. As long as everyone agrees with it, rules may be edited, tweaked, removed, or added. This process, of course, will be stricter than even the policy on restarting the RP itself. I suggest a 75% majority and two consecutive majorities be required.

    Whaddaya think?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Alright let's go.

    And I must have done what I always do: not write what I think.

    What I ment was that we shouldn't try to make too many rules. The EEToEE goes as it goes and when we dont like something, we edit it. We shouldn't make a huge ruleset from the start, summarized.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    Empire players also can not focus on their preferred characters all the time. It will stunt the growth of their empire and ultimately lead to their downfall. If they always gear things to be beneficial for their preferred character, then only the preferred character will really be getting the best benefits while the rest of their empire gets weaker. Empire players must maintain a careful balance between keeping their empire safe and keeping their leader, or preferred character, safe. At times, it may be beneficial for an empire player to sacrifice their leader in order to keep a skillful bounty-hunter player or another empire off of their backs for a little longer.

    Hmm, I don't think it would be wise to sacrifice the leader of an empire for a short gain in time. Any benefit would be lost because of the large amount of time needed to recentralize, unless an heir has already been named and is backed up by something big. But this is merely advice, and I may just be trying to get people to make mistakes.

    I don't think we should have the actual Milky Way galaxy in our map, nor do I think we should allow humans as a playable race. And we don't need a very large map; a few dozen systems should be more than enough for the small number of people that will play empires.

    As for your history Zombie, it's too depressing. It may seem like hopeless optimism on my part, but every futuristic plot that has been come up with by you folks here at monkkonen involves Earth being abandoned as a useless planet. I suppose the plot of Wazzal/Notrium isn't quite like that, but the same pessimistic attitude is maintained. The idea that practical inter-system travel is produced before the Earth is completely united seems a bit of a stretch to me. Research for such a technology just wouldn't be justified to world leaders for many hundreds of years if we're still divided here on Earth. They would want to ensure their grip on humanity before flinging it all across space. I could get over it, but it'd be less depressing (and easier) if we could just have a universe without Earth or humanity at all, they just never existed. To make it so that our rapid expansion is reasonable within the universe, whatever the center of political power was just got sacked. It's simple and it doesn't strain the believability of the thread. And it allows us to use a universe that hasn't been mapped out at all, at least not yet. We should also assume that all empires in the start of the thread have at least made contact, in some way or another.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    It is depressing? Well, that may be because I base it off of how things will most likely end up. Also, it does not mean that we are in the same timestream or even dimension just because the Milky Way, Earth, and humanity exist.

    I do not like limiting us to not be able to play as humans. Hell, I just do not like limiting us much at all. I had to think of the best way to phrase the rules that leaves the most room for growth...

    The splinter factions in my history even accomodate for empires or characters existing out of the milky way, as long as the player can come up with a logical and plausible explanation.
    EvilP 19 years ago
    Your story is very human-centric and doesn't mention clearly being able to play as anything BUT human. Isn't that even more limiting for all those who have been longing for a chance to play as a sentient puddle of slime or a kingdom of purple lizards?

    Under a no-human rule people could still make races more or less completely similar to humans couldn't they? (just like in Star Trek!)
    There isn't really a problem with that and it encourages just a bit more creativity and uniqueness.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    I just said that mankind moved off of Earth. I never mentioned any other races so we are free to add other creatures as we choose.

    The history I gave was a barebones history, people! Instead of critisizing it with no real input of many clear ideas, why do you not tell me how to gear it more toward something we can all agree on?

    This means saying, "You should change..." or "You should add..." or "How about... ...instead of..." instead of "You do not have..." and "You should not have..."
    Murska 19 years ago
    I think I will be a single player first, and then become an empire, like get 2-3 planets and such. Mostly because I want to fight space battles with other PCs, but to have a main character, AND have battles with my main character taking part.
    EvilP 19 years ago
    Why not make up a story that loosely explains why everyone starts with little resources like the core of the galaxy exploded sending shockwaves of energy killing most things that weren't on the backside of a star/planet or something. This would spread chaos, but also fertilize the galaxy for lone survivors in lucky ships and colonies that know of the others factions existence, but with little relations since most of them are blown into bologna and those that aren't are trying to rebuild what they can. Exploration starts over since the galaxy is completely changed.

    Maybe there was a founder race that left ships all over the universe that suddenly activate giving all the developing (seeded by ancestors?) races space travel at the same time.
    Maybe just letting a single individual escape his planet as he/she discovers a ship. This one is a bit of a ripoff from typical scifi however.

    I just prefer a generic history that lays down the playing field letting people roleplay and invent from a sensible starting point.

    + I'm new into this EEToEE thing, but I've read over it and I might just jump on the bandwagon as a possible moderator or as a player. Haven't quite decided yet.
    Pete 19 years ago
    There is some way how to make races equal but not the same.

    Well, lets say Earth came into collision way with wormhole, so Mankind send out many colony ships into many directions? Of course not able to FTL travel. So, after few hundred years, Earth is a legend when
    Maybe there was a founder race that left ships all over the universe that suddenly activate giving all the developing (seeded by ancestors?) races space travel at the same time.
    this happen. So, Many small fractions can finnaly fall into war and look to find earth, which simply fell into wormhole and warped somewhere else.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Nono, please, not let Earth be destroyed. I love this planet, and I don't want it destroyed or something like that. Let it be the centre of this universe, those who controls Earth, controls the biggest part of new EEToEE.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    which we cannot have, because we would need a NPC to control earth at the start, which we do not want.
    Pete 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    Nono, please, not let Earth be destroyed. I love this planet, and I don't want it destroyed or something like that. Let it be the centre of this universe, those who controls Earth, controls the biggest part of new EEToEE.

    Ok. But I didnt destroyed it. I just moved it somewhere else, and those who stayed dont know where. What keeps Earth from buinding an empire? What keeps YOU from finding it?
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Well, we don't need a npc to control earth. It can be passive, it just is.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    which we cannot have, because we would need a NPC to control earth at the start, which we do not want.

    why not? i've always wanted to be a NPC...
    Idiota 19 years ago
    yes, passive. But what if it will be attacked? Will it remain passive and just give control to the attacker? NPC's are controlled by us, it's not a good idea.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    which we cannot have, because we would need a NPC to control earth at the start, which we do not want.

    why not? i've always wanted to be a NPC...

    You can't be an NPC, if you're not a GM in a D&D game (in which case you control every single NPC there is in that game).

    And if you didn't know, NPC stands for Non-Player Character.

    So, if you're participating (read "playing") in this new EEToEE, it'll be impossible to actually BE an NPC (although you can control some).
    Crazy 19 years ago
    i know... i dont think you guys "caught my drift"
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Let us say Earth is "passive defencive", it attacks any hostile ships/fleets, and it is controled by the attacker. But, the attacker can not abuse this possition, and must direct the outcomes of the battles in a way that is fair and square.

    If you still think it is a bad idea, I, or someone else, can be the player that owns Earth, but Earth's power has faded, and are actually considered as one of the poorest states in the galaxy.

    Also, I think it would be wise with char descriptions. These descriptions will show both the advanteges and the negatives with the PC's empire/char.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I think it is best to just skip the whole earth thing and make it just like any other planet. It'll only cause useless discussions like the one we're having now and stall the birth of the new EEToEE.
    The Gemini 19 years ago

    Then Earth is only a planet that has no importance in the New EEToEE.
    However, it DO exists, and it is not destroyed, pleeeease?

    Anyway, can we try to start the new EEToEE as soon as possible, I just can't wait.
    Pete 19 years ago

    OK, lets be serious. I still dont understand some things. Like the empire players and the single ones. Tell me two things and Il shut up.

    1) Can single player become empire player and how? Also, what will change for him?
    2) What can single player can do to harm empire player?

    You know, I still dont know what to become... I would like something else, in the middle of this... Like me be someone else starship (a bigger one, with a woman computer voice ) captain...
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "Pete" said:

    reasons why this cannot be written by me.

    1. I dont write whole sentances in caps, mostly fragments or words.
    2. I am smart enough to know IL is spelled I'll
    3. I dont use excessive punctuation. (ex. :: and !!!!!!!!)
    4. I dont use 4 of the same smilies in a row.
    5. I do not have the power to ban people.
    6. I write in red when I type in someone elses post.
    The real Idiota would have written this:

    Idiota: Please, let's not make any hasty decisions. We're not even sure wether this'll work or not.

    there. Wise lesson learned, I hope?

    Do not try to impersonate me please, thank you.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    1) Can a single player become an empire player and how? Also, what will change for him?
    2) What can a single player do to harm an empire player?

    A player becomes an empire after he/she accumulates enough political power where he/she no longer has to do most of his/her 'dirty work.' When someone becomes an emperor, he begins having to devote large amounts of time to administration; this causes a severe reduction in the emperor's combat skills. Also, "fate" is not as kind to emperors (the council should treat the emperor as a normal person, except for the massive defenses usually set up around emperors). An example is that an emperor caught next to a reactor core meltdown dies, but a single player's character might be able to duck behind a door and close it, thus saving his life (for a while anyway).

    A single player can do very little to harm an empire long term. They could disrupt communications or sabotage a ship or two, but single characters just don't have the resources to bring any empires to their knees (excluding empires that are incredibly weak).

    "Pete" said:
    You know, I still don’t know what to become... I would like something else, in the middle of this... Like me be someone else starship (a bigger one, with a woman computer voice) captain...

    I'd be happy to allow you to be one of my ship captains, but my race does not install voices on our ships. We communicate by noticing incredibly small movements. Talking is more like lifting your index finger just so and slumping your shoulders ever so slightly. I'll give bonus points to whoever can name who I'm ripping off.

    "The Gemini" said:
    Anyway, can we try to start the new EEToEE as soon as possible, I just can't wait.

    People, you need to have patience for a little while longer. We still have to decide what empires get to start out with, and we have to pick who is going to be on the council. We can't start without those two details, and I'm sure they wouldn't take long to figure out if we actually focus on figuring them out.

    "Idiota" said:
    I think it is best to just skip the whole earth thing and make it just like any other planet. It'll only cause useless discussions like the one we're having now and stall the birth of the new EEToEE.

    Agreed, for all we care it could be the center of wealth and influence in its immediate area, but we should just ignore it. We still need to fix out those two important details of what empires start out with and who our council members are before we can start the new EEToEE.

    EvilP's first half of his story looks good to me; I'd say we should just stick with that one. It is a simple, yet functional, story that allows things to happen without much fuss.

    "EvilP" said:
    Under a no-human rule people could still make races more or less completely similar to humans couldn't they? (Just like in Star Trek!)
    There isn't really a problem with that and it encourages just a bit more creativity and uniqueness.

    I suppose you could, but it would be much more interesting (to me) to have non-humanoid races almost exclusively, though I suppose we could do it like Star Trek.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I think Ville should dedicate a whole forum (like General Talk and Project Corner) for EEToEE and some such forum based RPs.

    I shall PM him at once.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    What about:
    2654: A strange deseace breaks out in Europe, killing people in only three days

    2678: The deseace have become an epidemy, no known medications can stagger it.

    2705: People begans to flee Earth, in fear for the epidemy.

    2715: A rebellion breaks out in the M13 area of the galaxy, it spreads to all of Earth's colonies.

    2720: Earth's population have reach 5 billion, because of the deseace, this reduses Earth's political power to a minimum, the colonies takes their chance and declares themselfs as free nations.

    2740: Earth has lost all of its colonies, except those in its own solarsystem. Trade stops up, most of the industry stops up on Earth.

    2745: A new vaccine stops the deseace, 4 billion people greets a new dawn, free for the deseace, Earth begans to plan how it will get back its former colonies.

    2756: Earth's "chrusade" in the M34 sector ends in a slaughter, 90% of Earth's fleet are destroyed. Opperation "Green Mars" (a terraforming project on Mars) is finally finished. A military coup ends the final chapter of UN's history.

    2761: Any attempts in recapturing some of the former colonies ends in failure, a depression (like the 1930, that ended in WW2) hits Earth.
    People are getting more and more rebellious, because of the tyrran that leads Earth. Its time for a new "Dawn".

    Sorry for grammar errors, I'm tired.
    This history reduces Earth to a poor nation like those countries in Africa today, without destroying it completely.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    If there is to be no Earth, then there is to be no Earth.

    I voulenteer to be part of the council, if you all will have me... If we are going to assign positions, then I would love to be the EEToEE's judicator... I also would like to nominate Cejer and MageKing.

    So, anywho... I think I will just lend whatever strength I have in the decisionmaking here to the side saying "No Earth." I do, actually, think that we should just make our own universe.

    I think 'Human' should exist as just a basic race, however...

    I am also a bit burned out from finally finishing up [10] of my story... The prologue is finished! Huzzah!

    Now the real writing begins... Bleh! Sure, I love to write... But it can get rather tiring at times, especially when you have to rack your brain for a way to phrase what you want to happen.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    Why do people even want the role-play to take place near Earth? It makes so little sense to me, because many people are going to argue needlessly about the current state of Earth. This arguing will cause an unnecessary delay in the start of the "new EEToEE."

    Speaking of putting quotations around a non-quoted phrase, it usually means that the quoter (funny that this word is not recognized by MS Word) is not entire pleased with the phrase. Since the EEToEE has in fact died, why do we insist on calling the new thread "the new EEToEE?" I suppose it works as a title, and the issue of the thread name is minor, but perhaps after the thread gets started we could have a vote on the new name.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I have but one question at the moment...

    Is there going to be a Bermuda system in the Milky Way?

    If not, then where?

    It must exist...
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