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    Crazy 17 years ago
    Dude. Just. Use the spoiler tags.
    Priok 17 years ago
    Is it mexican? Or norwegian?
    Priok 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Dude. Just. Use the spoiler tags.
    I don't know what a spoiler tag is.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Priok" said:
    "Crazy" said:
    Dude. Just. Use the spoiler tags.
    I don't know what a spoiler tag is.
    Don't worry. Neither do I.

    Also, google for rot13. It's not hard.
    Priok 17 years ago
    Okay thanks!!!!!
    Priok 17 years ago
    how do you make a glass marble?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Priok" said:
    how do you make a glass marble?
    VVEP, lbh arrq gb unir n Jryqvat Gbepu naq 9 havgf bs fnaq, gura "hfr" gur fnaq (ol uvggvat H).
    Priok 17 years ago
    thank you
    blackmidget 17 years ago
    Ok, if you are unzipping a mod, when it says there is already a file called data, or whatever the file is called,what do you do? I don't want toaccidentally delete something & screw up the whole game.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I think that it tells you that there already is a data folder, and that files will be added to it but files with the same name will be replaced. So you should be alright unless if you have 2 different mods with the same name.

    Or you could always unzip it somewhere else then move the file manually.
    Is it my mod? It better be my mod! 'cause if it isn't my mod then unpleasantness will occur
    blackmidget 17 years ago
    It wasn't your mod, because i didn't know it existed, but now it is.
    Optiquest 16 years ago
    Help, I recently reformatted my computer, and I forget how to make the editor available again, it isn't there
    Aegis 16 years ago
    1;//create game initialization debug file
    0;//create game running debug file

    Self explanatory, really
    mung 16 years ago
    Well, I just installed and I can't get past the tutorial. Probably one of the most usless tutorials I've ever experienced. I'm supposed to use the ether fuel near the food generator right? How do I do that? Oops! I just picked up the food generator, now I'm overburdened and need to drop something. Only there's no way to drop anything! Help!
    E_net4 16 years ago
    To deploy the Food Generator, just press D or U while your mouse is over it in your inventory. Then go over it and use the ether for rations.
    Corum 16 years ago
    Yes. In notrium, to use something near another thing just means that the other thing has to be put on the ground.
    Otherwise, it is called combining.

    I had never such a problem. I thought just these basics with the most important keys are well-explained in the tutorial.
    The real problem is that there isn't any food generator or laser pistol at the very beginning of the game.

    I recommend to read here when you passed the tutorial successfully.
    BakaBacchus 16 years ago
    I'm playing a Werivar under UberWaffe's Werivar Mod. I was wondering back towards the original escapepod crash site and was suddenly attacked by these red demon things. Any idea what they are and how to avoid getting killed by them. I can't seem to do any decent damage, can't outrun them, and they appear to be just about everywhere.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    In the Werivar mod, there is a feature that spawns the most tough creatures in random maps after being in Notrium for a long time. You either need to win the game or find the appropriate way to survive. This depends on the race.

    - The alien can just stay in the Hive. It can kill Dire Reapers easily in its maximum evolution.
    - Human and Android can build the Warp Drill Gun, which can kill all those pests.
    - The psionic can stay in the Eden. Even if creatures spawn there, they may be killed by the plants. Also, you can avoid them with dash.
    - As for the werivar, most creatures won't be a problem if you just keep evolving. There are dozens of evolution levels for the Werivar.
    Kaizer 16 years ago
    you can build the hoverbike too, and evolve it to hoverbike mark 2, i think that is dropping a coloured cristal, enhanced power armor, a pulse laser pistol and other thing i dont remember, anyways when you build the hoverbike in your journal appears the combination, it is very tought and you can use the laser to push the reapers, get the pod and go fast to your base
    BornLoser 16 years ago
    Hello, I've been searching around this forum for a good two minutes now and learened alot about the game. But anyway I'm playing on the werivar mod and I'm a wolf feller myself I just got a flamethrower (which eats turrets alive!!!), however the machine gun turrets keep blowing me to pieces. How can i kill them with out dying myself?
    E_net4 16 years ago
    I'd suggest you to not use a close range weapon for killing long range enemies, such as that machine gun turret. What I usually do is pick a laser pistol and shoot at the turret in a long range, where I don't get spotted.
    BornLoser 16 years ago
    Ya i just found the magic of a VC pistol, although im at Minign Fields wanting to get into the center but i keep getting blown apart by the varios turrets

    EDIT: Mining is spelt M-I-N-I-N-G
    andcobar 16 years ago
    hi friends, hey iam stuck with psionic mode, i got lifeforce token, liquid token, but i dont know how to get void token, i know it is in the mining area and i found it, iam unable to find the focus for it, i made the last focus with (liquid+lifeforce)+heat, when i tried to use this focus near void it says i need less health to use this focus, what doest it mean what should i do?
    E_net4 16 years ago
    BornLoser: The VC pistol isn't really adequate for that. You should use an electric weapon, such as the laser pistol.

    andcobar: You should do exactly what it says. Reduce your health (I suggest by using the mass token) and try it again. When you enter, just restore your life.
    ericktm 16 years ago
    yes well, im new playing Notrium and i just found out I can make the marine from the start join if you give him the radio.
    but I dont know how to make him heat the muchrooms or the red plants to heal his wounds, the other thing i dont know is how to equip him with an armor or a gun...
    I already try droping all kinds of guns hopping he would take them includind lasers, flamethrowers, and tyzers.
    the only one i havent try is the normal gun the silver looking( 'couse i havent got the chance to make or take one from the marines) the only one i have try from guns is the golden one, but even that dont work.

    so if anyone finds out how to give the marine orders or equip him let me know.

    other links to contact me:

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    Narvius 16 years ago
    As far as I remember, in Vanilla, he doesn't take stuff to heal. Or just medikits.
    And, indeed, you need the normal gun. There's a chassis near the starting point (near the north-east part of the wall). Then you need a particle accelerator. That combined gives a standard gun. Drop it in front of the marine to give it to him.
    ericktm 16 years ago
    how long does it takes for the alien egg to hatch in the nest and how to feed the larva afterwards?
    ericktm 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    If you want a god-mode type thing, add the following specialties to your player_races.dat to auto-regen health and energy. It could be done for food too.

      recharge energy;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    (insert a number here);//parameter3
    recharge health;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    (insert a number here);//parameter3

    This is what I use when I want to test something without the hassle of dying/running out of power.

    you have to be more specific in how to apply the code to the list, i try to use it but i couldnt. but thanks to you I came up with other ways to mess with the script such as, the weapon, life. energy and limit enhance... I even posted a hack that i came up with (simple stuff) by messing around with the scrip so thank you and if you know a page where i can learn game scrip ill really appreciate if you could tell me.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    "ericktm" said:
    a page where i can learn game scrip
    Basically the Notrium Modding board, and in particular the Modding FAQ.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "ericktm" said:
    you have to be more specific in how to apply the code to the list, i try to use it but i couldnt.
    There's nothing to be specific about. They can go in any part of the player_races file, as long as they're under the specialties for the race you're using (but most of the player_races file is just racial specialties).
    MegaSplosion 16 years ago
    I wasn't sure wheter I should post my question here or not, but my question is this: HOW THE HECK DO I GET DOWNLOADED MODS TO WORK!?!?! PLEASE HELP
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Please don't ask me in caps, but for posting your question in the proper thread I forgive you. You have to copy the files from the mod into the notrium file. Some mods require you to copy to the file containing Notrium, some mods require you to copy to the notrium file itself. You know you've done it right when the mod appears in-game. There should be more information about this somewhere on the forums but I forgot where.
    michael15286 16 years ago
    I wasn't sure wheter I should post my question here or not, but my question is this: HOW THE HECK DO I GET DOWNLOADED MODS TO WORK!?!?! PLEASE HELP
    OK. A step by step guide to installing mods...
    1)Download the mod(s)
    2)Extract the RAR files with WinRAR or a similar program. It's free, just search on Google for it.
    3)Copy all of the files contents and put them in the Notrium root directory
    4)When it says 'Confirm folder replace', click yes
    5) Start a new game in Notrium and choose your mod!

    Note: Make sure you have the latest Notrium version
    michael15286 16 years ago
    Does anyone know who made the Opposing Forces mod music?
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Doesn't it say in the credits?
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