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  • Notrium Version 1.3 Progress

    Eternal 20 years ago
    Nice list. wasnt accaulty expecting that . Looks like fun .
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Ah, yes, I get it now. I hadn't really worked out what the 'specialties' section did, so know I know.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    how does the specialty list, numbers go 0,1,1,1?!
    Arcade 20 years ago
    I think this would be the proper thread to put it in. I'm just currious, how many of my ideas did you use Ville for the game (just currious(again))
    Eternal 20 years ago
    "Arcade" said:
    I think this would be the proper thread to put it in. I'm just currious, how many of my ideas did you use Ville for the game (just currious(again))

    A better idea would be, which ideas are yours?, and as if villé could remember with all of us spamming @ him . (we are not going to stop ).
    ville 20 years ago
    I don't keep track of whose idea it is I put in. If you can recall which of the implemented ideas are yours when the game is released, do go ahead and brag about it.
    ville 20 years ago
    Hoorah! I got the vehicles working! The system is very flexible, the game just calls an effect for a creature to pick you up, and for the control to be transferred to the creature. This way any creature can be used as a vehicle.

    For the player it is very simple, you just use an item near a vehicle to get in, and use it again to get out. This item could be car keys for example, or a saddle for a horse.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    /me loses all doubt in villé's abilities.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    are you able to get a horse in the game?
    Eternal 20 years ago
    vehicle = anything.
    vehicle = could be summoned creature u can posses. or yes a horse (just change graphics and footsteps sound). the possibilities are endless. just for a spoiler in mod your going to be in a shuttlecraft.

    Villé how about some idle noises? like when u around ur horse for too long it nieghs (with possible animation?).
    ville 20 years ago
    I was hoping on adding random animations at some point, but the idea was too difficult to implement relative to usefulness. So sadly we won't be seeing the flapping wings of a dragon hovering in mid-air.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Random noises and sounds can be done, yes Eternal. You can use the random factor condition just for that. Mix it with a creature's timed block and you can have roughly what you're asking about. Just remember things like that tend to sway towards the advanced end of modding and I'm only going to briefly cover the advanced stuff in my new Modding Faq when it comes with the game.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    What about an idle animation? 4 frames will do. Do think is posible to add? At the very least could you make it posible to have the option to play the walk animation even if you are stand still? This could be enough to make flaping wings and such.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    I was hoping on adding random animations at some point, but the idea was too difficult to implement relative to usefulness. So sadly we won't be seeing the flapping wings of a dragon hovering in mid-air.
    Ville, that's what you said about vehicles.

    What about an idle animation? 4 frames will do. Do think is posible to add? At the very least could you make it posible to have the option to play the walk animation even if you are stand still? This could be enough to make flaping wings and such.
    I'm not a programmer, and I'm sure most things are easier said than done, but surely Ville you could get the game to play a sequence of 4 frames at randomly generated times. The game already plays a set of 4 frames when a creature fires a weapon, so it makes sense that it could play it at random, maybe even if the player defined the possible intervals:

    start random frames;
    1;//frame from weapons.dat
    2000;//random interval (milliseconds)
    2;//frame from weapons.dat
    500;//random interval (milliseconds)
    3;//frame from weapons.dat
    5000;//random interval (milliseconds)
    4;//frame from weapons.dat
    10000;//random interval (milliseconds)
    end random frames;

    The above would make the game play all those frames in random order, but using the intervals to space it out. So: 500 milliseconds after the last random frame, frame 2 will play. If frame 4 was randomly picked, it would play 10000 milliseconds after frame 2, etc, etc.
    God of Nothing 20 years ago
    Ville about what percent/% is 1.3 done
    ville 20 years ago
    This was discussed here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    In short, I have no idea of how complete the game is. We're closing in on the open beta however.
    ville 20 years ago
    The minimap in the right side of the screen now shows what the map looks like, and each map now remembers where you've been walking.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    The minimap in the right side of the screen now shows what the map looks like, and each map now remembers where you've been walking.
    Wow, great! What do you mean by it shows what the game looks like? Does it show terrains?
    ville 20 years ago
    Terrains, but nothing more. Smaller maps actually look pretty ugly on it, but bigger maps have nice detail.
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago
    I'm glad the game remembers where you've been now! It was easier to keep track of the one huge area back in 1.0, because you could draw permanent patterns, and going off the edge just took you to the other side... I think that while we wait for 1.3, 1.0 should be played to get the hang of it (I know, off topic ) wich you can get from the preview at Gamehippo. Just search for Notrium!
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Say, will we able to chose where the monster will apear with the map editor or will they stil be randomly placed? A plot object that spaws creatures will do just fine though.
    ville 20 years ago
    You'd be surprised, you can not only precisely place and rotate your plot_objects, props, creatures and items, but you can also place terrains. You can also change sizes for props and plot_objects, change the side of creatures, and amount of items to give per item.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Will it be possible for plot objects to change into another after being used? For exaple there is a tree plot object, i use my axe on it, and then the tree changes into a tree stump. And also can we asign plot objects different actions depending on what item is used on it?
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago
    I got an interesting question.

    If you, lets say, had a mod where you teleport to a secret area, but need to freeze the aliens in something until something is triggered, can you do that?

    (E.G: Aliens in ice blocks until you light a fire, triggers a small puddle and their lives "on".)
    ville 20 years ago
    ".:Torment:." said:
    Will it be possible for plot objects to change into another after being used? For exaple there is a tree plot object, i use my axe on it, and then the tree changes into a tree stump. And also can we asign plot objects different actions depending on what item is used on it?

    There's no effect to do that, but you can delete a plot_object and add a plot_object. That way you can achieve just the same thing.

    If you, lets say, had a mod where you teleport to a secret area, but need to freeze the aliens in something until something is triggered, can you do that?

    You could do it by transforming each creature into an ice_block creature, and having a condition to check how many non-freezed aliens there are. Or you could increase a counter with every alien you freeze, and when the counter reaches a number you would trigger something.
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago
    I meant this, let me say it more specifically:

    Lets say you wanted to have a snow world secret area filled with the rare green aliens(not reapers), but because they are jungle aliens got cryofreezed afterwards. You would enter the area, and use something critical to surviving there. It would unfreeze the aliens, and generate both a puddle and the alien.

    (This part is off topic but continues what is written above)

    After killing them all, a queen green alien unfreezes, and you defeat her with an ice weapon because she is too strong and must be refreezed. You later pick her up and unfreezing would make her friendly.
    ville 20 years ago
    "Brian11" said:
    Lets say you wanted to have a snow world secret area filled with the rare green aliens(not reapers), but because they are jungle aliens got cryofreezed afterwards. You would enter the area, and use something critical to surviving there. It would unfreeze the aliens, and generate both a puddle and the alien.

    I'm sure it could be done, but we will have to see about this after 1.3 is released. Ask it in the modding thread at that time.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Will it be possible to make an area border teleport you to a random area? (example: You are in area A. Going west teleports you to area B or area C.)

    Just got a MAJOR idea to make a mod that's like Cube. If you've seen the movie you'll understand the idea. You start from area A and are going to area Z. You have to avoid some areas, because you'll die in those areas.
    ville 20 years ago
    That's not possible, but you could isolate the areas an use teleporters. The teleporters could have a random chance of taking you to an area.
    Wicked 20 years ago
    hey, there ya go, you could place four teleporters on each area, and have none of the areas touch each other, so you could create the Cube's atmosphere, with the choice of the 4 "doors," and just have the teleporters have the random chance as Ville said.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    "Wicked" said:
    hey, there ya go, you could place four teleporters on each area, and have none of the areas touch each other, so you could create the Cube's atmosphere, with the choice of the 4 "doors," and just have the teleporters have the random chance as Ville said.

    That's the idea. And there would be 6 "doors" in each room: North, south east, west, up and down. And I could do them even if the areas would touch each other, just put some kind of a border in every side of the room.
    Wicked 20 years ago
    Oh my, did I say only 4 "doors"? I meant 6, I just wasn't thinking properly.

    Yeah, it sounds good. It might just work out.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Will it be possible to make an area border teleport you to a random area? (example: You are in area A. Going west teleports you to area B or area C.)

    This is a bit complicated and what I would consider an advanced modding technique and not simple or common by any means. Now considering terrain can now possess any effect an item can that means yes terrains can teleport you and yes they can be precisely placed using the map editor. So your only actual obstacle would be to teleport to a random area lol. This 'may' be accomplished by placing the same plot object in same areas and than not selecting the area, making it -1 basically and 'maybe' it will randomly send you to one of the areas that has that plot object in it. You could also use a random factor for each effect that would send you to a different area. I see this method as conflicting and possibly not working at all or even crashing the game as both teleports might prove true at the same time.

    A solution to your problem ? Ville you need to add a teleport to Area Class effect. I see no other solution that will wholly work. This way it would teleport you randomly to one of the areas in that area class.

    I've been gone for a few days, so sorry if I haven't kept up with the message
    ville 20 years ago
    Yes, the game will crash if you have two teleport effect in succession, you must onl have one that gets activated. I don't know of a way to fix this in the engine, but in a mod it could be achieved with a bar. You would set the bar to 0 in the first effect, and after that each teleport effect would have a condition to check a random number and whether the bar is 0. If the condition is successful, you would then set the bar to 1 and teleport the player. That way the rest of the teleport effects wouldn't fire.

    A bit complicated you see.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    What type of 'cutscenes' will be possible in 1.3?
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