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  • Notrium Version 1.3 Progress

    Quanrian 20 years ago
    It all depends on your creativity. New camera effects are being added which will allow you to shift the camera's focus and 'possibly' distort it for dramatic purposes. The old comic book style celled animation will of course be one. Another will be ingame which means you could use speech, text or an actual wave file which progresses the story. You can also do a mixture and probably do some other things. Technically a cutscene is anything the player can't effect in a game, it is simply something they watch. So depending on how good you get at using scripting you can create some fantastic scripted cutscenes for your mod.

    I'm going to cover very little advanced techniques when 1.3 comes out in the Modding Faq, mostly it will be information to get you started and going. So the more work you put into your mod the more it will show. The quicker, sloppier mods will show they had little work or effort put into them. You 'will' have to study the effects and conditions and how they work before you can be competant at making a mod, so make that your priority before you even think of creating a mod or even converting over an old one.
    Wicked 20 years ago
    Will it be possible to create a teleport gun? (Example: you fire a bullet/beam at a target, upon contact it teleports the target elsewhere.)
    {I just had a thought for a new mod}

    Will it be possible to adjust the PC's main variables (size, speed, etc.) in-game?
    {Another thought}

    Lastly, will it be possible to make the player spawn location a random location, or preset randoms? (i.e. several locales where the player will spawn, rather than one specific position)
    {Yet another one}
    ville 20 years ago
    "Wicked" said:
    Will it be possible to create a teleport gun? (Example: you fire a bullet/beam at a target, upon contact it teleports the target elsewhere.)
    {I just had a thought for a new mod}

    You can do something to the effect by having a big punch in the gun. Due to problems with collision detection real teleporting is not possible.

    "Wicked" said:

    Will it be possible to adjust the PC's main variables (size, speed, etc.) in-game?
    {Another thought}

    No. You can change the whole race if you want, but not the variables. You can also change the speed with an effect for any creature.

    "Wicked" said:

    Lastly, will it be possible to make the player spawn location a random location, or preset randoms? (i.e. several locales where the player will spawn, rather than one specific position)
    {Yet another one}

    It will not be possible to do that without some tweaking. You can only define where the player will start. You would need to place the start location on a teleporter that would randomly teleport the player to your prepositioned plot_objects. That way you could also have a random area for the start position.
    ville 20 years ago
    I've been working on putting the player actually fly the escape pod to the planet avoiding missile fire. Scores high on the cool factor, eh?
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Nice Idea!! awesome!! cool!! wicked!! is that what you wanted me to say? I ment it!
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    The pod sequence should be great.

    Any chance of a teaser of the Alien ragdoll picture, Ville? ( )
    ville 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    Any chance of a teaser of the Alien ragdoll picture, Ville? ( )

    Now why would you want to see this?

    To your information Eternal, the ragdolls are used for wearable items. You've got several slots on the picture, and for example you put single handed weapons in the right hand slot while two handed weapons take both hand slots so you can't have a flashlight on. There's also an armor slot, a feet slot, and a head slot.
    Arcade 20 years ago
    That looks awesome! But the journal says he has claws, (not pointy arm thingamanjigers) So, how 'bout a sneak peak ragdoll on the android
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Ville" said:
    To your information Eternal, the ragdolls are used for wearable items. You've got several slots on the picture, and for example you put single handed weapons in the right hand slot while two handed weapons take both hand slots so you can't have a flashlight on. There's also an armor slot, a feet slot, and a head slot.

    There is also one more slot I added called a Utility Slot. Only the Human/Android get it and it is where the Biomass Detector and Modded Subspace Radio go. Yes you can only use one at a time now. Any other item's you'd carry around on you that we might add will be using that slot as well.
    Odaisn 20 years ago
    One at a time?! That makes the game harder! lol
    Wicked 20 years ago
    well, if it's going to be that way, why not have more uses for the biomass thingamajig, since I doubt anyone will use it until they have finished scrounging around. You could do like heat seeking missles, or an auto-aim thing, but I doubt there's time nor stress that Ville would want to use to do it, if not possible.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Actually, that's a pretty good idea. A guided missile would be the perfect use for the biomass detector.

    "ville" said:
    Now why would you want to see this?
    ---> <---
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    We're still shooting for Summer time. I can't give you a more accurate date than that. Mostly what is left is content, not coding. Though we have not found all the bugs and glitches so we want to make sure we catch most if not all of them before we begin the open beta which will be available to everyone registered in the forum.
    ville 20 years ago
    We're progressing well, that's all I can tell you. All the massive code additions are behind us now, and we're focusing on adding content. I'm still hoping to get it out before fall, but you can recall we actually planned on releasing the new version in june.
    ville 20 years ago
    I know a lot of you modders would like to get working before we add all the content to the main game. Not surprisingly there are a lot of bugs and things to fix in the code, and we can only find them by adding content ourselves.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Eternal" said:
    I'm sure that I (along with some other modders) could live without Quan's content, and we could help bug test, but on the other hand, Quan's content shows alot of people what to do - lead by example.

    Realize that we can't release the game with parts of it incomplete. It's not about me adding a bunch of neat stuff, its about tying up the lose ends of the game that are already there. No one, you or other modders will appreciate an unfinished game just so they can get their hands on it, that would be extremely poor of us.

    Besides we are making this for people who have no intention of never of modding it either, they just want to play the game and we have to cater to them too, which does mean offering something new. We've done that and you'll find plenty of new things. Testing the amount of stuff we've added is time consuming on the flip side, we have to not only bug test it, but playtest it so we can make sure it all works. If you're familiar with open ended games you should know that play testing them because of the possibile variations is not something you can do quickly. Do your part when the Open Beta starts and the game will get out that much quicker
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago

    What's the required amount of bullets and size of spread to create a full circle?

    Will it be possible to create a weapon, that uses both bullets and energy, and won't work if sufficient amount of both aren't available?

    Will it be possible to create a bar (or counter), that when has a certain value makes an effect, that allows player to choose certain amount of new weapons to one's inventory?

    Will it be possible to create this:

    Creature X eats eat item A. When amount B is eaten, Creature X spawns Creature Y. When there are at least amount C of Creature Y:s, they assemble and create another Creature X. If there is amount D of Creature Y, they create Creature Z instead of Creature X. When amount E of X:s are close by, they might form a Z.

    I hope you can understand that.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    What's the required amount of bullets and size of spread to create a full circle?

    The spread size needs to be at least 3

    Will it be possible to create a weapon, that uses both bullets and energy, and won't work if sufficient amount of both aren't available?

    Its already possible. Input the setting for what item to use as ammo and set how much energy to use.
    ville 20 years ago
    "Reaper" said:

    Will it be possible to create a bar (or counter), that when has a certain value makes an effect, that allows player to choose certain
    amount of new weapons to one's inventory?

    Having a bar create an event is simple, more difficult is to simulate choosing to the player. I don't know how it could be done.

    "Reaper" said:

    Creature X eats eat item A. When amount B is eaten, Creature X spawns Creature Y. When there are at least amount C of Creature Y:s, they assemble and create another Creature X. If there is amount D of Creature Y, they create Creature Z instead of Creature X. When amount E of X:s are close by, they might form a Z.

    That's pretty tricky. We can have conditions that check how many items the creature has eaten. I'm not sure how you could make them assemble into one place and turn into another creature. You could wipe them all out in a certain range with an effect, then spawn a new creature.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    "Reaper" said:

    Will it be possible to create a bar (or counter), that when has a certain value makes an effect, that allows player to choose certain amount of new weapons to one's inventory?

    Will it be possible to create this:

    Creature X eats eat item A. When amount B is eaten, Creature X spawns Creature Y. When there are at least amount C of Creature Y:s, they assemble and create another Creature X. If there is amount D of Creature Y, they create Creature Z instead of Creature X. When amount E of X:s are close by, they might form a Z.

    I hope you can understand that.
    Yep, both will be possible.
    The first one is pretty easy; just a script which gives you a number of items when the bar is up to the certain value.
    The second one is possible too, but it is going into the more advanced side of modding. I won't explain because it's pretty complex, but yes, you'll definetly be able to do it.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    ".:Torment:." said:
    What's the required amount of bullets and size of spread to create a full circle?

    The spread size needs to be at least 3

    I mean a full, perfect circle, so that when one fires that weapon, the player seems to stand on a sphere created by the bullet/trail.

    Btw, how will you inform us once the beta test for 1.3 starts?
    ville 20 years ago
    "Reaper" said:

    I mean a full, perfect circle, so that when one fires that weapon, the player seems to stand on a sphere created by the bullet/trail.

    'tis not possible. You could make so many bullets that it would appear to be a complete circle even by random spread, but there is no way to make an even spread.

    "Reaper" said:

    Btw, how will you inform us once the beta test for 1.3 starts?

    On the forum of course, and the main site.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Btw, how will you inform us once the beta test for 1.3 starts?

    I wouldn't count on it, but I'm sure there be some amount of word of mouth going around when the beta begins. So you may find out from other sources. Hopefully they don't confuse the beta for a final version as they have in the past.
    LastDay 20 years ago
    I were just thinking about running out of food...

    In previous version I killed almost all the aliens and those Ville corp-guys...
    and so the whole planet became very empty

    Is there going to be some spawner, like you kill creature X from spawner Y... and the spawner Y respawns creature X in another place, thus making sure it doesn't get empty.
    ofcourse that wouldnt be much of sense to respawn all creatures...
    but like 10 aliens in an area and 1 of them always respawns in random location in same area it originally came from...
    ville 20 years ago
    Let's just say that in 1.3 you won't run out of aliens so easily. You may be able to clear out some areas, but not all.
    Wicked 20 years ago
    Well, will it be possible to create a small nuclear device? like a time bomb or something? If not that, then what about a mini-nuclear missile launcher? Like the Redeemer in UT2k4?
    I doubt it'd be possible to put it in now, if it isn't already.
    ville 20 years ago
    We are adding at least one rocket/grenade launcher type of weapon. We're not going for more big weapons, as we're hoping to improve the current weapons.
    ForceUser 20 years ago

    This has probably been brought up but I don't have the time to go thru all 18 pages so here goes. Is there currently a way to mass produce Items? Esp. Ammo? If not then it should be put into 1.3. Let the guy choose how many he want's to make.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    There isn't a way to mass produce things no. I am going to softcode in being able to make clumps on sniper bullets though. However it's not at the top of my list because there are more vital things that need to be added first. It should be there in the final version.
    ville 20 years ago
    There is support for the modder to define a number of items to give per combination. If a modder wants to give a hundred bullets for a whole lot of stuff, he can do it.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    So far 1.3 sounds like the most anticipated update in Notrium history (well, other than 1.0 ).
    ville 20 years ago
    I've added support for objects to stop bullets. That way we can finally have walls that stop bullets, and rocks to cover behind. The system is far from perfect as the bullet just disappears when it contacts a wall. It might look pretty weird if that happened to a missile.
    ville 20 years ago
    We now have plans for the new release date. Sadly we're nowhere near finalizing the planned content additions, so we've decided to add what we can before the end of August, and release the game in September. Even that time will not be enough to add all the new content, so we're probably releasing a content pack afterwards.

    This is good news to all of you modders, it looks like you've only got about a month before starting all those mods!

    We will also have a short beta test at the end of August, we're counting on you to play the game a lot to find all the bugs.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    1.3 was actually an almost complete reworked of just about everything. Which means you'll just about be starting over learning how to mod Notrium with 1.3. Sorry guys, that's progress for you though The main game itself is going to change in some noticable ways of course and you'll have an entirely new race to fiddle with. Keep your hats on guys its only about one month or so away and you guys can beta test the near final version
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Will it be possible to make a mod where player can only have X amount of item Y, and if he loses some of those item Ys and would walk to a pile of item Ys, he would only pick up the amount of Ys he lost, if there are more Ys in that pile? (If there were less Ys than player losed, he would obviously pick them all up)
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