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    E_net4 17 years ago
    Well of course.
    But he wants the tree to be only hit by an axe.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I think there were weapon or damage classes for that. Just modify that variable that I couldn't be bothered to remember the location or name of.
    Pete 17 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    I haven't muddled too much with Notrium, but couldn't you just make a creature that looks like a tree, never moves, and when you kill it it leaves behind a tree corpse?
    And how would that work with shade and being transparent when under it? Besides, so much creatures would lag Notrium into oblivion.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    "ahrenjb" said:
    I haven't muddled too much with Notrium, but couldn't you just make a creature that looks like a tree, never moves, and when you kill it it leaves behind a tree corpse?
    And how would that work with shade and being transparent when under it? Besides, so much creatures would lag Notrium into oblivion.
    Actually, no! I was playing around with the map editor a while back, and I created a gazillion missiles. The only reason the game crashed is because the game engine couldn't handle it, but the graphics engine won't lag as much as you think.

    ... Note the usage of the word "gazillion" in this context means "More than a hundred", and that there were particle effects, AND smoke clouds, AND scenery...
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    "ahrenjb" said:
    I haven't muddled too much with Notrium, but couldn't you just make a creature that looks like a tree, never moves, and when you kill it it leaves behind a tree corpse?
    And how would that work with shade and being transparent when under it? Besides, so much creatures would lag Notrium into oblivion.
    The creature can put a shade-giving plot_object above it when spawned and remove it when it dies.
    thunerz007 17 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    If you've got a great idea for Notrium, tell us here!

    Things not to suggest are:
    *Anything related to multiplayer.

    Well, I really love this game. This is the first time i ever played such a good surviving game. I'm really impressed of the props and the evolving thing. You should make part 2. Hope it's still freeware.

    And could you you tell where's the common place that i can find glass tubes??
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Um....did you even look at the topic of this thread before posting?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "thunerz007" said:
    Well, I really love this game. This is the first time i ever played such a good surviving game. I'm really impressed of the props and the evolving thing. You should make part 2. Hope it's still freeware.

    And could you you tell where's the common place that i can find glass tubes??
    Ville has already decided to make a Notrium 2, although the actual development will have to wait 'till Cormoon is finished. You can submit your ideas for Notrium 2 here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    As for the glass tubes, I think they're most commonly found in the Ville Corp Mining Area.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Going to place it here as we still cannot create new topics...

    A bit inspired by Boatmurdered (google it, it's fun). Agreed, it works better for that game than this one... Just throwing out a suggestion here for the community to pick up.
    The idea is that we play a game of Notrium collectively. That is, one person plays 2 days (or perhaps 1 or 3 - a constant number though), saves, then passes on the save to the next person. He also makes notes of what happened during his time, but DOESN'T report about that. The next person does the same. He analyzes the situation, not knowing anything about the background or what areas have been cleared, he just needs to use his own judgment.

    Now, it'd be kind of stupid if this ended just because the second player died. Therefor, I think it might be best to do it this way: if you die, you reload from the savegame that was passed to you. You save after 2 days, but only if you are not in immediate danger. You get about a week real-life time to try to succeed in this, if not, we just use the previous save, skipping you.

    We could also set some goals to obtain, or the ending we're aiming for. I don't know. Just tell me what you think. Of course, we'd need to have enough people interested, so... Are you?
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    An interesting idea. However, what happens if the game ends (in victory) before all players get a chance to play?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    I dunno. We start a new one? We load up an old save and act like it didn't happen?
    Cejer 17 years ago
    I would play. Although it would be weird. You know, it would lack bloodthirsty elephants and burning dwarves.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    I would play. Although it would be weird. You know, it would lack bloodthirsty elephants and burning dwarves.

    Bloodthirsty SKELETAL elephants.
    Protoplasm 17 years ago
    Sorry if thi s already has been posted-I didn't want to look through all thirteen pages- but what if the player could select more then one amount of object? I mean the sniper bullets, 1 ether and 1 bullet takes forever to make twenty-five! Although If i could take 50 Ether and 50 bullets...
    harwe 17 years ago
    yep, said and sugggested for notrium 2, i hope...
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Actually, the annoyingness of ammo creation was an intended feature of the sniper rifle.

    Except, y'know... ether sort of burns instead of lubricating...
    Bones 17 years ago
    Yeah you know:
    Human makes the sniper pistol, and says "Yay me!"
    But, the euphoria descends when he has to make at least 50 bullets... ( Ville is cruel )
    Zeron 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Going to place it here as we still cannot create new topics...

    A bit inspired by Boatmurdered (google it, it's fun). Agreed, it works better for that game than this one... Just throwing out a suggestion here for the community to pick up.
    The idea is that we play a game of Notrium collectively. That is, one person plays 2 days (or perhaps 1 or 3 - a constant number though), saves, then passes on the save to the next person. He also makes notes of what happened during his time, but DOESN'T report about that. The next person does the same. He analyzes the situation, not knowing anything about the background or what areas have been cleared, he just needs to use his own judgment.

    Now, it'd be kind of stupid if this ended just because the second player died. Therefor, I think it might be best to do it this way: if you die, you reload from the savegame that was passed to you. You save after 2 days, but only if you are not in immediate danger. You get about a week real-life time to try to succeed in this, if not, we just use the previous save, skipping you.

    We could also set some goals to obtain, or the ending we're aiming for. I don't know. Just tell me what you think. Of course, we'd need to have enough people interested, so... Are you?

    I am.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    yep, said and sugggested for notrium 2, i hope...

    suggested by me.
    and on topic: aquiring firewood through choppin trees would be nice, like having an axe object that could be used when under a tree(shade) so that you would gain 5 firewood and the tree would be deleted.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "D0M0" said:
    "harwe" said:
    yep, said and sugggested for notrium 2, i hope...

    suggested by me.
    and on topic: aquiring firewood through choppin trees would be nice, like having an axe object that could be used when under a tree(shade) so that you would gain 5 firewood and the tree would be deleted.
    There was an old mod by Casanova that had that, though it was never updated for 1.3 (as far as I know).
    Drakolord7 17 years ago
    Port it too Macs. If this is the wrong place to ask for that I'm sorry.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Drakolord7" said:
    Port it too Macs. If this is the wrong place to ask for that I'm sorry.
    ...As in, port Notrium to Mac OS? Well, I suppose this would be the place to ask for that... though I should warn you, I don't think Ville really reads through this that often, and he's said he won't be releasing any new versions of Notrium.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Mmm. Still, you never know. It might happen.
    ville 17 years ago
    "Drakolord7" said:
    Port it too Macs. If this is the wrong place to ask for that I'm sorry.

    I suppose it could be possible, though the original Notrium graphics engine needs DirectX.
    Priok 17 years ago
    There should be a melee weapon when you combine a long metal rod a light diode, computer chip, and powered particle accelerator.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Priok" said:
    There should be a melee weapon when you combine a long metal rod a light diode, computer chip, and powered particle accelerator.
    Ok...and what sort of weapon would that make then?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    A light saber? A really painful tazor? A rocket-launcher with 0 range?
    Priok 16 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "Priok" said:
    There should be a melee weapon when you combine a long metal rod a light diode, computer chip, and powered particle accelerator.
    Ok...and what sort of weapon would that make then?
    I was thinking of a light sabre but it could be something else but a lightsabre sounds good, just give it a different name like.... battery sword or electricity sword.
    F22Raptor 16 years ago
    Couple of suggestions here

    1.I'm not sure if you can get this but a small personal radar that can be used like a item detector but it will alert you to aliens and their movements. But to make it harder to use you only see them when the pulse moves past them so by the time of the second pulse they could be out of range. Fusion e.g: Long metal rod subspace radio and a motion detector and a computer unit.

    2.Lure: Now i was thinking this would work better for the alien if anything.A simple meat lure to attract un suspecting aliens so you can A) Use it to hunt and B) Use it as a means of stealth so while they are busy you can make a run for it.
    Rayven 16 years ago
    Um, the player should have the need to sleep. If he is sleeping in the outdoors, there is a 50% that he will be killed...
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "Rayven" said:
    Um, the player should have the need to sleep. If he is sleeping in the outdoors, there is a 50% that he will be killed...
    Methinks that could be modded with the current engine. I'm not entirely sure, but it might be possible.
    Priok 16 years ago
    I also think it would be cool to have a weapon like the flame thrower but it shot out very cold water that froze the enemy.
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "Priok" said:
    I also think it would be cool to have a weapon like the flame thrower but it shot out very cold water that froze the enemy.
    I think you meant "liquid nitrogen", or some other substance which is a gas in room temperature and becomes a liquid in the lower temperatures.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Well, yeah. Obviously cold water can't freeze an enemy.

    Hmm. Unless the water would be under very high pressure... Then it might be liquid while it's still below 0° C. I don't quite know the quantitative effect of that, though. Would surprise me if you can actually freeze another object with that, let alone a warm-blooded enemy.

    Actually. Are they? The alien stowaway seems warm-blooded since she needs quite high amounts of food and functions reasonably well in different temperatures. But the Notrium aliens don't seem to eat a lot. Then again, what do we know about their physiology? Not really much...
    Crazy 16 years ago
    Well, they are very much so active in arctic areas, so...
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