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  • WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!

    Inane 19 years ago
    Errr, Zex, Where are you? This was almost on the second page .
    Crazy 19 years ago
    wow... im starting to think there is a small chance of you actually finishing this thing!
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    yeah, zex, wake up!!! it's been a month damnit! WE WANT RELEASE!
    (chant with me all)
    Inane 19 years ago
    "eddeshun" said:
    yeah, zex, wake up!!! it's been a month damnit! WE WANT RELEASE!
    (chant with me all)
    Im not so bent on a release, I just want verification he still cares.
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    I hope he cares, it's his mod... Im just eager to play an updated version
    Zex, keep at it. You already put so much work in it, might as well finish it and reap the pride/praise
    ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
    Well, that's what I'm here for, isn't it! I'll do some work today.
    Inane 19 years ago
    Hooray! You make us happy ZeX.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    I guess thinking you would finish this was said a tad bit too early.
    Pete 19 years ago
    Move, Zex! Whats the problem? Last time it took 2 weeks, but waiting for more than MONTH for release is kidna...

    ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
    I think I've already told you.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I don't recall you stating the problem...
    Pete 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    I don't recall you stating the problem...

    Me too.
    ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
    Hmm, did someone delete my message??!
    I just said that I'm really reallybusy at the moment and I'm just having difficulty finding time to work on the mod.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Message? I didn't delete no message, are you sure you posted it?
    ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
    Hmm, disappeared forever into the murky depths of cyberspace. So tragic.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    ... so ...

    what's your next project?
    ForceUser 19 years ago
    As always, I'm here to make pics if you need 'em. Just e-mail me, I don't get on the site alot anymore

    Toko 19 years ago
    I can't downloade! :'(

    (no i am NOT comming back)
    E_net4 19 years ago
    This mod is kinda poor, why don't we start with a pistol? Since we start with a rocket launcher...There should be a basic weapon.

    And the space is very dark, its difficult to see .

    Why only one galaxy?!? There should be more galaxies AND more Planets.

    Concluding, i still prefer the Werivar mod.
    DRL 19 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    This mod is kinda poor, why don't we start with a pistol? Since we start with a rocket launcher...There should be a basic weapon.

    And the space is very dark, its difficult to see .

    Why only one galaxy?!? There should be more galaxies AND more Planets.

    Concluding, i still prefer the Werivar mod.
    This mod is still in beta stage,GIVE IT TIME!ZeXLR8er!! can´t complete the mod only you all guys say him "The space is very dark,or we may start whit a pistol", the mod is in beta stage guys!,well,
    ZeXLR8er!!,will update the mod as he can(or I think).
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    Oh sweet mother of the Lord...
    This mod is still in beta stage,GIVE IT TIME!ZeXLR8er!! can´t complete the mod only you all guys say him "The space is very dark,or we may start whit a pistol",Confused the mod is in beta stage guys!,well,
    ZeXLR8er!!,will update the mod as he can(or I think).


    This mod is still in beta, so please wait. Zex can't complete the mod alone. People are making comments such as "Space is too dark!" and "May we start with a pistol?", but what they must understand is that the mod is still a work in progress. Zex will update the mod in his due time (I hope).

    So, DRL, where are you from? The Netherlands?
    Sorry to correct your grammar, but it was just... nasty.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Whelp, finally remembered to install 1.341 and took another crack at this mod. I noticed a few things, good and bad.

    NOT complaining or anything, just giving Zex a nice comprehensive list of things I noticed. If I had any real complaints, I'd fix them myself.

    - Promotion points work right
    - Store works right
    - Salary works right
    - All in-game weapons work right
    - Ship combat is just as fun as ever.
    - Jumpgates.
    - Everywhere you put spotlights: Awesome. Especially on: Jumpgates.
    - You've still got my targetting laser! YAAAAY!!!

    THE BAD:
    - When not flying the ship, there is no way to recharge energy. So laser rifle, scanner, etc. quickly become useless. Easily fixed with either a new store item or just a recharge.
    - Enemy ships do not respawn. Possible solution: Add motherships to each sector that slowly spit out new fighters.
    - Nowhere to dock your ship. Not really a neccesary gameplay feature, but it would be kind of nice to be able to dock with a station, get cheaper repairs than with repair kits, and go shopping at someplace you would think people go shopping at. Pretty simple to do though, and low priority.
    - Promotions stop at lieutenant commander. Or maybe they don't, but you can't get enough promotion points because, as mentioned above, enemy ships don't respawn. But anyway, just a simple thing. Make a complete rank list!
    - Still possible to fire other weapons with jetpack equipped, if you've got a fast trigger finger.

    - The jetpack. I think it's kind of obvious. *shudders*
    - The jet exhaust. Also obvious. *shudders again*
    - Weird glitch where whenever you enter the bridge, the ship goes shooting upwards. I think this was present in Beta 2 as well, but still weird.

    Also, setting "quick key" to "0" instead of "-1" was probably NOT the smartest thing to do, as accidentally hitting "0" now equips "ensign rank." Smooth.

    And one last thing. Jumpgate spotlights should be on a seperate team from the aliens, as the targetting laser is targetting the jumpgates.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Hey guys! Remember the Unoffical Patch I made for Beta 2? Well, I'm making another one for Beta 3. Here is what I intend to add:

    - Confederate fleets to combat the alien threat.
    - Alien motherships, spewing out fighters.
    - Confederate ships can follow you into combat, aiding you in your assault against the aliens.
    - Interceptor fighters that you can deploy, and will follow you or stand guard, wherever you tell them to.
    - THE ABILITY TO STOP! (I can't be the only one that doesn't like the minimum movement speed for the Wolf IV)
    - New weapons.
    - Larger store.
    - A space station you can dock with that will now contain the store and occasionally launches fighters and battleships.
    - A full rank list, all the way up to Fleet Admiral.
    - Twelve new sectors to visit, including the Hive.
    - A wide range of "turrets" to deploy that will fire upon any alien ship that strays within range. These turrets will range from the simple "Blaster turret" to the "Particle Beam Cannon Turret," to the "Plasma Missile Turret."

    That should keep y'all busy until Beta 4, right?
    Waffle Man 19 years ago
    Hello, i'm new to the forums and i have a question to ask.

    Why can't i download the patch (i'm using Flashget) but when i click on the link it goes well but it stops downloading and i can't get it to play.... Help me!
    Crazy 19 years ago
    solution #1: try not using flashget, some websites crash D/L accelarators

    solution #2: hope that for some weird and utterly non-understandable reason Zex actually checks this thread!
    Waffle Man 19 years ago
    I dunno what's wrong.... i used YSIget on both links <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->

    but it says downloading... for a split second then says Failed there MUST be something wrong with the links... maybe you can put a fresh link on?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Casanova's FTP server is down. He informed about it ages ago in his FTP thread.

    Here's a link to download Wazzal II b3 from:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->

    Now, if ZeXLR8er!!! (or someone else who knows) would kindly inform us if that contains the patched or the unpatched version.
    Mithias 19 years ago
    Been tryin to play this mod now for quite a while. I understand its still in beta stage but I just need to check I've got as far as one can get.

    I've been promted once, destoyed all the ships as far as I can find on the first star map, landed on the only planet I can find and destroyed all the soliders, aliens and ships I can find there, is there anything else I've missed or does the game go on for much much more.

    Oh yer, And i've gotten rid of the people trying to board my ship
    Inane 19 years ago
    Mithias, There should be a worm hole to another sector that contains another planet and ALOT more enemies.

    It should be somewhere in the NE corner of the map.

    *By the way, Welcome to the forums .
    Mithias 19 years ago
    Okay, really have killed everything, Shot everything, covered every inch of the space map and the planet level but thats as Far as I can get, Can't find any wormhole or anything worth talking too.....
    Inane 19 years ago
    Kinda wierd, Do you have the latest Notrium and version of the mod?
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Maybe you need the patch. Check if Casanova's FTP is back up.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    well, i finally played it. I did however play the unpatched version but still, this looks extemly promising.
    bjbrains 19 years ago
    Can someone please post the Build 3 patch on rapidshare or some equivalent. Currently there is no way to download it!
    Casanova 19 years ago
    I don't have the mod availible either, you will have to wait until Zex comes back.
    Forum » WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!
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