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    Madgamer 18 years ago
    if we can make an antigravs, we should make an anti gravity tank
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "Come on, boys and girls! Step right up! We'll turn you into a balloon with our antigravity gun for a dollar!"
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    That's a really old idea. The thing is nobody's ever tried to implement it. But the idea's been around pretty much since I joined the forums.
    Lochen 18 years ago
    Wouldnt it be possible to have the plant give you a copy of itself, press u to eat/use; press y to plant? Then have say... r when you are near object bio-dome to make a copy for 15 energy?


    3 growth pods
    1 replicator cell?

    Growth pod:

    1 specimen container
    1 glass marble

    Just figured it might be an idea for anyone who isnt lazy like I am.
    Solus Lupus 18 years ago
    I have an Idea that just might to make those darn plants growable work and I am not sharing it. I will FORCE myself to work on this for the next 2-3 days then I might have it done or find it impossible. It should work.
    Lochen 18 years ago
    *shrugs* Good luck, hope you dont stop due to being lazy. I was right on the edge of having them working, got bored, and lost my stuff on it...
    Arcane 17 years ago
    I'm going to be fussed at for being a heretic, but...

    If you can plug a plant with biochemical electricity into your battery to charge it, doesn't it make sense to be able to use spare batteries (read: the ones you get from breaking repair units, find, or get from robot corpses) to charge it?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Well, that was possible in v1.2 I think.
    But then it was decided that only Androids can use the batteries.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    It could be because The battery requires both ends to be connected, but the plant lets electrity flow by simple touch. Or theport might be smaller than the battery. You could jam a soft plant in there, but not a battery.

    Although one could connect copper wire to either end of the battery and jam those into the port. But alas, Notrium is a planet devoid of any copper. Or really, any other kind of item that would work for that.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    It could be because The battery requires both ends to be connected, but the plant lets electrity flow by simple touch.
    In effect, the other connector would be the ground in that case.
    Crazy 17 years ago

    Oh, right. To charge something, you need to ground, not create a flow. Silly me.
    Zanfib 17 years ago
    Anyone else find it strange that there are so many plants in the desert? Fungi, Red and Blue plants... I thought the desert would be more barren myself.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Perhaps the plants can survive in harsh environments?
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Well, that was possible in v1.2 I think.
    But then it was decided that only Androids can use the batteries.

    Correct, and this was because the Android could not use the health packs or healing plants. The Android was just too easy to play, and didn't balance out how much more powerful it was than everything else. In 1.3 that seemed to slip heavily towards the Alien. If you look at what a lot of people prefered it went from Android to Alien.

    Keep in mind one of my core goals for 1.3 was making the races play different. It didn't make sense to allow them all to do everything the same if they were supposed to be unique. The fact the races were far too similar was actually a common complaint I found for 1.2.

    As for plants growing in the desert. Have you ever been to a desert ? You might find to your disbelief that many plants can grow in harsh environments. It's quite plausible that common plants would evolve and grow quite hardy long before the player arrived on the planet.
    Chris 17 years ago
    Hi everyone,
    Notrium nearly lost me, because the first game ever I started as an android on easy. I played for ~5 hours, and didn't make it past the tree maps surrounding my starting point, because they were Eden, the ship graveyard and the hive.... No Force Field Generator -> no Stasis Field, no amor.
    After searching a while in the forum, I discovered that the maps are randomly placed. Uhm.. Started again on medium (!), and it took me three hours to leave this planet.
    Maybe it would be a good idea to place always a map with a force field generator next to the starting map on easy..
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Maybe but IIRC Notruim is no longer under development. You are however welcome to attempt to make such a modification yourself.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Besides, I always have fun running through the Hive to get all the stuff I need. The aliens never catch me (well the desert does them).
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    If there was ONE thing I would've added to the game (not to mention make it customizable through modding) would be Auto-Saving.
    harwe 17 years ago
    oh geez... thats SOO useful!!
    Bien45 17 years ago
    choppable trees
    everything is moddable puzzles like in the older versions
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    If there was ONE thing I would've added to the game (not to mention make it customizable through modding) would be Auto-Saving.

    Singed. I hate when i play for a LONG time without saving, get a lot of items build a base and suddenly i make a mistake and die and do that over again. (notruim is SO fun that you forget about saving)
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Bah, saving is for wussies. You made a mistake? Too bad, learn from it, restart.

    Message brought to you by a Nethack player.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    Someone could make a mod for choping trees. You know... you could find an axe and if you use the axe when you're under the tree(in shade) the tree would dissapear and you would get 5 firewood.

    Just an idea.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    I don't think that could be done...

    Or were the trees a plot_object?

    If they are, the mod should be a 10-minute job.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    I'd do it myself, but i'm no modder
    E_net4 17 years ago
    You can actually do that, but like Crazy said, it should be a plot_object, so it can be hit.
    You can "orient" yourself on the wielding torch. It's the only way to open steel crates, same as the axe.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    I don't mean an axe as a weapon. I mean it as a tool that can be used only when player's status is IN A SHADE (under a tree), no need for hitting.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    There's not a whole lot TO being a modder. The text files are über-simple. Actually, this would be a wonderful little project with which to start learning modding, methinks.

    And besides. Nobody would probably do it themselves.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    There's not a whole lot TO being a modder. The text files are über-simple. Actually, this would be a wonderful little project with which to start learning modding, methinks.

    And besides. Nobody would probably do it themselves.

    Are you a modder?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Well, i've never really finished a mod, but yes, i've worked on some and i have somewhat of a grasp of the system.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    Well... you got me. I never modded so it's kinda hard (even with the FAQ im all confused )
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Well, we've never left a question in Notrium Modding unanswered.
    Pete 17 years ago

    Yes, we didnt. If you dont count that and that and that...
    Redemption 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    You can actually do that, but like Crazy said, it should be a plot_object, so it can be hit.
    You can "orient" yourself on the wielding torch. It's the only way to open steel crates, same as the axe.
    It'd be a creature not a plot_object.

    This'd be something for the modding library, it's too small for a mod. If I can find a copy of default Notrium I haven't altered I might try it.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    I haven't muddled too much with Notrium, but couldn't you just make a creature that looks like a tree, never moves, and when you kill it it leaves behind a tree corpse?
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