"jockmo42" said: Thanks! I'm not very educated in the whole liscences and trademarks and everything, so I don't have much of a clue as to why freeware games don't usually have the source engine accessible to the public for modification. Is it just a headache to do, or is there some reason that I am not seeing? Couple of reasons. Here, it's because Ville used a custom version of the Grim 2D engine which seems to have been made specially for himself. I suppose Ville had some agreement about not giving out the code to that library, and without the code to the library, the game would be unbuildable and the sources essentially worthless [1].
Other reasons include: *possibilities for cheating, especially in multiplayer games *not wanting others to create derived works, feeling they'd essentially use your hard work for their own purposes *just not caring about it or not feeling like it could help anyone *...
[1] This is perhaps not fully true. Given documentation of the library and sources of the game, one could reverse-engineer the library code or replace the function calls with something equivalent from another library. But this is not always to the liking of the original library writers.
Don't think you've gotten rid of me, I'll be around.  Hey, be welcome.