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  • TPoD (TPoD12! At last!)

    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    I must say that i really liked TPoD8
    You seem to be the only one. Although, to be honest, I didn't see what was wrong with it when I looked over it upon uploading TPoD9. The opening ("It took you that long to get to telekinesis?"), plus Crazy's (the character, although it honestly wouldn't be out of character for you, Crazy) Fine Leather Comics bit are possibly my favourite jokes.
    Crazy 15 years ago
    Hum. I'd always gotten the impression that you didn't like it because you talked it down. Those two bits and Grims "Can't!" reply to dying had me in stitches indeed.

    I guess i'll come away a little smarter again, knowing that i will never understand people.

    ...wait, that doesn't change anything.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Hum. I'd always gotten the impression that you didn't like it because you talked it down.
    Well, I was convinced that, since everybody else seemed to hate it, that it must not have been nearly as funny as I thought it was. But hey, if you liked it, than perhaps my own judgment wasn't completely off-base.

    I'll try to throw in more... how did you put it? "Unforced and flowing" humor.
    Thaif 15 years ago
    TPoD 8 & 9 are fine.

    Personally the thing that bothers me the most is the difficulty of picturing the individual "voice" of the characters, meaning that textually(No not via font but by pattern, wording, etc) they tend to speak the same way most of the time. There's plenty of personality quirks to go around tho("Can't!", "Fine Leather Comics") and happy-slap humour a plenty so it's a minor grievance.


    Krhm. Please do your best to finalize TPoD 10 and release it on the unsuspecting public.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    TPoD10 is here!

    At least one complaint I do not forsee is that it's too short.

    Also, TPoD11 will have to wait until after Crazy-in-my-head and I have had a nice long chat (if this confuses you, read TPoD10).
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    I highly enjoyed this particular TPoD ('specially the bickerings of MK and C-in-MK's-head, and not to forget ze new characters page thingamajig ). Hope to see more of it soon
    Thaif 15 years ago
    Have a fun talk. I'll just get my cup of we go...and return to my corner workshop.

    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    than syringe joke kinda reminded me of a friend of mine xD
    The feedback part at the end was particular funny
    Amarth 15 years ago
    I wonder how much more meta you can get with this...

    Also, what's this about torture and that logo wanting me dead... I haven't done anything wrong! Take Thaif instead!
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    I wonder how much more meta you can get with this...
    The only way I could get more meta is by hacking into user's accounts to continue a TPoD plot, and that's just too far.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    I liked this one. I assume you will add me to your conversations pretty soon. Also, care to tell the whole "It's not a claw, it's a syringe!" joke? *

    And I've yet to understand the full meaning of my "Confoundingly annoying sentence structure". I might go "lolhax" every while and then, but that doesn't mean I can't type in decent English.

    *Possibly not, I'm afraid.

    Edit: Before I forget, I updated my avatar to a higher resolution after you uploaded TPoD7, so you might possibly want to check that as well.
    Thaif 15 years ago
    A sure fire way to get cut from a TPoD "episode": Mention that you want yourself in one.
    Narvius 15 years ago
    Oh, I'm totally, like, in there.

    That was quite long, huh.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Also, care to tell the whole "It's not a claw, it's a syringe!" joke?
    It's a Noodle Incident, I'm afraid (combined with an Overly Long Gag, of course). It's actually a reference to the Brick Joke (hence the mention of the syringe being tied to a brick).

    Yes, the humor is so meta it references concepts instead of instances of those concepts.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Argh. Don't link to TVTropes. You're stealing valuable time from all of us.

    (as coincidentally seen on the latest xkcd)

    [EDIT] Still 4 TVTropes tabs open after 1,5h...
    Crazy 15 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Argh. Don't link to TVTropes. You're stealing valuable time from all of us.

    (as coincidentally seen on the latest xkcd)

    [EDIT] Still 4 TVTropes tabs open after 1,5h...
    Yes, i had that problem as well. I was able to fix it by reading it all.


    [02] <Crazy> xD "That's a good question, with a very interesting answer! The fee for this information is 12,000,000 credits."
    Imagine my surprise as i scroll down and read myself speaking well of this joke. :S


    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    [02] <Crazy> xD "That's a good question, with a very interesting answer! The fee for this information is 12,000,000 credits."
    Imagine my surprise as i scroll down and read myself speaking well of this joke. :S

    Now the problem is I'm not sure where to go with TPoD11. I have a number of possibilities (start with the end of a conversation between Crazy-in-my-head and I, continue from the "first ending", et cetera), but I have an urge to come up with something that incorporates all the various threads explored in TPoD10, instead of just taking one of them and running with it.

    I shall have to think on this.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    You are indeed right about length not being a complaint anymore. I LOL'd. Now, the only problem is that I read it too fast, so I don't remember the first part. Gah. *Re-reads a few times*

    I honestly don't have much I could criticize for this TPoD, positively or negatively. I can't say it was perfect, but it's what people were asking for. As for ideas for TPoD11... You could try actually doing a brick joke! Bah, I dunno. I'd like to see what's going on from the point of view of that group with Anarion, E, Neo, Pete, et cetera.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    You might not agree with this, but you could actually place a few lines about the next Werewolf game and some possible expectations. After all, it's one of the latest subjects of the forums.
    Binky 14 years ago
    Bump, but eh...

    I can't believe I'm not in there yet.
    DRL 14 years ago
    *Post deleted by author*
    E_net4 14 years ago
    This is not a game. It's just a work of MK's.
    You may not know what's going on after a few years of inactivity, but chill.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    "Binky" said:
    I can't believe I'm not in there yet.
    Did you have an avatar before?
    DRL 14 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Binky" said:
    I can't believe I'm not in there yet.
    Did you have an avatar before?
    I can not bevelieve that somebody wants to be in.
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    "DRL" said:
    *Post deleted by author*
    Please do not perform ninja-edits. It hurts the timeline and confuses newcomers.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    "DRL" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Binky" said:
    I can't believe I'm not in there yet.
    Did you have an avatar before?
    I can not bevelieve that somebody wants to be in.
    I can't believe you can't believe somebody would want to be in.

    I also can't believe you can't spell "believe" correctly.
    Murska 14 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "DRL" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    Did you have an avatar before?
    I can not bevelieve that somebody wants to be in.
    I can't believe you can't believe somebody would want to be in.

    I also can't believe you can't spell "believe" correctly.

    I can't believe you can't believe he can't believe somebody would want to be in.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    "DRL" said:
    I can not bevelieve that somebody wants to be in.
    I can't believe you can't believe somebody would want to be in.

    I also can't believe you can't spell "believe" correctly.

    I can't believe you can't believe he can't believe somebody would want to be in.
    I can't believe you continued this pointless line of conversation.

    I also can't believe nobody has said anything properly related to TPoD in 5 posts (well, 6 counting this one).
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    So when is TPoD11 going to be out?
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    So when is TPoD11 going to be out?
    I REALLY can't believe you said that.


    ... No, really. Remember the NV curse?
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    ... No, really. Remember the NV curse?
    I don't even remember what NV stands for. :\

    Or if I've ever even heard of "the NV curse".

    The release of new TPoDs aside, is the format of the thingamajigs going to change at all from what we see in the latest ones?
    Amarth 14 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    I don't even remember what NV stands for. :\

    Or if I've ever even heard of "the NV curse".
    Noctis 5 I believe. Not sure why it would apply here since this is neither Noctis nor Five. But well.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    I don't even remember what NV stands for. :\

    Or if I've ever even heard of "the NV curse".
    Noctis 5 I believe. Not sure why it would apply here since this is neither Noctis nor Five. But well.
    I could've sworn you knew what it means. Anyhow, teh linkage.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    The NV curse affected Alex a lot, I must say. Either that or he delayed his work on Linoleum and Noctis 5 for some other reason for almost a decade.

    Anywho, it was a good question. The latest events of TPoD should continue.
    DRL 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    The NV curse affected Alex a lot, I must say. Either that or he delayed his work on Linoleum and Noctis 5 for some other reason for almost a decade.

    Anywho, it was a good question. The latest events of TPoD should continue.
    Yes... Continue. You better ignore that "I canĀ“t believe post" I made it as sort of joke, who nobody understood .
    I deleted the first post I made because it sounded well, er... "noobish". Sorry if I offended anyone.
    Seriously speaking, I have been looking at the TPoD pages, and they are not bad if want to have some laugh. Through it still produces me that Confusion/Laughting/Anger feeling... And this is the first time I have seen the forum users "interact" with each other in such way.
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