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    predcon 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Not getting hit by missiles gives you bonuses

    That's what I thought.

    While I'm here, why doesn't the Hermit accept a fully Modded Subspace Radio? If I gave him the regular "broken radio", how do I give him parts to have him mod it (I'm assuming he follows me around as long as he lives, that he actually uses the radio, and that I can arm him later with the pistol mentioned in his journal)?
    Narvius 14 years ago
    He really only wants a RADIO (reciever), while the fully modded radio is also a sender.
    Which he doesn't need. That's why he doesn't accept it, and also why he doesn't mod it.
    predcon 14 years ago
    Well then, is there another radio "out there" somewhere?
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    "predcon" said:
    Well then, is there another radio "out there" somewhere?
    Actually, yes. IIRC its placement is completely random, but I've had luck in the desert area. (Wow. It's been so long that I can't remember what anything's name is anymore.)
    predcon 14 years ago
    So is it worthwhile, if not to make for a slightly rockier beginning, to keep the hermit as a(n armed) companion? Is there an ending I haven't seen tied to him?
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    AFAIK, the only purpose he serves beyond taking your stuff in exchange for the key (Or being killed to get the same) is to serve as a human shield for the... uh... Human. IIRC, only the Human gets asked for a new gun after the hermit gets his radio, although the Android might, too.

    I've found having pets (I'm counting the hermit here) to be really annoying when I need to run through an area I'm not that great in to get to another that I actually want the pet's help for. (They tend to die before I get that far, or they attract so many aliens that I set them to hold still and I run away.) So whether or not having a pet with a gun is useful would be subjective.
    predcon 14 years ago
    Yeah, and it's not like I can offload extra inventory onto him as a pack mule. Speaking of mass/weight limits, are there gravitic anomalies I can place in my pack to lighten the load? Does Power Armour increase carrying capacity? Is it possible to make a "plug-in" for the main campaign that would allow the player to create a sort of "Storage chest-bot" that followed one around like a happy little puppy?
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    I'm about to really annoyingly chop up your post, so I apologize, but I think it'll be worth it.

    "predcon" said:
    Speaking of mass/weight limits, are there gravitic anomalies I can place in my pack to lighten the load?
    Funny you should mention that! REALLY funny. Hilarious, come to think of it. Probably-a-spoiler: (Copy tiny text into Notepad to display) The two missile robots in the desert (Forgot the name again! Poo.) drop anti-gravity devices when destroyed.
    "predcon" said:
    Does Power Armour increase carrying capacity?
    Sorry, no. It IS a passive shielding device, though, as the name implies.
    "predcon" said:
    Is it possible to make a "plug-in" for the main campaign...
    That's called modding. You're welcome to learn how, if you're interested! (It's not too hard to learn how to actually DO IT, but the spider web of what files affect what other files makes bug fixing a bit of an issue, at least for me.)
    "predcon" said:
    ... that would allow the player to create a sort of "Storage chest-bot" that followed one around like a happy little puppy?
    Don't quote me on this, but I THINK the antigrav bike lets you carry a few items. I might be thinking of Werivar, or mistakenly mashing features of another game into Notrium. (Actually, I just remembered why I'm getting this false impression of the bike itself carrying something, so pretend I didn't say anything.)
    guthixmodman 14 years ago
    i cannot save and Ive just downloaded it on an new laptop, also i cannot put zip file content into a notrium file but the wazzal2 5.00 worked as it was not a zip plz help me.

    (zips files do not work when i try to load them into notrium) and i cannot save)
    E_net4 14 years ago
    You're supposed to extract the content, rather than leaving it inside the zip file. Just open it with WinZip, WinRAR, 7-zip or anything else you have, then extract it to your Notrium folder.

    Also, your problem saving is most probably the one already mentioned several times.
    Right-click the application or a link to it, then select Run as Administrator.
    predcon 14 years ago
    I found the security box and security key. I won't spoil the name of the contents of said box, but are there any undocumented features or combinations (dismissing the fact that most all combinations are undocumented, save for what's hinted at in the Journal entries) of the contents, besides what's readily apparent? I've already figured out the "Right Click to Change Mode", but I can't recover the item. For that matter, are there more than one security boxes, each with different prizes?
    E_net4 14 years ago
    I think there's only one security box in the Default mod. And after you pull the secret item out of the box, you can no longer place it back inside. In addition, you simply can't put it back into the inventory after deployed. You may want to try pressing V to move it.
    Venom31 14 years ago
    The default Notrium key bindings are as follows (in the .doc file below).
    The other controls are mostly mouse clicks, Esc etc. Which are pretty obvious, as for me
    zhuzha82 13 years ago
    Hi everybody. I have a blackscreen named GRIM and a window "D3D: Could not set the requested screenmode" as I run Nortium, is there any solutions? I tried all combinations of resolution/color depth in Setup, it doesn't work.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Try updating DirectX and your graphics card driver.
    zhuzha82 13 years ago
    Yep, I tried and successfully updated DX and videodrivers, but nothing changes.
    ville 13 years ago
    I think it defaults to 1024 x 768 with 32 bit colors mode, so if your computer doesn't handle that, I'm afraid you're out of luck. That was the pretty much only useful mode back in 2003, so I never supported more.
    zhuzha82 13 years ago
    Thanx for reply, but I tried this resolution and color depth. I believe my ATI Radeon HD 5850 can handle this screenmode (I checked it in Crysis), maybe problem in compatibility with Win 7 x64 or ATI drivers.
    karth0007 13 years ago
    i got to the part where you are an aliean and you evolve past killing reapors how do you continue to evolve
    E_net4 13 years ago
    The journal states you must live among other aliens to evolve. Just stay in the Hive long enough to enter the final level.
    Rodent 13 years ago
    How oh HOW do I defeat the Insectoid Queen as a Psionic in the void dreamscape!? I have killed ALL of her minions, and have tried everything. Decoys, blast, chill, poison, even the @#$%ing fire extinguisher! She NEVER loses ANY health whatsoever! Please help!
    Venom31 13 years ago
    I've killed her with Decoys, as far as I remember. They have default behaviour as Sprinkle Mode, if you try and change it to Attack Mode by right-clicking on them once, they start chasing the Insectoid Queen and eventually kill her (after many Decoys, that is).
    E_net4 13 years ago
    It can be hard to kill the insectoid queen, but don't give up.
    Nmb910 13 years ago
    What does dumped out Ether do?
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Burn when you set it on fire with the flamethrower.
    Nmb910 13 years ago
    There isn't any particle accelerators on my map, what do I do?
    Pete 13 years ago
    Look harder. Preferably in the ship graveyard.
    Nmb910 13 years ago
    Well, I just walked through the missle base, and the hive to get to the ship graveyard.

    I picked up a couple light Diodes on the way.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    "Nmb910" said:
    I picked up a couple light Diodes on the way.
    Rowanthepreacher 13 years ago
    Ok... this is going to seem like a stupid question, but no forum search helped, and the game is literally unplayable without this bit of wisdom.

    How do I get past the intro (or ending screen of the tutorial)? The game locks up, nothing will budge it, and only the Windows Task Manager will make it go away. I wouldn't mind so much, but it means that I can't even begin to play. Any help is appreciated, as long as it's given soon

    EDIT: The first time I tried this, I got to the second bit of text, while the second and subsequent times, I can reach "suddenly a volley of missiles..." by clicking really fast.

    EDIT 2: Waaaay. I managed to get to the escape pod bit. Unfortunately, the game locks up again when I get to the second text section. Normally I join forums to congratulate designers on their excellent games. It saddens me that I had to join this one to complain about an irritating and basic crash.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    You're actually having an uncommon problem there. Which version are you playing? Are your graphics drivers updated? The more information, the better.
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    (E_net4 ninja'd me, but I didn't repeat much if anything, so here goes.)

    Notrium usually either works or not at all. Open up Notrium's setup tool and try running the game windowed, at a lower resolution, with music and sound off. If it still freezes, something else is the problem.

    Either way, post your system specs. And IIRC, the game uses DirectX, so if you don't play retail games very often, it probably hasn't been updated either. (Not that the game should need the latest DirectX, but it couldn't hurt to update it.)
    Rowanthepreacher 13 years ago
    I'm running the latest version of Direct X, but my system specs are fairly useless, since I'm running it on a VM. As it happens, Wazzel also doesn't work, but exhibits entirely different symptoms (the display constantly blips, as if changing resolution). I'll try your suggestions, anon.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Rowanthepreacher" said:
    I'm running the latest version of Direct X, but my system specs are fairly useless, since I'm running it on a VM. As it happens, Wazzel also doesn't work, but exhibits entirely different symptoms (the display constantly blips, as if changing resolution). I'll try your suggestions, anon.
    Still want the specs of the system running the VM, as well as which VM you're running (and which OS is being run on the VM).
    DoomAngelBlade 13 years ago
    Psionic Race Fail?
    Emm... ima playing with psionic 2 days....
    1st Dreamscape - Liquid... Must have 10 Life Essence to stay alive at start.Etc.... i finished it.
    Find Liquid Token, collected Life essence, made another Mind Tokens(entering DEEPER IN MIIIIIND)
    Come to Altair(eden), activated ma life essence(need 100 HP To activate it) , made step, died.. WTF? TENTACLES Raping Psionics! Come AGAIN, don't made step. 10 secs - u dead. Made Step out of tentacles(N e a r End of location)
    Left Game, looked in level in EDITOR, saw that there is PORTAL that allows u to go to Level B. So question. How can i pass trough Raping Tentacles ? ? ? H o w ? ? ? made 100 life essences?(I HAVE NO PLANTS LEFT(only at mining place, but That Foolish to do it, i will die faster)) And i can't kill that tentacles!
    Psionics - Fail.
    Also, where to get another mass , motion, heat etc. Tokens??? only 10 tokens, all em spend to go deeper in mind, 100 combinations. WTF? Fail!)
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