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    Idiota 17 years ago
    Yeah, the amount of different types of campaigns you can have in D&D is truly magnificent. The ruleset covers almost every action you undertake in the game.
    Shingo 17 years ago
    I'm a huge fan of Gears of War. To me, this is the Shooter to end all others. Ever since the days of Halo and the "Halo Craze" that enfused the Xbox with life, every FPS, Tactical shooter, etc.... and it's Grandmother have been dubbed the "The Halo Killer." To them, I say, "Pah."

    Gears of war is a Strategic Third Person Shooter, otherwise known as "STPS." It's main premise is that of using cover effectively, utilizing teamwork, and above all, remaining tactically fluid.

    To begin with, I shall expound on the wonders of the glorious A button:
    You can "slam into" cover merely be being close enough to it, centering your view on it (or merely be looking "at" it, if you don't or can't take the time to center), and tapping the A button.
    You can initiate a roadie run by holding down the A button. If no input is given with the left joystick you will simply run forward. If you are holding in a direction (such as backwards, in order to run away from the bad man with explosives), you will initiate a quickturn and roadie run in that direction. What "roadie running" does, is put you into a "sprint," granted that you are wearing far more than 50 kilos of armor/weapons/etc, you'd be surprised how fast a soldier can haul ass when needed. You can't manuever quite as well while roadie running, nor can you attack in any manner. You can, however, reload.
    Tapping the A button + a direction on the left joystick will put you into a roll. Rolling is bad in close quarters. Because a roll takes a set amount of time and you cannot change the direction of your roll or end it prematurely once you begin. Therefore Mr. IHaveMyShotgunsBeadOnYourFace will..... usually not be deterred by such a tactic.

    The next thing I'm going to point out is the "active reload" feature. This is an amazing premise. What it does, is, in the normal second or so it takes you to reload, offer you a chance to try to get an enhanced reload known as an "active" reload by tapping the reload button again at the appropriate time. A grayish bar appears below your weapon icon (where your ammo counter would normally be), while reloading. Depending on the weapon, a white line appears at a fixed point on this bar. As you reload, another white line appears at the left end of the bar and travels to the right. If you nail the "active reload" when it is precisely aligned with the "static" white bar, the bullets you have just loaded will shine light and dark in your ammo display. These bullets do more damage, and have a bigger radius of "explody death" (sadly, this is only with explosives as even an active reload does not grant a standard bullet explosive properties). If you just barely miss the static white line, you simply reload your weapon faster than normal, which is still a very nice thing. However, if you fail by more than a small amount, congragulation! You have jammed your gun. Please feel free to wet yourself and run like hell as your foe does all in his power to turn you into a deflated sack of meat. Another very neat feature of the reload system is the fact that there is a chance that your results will, effectively, be "broadcasted" to everyone. Each character model has specific lines that they will sometimes say upon achieving an active reload, such as "It's a hat trick," or "Hell yeah!" or (in the case of the particularly evil looking Locust Grunt), an evil chuckle. If you jam your weapon, it is equally likely that you will swear or emit some other phrase or sound associated with your displeasure. Such sounds can be heard by everyone still living, friend or foe alike.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    You have a freaking chainsaw on your freaking machinegun.

    End of story. GoW is cool.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Yeah, the amount of different types of campaigns you can have in D&D is truly magnificent. The ruleset covers almost every action you undertake in the game.

    Uhm. Shingo fireballs 14 cultists, and then: ** (7461) Muthrak lays down in the ashes and makes a "burnt corpse" angel by spreading out his arms and legs repeatedly. **

    Muthrak is Shingo.

    What else COULD you want from a game?
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    Or you could install rockbox on your MP3 player and play freedoom on a 1.6 inch screen

    It's kinda fun actually.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    Or you could install rockbox on your MP3 player and play freedoom on a 1.6 inch screen

    It's kinda fun actually.
    ... Holy crap, you have that? I'm surprised it works!
    Barebones 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    As for gameplay... what gameplay? If you want gameplay, go back to 1985. Today's games are basically tech demos that hold your attention for a short while, save a couple good ones like the Valve games. And Geometry Wars. Maybe a few more. I don't know, it's just that there's no actual thinking while you play these things, just reflexes. IIRC the N64 died because it had good gameplay, but the Playstation had better graphics.

    N64 still has a beating heart. It's called Nintendo DS.

    Playstation had killer Apps, not graphics.

    Valve games also happen to be tech demos. Portal is a rehash of a popular puzzle idea but in 3d. You say its thinking, I say its a system of experience. I'm also pretty sure you haven't seen Bioshock at all yet.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Does the DS directly support N64 carts? Can it emulate an N64 (More specifically, has an emulator been released yet)? Besides, if you were enlightened, you'd realize that you're buying the exact same games. Why not go the whole damn way and get an N64? There's a good chance it'd be cheaper anyways, unless you live in some obscure country where shipping costs a lot.

    ... And by tech demo, I meant a game that isn't really a game in the sense that it looks like you'd need a supercomputer to run it, but there's no gameplay, or it's just an old idea with a new gamemode. Practically the only exception is Tetris.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    Yes there is an emulator for it, although I don't think it's really too compatible and yes, I do stuff like Anon just to avoid all that price crap and stuff.

    Tales of Phantasia, (if you still have your SNES console or have a crappy GBA) is awesome. I bet there's almost no games in modern day (possibly at all) that has this kind of battle system. Too bad it's actually slow as hell.

    The only thing bad about this game is the battle pace, you'll be walking so slow in battle that sometimes you just need a fast forward button for it. If you wanna know more about it (since I'm not allowed to say it anyways in the forums >.> PM meh.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "ahrenjb" said:
    Or you could install rockbox on your MP3 player and play freedoom on a 1.6 inch screen

    It's kinda fun actually.
    ... Holy crap, you have that? I'm surprised it works!

    Yep, I have it. I installed rockbox on my Sansa e200 series player and it works like a charm. EXPONENTIALLY improved functionality. Doom is rather fun too, the controls take some getting used to, but once you got it down you can really get the blood on your hands.
    harwe 17 years ago
    I remember a thread in the Notrium forum where there was list of other "survival" Notrium-type games... but was gone after forum cleanup.... there wasn't really much at all i think... sides stalker, any good survival games out there?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    I remember a thread in the Notrium forum where there was list of other "survival" Notrium-type games... but was gone after forum cleanup.... there wasn't really much at all i think... sides stalker, any good survival games out there?
    harwe 17 years ago
    aww not in english
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    aww not in english
    There is an English version, search carefully.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    How about any good, multiplayer, space-based games. 2D mostly, or lower spec 3D.

    I love 2D Space games. Most especially online ones, that are free.

    Armada Online is a good one I have been messing with lately.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    What about Gate88? from what I can remember, 'twas rather neat.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Yes. It's quite light for your graphic card, still with nice effects.
    bwansy 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Wow! A 3D one!
    *Downloaded and tried it out*
    No laser pistol? Aww...
    *Went back to play Notrium*
    Barebones 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Does the DS directly support N64 carts? Can it emulate an N64 (More specifically, has an emulator been released yet)? Besides, if you were enlightened, you'd realize that you're buying the exact same games. Why not go the whole damn way and get an N64? There's a good chance it'd be cheaper anyways, unless you live in some obscure country where shipping costs a lot.

    ... And by tech demo, I meant a game that isn't really a game in the sense that it looks like you'd need a supercomputer to run it, but there's no gameplay, or it's just an old idea with a new gamemode. Practically the only exception is Tetris.

    The whole damn way you speak of is also a different path. Personally I don't want to be lugging a 40kilogram battery pack while holding a TV, an N64, and a controller at the same time. I also realize that most Nintendo DS games are remakes. Plus if I wanted to buy an N64, I might as well go the whole damn way and get an emulator instead.

    That second paragraph is a carbon copy of my post.

    Stranded is great. For 30 minutes. Tree-running makes the game so easy.

    Fallout 3 forums on Bethesda are open. Spread your hate/love over in them.
    harwe 17 years ago
    "Barebones" said:
    Stranded is great. For 30 minutes. Tree-running makes the game so easy.
    play stranded 2 then no more tree running... but no english version.... AH!!
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    StepMania is a purty good rhythm game which is like an almost exact replica of the original DDR not made for PCs.

    You can download a bunch of songs in here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    The site above is rather hefty so be prepared to have your big ass hard drive ready. The downloads are usually above 400MB per pack, but well worth it since the site mostly contains of only the great songs in the packs.

    Since the downloads are freaking huge, just leave your compy on while you're sleeping. It gets stuff done much faster that way.
    Zombie 17 years ago
    Harwe... Stranded 2 has English patches for the beta versions and will also have them, presumably, for the final versions. Just look in the links on the Stranded 2 page. It's a topic in the Forums. Go find them and have fun!

    Now, for some Stepmania trivia... Did you know that ITG (In The Groove) machines run Stepmania? They are open-source machines. ITG and Stepmania are the exact same thing. ITG machines also feature easy ways to add songs, modes, etc.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Spore delayed (in the update part)
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago


    You are not serious.


    Oh well. *burns a ten-thousand dollar bill*
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    Starsiege: Tribes.

    Ground Control.

    2 great, ex-commercial game that were released for free to promote their sequels.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I've seen that Tribes game at a store somewhere...


    *Googles for a link*
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Tribes 2 is free as well, and I personally think it's a tad bit better (if only for the Construction mod(s) it has).
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Wait, which one did i play?

    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I've been reading. Tribes 1 is supposed to be the more moddable one, but finding mods is close to impossible. I barely found ANY mods yesterday, and Wikipedia mentions ten times as much as what I found.

    ... And then there's the fact that I'm a little restricted while I don't have a Fileplanet account. I should get one at some point.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    ... And then there's the fact that I'm a little restricted while I don't have a Fileplanet account. I should get one at some point.
    How, exactly, have you been on the internet this long and NOT gotten a Fileplanet account?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    ... And then there's the fact that I'm a little restricted while I don't have a Fileplanet account. I should get one at some point.
    How, exactly, have you been on the internet this long and NOT gotten a Fileplanet account?
    I find other sources.
    harwe 17 years ago
    You want tribes? heres Tribes
    Marevix 17 years ago
    Tribes 2 is free now as well? I bought a copy last week - only costed $5, though, no big loss.

    Starsiege: Tribes mods are harder to find because almost everyone has since switched to Tribes 2 or Vengeance. I play all three - they have their strengths/weaknesses.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    ... they have their strengths/weaknesses.
    Coincidentally, I lost interest when I realized that everyone playing except me is a friggin' expert.
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