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  • TPoD (TPoD12! At last!)

    E_net4 15 years ago
    Place your bets, everyone!

    Edit: Lolwut, editage.
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Crazy" said:
    MageKing! I'll race ya! TPoD8 vs. TIAoGaC39!
    Oh, it is on now.

    EDIT: And I... er... "win".

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Great I lol pretty much at this one xD
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Ok, so you won the contest. But the thing itself sucked I think Mk. As much as I loved the one before this one, I hated this one. :p (Ok almost... not, the second to last one was awesome!). I do hope you intend to not rush anymore of these sketches, because apperently, they have far more succes without the whole winning thing,
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Ok, so you won the contest. But the thing itself sucked I think Mk. As much as I loved the one before this one, I hated this one. :p (Ok almost... not, the second to last one was awesome!). I do hope you intend to not rush anymore of these sketches, because apperently, they have far more succes without the whole winning thing,
    Okay, note to self: Spend more than five minutes writing the script.
    Murska 15 years ago
    Yay! Delicious Cake from the Heavens!
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Yay! Delicious Cake from the Heavens!
    *eats a cookie*

    ...Yeah, the cake is delicious.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Idiota" said:
    Ok, so you won the contest. But the thing itself sucked I think Mk. As much as I loved the one before this one, I hated this one. :p (Ok almost... not, the second to last one was awesome!). I do hope you intend to not rush anymore of these sketches, because apperently, they have far more succes without the whole winning thing,
    Okay, note to self: Spend more than five minutes writing the script.

    Maybe I shouldn't review things when I'm drunk either btw... Might have sounded a bit harsher than I meant it to be. The point still stands though, as I wasn't drunk when I read through it the first time.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention: I saw myself being quoted and I was like... "I really haven't a clue when or how I said that, just that I did... somehow..." Really lame.
    Crazy 15 years ago
    Odd. I thought this was the funniest TPoD yet, excluding the first which has that wonderful new car smell. Srsly. I cracked up.

    But now let's race TIAoGaC #39 vs. TPoD #39!
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Odd. I thought this was the funniest TPoD yet, excluding the first which has that wonderful new car smell. Srsly. I cracked up.

    But now let's race TIAoGaC #39 vs. TPoD #39!
    If MK really does take 5 minutes to make a TPod, why not?
    Thaif 15 years ago
    Hm. If that really was filler then there isn't a need to update the "Meet the Cast".

    Everyone knows that filler isn't canon!
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Odd. I thought this was the funniest TPoD yet, excluding the first which has that wonderful new car smell. Srsly. I cracked up.
    I guess that just goes to show the difference in people's opinions. Personally, I don't like TPoD8 either.

    "Crazy" said:
    But now let's race TIAoGaC #39 vs. TPoD #39!
    TPoD39? You think I'll have enough interest/few enough scruples to let this thing hit thirty-nine?

    Dream on.
    Nuklearni-okurka 15 years ago
    That new guy is czech? Awesome, I am czech too! And yet I'm not in TPoD
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    That new guy is czech? Awesome, I am czech too!
    If by "that new guy" you mean Dorten, his userpage actually says he's Russian.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    And yet I'm not in TPoD
    You still don't have an avatar.
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    That new guy is czech? Awesome, I am czech too!
    If by "that new guy" you mean Dorten, his userpage actually says he's Russian.
    I just did an internet search for what "hidden meaning" could possibly be in a name like "dorten", and the word "dort" is as close as I got.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I just did an internet search for what "hidden meaning" could possibly be in a name like "dorten", and the word "dort" is as close as I got.
    It turns out that we always need to look around for the cake.
    *eats a cookie*
    Pete 15 years ago
    Technically Im czech too, but I didnt scream to be included either.

    include meeeee!
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    include meeeee!
    I'm sure he will. After all, you did come back.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Pete" said:
    include meeeee!
    I'm sure he will. After all, you did come back.
    Yes, finding reasons to introduce new characters can be difficult. I mean, the original "Let's chase ZeXLR8er!!" thing was mostly pulled out of my ass (encouraged slightly by ZeX's riddles (though not much), and then ended when he actually did come back), and UberWaffe showing up was completely pulled out of my ass (and then resolved as rapidly as possible), so having Pete join the fray just might make TPoD9 a bit more interesting.
    Thaif 15 years ago
    New characters are good only if they bring something new and interesting to the enseble. Old(Original) characters getting some new flesh is also a good way.

    TPoD being text based; the way the characters are portrayed The Avatars are a pretty forvard way to do this and the "Awesome Powers" are, to me as a reader, quite fun too. Good and funny scripts still carries the most weight tough and mostly it's been great.

    The one thing that could also be done is textual variation. Like different fonts according to speaker, tone and so forth.

    However as the TPoD is generated with a code(now a days) this would mean more coding. These are my suggestions/critiques, about the series.

    Waiting for the next one with glee.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Thaif" said:
    The one thing that could also be done is textual variation. Like different fonts according to speaker, tone and so forth.
    I really want to avoid that, because I don't want to deal with the hassle of some people not having certain fonts and so not seeing variations between those characters and what have you. I may or may not have a character start speaking like DEATH FROM DISCWORLD, but that depends.

    "Thaif" said:
    However as the TPoD is generated with a code(now a days) this would mean more coding.
    No problem, trust me. Using my above idea (DEATH-STYLE TALKING) would actually be more annoying to do by-hand than automated via my script.

    "Thaif" said:
    Waiting for the next one with glee.
    Good to hear.

    Nice new avatar, BTW.
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Thaif" said:
    The one thing that could also be done is textual variation. Like different fonts according to speaker, tone and so forth.
    I really want to avoid that, because I don't want to deal with the hassle of some people not having certain fonts and so not seeing variations between those characters and what have you. I may or may not have a character start speaking like DEATH FROM DISCWORLD, but that depends.
    Howsabout speech bubble thingy for each character, with customizable font, bubble background and bubble border colours? And there's also font size to consider.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Thaif" said:
    The one thing that could also be done is textual variation. Like different fonts according to speaker, tone and so forth.
    I really want to avoid that, because I don't want to deal with the hassle of some people not having certain fonts and so not seeing variations between those characters and what have you. I may or may not have a character start speaking like DEATH FROM DISCWORLD, but that depends.
    Howsabout speech bubble thingy for each character, with customizable font, bubble background and bubble border colours? And there's also font size to consider.
    It's talking avatars, not a goddamn webcomic. ;P
    D0M0 15 years ago
    avatars are characters, effects (rg . whzap thud etc.) are pictures (only if you have a great [ but {hopefully} not twisted (* like me *)] imagination) and text is their speech -{or at least i think so}- so it could be done in that fashion which is seconded to the style magking started writing in and that is not completely diferent but still makes some differnce which will diferent members interpert differently.

    | P.S. i'm out of ideas for bracket characters |
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    "D0M0" said:
    avatars are characters, effects (rg . whzap thud etc.) are pictures (only if you have a great [ but {hopefully} not twisted (* like me *)] imagination) and text is their speech -{or at least i think so}- so it could be done in that fashion which is seconded to the style magking started writing in and that is not completely diferent but still makes some differnce which will diferent members interpert differently.

    | P.S. i'm out of ideas for bracket characters |
    I think I see what you're getting at, but MK already writes TPoD this way. IIRC, there was even an image of an explosion as a special effect in one of the TPoDs.

    ... As for your running out of brackets, you could consider just nesting parenthesis.
    D0M0 15 years ago
    truth §btw, nice bionicle avatar§
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    TPoD9 is here, get it while it's hot. Or, whatever. You know what I mean.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    TPoD9 is here, get it while it's hot.
    Amusing. Hope to see the rest of the story.
    Dorten 15 years ago
    Yeah, at least there IS story now!!!
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    I go away for a week and that's the only commentary I find when I return?

    If you people are this disinterested, why do I even bother making them?
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I go away for a week and that's the only commentary I find when I return?

    If you people are this disinterested, why do I even bother making them?
    It's not disinterest what's keeping people from writing comments. They're just frozen in anticipation of TPoD10.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    I go away for a week and that's the only commentary I find when I return?

    If you people are this disinterested, why do I even bother making them?
    It's not disinterest what's keeping people from writing comments. They're just frozen in anticipation of TPoD10.
    That's basically our point. Furthermore, we don't have much to say about the latest TPoD.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    Actually, I DO have something meaningful to say about the latest TPoD. Trying for a storyline made for a shorter-feeling issue/comic/whatever. You should leave in some level of pulling ideas out of your ass, or make them longer.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    make them longer
    I checked, and TPoD9 is no shorter than other TPoDs. It's about the same length as 8, and definitely longer than 7 and 6. Perhaps it simply feels shorter? Or I'm using shorter dialogue? Or maybe the intro conversation is to blame, for taking up space. At any rate, I'll endeavour to increase the length of the next TPoD.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    I thought it was awesome. Or maybe that's just because I had a lot of lines. No really, I like the direction you're heading with TPoD, with multiple storylines running simultaneously and all, and the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy-esque humor with Morrowind. :p It's one of the better TPoD's imo.

    And I took this long to answer because it took me this long to watch it: I iz vewwy buzy. But Saturday the holidays begin and I SHOULD have a fraction more time (Allthough the first week is already booked full of other activities, like work and social gatherings that involve 2 hours of travel. (Like D&D IRL))
    Crazy 15 years ago
    I must say that i really liked TPoD8, one which you said you hated because it was hastily put-together. I liked it because it was practically the definition of "unforced and flowing". Kinda like the opposite of Chef Brian (Ctrl + Alt + Delete). The man is so forced it's like he was a stubborn bowel movement. TPoD 8 was not considered through, it's not calculated and it's not constructed. It just is what it is just because it damn well feels like being it.

    When you begin to put more effort into it, it becomes sort of not what i just described. It feels like this is something that someone spent thought on to make it good, i don't see it as whimsical and joyful. Sure, i smiled right through the thing, chuckling at bits. It's not that TPoD9 is bad. It's pretty cool. It's just not as side-splittingly hilarious as the previous stuff.

    And trust me, there have been bits which have left me laughing like a maniac. Which is why you should keep making these things. Sometimes jokes you thought were great bomb and just bits you thought would use to keep the audience interested while you connect to the next joke have the audience wriggling on the ground like worms on crack. So, y'know, keep going. Never know when you might crap out a masterpiece.

    Oh, and it's not that i'm telling you HOW to make the thing. If you continue to produce with the methods of TPoD9, but make it as unforced, then that'd be great.

    So. Yeah. I prefer honest criticism on my works because that makes me improve the best, so i gave you a healthy dose of the the negative there. But don't be discouraged or anything, i'm still definitely looking forward for TPoD10, whatever you decide to do with it.
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