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  • Got a great idea for a mod? Post it here!

    The Gemini 18 years ago
    We could use the avatars instead of real pictures, or at least give the players an ensigma or badge of the avatar, so we can separate the different members.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    As far as I'm concerned, they're only pictures - finding one user out of billions is virtually impossible, even with a photo.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Eh, I could submit my photo. I has no problem with people laughing at my ugliness (even though I'm not THAT ugly).
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    We could use the avatars instead of real pictures, or at least give the players an ensigma or badge of the avatar, so we can separate the different members.

    I remember when Crazy and Grim changed their avatars like 3 times in a week...

    Anyways I think we should stick with our usual avatars and hope nobody will change 'em during the development.

    So who's willing to help/make the mod?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Willingess to help can be detected in my location.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Sounds interesting. I'd keep it with the avatars, though. I'd hate to see pics of the members here, I think. Kind of destroys the magic.

    I'd be willing to help, though I'm not really worth much for modding Notrium. Willing to learn, of course. Always willing to learn.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I'd love to see this done, but I think humanoid dragons would be uber-ugliness viewed top-down. That means I'd need a new avatar within the next fifteen minutes. I couldn't do that, so just make me a missile-launching teabag and I'll be fine. [/joke]
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    I go for the real people mod thing. Heres mine

    Im the one on the right!
    Pete 18 years ago
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    ... So you intend to be the shiny light-with-a-soul?

    By the way: Since it appears that you all truly want to make this mod happen, wouldn't it be better to discuss it in it's own thread?
    Pete 18 years ago
    ...I like shiny lights. Especcially those that glow and drop sparks. I worked for half a hour on that god mode effect I have in my mod.
    harwe 18 years ago
    I just thought of this randomly, but what if your an undead? your health is negative and never can reach positive else your alive and etc. heh
    E_net4 18 years ago
    That's an idea, but how would you loose?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    That's an idea, but how would you loose?
    Well, as he clearly stated, "your health is negative and never can reach positive else your alive". That implies that if you die again, you won't be undead. Just plain dead.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    I'd take it that the undead don't DIE at all, they just decompose.

    Ergo, you'd have a meter showing how well you're staying together.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    I'd take it that the undead don't DIE at all, they just decompose.

    Ergo, you'd have a meter showing how well you're staying together.
    Yea! We'd just swap the health meter with an integrity meter and allow you to use rolls of masking tape to heal yourself.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Yay! Duct tape FTW!
    The stranger 18 years ago
    Name: Desert survivel

    Theam: Like regular notrium but all desert

    Contribution: nothing but ideas!

    Requirements: everything but a story (I will do that)

    Items: (now the fun part )
    1: pistol
    2: med pack(s)
    3: wooden spear
    4: sand (dah)
    well thats some and also all the regular notrium items.

    Story: You have been given an asingment
    to explore a new galixy. But dering the asingment a ship atacks you and you have to leav your ship on the last excape pod. your pod bursts into flames as is rockets to one of the plants in the new galaxy.Now u need to survive on the planet till help comes or you excape the planet!

    ps. what is FTW, is it just wtf but backwords?
    Pete 18 years ago
    So just Notrium but in desert?

    3 of those four items are already in Notrium btw.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    In point of fact all 4 of those items are in Notrium already.

    FTW = For The Win, or F**k The World, IIRC

    "The Stranger" said:
    Story: You have been given an asingment
    to explore a new galixy. But dering the asingment a ship atacks you and you have to leav your ship on the last excape pod. your pod bursts into flames as is rockets to one of the plants in the new galaxy.Now u need to survive on the planet till help comes or you excape the planet!
    So basically exactly the same as Notrium but with less variety in the way of scenery?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I used to think FTW was WTF backwards and just meant "WIIIIIIII!", but it's actually "For Those Wondering" on this forum.

    ... And that idea would indeed be just a simple scenery restriction.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I used to think FTW was WTF backwards and just meant "WIIIIIIII!", but it's actually "For Those Wondering" on this forum.
    Really? Haven't heard that one.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I used to think FTW was WTF backwards and just meant "WIIIIIIII!", but it's actually "For Those Wondering" on this forum.
    Really? Haven't heard that one.
    Neither have I. For me, FTW defaults to "For The Win".
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Anarion" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I used to think FTW was WTF backwards and just meant "WIIIIIIII!", but it's actually "For Those Wondering" on this forum.
    Really? Haven't heard that one.
    Neither have I. For me, FTW defaults to "For The Win".
    Wasn't it you that told me that it was For Those Wondering? Oh, wait, no, I think I used the acronym finder to figure this one out.

    Now, get back on topic before Ville pops in.
    Aphiberg 18 years ago
    heres a small idea

    Nameluto Base
    Plasma Blaster
    Rocket Launcher
    Plasma Turret
    Plasma Armour
    Better Plasma Armour
    Hand to Hand Knife (like punch only more damage)
    Health Kit
    AreasMain Area)Pluto Base Alpha, (East Area)Meteor Craters,
    (West Area)Pluto Missle Base, (North1 Area) Alien Crash Site,
    (North 2) Alien Base, (North3), Downed Pluto Base Beta
    The story: The year is 2100 Several years before the supernova,
    The Earth Defence Force has sent you to pluto for your EDF training. All is well until you arrive suddenly you have a hail coming through "Mayday Mayday come in all squads Mayday Mayday we have an unknown number of hostiles all over this rock we need he-"
    "That was Pluto Base Beta bring the dropship around and land us in Pluto Base Beta" Said the squad leader. The pilot tryed to land on Beta base but he was almost instantly met with heavy gun fire
    he said "Sir we can't land here the area is crawling!" "Land us in Alpha base we will get to beta on foot hopefully they havn't got alpha base yet." That was the intro I will edit this when I think of more tell me what you think. Just to let everyone know I don't know how to make mods so if you want to use my idea just pm me.
    harwe 18 years ago
    the point is.....

    i still like my undead idea but imma not mod
    surf424 18 years ago
    can someone make a mod based on the original notrium, like, the one without the hermits house and stuff?!
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    Go to, search Notrium 1.2V, and there you have it.

    Who'd want to delete hermit anyways? He's like the coolest guy in the whole freaking game!
    Aphiberg 18 years ago
    "Aphiberg" said:
    heres a small idea

    Nameluto Base
    Plasma Blaster
    Rocket Launcher
    Plasma Turret
    Plasma Armour
    Better Plasma Armour
    Hand to Hand Knife (like punch only more damage)
    Health Kit
    AreasMain Area)Pluto Base Alpha, (East Area)Meteor Craters,
    (West Area)Pluto Missle Base, (North1 Area) Alien Crash Site,
    (North 2) Alien Base, (North3), Downed Pluto Base Beta
    The story: The year is 2100 Several years before the supernova,
    The Earth Defence Force has sent you to pluto for your EDF training. All is well until you arrive suddenly you have a hail coming through "Mayday Mayday come in all squads Mayday Mayday we have an unknown number of hostiles all over this rock we need he-"
    "That was Pluto Base Beta bring the dropship around and land us in Pluto Base Beta" Said the squad leader. The pilot tryed to land on Beta base but he was almost instantly met with heavy gun fire
    he said "Sir we can't land here the area is crawling!" "Land us in Alpha base we will get to beta on foot hopefully they havn't got alpha base yet." That was the intro I will edit this when I think of more tell me what you think. Just to let everyone know I don't know how to make mods so if you want to use my idea just pm me.
    Doesn't anyone want to us my idea!?!?!
    Anarion 18 years ago
    Man, there's 9 pages of ideas here. Hardly any of them have ever been used.
    surf424 18 years ago
    dude, the file isnt there, i just want a mod "based" on the original!
    Redemption 18 years ago
    The only way that's going to happen is if you do it.
    angus 18 years ago
    This idea may not be the most original thing ever, but it is a smart suggestion to improve gameplay efficiency and quality for users of the Werivar mod (and associated extension mods).

    The proposal, I call Werivar Ultima, The Last Werivar Expansion.
    I propose to combine all the different planned expansions of the Werivar mod into one great mod, in which all gameplay elements of all mods are combined and smoothed off, to make the Ultimate expansion mod.

    The biggest problem I'm faced with? I can't do it. I am posting it here in the off chance that someone may find my vision worth undertaking. I can contribute nothing but Ideas and maybe map design.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    The only way that's going to happen is if you do it.
    harwe 18 years ago
    "angus" said:
    This idea may not be the most original thing ever, but it is a smart suggestion to improve gameplay efficiency and quality for users of the Werivar mod (and associated extension mods).

    The proposal, I call Werivar Ultima, The Last Werivar Expansion.
    I propose to combine all the different planned expansions of the Werivar mod into one great mod, in which all gameplay elements of all mods are combined and smoothed off, to make the Ultimate expansion mod.

    The biggest problem I'm faced with? I can't do it. I am posting it here in the off chance that someone may find my vision worth undertaking. I can contribute nothing but Ideas and maybe map design.

    yawn....... isnt it umm... near impossible to do since most of the mods as disappeared???? oh and you shouldnt say its the last expansion, people would still mod any mods even if its last one.... itll end up like FINAL FINAL FINAL last Werivar Expansion!
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