Whelp, finally remembered to install 1.341 and took another crack at this mod. I noticed a few things, good and bad.
NOT complaining or anything, just giving Zex a nice comprehensive list of things I noticed. If I had any real complaints, I'd fix them myself.
THE GOOD: - Promotion points work right - Store works right - Salary works right - All in-game weapons work right - Ship combat is just as fun as ever. - Jumpgates.  - Everywhere you put spotlights: Awesome. Especially on: Jumpgates.  - You've still got my targetting laser! YAAAAY!!! XD
THE BAD: - When not flying the ship, there is no way to recharge energy. So laser rifle, scanner, etc. quickly become useless. Easily fixed with either a new store item or just a recharge. - Enemy ships do not respawn. Possible solution: Add motherships to each sector that slowly spit out new fighters. - Nowhere to dock your ship. Not really a neccesary gameplay feature, but it would be kind of nice to be able to dock with a station, get cheaper repairs than with repair kits, and go shopping at someplace you would think people go shopping at. Pretty simple to do though, and low priority. - Promotions stop at lieutenant commander. Or maybe they don't, but you can't get enough promotion points because, as mentioned above, enemy ships don't respawn. But anyway, just a simple thing. Make a complete rank list! - Still possible to fire other weapons with jetpack equipped, if you've got a fast trigger finger.
THE UGLY: - The jetpack. I think it's kind of obvious. *shudders* - The jet exhaust. Also obvious. *shudders again* - Weird glitch where whenever you enter the bridge, the ship goes shooting upwards. I think this was present in Beta 2 as well, but still weird.
[EDIT] Also, setting "quick key" to "0" instead of "-1" was probably NOT the smartest thing to do, as accidentally hitting "0" now equips "ensign rank." Smooth.
And one last thing. Jumpgate spotlights should be on a seperate team from the aliens, as the targetting laser is targetting the jumpgates. [/EDIT]