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  • DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal

    Redemption 17 years ago
    A few glitches that were in the beta have been fixed. If you don't activate the killlswitch in pHQ the enemy marines on the way to Beors won't be killed.

    If you attempt to return to pHQ before completing your objective a message will appear telling you what to do.

    Shock turret made.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    The third mission from pHQ has been started. It's a short one, and you have Rafer with you.

    The death event has been changed. When that final shot hits you, you don't just go straight to the death screen. There is now a brief moment where you can see killed you, with a kind of bleeding screen effect. [Edit] You now have the ability to resurrect yourself in case you save while dying by quickly pressing 5BQR8KU (there is a one in six chance of this code being shown in the final death message).
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    The mushy compounds of meat and bone living on this organic mass desire an update on Aleryon Betrayal from the meaty flesh sack known as Redemption !
    Redemption 17 years ago
    The third mission from pHQ is mostly done. All I need to make is a few additions to the final map and the way back to pHQ.

    Stun rifle made. It is a very weak weapon, useful only for stunning. There will be an upgrade to this weapon that is more powerful.

    Exploding barrels have a chance of creating a fire when they explode.

    Right now I'm going to start working on elite marines. These guys will have a better AI, be more powerful and generally be harder to kill. The AI advances I make for these guys will probably be applied to normal marines as well.

    After the Elites are done, I'll work on changing the punching scientists so they have at least three different attacks (random chance based between: Normal punch, Tackle and Headbut, minimum).
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Punch scientists are now very vunerable to turret guns (Turrets don't get overrun in 3 seconds any more).

    Enemy marine dual wielder made (Pistol & Tazor). This was meant to be the elite, but it went wrong somewhere. I'll make the elite have an assault rifle or something. The elite will probably have grenades as well.

    600 dialogs reached.

    Machine gun made. This gun is real powerful but slows you down while you wield it.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Assault rifle enemy Elite made. This guy strafes from side to side while shooting you, throws a concussion grenade every now and then and has a chance of throwing a frag grenade when killed. Takes a fair amount of shootage to kill.

    Enemies now drop their guns when killed (You can't pick them up though as they are actually particles).
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    Sounds all good, just keep in mind, the AI works best when there aren't too many of them. The way crowds are handled by Notrium's engine was never a strong point and they tend to do nothing or way too much.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    How much is a crowd, exactly? I tried 50 enemies at once (yes, I counted) and everything work fine.
    harwe 17 years ago
    how bout 50 enemies + all the thousands of dead alien bodies that you dont bother to loot?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    That could be an issue. A lagging issue.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Well, the way Quanrian said it, it might depend on the computer the game is run on.
    harwe 17 years ago
    yea i guess, a high end computer can handle more than a $200 laptop [/OT]

    any releases going to be made soon Redemption?
    Redemption 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    any releases going to be made soon Redemption?
    Not until I've made more missions (I've only made one more from the ones in the beta).

    Shotgunner enemy marine made. These guys are resistant to shotguns, so you can't beat them at their own game.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    The elite assault rifle marine now defects when near death. This will only follow you until the end of the area though, otherwise you could build an unbeatable army of doom (also: I'm too lazy to make them transfer areas. But mostly its the army of doom thing).

    Most identifier items have been switched to bars, taking out a lot of glitches.

    Night vision goggles now brighten the area a lot more.

    The next mission has been started (You'll be finding Larry the Medic for his hacking skills).
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Puch scientists now have three different attacks (Normal punch, Tackle & Left hand punch, which was meant to be a headbut but I couldn't get the graphic right). This should make them a little less uniform.

    "I" said:
    Most identifier items have been switched to bars, taking out a lot of glitches.
    Forgot to mention it, but this also limited the number of grenades you can carry (8 frags, 8 shockwaves, 4 concussions and 10 trip mines. These limits will change as I test for a number that works well. You'll be able to increase the maximum in game with pickups of some kind.).

    Destructable barricades made. Enemies can shoot through these, but you can't. There might be a point in the game where you can deploy these for yourself, because you can disassemble and reassemble them when they belong to you by right clicking them (You can't move them, but disassembling them means you can walk over them).

    I've decided that in the next mission you'll be getting loads of new weapons very frequently because [Sentence stopped for spoileration reasons].

    I'm thinking that it's possible for me to bring in a reloading system, but I'm going to poll this before I make it to see what everyone thinks of it (In theory, I could make this available only in hard mode). If it turns out no-one wants it, I'll just make up something that explains why reloading isn't needed in the future.

    [Edit] Ok... the poll screwed up (It added options from the last poll for some reason, then added duplicates from the one I was trying to add when I tried to fix it.). You'll just have to post a 'yes' or 'no' until this makes sense.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:

    [Edit] Ok... the poll screwed up (It added options from the last poll for some reason, then added duplicates from the one I was trying to add when I tried to fix it.). You'll just have to post a 'yes' or 'no' until this makes sense.

    To change the poll completely you needa at or remove an entire option. So change the options to 3, then back to 2.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Just tried that, it didn't work. I'm not sure exactly why, but I end up getting:

    Hard mode only
    Hard mode only
    Hard mode only

    It's not always those options, it's just random selections of previous options I've put in before. At first it just had two extra options ('Yea' and 'Nay') from the last poll (Elite marine's defection). There doesn't seem top be a way for me to fix it, but it might be possible for a moderator, so I'll just wait and see.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    roburky 17 years ago
    I think it's great how you've made a complete action game out of this. You may have changed the name away from Doom, but Doom is what it reminds me of.

    A bug that I seem to have in the version I downloaded (Still the latest version, I think), is that I couldn't use the shotgun. I'd pick up the item, but can't select the weapon. This meant I eventually ran out of ammo for all other guns in the section where you first get the shotgun. Trying to line up as many enemies to take them out with one sniper bullet in order to conserve ammo was quite fun while it lasted, though.

    I was playing on easy, and eventually reached a point where I died with my last save point very far back, so I gave up. But I applaud your work here. Was a nice night's entertainment.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    You need to press 2 to select the close quarters inventory (or press 0 to select the master inventory). I'll end up making a tutorial explaining this ingame at some point.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    After a (failed) attempt to make the punch scientists less swarmlike in their tactics I've found a way to make enemies follow a set path (using invisible eat items). I'm not sure yet whether or not I can make them follow this path without disrupting combat, but I can make enemy marines run to a control panel and have them trigger an event or have Rafer run to switches when he's with you on a mission. There will also be stuff happening in areas you can't get to (or places you can't get to before the events over) such as an enemy marine running to join some others or a bunch of your squad members leaving through a hatch.

    Fire doors made. These work exactly like the quarintine doors but you need to extinguish all fires in the area instead of killing enemies.

    Enemies are now hurt when they run through fire.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    After a (failed) attempt to make the punch scientists less swarmlike in their tactics I've found a way to make enemies follow a set path (using invisible eat items).
    That is... pure genius. Was this known before?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    That is... pure genius.
    harwe 17 years ago
    AI can eat?
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "Redemption" said:
    After a (failed) attempt to make the punch scientists less swarmlike in their tactics I've found a way to make enemies follow a set path (using invisible eat items).
    That is... pure genius. Was this known before?
    Yes. Suggested often to set up back-and-forth routes for, say, miners and patrolling units. Not used often because, well, what is?
    Redemption 17 years ago
    I need to start updating more often...

    The maximum amount of sniper shells has been changed to 20, 100 is too much for a power weapon.

    Sleeping enemies have been made. These guys 'zzz...' until you fire a gun nearby. Some sneaking past them then hitting a turret activation switch moments are possible.

    For a change in scenery, I'm going to make some jungle maps (atmosphere generation, to explain their presense in a space station), an ice map (air cond) and maybe an area that is outside the station.

    Because I need something more scenery wise, I'm going to make some desks, beds, TVs and such to make some more interesting maps (if I can make it look good, destructable potted plants.).
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    an ice map (air cond)
    Make it an area where climate control went haywire, instead.
    themados 16 years ago
    or how about tvs that when destroyed stay were they are and started shooting sparks and have a static scene static image
    and how about when their alive is the first scene from the simpsons with the clouds and the simpsons written
    Anarion 16 years ago
    "themados" said:
    or how about tvs that when destroyed stay were they are and started shooting sparks and have a static scene static image
    and how about when their alive is the first scene from the simpsons with the clouds and the simpsons written
    The game is in a top-down perspective. How are you going to be able to see whats on a tv screen from above it?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    The game is in a top-down perspective. How are you going to be able to see whats on a tv screen from above it?
    Well there could be a new item called the "Find-out-what's-on-TV-gun"
    SmokinBaraka 16 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    "Anarion" said:
    The game is in a top-down perspective. How are you going to be able to see whats on a tv screen from above it?
    Well there could be a new item called the "Find-out-what's-on-TV-gun"

    you could call this gun, THE REMOTE!
    Redemption 16 years ago
    "I (almost two months ago)" said:
    I need to start updating more often...
    That post was followed by a long period of doing nothing, which explains the lack of updates. Dammit.

    Anyway... I've made the jungle map. A few problems occured with draw layers, but I (mostly) got it working. Some of the enemies in the jungle will run around underneath shell casings, but you wont notice unless you look for it.

    Rockets now explode when they hit outer walls ('outer walls' being the walls seperating the map from the blackness outside. Doesn't work on walls that have something on the other side of them though, but making that would be real hard.).

    The screen now shakes a little when the player is hit (shaking is increased if player is near death, giving you some warning).
    Redemption 16 years ago
    Forward movement for grenades is now smoother and you can throw them around corners*.

    Shock rifle made.

    The player can now hold only 3 frag grenades, 5 shockwave grenades, 2 concussion grenades and 6 trip mines.

    Water creature made.
    * I'm not sure why, but grenades now hug the x and y axes. This makes the player able to throw them around corners and such. I don't know how to fix this so I'm pretending it's a feature.
    Anarion 16 years ago
    Honestly Redemption, the amount of effort you're putting into this is brilliant. Keep up the fine work.
    Redemption 16 years ago
    Reloading has been set up for all non battery weapons. The reload times are really short right now, but I might make them longer depending on how it works in combat.
    Forum » DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal
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