HI! IM BAAAAAAAAAACK!!!! Anyway i just got back to notrium and all this Coormon game is going on and lost about it.  Well anyway I believe each race should be true to its call.
Psionic: its a floating ball of stuff with eyes and a brain. Needs a shield that can absorb damage, before it chews the actual health, gotten through a portal or found in Eden. Recharges over a stasis field or very slowly over time. maybe a teleportation spell for it. i sopport it having its unique ending.
Alien: It should be able to drastically chane its form even more. if wanted it could morph into a speedy but less armor alien, and more food consumption. It could have fast attacks limited to one unit at a time. has far range with status attacks. poison, berserk, turn ally, paralyze and such.
or take the path of a heavy unit. be able to absorb lotsa damage and higher def. rating. less food consumption but attacks should be slow but be a splash dmage. more orriented on knockback or a special shield. front be near invulnerable for 10 secs. " more orriented meele.
Maybe stay more balanced and pick the larger version of the green guy but more orriented on survival. some unique abilities for survial alien.
Human: they are remarkable for thier versatality and make due with what they have. exo skeltons, wood armor and metal plates and such. implants. got from dead marines.
maybe get a special marine suit but requieres parts to be made. helmet provides light, legs mean more stabilty(no knockback) body more armor rating. even built in wrist gun with a special rifle.
or same parts to make a survivalist suit. immune to temp, energy boosted, powerd by solar panel but at the end of the night cycle the suit would have 15 energy left of 200. something liek that. more carrying space. even the ability to jetpack.
only race to build a small shuttle to run around. and only race to make a renewable repair torch.
Android: obiously upgrades, a renewable batterie eventually. but takes enrgy like a "beep" during night time. enough to survive but not die. have itself integrated with a terminal in ville corp some where. it would make all robots not atttack him but not controllable. turn off ville corps differnt electronics.
Anyway thats it for the races and please consider what i said.
before i go why not the opurtunity to have a base with plenty of featerures. i.e doors with levels, factory, sentry guns and stuff against the spawnable enmeies where you build it. OR why not a lost base whcih u find an have for yourself underground!!