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  • Notrium Version 1.3 Progress

    ville 20 years ago
    You could do it with a script that would give an item of that type every 0.1 seconds provided that such an item pile were nearby and the player had less than a certain amount of such items. Too bad you couldn't decrement the amount of items in the pile, so it would have to be an endless pile.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    You could actually decrement the pile by using the delete item within so and so range. Though that feature is more or less not the best way to go. So each time you take an item from the pile you'd delete one item.
    ville 20 years ago
    But doesn't that effect delete everything, not just one item? I'll have to see about changing it.
    Tyrian 20 years ago
    beta? why will there be a beta? if the patch has bugs make another patch!
    Amarth 20 years ago
    New versions aren't simple patches, not in this game, so they need to be stable before being released to the public
    ville 20 years ago
    Here's another teaser from Quanrian:
    Arcade 20 years ago
    I KNEW IT!

    No wonder you guys said that you're going to use the web in a different area. For the mutant wooden spider. Let me think of a name for them........

    Wood Arachnea!
    Click 20 years ago
    SOMEONE GET ME MY NEWSPAPER!! That is really cool, but why doesn't it have a neck?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    The neck was added graphically as a post render. Unfortunately it does not look that good in Notrium since it has to be reduced to a 64x64 image to fit into the game's memory. So what you're seeing there is purely a development render and not an indication of the in game graphic sorry. It's actually a insect/plant creature mix by the way, though it does resemble a spider as well so I have no objections to it being referred to as that. I am glad it was clear it is made of wood lol.
    Click 20 years ago
    Is it...hostile? The pet alien never was a great help. Maybe have certain aliens be allies??
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Sorry, I'm not good with picture mumbo jumbo. Anyways, how big is 64x64 pixels

    Twice the size of a window icon. Window's icons are by default 32x32 pixels. Generally when you're dealing with textures 64 pixels is considered low res, 128 is considered medium or normal and 256 is considered high res. It'd be sweet if in the future normal and high res graphics for creatures were supported, but don't hold your breath on that one
    ville 20 years ago
    You've seen the creature graphics, the game splits them in 16 cells. You can't use cells for anything else, but you may use any texture size you want as long as it's supported by hardware.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I was only referring to creature graphics which are extremely specific in their size as they are used for cell based animation. To use 128x128 you'd only get 8 frames total I believe. It actually should be possible, but it would require some changes to the way the game interprets creature graphics which is too late to do now. It'd have to know the difference between a 64 cell size creature and a higher res 128 cell size creature. If this interpretation wasn't done properly it would cause creature's graphics to become garbled.

    I personally would love the feature as it would allow for creatures to be scaled larger without loss of quality for one and secondly allow for higher res creatures in general. Yes it would take more memory, but than animating a larger sized graphic will do the same thing, which by the way IS supported. You will be able to animate the floor graphic, plot objects and props. All of which can be of variable size.

    I'm not offering ideas of this here at least, sorry guys. I firmly believe such a feature may not be added at all or there at least isn't time to add it now. DO NOT offer ideas on this please, consider this simply a statement and nothing else.
    ville 20 years ago
    I actually believe you can use larger creature graphics if you want to. I haven't tested it, but if you divide a 512x512 graphic to 4x4 cells you would get 128 size cells. If anyone is willing to test it, I'd sure be glad to hear if it works.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    I used this alot for my LOTR Demo mod, and it works fine. The trolls use a 512x512pixel image, and the Nazgul (not in the demo) work fine with a 1024x1024.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    So the engine does just automatically splice an image despite its size ? Ugh you know I wish someone would of told me this before I gunked all the graphics trying to get them to fit into a 64x64 cell. Oh well sorry guys its too late for me to redo the graphics now.
    ville 20 years ago
    It's better to have small graphics, a 256x256 image takes 4 times more memory than a 128x128 image. We are using a lot of space already.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    It seems that it's usable with a multipiler of 2. Maybe try 2048*2048 duh!

    Anyway, I'm counting on you Ville
    Naurizt 20 years ago
    Too bad the second week of September coincides with the fact that I will have to go back to school which means I'll have less time to play .
    Crazy 20 years ago
    lucky for you, scool here starts on the 1st september and the goverment is planning to shorten summer break by 1 week.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Alright guys I just finished my last additions to the game. Ville is going to make his as well as fix some bugs, tweak the content to his liking and than it's on to the Open Beta. This beta will be open to all forum members so keep an eye out for it. I know we aren't very consistant with dates, but hopefully in about a week you guys can all try the beta. Which means even those of you starting on the first will get to try out 1.3 a little.

    Mind you you're be trying out a beta and the sole purpose is to help us find bugs so that the final release is bug free and enjoyable as possible. We wont be taking any ideas or suggestions during the open beta, it'll be purely about finding bugs or possibly changing something in the game last minute that you found totally rediculous. No guarantees on us changing/removing something at your request, that is always left to our discretion, regardless we always appreciate your feedback
    Gobbles 20 years ago
    I wish i had another school holidays coming up, I could really use one to work on my own games, animated movies etc...(in Australia we have a few 2 week holidays spred through the year)
    But it sounds great i'll spend all of friday night testing it out and report any the bugs i encounter.
    Zombie 20 years ago

    *runs around alerting colonial towns*
    "1.3 IS COMING! 1.3 IS COMING!"
    *gets smooshed by an escape pod*

    Heh. I guess I'll be able to un-bore myself and get working on my mod sooner than I thought! Heck, I was planning to get started on it next year (as I didn't know how far along you were ) but this might make me start sooner. I dunno though... Perhaps I'll run around screaming my head off instead.

    Eternal 20 years ago
    "Gobbles" said:
    (in Australia we have a few 2 week holidays spred through the year)

    It's at the end of every term. and the christmas break is biiiig (christmas is summer over here).
    ville 20 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    Heh. I guess I'll be able to un-bore myself and get working on my mod sooner than I thought! Heck, I was planning to get started on it next year (as I didn't know how far along you were ) but this might make me start sooner. I dunno though... Perhaps I'll run around screaming my head off instead.

    It's coming alright, and fast! Tell everyone you know about it, and don't forget the people you don't know yet.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    Sir, yes sir!

    It's a good game, so who WOULDN'T want to play it?!
    Crazy 20 years ago
    (in Australia we have a few 2 week holidays spred through the year)

    over here we have 2 one week holidays (spring, fall) a two week one (cristmas and new year) and the BIG FAT (but not so ugly) 3 month summer vacation.
    ville 20 years ago
    I'm not revealing anything, but can anyone guess what this is?

    By the way, this thread and a few others will get locked as soon as 1.3 is out.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    A force-field generator?

    Some sort of engine?

    A magical cookie?


    Two monkies havin' "fun"?



    Bozo the clown?

    Homestar Runner, in the future?


    If any of these are right (except for the first two) then this emotion will be felt:
    ---> <---
    cristallion 20 years ago
    a kind of futeristic bike

    Edit: or maybe a hover mobile or a kind of robot
    Eternal 20 years ago
    No idea, but I can see you've reused those cubes from your site on it. And man is 3d better than photoshop or what?! I'm gonna have to have a shot at 3ds max or cinema 4d.
    Arcade 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I'm not revealing anything, but can anyone guess what this is?

    A futuristic vacuum cleaner

    Edit: A serious guess. Some kind of mask for breathing or something?
    Click 20 years ago
    Transportation device?


    A strange looking purple oval thing with two metal sticks stuck inside a box within a box?

    A spaceship?

    Crazy 20 years ago
    i have no idea but i see you've attached two anti-gravity devices to it. those two pipes in the front remind be of those two bars in front of a bike (where the wheel and the handles are attached to) and those pipes on the back look an awful lot like mufflers...

    so if you can read "between the lines"...
    Zombie 20 years ago
    I meant to post this earlier, when I wrote it, but I had to go to the store.

    I just noticed that the two end-pipes (right side) look like exhaust pipes, and that curvey pipe looks like a handlebar...

    Also, in the lower left area of the egg-shaped thing (about the upper-most corner of the left grey box) you can see a little thing that looks like it could be the start of a seat, or a console for showing speed, or maybe something else...

    The grey boxes look like antigrav devices too... So I think this /IS/ some sort of vehicle-thingie.

    Either Ville rotated it a bit to confuse us, or it's just a bit confusing.
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