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  • Werewolf Setting - Discussion and Poll

    Shingo 18 years ago
    After you have voted, I would please ask that you tell us which setting you voted for, as well as give an explanation as to why you voted the way you did.

    Once we have reached a decision, phase two will begin in which we, as a group, decide upon an enjoyable backstory for said setting.

    Edit: The futuristic one should instead be a "Modernistic" setting, however, I cannot edit polls.... >.>;;;
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Just for the record, I suggested post-apocalyptic.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I prefered Futuristic. It might be more interesting.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Allow me to give my comments, but feel free to ignore them .

    Replacing the wolves with vampires is indeed bland, as Shingo has suggested. In fact, I learned the game with vampires, not werewolves . There is also the possibility to make villagers convert to the dark side, instead of being killed. This is very interesting, but I don't think we're with enough here, I'd need to do the maths...

    I think Gemini was going for a modern day, urban setting, not a futuristic one. In fact, absolutely not futuristic.

    And the magicians thing, I dunno. It doesn't sound very believable to me.

    Also, medieval != fantasy.

    Post-apocalyptic would be cool, but we've done a couple of futuristic ones... Another setting might be better, perhaps.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Allow me to give my comments, but feel free to ignore them .

    Replacing the wolves with vampires is indeed bland, as Shingo has suggested. In fact, I learned the game with vampires, not werewolves . There is also the possibility to make villagers convert to the dark side, instead of being killed. This is very interesting, but I don't think we're with enough here, I'd need to do the maths...

    I think Gemini was going for a modern day, urban setting, not a futuristic one. In fact, absolutely not futuristic.

    And the magicians thing, I dunno. It doesn't sound very believable to me.

    Also, medieval != fantasy.

    Post-apocalyptic would be cool, but we've done a couple of futuristic ones... Another setting might be better, perhaps.
    How 'bout 1920s, where Werewolves are just greedy bunch of stockbrokers?
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    I am for VERY VERY VERY OLD AGE(something like ice age or what) and i dunno remember who made this idea
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I don't know, but in a game of werewolves it's crucial that the wolf can blend in with the villager. I can't even say which group is the villager group with vampires AND wereolves, so that idea is a definete no-no to me.

    But, as long as it's not anything like last setting, I'm fine with anything. I did vote for my own idea ofcourse. :p
    Shingo 18 years ago
    I'd like a version of Idiota's idea to be used.

    I'll outline what I'm envisioning:

    A group of spellcasters sit in their keep. For ages past they have spent their lives in the summoning of the Armageddon. The culmination of their labor is upon them.

    However, a schism has developed in the group of spellcaster's. A select few of them have opened their eyes and realized the horrors that they are about to unleash, and now wish to stop it.

    Meaning, that the "Bad guys" are actually the good guys.

    So with the roles....

    Sorcerer - This magician has long held the secret knowledge of calling forth the spirits of the dead and dragging them from the nether-realm. Upon the death of his fellow Mage, he undertakes to summon their soul and enslave it, that he might have power over his fellow Magicians. But, alas, when he summons up his departed brethren he is instead dominated by it. (The aer, and if I do say so myself I think this is a neat way to explain why the aer takes on the role of the first to die.

    Abjurer - Able to dispel the magic of another through concentration, and specializing in protective magic, this mage may protect one of his fellow mages from the ravages of the "heretics" who seek to forego the great summoning.

    Mystic - When one undertakes to spend one's day in solitude and the study of forgotten arts the paths to the unseen way opens that one might look beyond and view the spirit of another.

    Will list other roles if this idea garner's support, etc.

    Night-time: It is the sacred duty of each Mage to maintain the spell each night. This is done in equal length shifts, each shift is done by a lone mage, and at the end of each shift, the next mage replaces them. Thus presenting the enlightened mages with the perfect opportunity to bump off one of their psychotic brethren.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I like the refined version of my own idea better.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    I really like that, Shingo. I think we should go for that.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I like the refined version of my own idea better.

    I was refering to Shingo's version, of course. :p It's cool.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Totally Shingo's revision.
    Murska 18 years ago
    So, Shingo's revision seemed to win. When does it start? I wanna lynch people!
    Amarth 18 years ago
    So, am I supposed to take this idea and implement it exactly as it is said? If so, Shingo could do it himself better, I think.
    Shingo 18 years ago
    I can fine-tune it for whenever. However, would I be correct to assume that neither I nor Amarth wish to sit out? If, as I suspect, Amarth wishes for me to sit out and arbitrate, I suppose I could do it, in gratitude of him starting up this worthy game.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Iunno. No problem for me to do it, but I feel kinda unfree and under pressure being forced this storyline. Nothing I can't live with, I guess.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    I has a nice new-ish idea...

    Howsabout making WW6 be a Lovecraft-esque thing with all them Old Gods and such?
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    I has a nice new-ish idea...

    Howsabout making WW6 be a Lovecraft-esque thing with all them Old Gods and such?

    He's talking about WW6 being about C'thulhu, right Grim? Anyhow, Crazy has prior DM experience, and has nothing against DMing the next game, and Amarth's said it's okay too.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    However, my time seems to be rather limited lately, and i need to prepare a bit more for a non-IRL maff-- er, werewolf game.

    And Murska, it's GM. Going overboard on your D&D-ing?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    I has a nice new-ish idea...

    Howsabout making WW6 be a Lovecraft-esque thing with all them Old Gods and such?

    He's talking about WW6 being about C'thulhu, right Grim? Anyhow, Crazy has prior DM experience, and has nothing against DMing the next game, and Amarth's said it's okay too.
    Perhaps not EXACTLY about C'thluhu. More like taking the mythos, giving it a little twist to make us feel more at home, and using that as the base of WW6.

    Also, how silly of you to start talking of RPing when the thread is about the Werewolf game settings and such.
    Murska 17 years ago
    I'm silly, I know. Talk about me being tired. Anyhow. Sorry, sorry, it's the Narrator, Gamemaster, Storyteller, whatever.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Sorry, sorry, it's the Narrator, Gamemaster, Storyteller, whatever.
    It's GOD for you.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "Murska" said:
    Sorry, sorry, it's the Narrator, Gamemaster, Storyteller, whatever.
    It's GOD for you.

    Uhh, nope. Not like you directly control anything after the start.

    Waait. Actually, that sounds an AWFUL LOT like a god.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Hm. Now we just need a fight between people that follow the GMs every whim and people that think that the GMs talk should be clearly understood to all. And we will have started religion on fast forward. Again. (Last time it was with the Guild of Dreamers. The acronym is GoD.)
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    I had to vote Post-Apoc.

    Think Children of Men (If you have seen it)

    Or possibly an alternate history in which the Cold War actually did erupt into a nuclear conflict.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    So... when do you want it?

    And i'm personally thinking Post-Apocalyptic.

    Hope noone's against me on the hosting thing. It has been under short discussion in IRC and as i've had experience of GM-ing IRL, it was quickly decided that everyone else would rather play.

    Ofcourse, if ou have objections, let them be heard.
    The Gemini 17 years ago
    Yes, post apocalyptic theme is the best.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Uhm... how have you guys been signing up for this thing so far? :S
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Usually, I collect the names from people who say they want to join.

    So, who wants to join?
    Idiota 17 years ago
    I don't have enough time atm, sorry. It's... most likely the most hectic period of my life right now, and I believe it'll hold that record for at least a couple of years (which is a lot considering that the amount of free time you have decreases with every year that passes)
    Shingo 17 years ago
    Ooh. Pick me! Pick me!
    Pete 17 years ago
    I do, even though Im probably the most controlabe forumer ever.
    Pete 17 years ago
    I do, even though Im probably the most controlable forumer ever.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    I do, even though Im probably the most controlable forumer ever.

    You still don't get two votes, even if you sign up twice. Anyhow. I'm in. Nuk's too slow, I can't count with him this time.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    I can't loose this combo!
    I'm in for the 6th time!
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