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  • - Forsaken II -

    Casanova 20 years ago
    I am still working on the mod, and expect to finish it by early november. If you would like to help me beta test it, send me a PM or email me at: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> , and I will send you the most current version.

    The latest version is available here :
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    On hold


    Your boat has sunk and you have been washed ashore on a seemingly deserted island. In order to survive you will need to provide youself with with food, water and protection from the enviroment. To win the game you either need to find a way to escape, call of help, or build the means to live there permanently.

    There will be 5 stats you need to keep an eye on:

    Health: If it reaches 0 you will perish. Open wounds will keep on damaging you until the bleeding is stoped.
    Water: Your greatest priority, as you can die of thirst in 1-2 days. There will be several ways to obtain it.
    Food: Not as important since you can survive for a week with no food, but being hungry will hurt your stamina.
    Temperature: Beware of heatstrokes and hypothermia. It also affects the rate at which you get thirsty and recover stamina.
    Stamina: How much work you can do before becoming exausted. If it reaches 0 you will fall unconscious. Being under constan fatige will make you get hungrier and thirstier at a faster rate.

    Keep all stats at a safe level and you will be able to slowly regenerate your health.

    New features:

    - Advanced tool system
    -Fires can be extinguished by rain or by you.
    -There is a neat looking river. You can get water and fish in it, but will need to build a bridge to cross it.
    -Animals keep on reespawning, so you are never completely safe until you destroy their dens.
    -Gather materials and buld different kinds of shelters
    -Set up bobby traps for hunting
    -Plant and take care of crops.
    -Chop down trees for resources.
    -Extract useful minerals from caves.
    -Domesticate some animals for food and other materials
    -At least 2 races. Each begins with different items and stats.
    -Beware of poison and disease. Keep curative plants at hand.
    -There may be other survivors, so you need to take haste and find them before they perish.
    -And many other little things

    If you have time, please give it a try and see if you like it. Feedback is welcome!
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago
    It seems really cool, but since I go to middle school I dont want a pile of undistinguishable updates to sift through on the weekends. And besides, the current standard game is cool enough when you play an alien. So without further adou (How do you spell it?), i'll take the latest version on fridays?
    the duke 20 years ago
    I'll e-mail you but I want to be a part of this, ever since I first saw the game I've wanted a Spiffenbauch remake.

    if that is full then send it to

    (you obviously remove the crap on the sides)
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I just mailed the first beta to those volunteered, but I need more people to help me test it. There is not much to test at the momment, so it shouldnt take you much time. Mostly I want to see how well the game performs under different systems.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    Uhh... Torment... Why don't you just make 3 difficulty levels for the mod? I'm sure Ville or Quan would be happy to tell you how if you don't know...

    [EDIT] Also, if you just don't have time for it... Just PM me and let me know... I'll help ya out if you tell me what it is you want done. I'm a work-horse.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Eventually I plan 3 difficulty levels, but the tweaking requited for them is very time consuming so there is only going to be one at the momment.

    If you want to help me, I really need someone who can do graphics, specially for the animals.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    I'll give you a hand beta testing, but can't help with the graphics, it's hard enough doing my own . Can you post the next beta on your website?, so it saves you emailing it. But if you do email it, send it here:
    <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    gold kiros 20 years ago
    Illm be a beta tester ok my email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

    Ill like the idea of growingcrops.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    Torment? If you can get the growing stuff down, could you give Kiros and me a hand with it for our mod? I would be much obliged...

    Oh, and I can't do graphics for heck... But if you want someone to tweak stuff for you... Just lemme know what to tweak, and what to tweak it to and I'd do that for ya... I'm helpful like that...
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    I'll do some beta testing, but maybe you should send a copy to Ville and ask him to host it?
    <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    Arcade 20 years ago
    Me Arcade beta test will I

    <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    the duke 20 years ago
    I didn't seem to get it at either e-mail. How large is the file? I'm trying to make a new e-mail to receive it but hotmail is being annoying and screwed up my last try. Everything is taking a loooong time to load. Was there a reason that I didn't get it?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    You might try yahoo. I've rarely had problems with Yahoo. I think you can get files as big as 3 mbs but I'm not positive on that. You are better off simply hosting the file instead Torment.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I cant host the file because I am about to run out of bandwith in my site, at least until september when it resets. If anyone knows of any reliable, free web hosting that allows files larger than 2 mb and allows hot-linking , PLEASE let me know. OR if you want to host it for me, even better .

    So, of the 5 people I sent the mod to, who actually received my email?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Ville may host it for you but currently he's having some bandwidth problems of his own. So you'll just have to see what he says. Most every free site that exists have a bandwidth limit unfortunately so even if you do find one with enough mb limit you'll still have to contend with going over their max limit. Asides from that the free sites can sometimes very annoyingly remove your site without warning.
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    I got it, but didn't have time to test it yet, I'll let you know as soon as possible!!

    Casanova 20 years ago
    Here is the current pre-alpha for download:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    It seems there was an error with the server, so the bandwith should be reseting today. Hopefuly it will last me the whole month.

    Email me any comments/ideas/complains.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    I just played it then, and I like what you've done with the water. You might want to check out the first C&C for the graphics (like for example, make a bank for the river, and change the rocks to a bridge with water flowing under it).

    Also, you can spam search on trees, and get a whole lot of stuff.

    I cant seem to bend the branch, or do anyhting like in your old one.

    By looking in your textures folder I can tell there is alot more weaponary and items that arent in the game (well that I can find anyway) is that intentional or am I just not looking hard enough??
    Btw you have some very nice looking textures in there.
    ville 20 years ago transfers a couple of gigabytes per day, I don't think a few small files downloaded a couple of times would make much of a difference. Just send it to me, and I'll host it.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I just signed for a new web site hosting, and this is going to be my new address:

    -website down-

    I just uploaded the this and the barebones mod there, and everything seems to be working properly, but sent me a PM if you run into any problems with it.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    If you have any hosting problems send me a PM and i'd be glad to host it.
    the duke 20 years ago
    Your river that goes to the beach from the south doesn't line up with the one below. If you stand to the left of the river and go straight down then you end up on the opposite side of the river.

    The clearings have a few trees in them while the forests are bare. Creepy.
    dudesdude 20 years ago
    my notrium wont start since i got ya game[1.3]
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    I know you havnt done item combos yet but I'd thought id mention that when you combine a coconut and a rock, you lose the rock. I think you should be able to use the rock as much as you want (to open coconuts)
    I thought I'd mention this now, before i forget
    Casanova 20 years ago
    If you have any hosting problems send me a PM and i'd be glad to host it.

    What sort of hosting can you provide? I would need at least a maximum file size of 3-4 mb once I add the custom sounds. Is hot-linking going to be allowed? please end me a PM with more details so i contact you in case get problems with my current host.

    Your river that goes to the beach from the south doesn't line up with the one below. If you stand to the left of the river and go straight down then you end up on the opposite side of the river.

    The clearings have a few trees in them while the forests are bare. Creepy.

    That is a bug that is causing object to be shovel away from the border of the map, so i been hacing trouble lining them correctly. As for the trees, Ill add more later.

    my notrium wont start since i got ya game[1.3]

    You probably pasted the mod in the default folder. Try reinstalling notrium.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    Torment! I'm glad to be helping beta your mod and all, but the e-mail you sent me probably got lost somewhere... And any other emails you might have sent...

    I was using my hotmail because Comcast (my main e-mail) broke... Outlook wouldn't get it... That problem's fixed now so any future beta stuff or whatnot you would like me to test out or whatever... Just send it to:

    <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

    Also, I got the attachment you sent, but I didn't get the mail... So if there was anything else important I should know just send it to me when/if you have time.

    Glad to be of service to ya!
    ville 20 years ago
    Sadly I cannot give you access to the server Torment, since it is a hired server, but I could simply upload the file to a safe place.

    Zombie, you can probably download the file from the link Torment gave earlier.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Sorry for the delay. Here is the new version.

    New stuff:

    -plant crops
    -build a bridge to cross the rivers
    -chop down trees
    -more items

    Read the included readme.txt for more details

    You can download it here:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Eternal 20 years ago
    Dead link!?
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Try it with Internet explorer. With Mozilla all I get is a few dozen pages of mush.
    (almost 800, Eternal!! )
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    i get a 403 forbidden error

    EDIT: Never mind, It works
    the duke 20 years ago
    Good work, farming looks pretty good. Trow stone should be throw stone though.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    You should change the searching key (the one you use to search stuff from trees) to something else than E, which is the weapon changing key.
    the duke 20 years ago
    Yah, although on the plus side your arms move from normal to stone and such, looks kind of like you are really searching.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Its going to be "Q" then. I am thinking of making it the generic action button. Its function will depend on where you are, so if you are near the river then you will drink water, if near a tree/bush to search, or to use a tool that you have equiped.

    [ nevermind, i am getting rid of it and replacing with tool use]
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