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  • WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!

    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    "Quanrian" said:
    you do get what I mean about things not working very well in practice sometimes ? I mean it's always good to at least try them out
    Quanrian, I'm taking this advice to heart. I will test the ideas to some extent (as far as possible with v0.1b) before posting them. I have already started reviewing some of the other ideas I have already posted. I have reviewed the EMP system. Where do I post my findings? (I have screenshots of the system at work.)

    Since it'd be related to this mod you can safely post them here. I also suggest you send your work to Zex as well so he can implement them into his current build. However if he does want your help more directly he'll have to get you the current build to work with. It was very difficult for me and Ville to get things done if we weren't at least working on the same build. From what Zex has said 0.1b is drastically different than the build he's at now. Which is why we be seeing a new version soon *prod prod*

    Please no pure rants about him releasing a new build though or I will nuke your posts without prejudice.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    What you did is called double posting.
    Did I double post? I'm sure I didn't. I apologize if I did. - Quanrian (Nope you didn't. Sorry I forgot to remove that last post by Grim which is what made me remove the 'actual' double post which is also why I made the comment about pure rants. You're in the good.)

    "Quanrian" said:
    Please no pure rants about him releasing a new build though or I will nuke your posts without prejudice.
    "UberWaffe" said:
    (as far as possible with v0.1b)
    I was ranting? I'm sorry but I was only stating that I can't guarantee compatibility.

    EMP system: I put this in and tested it out. Works very well except for one problem.
    1 - Enemies do not stop completely. Because they have a minimum speed of 1.6. Unsure how to bring them to a full stop but setting their minimum speed to 0.5 still makes them fly around the whole time. (Even slightly better at fights now) and if EMP'd they are slowed enough to hit easily.

    I have: Some very basic EMP missile/mine graphics and all the needed script changes.
    Multiple EMP missile Hits - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Multiple EMP mine hits - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Enemy EMP hit - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    EMP Missile Animation - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    EMP Mine Animation - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Very kewl from what I can gather from screenshots. I'm sure Zex can work with what you've done. It's sort of reminding of me of these annoying ships called Asps in a game I play call Cosmic Rift They can freeze your energy recharge with their bombs and mines.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    I'm sure Zex can work with what you've done.
    I hope the pictures/scripts are of some use. I will try and find a way around the 'still moving but EMP'd enemy' problem.

    Zex, if you want the animations/scripts I'll send it to you. (Just say where.) But until that time I will continue ironing out the bug.

    EDIT: Quanrian has far more wisdom that perhaps even he realises. EMP system is proving... difficult. I am posting a question in the Q/A section. Please try and help out.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    The screen shots looks very impressive, but I'm a bit lost when it comes to the electronic instability bar. Could you explain to me again clearly how it would work? I would really rather to be able to stick with just the power, shields and health bars, is there any way your ideas could be designed around that? I can just see the extra bar being too confusing to players.
    I would definetly want to see your code when you've ironed out the bugs.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    Basically I just renamed the temprature bar to Electronic Instability and changed it to a normal bar*. (*Reason explained in Modding Q/A thread). When you are hit by an emp weapon it increases the temprature bar instead of decreasing health/shields. In Notrium you shake and lose health when above a temprature of 75, now you simply get stunned until the bar drops below 75 again.

    I also added conditions to all the weapons only to fire if the temprature bar is below 75. Effectively you go into total shutdown instead of shaking and losing health.

    I'm still having problems with the script but I'm getting close. Zex, what is the LOWEST possible minimum speed for enemies you would be happy with? It would be easiest to set it to zero but I know you don't want that, so I'm having a mixup with keeping them moving when not EMP'd and staying still when EMP'd. (See Q/A thread.)

    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    I would really rather to be able to stick with just the power, shields and health bars, is there any way your ideas could be designed around that?
    I could, but an extra bar makes it more controllable and precise. I could just hide the bar and put in one or two warning messages when you get in the danger zone. Would that perhaps be better?
    Peter 20 years ago
    I was here before...

    It look like someone deleted my posts.
    Thanks to him, they were made when I was'nt holding myself...(like this :evil

    EDIT: THIS IS NOT HERE:So, when v0.2b will be released (exact day please...)

    Sorry again for things I did here(double posting, etc.)
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    That's ok, since those posts were deleted.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Your post was deleted (not by me) presumably for nagging about v0.2's release date. It has been mentoined several times. Just let Zex release it when he thinks its ready. The more you wait, the more that will be in it.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    Yes! I finally got the EMP system working! Zex, you will still have to see if you like it, of course, but I am pretty proud of getting it to work. Do I post the relevant scripts here or do I E-Mail them to you? It isn't a mass of scripts. Basically it is three or four script sections that repeat the whole time. (On each creature, weapon, etc.)

    I have one final screenshot. It depicts a battle with the final EMP system in place. Enemies now turn blue when EMP'd.
    Big EMP Battle - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    eug1404 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    Yes! I finally got the EMP system working! Zex, you will still have to see if you like it, of course, but I am pretty proud of getting it to work. Do I post the relevant scripts here or do I E-Mail them to you? It isn't a mass of scripts. Basically it is three or four script sections that repeat the whole time. (On each creature, weapon, etc.)

    I have one final screenshot. It depicts a battle with the final EMP system in place. Enemies now turn blue when EMP'd.
    Big EMP Battle - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Nice job there.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "eug1404" said:
    "UberWaffe" said:
    Yes! I finally got the EMP system working! Zex, you will still have to see if you like it, of course, but I am pretty proud of getting it to work. Do I post the relevant scripts here or do I E-Mail them to you? It isn't a mass of scripts. Basically it is three or four script sections that repeat the whole time. (On each creature, weapon, etc.)

    I have one final screenshot. It depicts a battle with the final EMP system in place. Enemies now turn blue when EMP'd.
    Big EMP Battle - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Nice job there.
    Indeed, good work. I might do something like this, but first I'd need a photo editing tool that doesn't suck. Otherwise I might've been able to add more stuff already...

    At least I can still script well, and hoping v0.2 gives a better springboard than 0.1 did.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    forceuser has done all wazzals graphics so you dont necessarily need a good graphics program.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Well, I've sent it off to Ville, and he'll post it in this thread when he hosts it. Enjoy.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    oooh, I can't wait. quick Ville, make haste.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    "Doogsy" said:
    forceuser has done all wazzals graphics so you dont necessarily need a good graphics program.
    Nonono, not all, only the ship graphics. I've made most of the other graphics.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    ok but still, my point is valid, you don't necessarily need to be good at graphics to make a good mod
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    w00t! The topic title finally updated from (more screenshots)!
    ville 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    Well, I've sent it off to Ville, and he'll post it in this thread when he hosts it. Enjoy.

    Haven't seen it yet, maybe you need to resend it? Or you can host it somewhere and send the link to me.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    I haven't received any word of where to send my scripts for the finished EMP system, so I am posting it here. It isn't much. If you don't care about this then skip this post, its just going to be an explanation. Notes are in red.

    Replace Temprature (Bar number 2) with the following code. If you don't have a temprature bar then add this and change all relevant identifiers.
    Electronic Instability;//name
    0;//bar type,THIS MUST BE 0 = Normal type. Otherwise you too get disabled when you emp an enemy. (Temperature type not calculated seperately for seperate units.)
    1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
    0;//visible on enemies
    1;//show number
    3;//anchor point (0=left top, 1=right top, 2=left bottom, 3=right bottom)
    -350;//location x, pixels from anchor point
    -50;//location y, pixels from anchor point
    bar.tga;//bar picture
    none;//background picture
    0;//background picture x offset
    0;//background picture y offset
    0;//background picture width
    0;//background picture height
    80;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
    0;//red color component for minimum
    1.0;//green color component for minimum
    0.2;//blue color component for minimum
    0;//red color component for maximum
    0.2;//green color component for maximum
    1.0;//blue color component for maximum


    This next piece of code must be pasted in all USER type creatures. (Like the Wolf IV in v0.1b). Disables the user when EMP above 75.

    ==={Any other timed events}===
    250;//msec : EMP DISABLE SCRIPT
    2.000000;//condition parameter0
    75.000000;//condition parameter1
    1;//effect number
    45;//effect number
    ==={Any other timed events}===

    The next pieces of script are for enemy creatures.
    {Other Stuff}
    0.6;//maximum movement speed. They get boosted by a timed event so this is in effect much higher
    0.0;//minimum movement speed. They get boosted, in effect much higher
    {Other Stuff}
    0.40000;//turn speed. Tweaked a bit to act more normal with the boosters. Not really needed. 0.500000;//inertia level (acceleration/deceleration). Tweaked a bit to act more normal with the boosters. Not really needed.
    {Other Stuff}

    Here follows the core of the EMP system for the enemies. Timed events. First event 'stuns'(+disables weapons) an enemy if above 75 EMP. Can be adjusted for individual types of enemies.
    Second: This is the conditional minimum speed of the creature. (This is what took so long.) Will need tweaking for different types of units. Effect 67, parameter 1.
    Third: Decreases the EMP bar by 1 per sec. Can be tweaked for faster/slower recovery.
    250;//msec. EMP disable script. -1-
    2.000000;//condition parameter0
    75.000000;//condition parameter1
    1;//effect number
    45;//effect number
    25;//msec : AI MOVE / EMP STOP SCRIPT -2-
    2.000000;//condition parameter0
    75.000000;//condition parameter1
    67;//effect number
    1000;//msec : EMP BAR AI DECREASE -3-
    2.000000;//condition parameter0
    0.000000;//condition parameter1
    4;//effect number

    This must be added in the specialities section of the creature. This gives them the EMP bar.
    emp bar;//description
    -20.000000;//parameter1. Note: Do not set to zero. Notes state that a creature dies when ANY bar reaches zero. So this is a way to stop that from happening.


    The following code should be added to add the EMP bar to the player.
    EMP bar;//description
    0;//difficulty level

    The following drains the User's EMP bar by 1 per second.
    drain EMP;//description
    0;//difficulty level


    The following condition can be added to a weapon if the weapon is to shut down at an ealier stage than the creature. (Ex. Ion cannons can only fire if EMP is below 30.).
    2.000000;//condition parameter0
    30.00;//condition parameter1

    EMP weapons can use effect 4 to increase the EMP bar. Example:
    4;//effect number

    Note: The EMP bar is now a normal bar. You will have to adjust the plot objects accordingly to accomodate this. (Effect 18 should be replaced with effect 23 or something similar.)

    EDIT: If this post bothers anyone I will delete it if Zex has seen it and has no further use for it.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    EDIT: If this post bothers anyone I will delete it if Zex has seen it and has no further use for it.
    Please don't, it's always a good idea to share your code.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Thanks Uber, and guh, I'll try resending. Sorry guys.
    ville 20 years ago
    Here it is!

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->

    You've got UberWaffle in the credits Zex...

    I think the ECM needs a quick key, it's slow to find it when in a battle. Same for the shields.
    The keys while flying the ship still seem wrong. I don't think it should use the mouse for aiming.
    The mission on the planet was fun! I loved the lights and the machine guns.
    It slowed the game quite a bit though, maybe you might want to have less creatures there. Also, is it supposed to congratulate the player when the fighters are destroyed? I spent quite a while wandering around the planet after that waiting for it to finish.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Actually, there is another fighter I accidently didn't delete; you'll find it in the lower-right hand corner of the map. ops: And you only in once there is less than 20 enemys on the map.
    And oops, that extra 'l' must have slipped in.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    I'm having great difficulty moving and steering with this thing. I'm not sure how to speed up and brake and the turning is really wierd. Could you post a list of all the controls?
    P.S I tried playing human when you pick your race. It was, quite wierd (I'm guessing this wasn't sposed to be)
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    Ok, Some mixed fealings here.

    The good stuff
    - The graphics Looks Awesome! The explosions looks Verry realistic.
    - The Mashine gun is also verry cool, bit of trouble getting control of one but shoots good and the lag between reloading is also verry good
    - LOVE the promotion system! Just an Ide though, Make a starbase in the system and you have to dock there first to get the promotions.

    The not so good stuff (Constructive critisism)
    - The handling... ain't so good. The previous handling was WAY better IMHO. Esp since most topdown, spaceshipshooter, works the way it was in build 1.
    - Major big crash, When I get promoted 2 times, And then go to the planet, the game crashes and I have to restart the pc. I'll do some testing to see what else causes it to crash.
    - The ship's "Turret firing". IMHO, the Turret firing of the ship is too powerfull and a bit confusing at the same time. Although, if the movement is back to build 1 it would be verry close to "turret firing"

    I havn't tested the planet out to9o much since the game crashes when I get the laser rifle and I go down to the planet.

    Anyways, Other than that, it looks great! I'll report back on that bug!

    [Edit] Ok, I've done some testing and some other stuff. The interiour looks Awsome! I was rather perplexed by the bunsh of enemy soldiers shooting at me but then I found the enemy ship and shot it . Verry cool that!

    The battle on the planet is Awesome! Esp in the night, The flashing of the gun... damn it looks JUST like real nightime jungle warfare! Excelent work on that! It's a bit difficult though since as soon as I get enough Promotion points to get the lazer rifle, the game crashes. Definately a problem with either the bodyguards and/or the lazer rifle. Perhaps it could be solved by using the starport Idea above?

    Anyways, I've seen the big pictures of the alien ships (on the Wolf and on the planet) and I'm really dissapointed in how badly I've done them... ops: I'm ashamed and mad at myself. The pure lack of detail... I'd like to improve them if that's ok. I know you are looking for that black sleek look but I really feel the need to put in some detail. I'll just ad a few textures and send them over to you. This would be just for the big pictures though since the smaller ones in space looks rather ok

    ok, I think I'm done ranting. Considering it's Beta build 2.. I'm verry impressed! and not just in my graphics hehe

    Toko 20 years ago
    whene i gets the 2 bodyguards the game crash.....if i enter a planet or i enter the brige edit: only sometimes....

    but i think it should be a flee AI.
    like under 20% health left the other ships retreat. and that some ship you blow gives you item such as energy.
    and another place to drive to: THE MIST!!! many low pirats (like black/red junk ship low weapon and sheild but MANY!!!) and backgound should be dust, not a singel space of black and rocks, comets(i don't remaber the name on A ops: ).

    and what did the enemy troops do on my ship?i think it coud be uesd as this(if you can make it:
    there are some very small ship that drives in you and you must then kill all the enemy guys that came onbord i ship. so if 2 ships comes and hit you, you must figth 6-10 guys.
    if not your ship lose all shield in a blast(after a while) and beguns to lose health

    if you can make like that you can make it the other way to:
    you get borded--> kill the borders --> hijack the ship inside wolf --> you just drive the new miniship in a big ship and the party begins --> if you manege to kill all the guys in the ship you borded, you wolf comes up and you can take energy, weapons enything from the ship.
    Penta 20 years ago
    while out of bridge the space in nicely done, looks you're going really fast. But I think the background while in space should be less static. It should be darker, lesser stars and it should be moving a little.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    The game crashes on m comp too... I don't know for sure if it is caused by the planet or the 2nd promotion...
    Toko 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    The game crashes on m comp too... I don't know for sure if it is caused by the planet or the 2nd promotion...
    i know i know
    just stad still a few sec and it will be fine (lets say 3 sec)
    and its the 2 promation that makes the game crash. i think

    idea warning
    the ville corp marines had this plants reasherch lab where they had red and blue plants that gave you battery and health.....MAKE A ZOO IN YOUR SHIP
    just "borow" a plant or two from a planet and plant them in your evergrowing small ones don't give much but the grown up trees......

    then the trees drops nuts or somthing and the zoo grows...
    but you must be carful as your lovly plants MAY grow out of your greenhouse......
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    The new build is good. But that you are allowed to fire in any direction while moving in another makes the space battles way too easy. I killed a lot of enemy ships without getting hit at all most of the time. (I reached 274 promotion points before quitting without being hit much by the lasers. Only missiles.)

    "ForceUser" said:
    The ship's "Turret firing". IMHO, the Turret firing of the ship is too powerful
    Bring back the fire-to-front style, the missiles and such are meant to fire in other directions and mines are meant for enemies following you. I never needed either.

    Could you set the normal AI for the two bodygaurds to 'follow'? They rushed off and got killed when I landed on the planet. (Hey, they did kill a couple of enemies but they are supposed to be bodyguards not homicidal maniacs )

    But my report isn't all bad. The planet jungle combat was totally excellent! I hated being shot by an unknown from beneath the trees but it made it really difficult to fight them! As it should!

    I liked the inside of the ship, there is definitely a lot of potensial there.

    The background sounds of the planet battle is wicked cool! At the beginning I constantly ducked when the artillery fired.

    Question: When switching weapons, is the delay before being able to fire intentional?

    Note: My game didn't crash and I got promoted about five times. Perhaps I just got lucky though.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Thanks for the feedback; I'll see what I can do with the bugs.

    I'm glad you think it looks like jungle combat, cos thats what I was aiming for..
    And it looks like no-one likes the new controls (are you sure you are playing on Relative mode? ) so I'll change it back.

    A quick fix for the bodyguard bug: Go into the 'Scripts.dat file and delete the following code:

    Player reaches 50 Promotion;//name
    1;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script)
    0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location
    0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature
    20;//run every n milliseconds
    Orders, SIR!!;//message
    0;//message type, 0=quick message, 1=journal
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    1;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes
    3;//condition promotion bar is over 50
    9.000000;//condition parameter0
    50.00000;//condition parameter1
    6;//condition player is human
    1.000000;//condition parameter0
    0.00000;//condition parameter1
    10;//effect number Give bodyguards
    Player reaches 50 Promotion;//name
    1;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script)
    0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location
    0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature
    20;//run every n milliseconds
    Orders, SIR!!;//message
    0;//message type, 0=quick message, 1=journal
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    1;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes
    3;//condition promotion bar is over 50
    9.000000;//condition parameter0
    50.00000;//condition parameter1
    6;//condition player is human
    1.000000;//condition parameter0
    0.00000;//condition parameter1
    10;//effect number Give bodyguards

    You won't get bodyguards, but at least the game won't crash.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    And it looks like no-one likes the new controls (are you sure you are playing on Relative mode? ) so I'll change it back.
    The controls don't bother me much, its the omni-aimable turret that makes it way too easy. (The ship handling is fine.)

    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    I'm glad you think it looks like jungle combat, cos thats what I was aiming for..
    Are all the planets you attack going to be jungle war? It would be nice if you could also have desert, snow, etc. type planets. (Desert and snow would be nice vast open fighting spaces.) I would also suggest urban but I have tried making enterable buildings and it is a pain.

    I see that ville has prereleased v1.34 and effect 24 'shoot at nearest enemy' is now fixed. You could give the player a turret type weapon that uses this to fire, but don't allow the player to control it directly.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    Five times? I checked the scripting, and I only saw the scripts for three or four. Oh well, maybe I miscounted.

    Here is a list of all the things I found wrong (including stuff other people already said):

    - At promotion 2 the game crashes, although only in areas where the player is the captain. This is right after the bodyguards appear, which makes me believe the laser rifle has nothing to do with it.
    - Nowhere to recharge captain's energy (at least, none that I found)
    - The turret control quick key was set to C, not M like the description said.
    - The game forces the player to use relative controls at the start, making them have to go into the options menu if they want to move normally as the Captain.
    - When you leave the bridge, the Captain is visible for a second. This could be corrected by switching the places of the "change player to captain" command and the "teleport to ship" command. This is because switches races takes less time than teleporting, so the player would be less likely to see the ship inside the ship than the captain in space. Does that make sense?
    - The armory could be done better with plot objects. Right now, with v1.33, there is no way to determine if the player has less than a certain number of an item. But once that condition is added, a plot object could dispense weapons instead of leaving items on the floor. Also, the player can run out of ammo waaay too easily. Adding a plot object that dispenses bullets would make this easier. If you like, the plot object can have a timer of sorts that prevents the player from getting a whole load of bullets at once, but making it so that the player must switch to sniper rifle once they run out of ammo is annoying.
    - The sniper rifle doesn't use ammo.

    But, for a version 0.2, this is pretty good. I'll see if I can correct some of this myself, saving you the trouble.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Build 2 is excellent. Apart from the crash with the bodyguards, I enjoyed it. A fun dogfight dodging technique is to press A and D alternating every second or so. You're still moving up/down, but you're also strafing.
    Forum » WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!
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