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Forum » You've played Notrium too much when...
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  • You've played Notrium too much when...

    slyvena 19 years ago
    292:[removed by ville: Don't threaten people, even if you're joking]
    293:When somhow you can put heaps of things to together with nothing but your hands
    294:when you can look at something and know what to do to turn it into something else imeditly
    295:when whenever you touch your blanket for the first time in the morning a screen comes up and says "this peace of cloth could be used to sleep in if you found a comfy pillow"
    296:When you wonder if you'll ever get of earth or if the aliens will get you
    297:when your mum tells you you accully come from a alien egg you are an alien and its time to kill your weakling brother... son
    298:when you find the glowing peace of paper press U and then after wondering for weeks in complete darkness a hand apears and says "oie you've been here twice allready do you know how anoying it is to keep on replacing the glowing papers you find in new areas your gona make be go broke" and proceeds to knock you out could and then you find yourself dangiling from a riope in a volcano with some random person cutting the rope.
    299:when you think why the *uck can't i go over the border there's nothing in my *ucking way, ville what the *uck were you thinking and proceed to run off to your bed and sob into your pillow
    300:when i could think of that in 2min flat
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago

    301. When you can run, run and run, with no rest.
    302. When you consumed all the coffee in your house just to play Notrium
    303. When you can't find water anymore.
    304. When you can walk in lava.
    305. When you carry a green orb everywhere.
    306. When you say Maja Gtahn to the ..................... you worship.
    307. When Microsoft and EA GAMES go bankrupt because they cannot stand the modding waves of the Notrium contributors.
    308. When Eidos, TryMedia, Reflexive, PopCap, etc go ..... (look at 307.)
    309. When GameFAQs, Gamespot, Gamewinners, CheatCC, Fileplanet, Filefront, Gamespy and more removes all their games to free space for Notrium stuffs.
    310. When HowStuffWorks writes an article: How Notrium Modding Factory Works and How Ville Works
    311. When you can grab Notrium Action Figures for $19.99 near your house.
    312. When you make a song off the BGM.
    313. When you see 'AvV' (alien versus VC), Notrium Trek, and more.
    Toko 19 years ago
    314. when you belive in this
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    315. When you direct Notrium Trek.
    Sicon 19 years ago
    316: When you start a "When you played too much Notrium" post
    Flikerator 19 years ago
    317: When you go to the grocery store killing small children, and work your way up when you think you have evolved (While wearing alien costume).
    slyvena 19 years ago
    318: And eventully go kill the manager
    319: When green balls turn you into plants
    Flikerator 19 years ago
    320 - When you plant green stems in the ground and expect them to defend you
    blitzsolo 19 years ago
    321- When you finally eat a chicken and you say, "Hmmm, tastes like alien"
    iceman 19 years ago
    322 - when you wake up each morning writing in your 'log' about how you are hoping to evolve
    Sicon 19 years ago
    323: When then only game you play is Notrium.
    324: When you make giant mods/expansions for Notrium.
    325: When you dream about Notrium.
    326: When you play so frigin much you see things that your house is a jungle infestated by aliens.
    327: When you simply don't sleep, only play Notrium.
    328: When you dress up your pet as a Psionic.
    329: When you advertise Notrium by giving free CD's with Notrium and Notrium mods in the all over your city.
    330: When you start making shirts/books/other things about/with Notrium in/on it
    B0rsuk 19 years ago
    331: When you post in this topic.
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    332: When you walk along the corridor with an A2 poster (twice the Xs and Ys of A4!) that says: PLAY NOTRIUM AND SURVIVE! (mostly-true story)

    333: When you make a checksum of all numbers in Notrium and won lottery from them.

    334: When you use that heap of money to research the most-powerful-exe-disassembler and violate copyrights just for Notrium codes.

    335: When you make papercrafts of weapons in Notrium. (PLEASE if anyone could make it....)
    Flikerator 19 years ago
    335 - When you switch "it" to easy mode because you can't stand winter!
    Sicon 19 years ago
    "Flikerator" said:
    335 - When you switch "it" to easy mode because you can't stand winter!
    lol so true!
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    "Flikerator" said:
    335 - When you switch "it" to easy mode because you can't stand winter!

    BUT it's SO HOT here! Forecast says 31?C today!

    336. Reasons to switch your life to 'easy' mode:

    336.1. As Flik said, you can't stand weathers.
    336.2. You think you have many enemies.
    336.3. You can't solve your problems.
    336.4. You are freezing, heat, poisoned, and dying at the same time O_o

    337. Reasons to switch to 'hard' mode:

    337.1. Your life is too boring.
    337.2. You want it to be EXTREMELY hot or cold.
    337.3. You want everyone to act smarter.
    Flikerator 19 years ago
    338 - When you open up race files to make yourself a different colour (Wigers lolz)
    Sicon 19 years ago
    339: When you think that you can only get a heat stroke when its 60-80'c outside
    340: When you think that you can survive just by eating mushrooms and "alien-ish animal" carcasses
    341: When you DO survive just by eating mushrooms and "alien-ish animal" carcasses
    Flikerator 19 years ago
    342 - When you relize you can go "up" and "down".
    Sicon 19 years ago
    "Flikerator" said:
    342 - When you relize you can go "up" and "down".

    You can!, Up the ladder, down the ladder!

    Same thing in Notrium, up the land, down the land.
    slinking_ferret 19 years ago
    342. when you get iv in your body so you dont need to dring just play notrium
    Flikerator 19 years ago
    "slinking_ferret" said:
    342. when you get iv in your body so you dont need to dring just play notrium

    343 - When you DONT NEED an iv to play notrium forever
    slipfuzzy 19 years ago
    343. When you are doing something and need to go to the bathroom, you frantically search around for the "P" key.
    slinking_ferret 19 years ago
    343. when you die and go to heaven there is a giant super computer permenitly connected to notrium

    344. when you go to hell and its the same as earth exept notrium dosent exist
    Flikerator 19 years ago
    "slipfuzzy" said:
    343. When you are doing something and need to go to the bathroom, you frantically search around for the "P" key.


    I had 343, slipfuzzy and slinking_ferret both had 343...

    347 (Correct number)- When you have such an ultimate base with laser turrest and a huge horde to defend you that you battle axed the pause button
    slinking_ferret 19 years ago
    "Flikerator" said:
    "slipfuzzy" said:
    343. When you are doing something and need to go to the bathroom, you frantically search around for the "P" key.


    I had 343, slipfuzzy and slinking_ferret both had 343...

    347 (Correct number)- When you have such an ultimate base with laser turrest and a huge horde to defend you that you battle axed the pause button

    true story

    348. when you get surgery to make you look like an alien
    Flikerator 19 years ago
    349 - When you don't need surgery to look like an alien
    Chickenguy 19 years ago
    350. When you start to listen to the notruim soundtrack on windows media player. ( Like me)

    [EDIT] oops. heh. Misspelt notrium:
    "notruim" ops:
    Fusion 19 years ago
    351. You try searching the frikkin huge tree north of your home for a pistol
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Chickenguy" said:
    350. When you start to listen to the notruim soundtrack on windows media player. ( Like me)

    [EDIT] oops. heh. Misspelt notrium:
    "notruim" ops:

    You could of course correct it...

    There is no need to inform a spelling error to us when you could just correct it. [/OT]
    slyvena 19 years ago
    352: When we have had 351 posts, and you still laugh and try to think up more, like me!!!!
    353: We you think darn, i forgot to put a good job in my life, darn that editor.
    354: When you try to talk to God, so you can get the program lines for his 3D 'Real Life' Mod.
    Fusion 19 years ago
    353. When you wonder if you could make a relationship mod in real life
    burgerking 19 years ago
    354: When your post count drops to zero because you only post in the "Got a great idea for the game?" section
    355:When your post count drops to zero because you only post in the "Found a bug?" Section
    356: when your homepage is a google search for notrium.
    357: when you try to slam your brother against the wall with your psionic mind powers.
    358: When you pick up a globe of the earth and turn into a plant.
    Tfbeyond 19 years ago
    359 : When you are mortal enemies with the blue man group.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    360: When you wear the Captain's outfit to the E3.
    361: When you put a pan on your head, grab your laser pointer and your radiator to battle weeds in the backyard.
    362: When you start making a shotgun with a pole, a particle accelerator and pebbles.
    363: When you build up a Monkkonen stand in the E3
    364: When you replace your company's logo with the Notrium anti-gravity device picture.
    365: When you can survive for a month by just eating medical herbs.
    366: When you manage to make a propulsion system out of the stuff you find in a car mausoleum.
    Forum » You've played Notrium too much when...
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