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  • The new gaming thread

    Narvius 16 years ago
    Ah, right. There are bonus maps. Totally forgot about them...
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Reasons why it's worth to be a pc gamer in 2008. Yeah, we're already a third into 2008, yeah the list is old. Yeah, they do this stuff every year, and yeah, it's a lie every year. Yeah, Duke Nukem Forever is on it. Whatever. I haven't seen it here and it's still cool.

    Interesting tidbits I didn't know about yet: Jagged Alliance 3, Demigod, Perimeter 2 (wonder what pc you'll need for that), Multiwinia, many many adventure games (among which Dreamfall Chapters), Subversion (sounds more like a version control system to me), Fool and his money (!), Quake Live (wtf?), Black Sky, American McGee's Grimm, Tiberium, Red Alert 3 (why didn't anyone tell me??), ...

    E_net4 16 years ago
    Lesse... stuff, stuff, stuff, Sims3... wait, WHAT THE...
    Idiota 16 years ago
    I've been following JA3 ever since they announced that someone might just have been making it.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Reasons why it's worth to be a pc gamer in 2008. Yeah, we're already a third into 2008, yeah the list is old. Yeah, they do this stuff every year, and yeah, it's a lie every year. Yeah, Duke Nukem Forever is on it. Whatever. I haven't seen it here and it's still cool.

    Interesting tidbits I didn't know about yet: Jagged Alliance 3, Demigod, Perimeter 2 (wonder what pc you'll need for that), Multiwinia, many many adventure games (among which Dreamfall Chapters), Subversion (sounds more like a version control system to me), Fool and his money (!), Quake Live (wtf?), Black Sky, American McGee's Grimm, Tiberium, Red Alert 3 (why didn't anyone tell me??), ...

    I've had an account on the Black Sky forums for a while.

    Demigod... I'll have to keep an eye on that. And Space Siege too? GPG is getting busy.

    I notice some Freespace 2 mods made the list.

    MOUNT&BLADE! Woooo~!
    ahrenjb 16 years ago
    Hey folks.

    Been busy with a plethora of other things lately, but I figure it's my duty to endow you with my gaming finds.

    Egosofts X Universe games, particularly X2 and X2. Absolutely brilliant real time 4X space sim. There is a plot line, but honestly the open format play is unbeatable. Within 2 weeks of buying X2 I had over 60 hours logged. Absolutely addicting. The prospect of building an empire and all the ways you can do it is boggling. Paired with the exceptional graphics really makes these games worth twice as much as they cost, at least.

    Also been going heavy on the Counterstrike: Source lately, gungame servers anyone?

    Threadspace: Hyperbol. Made by a smalltime developer. Really, really genius. Combination of strategy and action skills. Gorgeous 3D graphics, and phenomenal team gameplay. At $10 you can't complain. The learning curve is somewhat high but I think anyone that enjoys Notrium will enjoy Threadspace. Besides, they just lowered the in game credit cost of all components and ships (which really are more like tanks) so it's easier to get just what you want. I have a highly customized stealth ship which has exceptional mobility, high projectile capacity and damage, with low area of effect. Basically I sneak around the battlefield and when a player is preoccupied or not paying attention, I decloak right next to them and launch a barrage of nukes, then recloak and slip silently away. If you do decide to buy this game, please please please put in my referral code. "10862". <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

    Hmm so many.

    Air Rivals. Formerly Flysis. Formerly Space Cowboy Online. MMO based on air combat. Quite fun and addicting. Huge faction battles, PvP, free (with a pretty lame cash shop). Easy to learn. Lots of fun really. Worst part is the grind. Good community and support for "Brigades", the games particular flavor of clans.

    As for GunZ, I'm still playing it but I've moved to private servers, as they actually add new content frequently. Hundreds of extra items, maps, quests, etc. And they eliminate the horrible grind, as they low end exp rate is x20 average. Legacy Gamers GunZ was good, recently shut down for some reason, coming back up supposedly. Epic GunZ is another one coming out soon. My favorite 2 currently running are GunZ Private and Freestyle Gunz.

    Armada Online. 3D, 2D plane space MMO. Ship combat, alpha stage but quite well done. New zones come out every now and then and plenty of content to keep you busy.

    Me and a couple friends have also been playing a lot of Red Alert 2 recently. Nostalgia .

    There are others but I feel this post is long enough. If any of you play or start playing these games, particularly Air Rivals, GunZ (pservers), Threadspace, or Armada Online, let me know, post your usernames or character names and I'll help you out or we can have a go.

    Link summary. X2/X3 Threadspace: Hyperbol Armada Online Air Rivals

    As for GunZ... Freestyle GunZ GunZ Private

    or If you want the legitimate boring version.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    particularly X2 and X2.
    I think you meant X2 and X3 . Also, yes, yes they are awesome.

    "ahrenjb" said:
    Threadspace: Hyperbol. Made by a smalltime developer. Really, really genius. Combination of strategy and action skills. Gorgeous 3D graphics, and phenomenal team gameplay. At $10 you can't complain. The learning curve is somewhat high but I think anyone that enjoys Notrium will enjoy Threadspace. Besides, they just lowered the in game credit cost of all components and ships (which really are more like tanks) so it's easier to get just what you want. I have a highly customized stealth ship which has exceptional mobility, high projectile capacity and damage, with low area of effect. Basically I sneak around the battlefield and when a player is preoccupied or not paying attention, I decloak right next to them and launch a barrage of nukes, then recloak and slip silently away. If you do decide to buy this game, please please please put in my referral code. "10862". <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Sounds interesting. Looks interesting, too. I think I'll check it out.

    "ahrenjb" said:
    Air Rivals. Formerly Flysis. Formerly Space Cowboy Online. MMO based on air combat. Quite fun and addicting. Huge faction battles, PvP, free (with a pretty lame cash shop). Easy to learn. Lots of fun really. Worst part is the grind. Good community and support for "Brigades", the games particular flavor of clans.
    Played it back when it was Space Cowboy Online. Thought it was vaguely interesting, but dropped it due to the horrible grinding.

    If you like pretty space games that focus on tactical thinking, you might want to check out Nexus, if you haven't already. Gorgeous graphics, epic gameplay, and a good plot. Certain missions can be a bitch, however, and you may have to restart the campaign after discovering the equipment choices you've been making are all wrong. Good fun otherwise.
    ahrenjb 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I think you meant X2 and X3 . Also, yes, yes they are awesome.
    Yes. X2 and X3. Spectacular games. Combat lags pretty badly on my PC with X3 so I've been playing X2. About ready to buy my first M1/M2. When TopGun mod 3.0 comes out I'll definitely be playing more of it.

    "MageKing17" said:
    Played it back when it was Space Cowboy Online. Thought it was vaguely interesting, but dropped it due to the horrible grinding.
    Grinding really does ruin the fun factor of Air Rivals. I would recommend that the developers make the missions give about 75% of the required XP to next level throughout the game, and increase the exp given by killing baddies. A boost in mission difficulty could accompany this.

    "MageKing17" said:
    Sounds interesting. Looks interesting, too. I think I'll check it out.
    I think you'll be happy you did. The tutorials help a bit, but other players in the community are usually very willing to help teach you. Being a game with a high learning curve that requires high levels of tactical thinking, you generally have players who are intelligent, helpful, and friendly. Not a bunch of whining TK'ing ten year olds. *cough* CS:S *cough* Most disappointing aspect of the game in my opinion is the lack of players. You're lucky if you find an active game when signing on. Usually if you sit in a game room for a few minutes, other players will show up though. Still not the 100-200 players at all times that would be preferable.

    Back to Amarth's posted link. Black sky I've been following for a while. The game should be fun. I met Ramification (one of the project leads) a while back in Armada Online. Subversion looks good. Dues Ex 3? Demigod looks spectacular, despite my general dislike for games in a fantasy genre. Natural Selection 2 will be good. Red Alert 3, as long as EA doesn't massacre it like they did C&C 3. The gameplay trailer for the path, combined with screenshots of Penumbra: Black plague scared the bejeezus out of me. What would compel someone to create or play such a game is beyond me.

    The new SoS mod is rather entertaining as well .
    Redemption 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    The second is The Last Stand, a Zombie-Survival action game with a good selection of weapons and the ability to find other survivors to assist you. A tip: FIND OTHER SURVIVORS FIRST. They make repairing and weapon-searching more effective, and once you max it out (at, like, 7 or , the last guy is a sniper.
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    The Last Stand 2
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Remember that Portal Flash game? The team behind it has created a map pack for Portal itself, with some levels based on the Flash version. I've just started, but so far it seems pretty good.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    E_net4 16 years ago
    I could use some custom maps. I haven't played Portal in a while.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    So, you are this robot who is time-traveling in a suspiciously blue box when your box fails and you are trapped in a time loop with only yourself left to help you escape. Or something. Don't cause paradoxes!

    It's a bit buggy at times but it's fun and innovative.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Wacky, wacky game.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Not actually a "game", but a 2D physics simulation.
    It owns anyways.
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "Cheater" said:
    Not actually a "game", but a 2D physics simulation.
    It owns anyways.
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    I smell Rube Goldberg machines. Lots and lots of Rube Goldberg machines.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    I smell Rube Goldberg machines. Lots and lots of Rube Goldberg machines.
    And I learnt something new again.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Just watched the trailer. Wacky! Downloading.
    ahrenjb 16 years ago
    I can't thank you enough for introducing Phun.

    I've been spending hours in this program. I know how to build high velocity cannons, I mean, launch something several thousand times it's own length velocity, but I haven't been able to make something like that which can be triggered manually. My current version fire when the starsim button is pressed.

    I'm perfecting controlled release rocket engines now, which are very tricky and temperamental. Quite annoying, but when I launch something out of the sandbox it'll be worth it.

    Next I'm going to try to build an air resistance helicopter.

    Go on YouTube, some people do insane crap in Phun.

    Also, did anyone actually get Hyperbol? I'd love to play a few rounds with you.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    You can use arrow key-controlled hinges for manual launching.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    Yes, I did try Phun. It's fun if you like messing with physics 'n' stuff.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    And really, who doesn't?

    This post made with a PSP. Yes, we got one. Believe you me, typing on this is a bitch.

    Also, Crisis Core is awesome.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Final Fantasy *usually* is awesome. Except Tactics Advance. And that stuff with FF3/6.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "Cheater" said:
    You can use arrow key-controlled hinges for manual launching.
    Underwater Pinball
    Patent Pending.
    *Looks at others suspiciously*
    Amarth 16 years ago
    *pant pant*

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... od--evil-2</a><!-- m -->

    Narvius 16 years ago
    You can't be serious! =O!
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    *implodes and explodes at the same time*
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    *implodes and explodes at the same time*
    Would an implosion nullify the effects of an explosion?
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    *implodes and explodes at the same time*
    Would an implosion nullify the effects of an explosion?
    Does it matter?
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    *implodes and explodes at the same time*
    Would an implosion nullify the effects of an explosion?
    Does it matter?
    No, your matter stays the same.
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "Four Gods wait on the windowsill
    Where once eight Gods did war and will
    And if the Gods themselves may die
    What does that say for you and I?"

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Wiki page:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f_Darkness</a><!-- m -->

    Demo download / Game purchase site:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    NeoGangster 16 years ago
    Here is ginormo sword, it's simpel yet it's so addictive and don't think you have beaten the game until it says so
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Narvius 16 years ago
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    I solved the first one. Now I'm close to giving up.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Heh. Stuck in the first one, probably cuz of my lack of english skillz... What is the opposite of 'stop'?
    Narvius 16 years ago
    You have to solve it yourself =P

    That Ginormo Sword thing always throws me back to the main page?!
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Cheater" said:

    I solved the first one. Now I'm close to giving up.
    I'd normally give it a shot, but I dislike things that require registration.
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