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  • Notrium Version 1.3 Progress

    roburky 20 years ago
    Are there damage / health modifiers on hard? If so, they shoud definitely be turned off. The baddies are nasty enough anyway.
    ville 20 years ago
    I've removed all the enemy damage/health modifiers from the game. You will find the hard level is much easier in combat, but much harder in the survival aspect.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Are the monsters going trough an update as well as the races? I mean in graphics and not AI.
    roburky 20 years ago
    Good to hear, Ville.
    ville 20 years ago
    No graphical updates are planned for most creatures. The marines will look different and unique, and there will also be plenty of new enemies.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago

    Will that "(creature name)'s log stardate 34824598 (or something)" thing in the journal be changeable?

    Will there be journal.dat AND journal_(creature name).dat files in 1.3, or will there be either journal.dat or journal_(creature name).dat? (I personally suggest using just the journal_(creature name).dat files )

    Are you able to skip a day or two in the journal? (e.g. for day 1 there is a journal entry, in days 2-4 there is no journal entries and in day 5 there is one again)

    Will there be caves in 1.3? (for example a place that is surrounded with rocks, is darker inside and works as a shelter like a tree, you could propably make the roof out of a big tree that doesn't move when the wind blows, if possible )

    Would it be possible to make buildings? (for example an impassable rock-like hut thingy that has an object on one of it's sides (a door), and if you hit the door you teleport into an area, that is the interior of the hut )
    ville 20 years ago
    "Reaper" said:
    Will that "(creature name)'s log stardate 34824598 (or something)" thing in the journal be changeable?

    Yes it will.

    "Reaper" said:
    Will there be journal.dat AND journal_(creature name).dat files in 1.3, or will there be either journal.dat or journal_(creature name).dat? (I personally suggest using just the journal_(creature name).dat files )

    You can define the file that contains a race's journal. You can have one journal file for several races, or each can have their unique journals.

    "Reaper" said:
    Are you able to skip a day or two in the journal? (e.g. for day 1 there is a journal entry, in days 2-4 there is no journal entries and in day 5 there is one again)

    Yes, from now on you can leave a a blank line in a journal to skip the day. You can also define the day length for each race. Areas now have lighting separate from the game days, so you can have a variety of lighting effects as well.

    "Reaper" said:
    Will there be caves in 1.3? (for example a place that is surrounded with rocks, is darker inside and works as a shelter like a tree, you could propably make the roof out of a big tree that doesn't move when the wind blows, if possible )

    We haven't yet added many new buildings or areas, but a cave has been discussed.

    "Reaper" said:
    Would it be possible to make buildings? (for example an impassable rock-like hut thingy that has an object on one of it's sides (a door), and if you hit the door you teleport into an area, that is the interior of the hut )

    With the new map editor, yes. The map editor can be used for laying terrain, creatures, lights, items, plot_objects and normal objects (rocks and walls). You will see buildings and the like, but details haven't been fleshed out yet.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    More questions:

    Will it be possible in 1.3 to make a boomerang type weapon?

    Will it be possible in 1.3 to make nearby creatures and objects bright and the backround dark for a while by using an item and without making the creatures detect you?

    Can you make a weapon that, when fired, swings for example in a 180 degree arc(like swinging a sword)?

    Can you make an item that, when used, speeds you up for a while?

    Is jumping possible in 1.3?(It would be good for jumping over enemies, and why not jumping on trees or rocks or things like that? And why not also jumping on enemies, thus stunning them? )
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Will it be possible in 1.3 to make a boomerang type weapon?

    Now that is a good question.. i'm going to say yes you probably could but you'd definately have to use a creature to do it, not an ordinary bullet.

    Will it be possible in 1.3 to make nearby creatures and objects bright and the backround dark for a while by using an item and without making the creatures detect you?

    Yes, using this new effect. Which as you can see allows you to pick what you add light to. You can use multiple effects so you can light up different things in different ways within the same item.

    8=set light level addition, parameter1=type (0=map tiles, 1=items/plot_objects, 2=props, 3=creatures), parameter2=r, parameter3=g, parameter4=b

    Can you make a weapon that, when fired, swings for example in a 180 degree arc(like swinging a sword)?

    No, I'm sorry. It was one of the more recent ideas I personally brought up to Ville and there simply isn't enough time left in development. I share your pain.

    Can you make an item that, when used, speeds you up for a while?

    Expect something to that effect in the next version, yes. Yes you can also do it with modding. You can also make the screen shake and slow down or speed up the game speed.

    Is jumping possible in 1.3?(It would be good for jumping over enemies, and why not jumping on trees or rocks or things like that? And why not also jumping on enemies, thus stunning them? )

    Jumping isn't planned no.
    ville 20 years ago
    I've made it possible to animate the terrain. This should perhaps finally make it possible to make water that looks like water.

    By your previous request Zex, I've added the possibility to extensively change the footstep parameters by terrain. Now you can have your water/space that doesn't get footprints. You can also change the sound and the particle for the footprint. Maybe good for different types of floors like metal?
    Arcade 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I've made it possible to animate the terrain. This should perhaps finally make it possible to make water that looks like water.

    Are you planning to add any kind of body of water?
    ville 20 years ago
    Possibly yes. It depends on how well we can get it working.
    Arcade 20 years ago
    This might be a little off topic but.

    Maybe you can have animals specificaly for the river terrain. If you do, make weapons specificaly for that terrain. Then we can make make fishing spears and hunt for fish. They would respawn lots of times.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I didn't want to bring this up until someone at least got close to it. Fishing 'is' going to be included, one way or another. I plan on making it as interactive as I can, but no promises on how amazing it will be, it will no doubt simply provide a distraction and an alternate source of food for the races that eat. Depending on alot of factors including AI and even pathfinding/collision detection will dictate what path I eventually take for creating the fishing experience.

    I can tell you it will at least use a rod and more than likely will use several lures as well you'll have to find/collect on your own. Fishing in a sense will sort of be like a mini-game, but you'll find there are quite a few new tricks the player will have in 1.3 that were never possible before. So there is at least one more thing for you to drool over
    Idiota 20 years ago
    is the pushing of things gonna be enhanced? the pushing really s****d in 1.2
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    You can also change the sound and the particle for the footprint. Maybe good for different types of floors like metal?
    Wow, great. I'll definetly use it alot, for metal floors, wooden floors, grass and no sound for space. Do the changes effect all creatures, or just the player? Can we for instance change the particle to one that looks like ripples for a water terrain?
    ville 20 years ago
    The footprint choises affect all creatures. There is no way to actually turn of footprint sounds specifically without turning off the footprint particles, but that should not be a problem.

    Idiota: Pushing has been changed a bit, you can now push enemies and they can push you. If you are actually asking about carrying turrets and such, that is still open to debate.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    well, what I ment was this:
    When you push a turret or barrier, I can't manage to push it very far becouse the thing inside the turret that you can interact with is a circle. I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but when I push it, I go around the turret instead. it will move a little bit but it really annoys me that you cant push it very far, get it?
    ville 20 years ago
    Yes that. If you have any good ideas, please post in the ideas thread. We are looking for a better way to move them.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    How about having 2 different areas that can be assigned to an object.
    Since we aleady have a circular area, you should add a square. Those flat sides should make pushing a lot simpler.

    Or even better, let the people customize the area acording to their needs, like making adding a parameter for X and Y lenght. WIth this people could make long tables and walls that block as they are intended.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    This is a really important feature I believe so I feel I should inform you that plot objects can finally expire after a set period of time. I personally have wanted this for ages. You can imagine how this might add a greater depth of realism to the game as things that can last for only a certain amount of time can be done. Everyone should pat Ville on the back for adding this more than likely under-estimated, yet incredibly useful feature.
    Qwerty 20 years ago
    Does alien races attack to each other in 1.3?

    Or are all alien races (I mean blue, brown, reaper) friends?
    ville 20 years ago
    The blue aliens and the brown ones are sworn enemies, but it's still a bit unclear as how they react to each other. Having them attack each other on sight might make the Hive area a bit too easy, so we'll be playtesting it a bit more.
    God of Nothing 20 years ago
    Will aliens,robots,and the humans fight eachother or only try to kill the player
    Arcade 20 years ago
    I think they will fight each other in the next version.
    Ville said something about the marines killing aliens in some thread
    ville 20 years ago
    You will find that most creatures hate each other, and you can use that to your benefit. And all aliens are not necessarily your enemies. The Psionic for example has friends in the Eden, but more I cannot reveal.
    Arcade 20 years ago
    While we're still talking about alien diplomacy. Will there be friendly fire? Or will that be an option?
    ville 20 years ago
    Creatures of the same side cannot hurt each other, but that doesn't mean two sides couldn't be friendly. Probably you won't see friendly fire in the game, but in a hypothetical situation it is possible.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Creatures of a different side however.. Who are still friendly. CAN hurt each other. In other words a Marine will not attack a Robot, they are allies. However both the Robot and the Marine can hurt each other if they cross into the path of the other's attack. It is important to note any splash damage done from an extra bullet fired from a bullet hiting is on no one's side. It will hurt even the creature that shot it. Which is fairly realistic. Just something for modders to note when using weapons that exploit splash damage. If you're not careful you'll kill the player too

    I hope that answers the question and than some.
    Qwerty 20 years ago

    Ääh... Englanti on niin vaikeaa...
    Ajattelin vaan, että jos siniset ja ruskeet alienit eivät olisi toistensa ystäviä (taistelisivat toisiaan vastaan) voisin viedä ruskean ja sinisen kuningatar-alienin taistelemaan toisiaan vastaan...

    Please, someone: Translate this post in english, if necessary ...
    ville 20 years ago
    Basically you're asking if the alien queens could fight each other.

    Wouldn't that be entirely too easy? They're not even evenly matched, the brown would kill the blue any time of the day.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    Villé can we have some spoilers/news about the new effects? If your feeling generous, could you show us the new creature/item layout?!
    e.g. all the stuff?:

    dummy item;//name------------------------------
    none;//short description
    none;//first pick up text
    1.0;size on map
    0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    shipwreck.tga;//texture name
    ville 20 years ago
    Alright, but you asked for it. They're pretty lenghty now. Here's the info on the blue queen alien.
    Queen Blue Alien;//name---------------------------------------
    1;//draw layer
    123;//corpse item number in items.dat, -1=nothing, -2=whole corpse vanishes when dead
    1;//corpse item amount
    1;//attack type, 0=shooting attack, 1=close combat
    2;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=does show (small dot), 2=does show (big dot)
    6;//primary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    6;//secondary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    3;//footstep particle from particles.dat
    0;//die after how many seconds, 0=doesn't die
    -1;//eat item number from items.dat, -1=nothing
    2.000000;//creature size
    2.000000;//creature weight (affects pushing)
    0.800000;//movement speed
    1.600000;//leg animation speed
    1.000000;//turn speed
    1.000000;//inertia level (acceleration/deceleration)
    7;//weapon number
    0;//blood particle
    1;//bars visible when player hovers mouse on top
    1.000000;//death animation speed
    1;//creature can move from area to another
    1000.000000;//AI hear range
    500.000000;//AI see range
    step_a0.wav;//sample name
    step_a1.wav;//sample name
    step_a2.wav;//sample name
    groan0.wav;//sample name
    groan1.wav;//sample name
    groan2.wav;//sample name
    groan0.wav;//sample name
    groan1.wav;//sample name
    groan2.wav;//sample name
    1000;//interval in milliseconds
    8;//condition number
    2.000000;//condition parameter0
    0.000000;//condition parameter1
    10;//effect number

    0=has bar parameter0 from bars.dat with minimum parameter1 and maximum parameter2 and current value of parameter3 (if any bar reaches minimum, dies)
    1=weapon class parameter0 damage is multiplied by parameter1
    2=carries light parameter0 size parameter1 transparency parameter2

    And here are the current effects/conditions. I don't expect to put much more.
    //effect numbers:
    1=multiply creature speed by parameter3 for time parameter1 with creature visual effect from weapon parameter2, parameter4=disable speed change when bullet hits (0=no/1=yes)
    2=start alien attack
    3=drop item parameter1, amount parameter2, random area size parameter3 pixels, maximum amount of similar items in area parameter4 (0=infinite)
    4=increase creature's bar parameter3 with parameter1 (if parameter2=1, don't increase over maximum or decrease below minimum)
    5=activate scanner with distance parameter1
    6=set targeting beam, type parameter1 (0=disabled, 1=normal, 2=turns green when hits enemy), length = parameter2 + weapon length * parameter3
    7=set light parameter1 size parameter2 to creature (if parameter1=-1, disable light)
    8=set light level addition, parameter1=type (0=map tiles, 1=items/plot_objects, 2=props, 3=creatures), parameter2=r, parameter3=g, parameter4=b
    9=select gun parameter1
    10=drop creature number parameter1 side parameter2 (-1=same side) tactic parameter3 (-1=default) tactic2 parameter4 (-1=default). Player can switch between a friendly creature's tactics by right clicking the creature. Don't forget to set parameter3 to -1 if you're not planning on changing the default tactic specified in creatures.dat.
    11=change maximum bar parameter1 amount by parameter2
    12=change armor level to parameter1
    13=enable creature detector with distance parameter1
    14=play sound parameter1 (from sounds.dat) with volume parameter2
    15=change creature into creature number parameter1 for time parameter2 (-1 for infinite) with creature visual effect from weapon parameter3
    16=give item parameter1 amount parameter2
    17=set creature's bar parameter3 to parameter1
    18=increase player's body temperature by parameter1
    19=drop plot_object parameter1 random area size parameter3 pixels, maximum amount of similar items in area parameter4 (0=infinite)
    20=enable large map
    21=teleport to area parameter1 (if -1, game finds the right area) plot_object parameter2, parameter3: 0=don't transfer other creatures 1=transfer other creatures
    22=change side to parameter1 target for time parameter2 with creature visual effect from weapon parameter3
    23=continuously increase bar parameter3 by parameter1 for time parameter4 with creature visual effect from weapon parameter2
    24=fire weapon parameter1, times parameter2
    25=show animation parameter1, and if (parameter2=0, continue game) (parameter2=1, end game)
    26=fire particle parameter1 times parameter2 with parameters (spread, speed, time) taken from weapon number parameter3
    27=make light number parameter1 for time parameter2 (-1=infinite) size min parameter3, max parameter4
    28=bar parameter1 increased by bar parameter2 * parameter3
    29=run script parameter1, parameter2=check conditions (0=no, 1=yes)
    30=set creature's eat item amount to parameter1
    31=kill creature (set all bars to minimum)
    32=change creature's anger level to parameter1 (between 0 and 1)
    33=stagger mouse by parameter1, speed parameter2 for time parameter3
    34=change player race into parameter1
    35=activate/disable script parameter1, (parameter2: 0=disable, 1=activate)
    36=shake screen power parameter1 time parameter2 milliseconds
    37=start rain for time parameter1 (0=stop rain)
    38=change game speed to parameter1 (don't set it to negative)
    39=show bar parameter1
    40=destroy plot_objects parameter1 from area size parameter2 pixels (not entirely accurate, use with care)
    41=destroy items parameter1 from area size parameter2 pixels (not entirely accurate, use with care)
    42=increase maximum carry weight by parameter1
    43=return creature to previous frame position
    44=increase player's bar parameter3 with parameter1 (if parameter2=1, don't increase over maximum or decrease below minimum)
    45=prevent creature from using weapon parameter1 (-1=all weapons) for time parameter2, with creature visual effect from weapon parameter3, parameter4: 0=individual weapons 1=weapon classes
    46=change creature's AI tactic parameter1 (0=primary, 1=secondary) to parameter2
    47=start dialog parameter1 (from dialogs.dat)
    48=pick up nearest creature of (parameter1, 0=type, 1=class) parameter2, maximum distance parameter3, side parameter4 (-1=same, -2=any)
    49=attach camera to (parameter1, -1=player, 0=this creature [distance parameter2 from head], 1=this position), for time parameter3 (-1=infinite)

    //condition numbers:
    0=must have item parameter0 amount parameter1
    1=must be distance parameter1 + object size from plot_object parameter0
    2=must be distance parameter1 + object size from plot_object class parameter0
    3=creature's bar parameter0 is greater or equal to parameter1
    4=killed all creatures parameter0 from area parameter1 (-1=current area)
    5=creature's bar parameter0 is smaller than parameter1
    6=player is race parameter0
    7=player is not race parameter0
    8=random integer between 0 and parameter0 is 0
    9=player is in shade
    10=creature has eaten parameter0 eat items
    11=item parameter0 is (parameter1=0=wielded, parameter1=1=not wielded)
    12=game difficulty is (parameter0, 0=higher than, 1=lower than, 2=equal to) parameter1 (0=easy, 1=normal, 2=hard)
    13=area is parameter0
    14=creature nearer than distance parameter1 + creature size pixels from creature parameter0
    15=player is nearer than parameter0 pixels
    16=player has parameter0 free weight
    17=is on terrain parameter0
    18=creature's bar parameter0's maximum amount is bigger than or equal to parameter1
    19=creature's AI tactic parameter0 (0=primary, 1=secondary) is parameter1
    20=creature's anger level is (parameter0: 1=bigger than or equal to, 2=smaller than) parameter1
    21=creature is of side parameter0
    22=creature is of (parameter1: 0=type, 1=class) parameter0
    23=creature (parameter0: 0=is, 1=is not) player
    24=player's bar parameter0 is greater or equal to parameter1
    25=player's bar parameter0 is smaller than parameter1
    26=creature is not of (parameter1: 0=type, 1=class) parameter0
    27=creature's last dialog (parameter1: 0=was, 1=was not) parameter0
    28=it (parameter0: 0=is, 1=is not) raining
    29=amount of parameter0 (-1=all) creatures in area is higher than or equal to parameter1
    30=amount of parameter0 (-1=all) creatures in area is lower than parameter1
    31=amount of parameter0 class creatures in area is higher than or equal to parameter1
    32=amount of parameter0 class creatures in area is lower than parameter1
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    I'm confused, where do you define the creatures life/strength?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    With a specialty Zex. You can set things like what they're immune to, what bars they have, minimum usually being health. Also things like attaching a light to the creature are done through specialties. Specialties come last after everything else, than the block for that creature is done.
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