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  • Notrium Version 1.3 Progress

    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I'm fairly excited to inform you all a clock of some sort will make it into the game. Currently its not 100% supported but I have developed a beta version which will no doubt become the infrastructure for the time system in Notrium. If all goes as I expect the time will be highly configurable and allow for many things, perhaps even as far hopefully as setting day/night lengths as well as time based events which will be the true muscle of the scripting system.

    As usual keep an eye on this thread for tidbits of information, especially if you entertain the idea of making a mod, this information is very vital to you.
    julians 20 years ago
    will the clock be shown? And if yes could we set it to be shown or not? Then maybe an item like clock could be added and when player uses it it could show current time or so.

    Eternal 20 years ago
    or a watch?
    either way you would need a cmd at least to debug ur triggers.

    p.s. 3k posts!!!
    ville 20 years ago
    I will do my best to make the clock graphically appealing.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    The clock will work well enough for you to use it with scripts, thats what you all need to know. How much you'll be able to configure by time is unknown to even me.

    There was one other thing people have wanted for quite some time besides a clock. That would be an environment suit. Something you can actually gain a constant benefit from. Well I made it, its done, it'll be in 1.3 for sure, but making it will cost you one of the more vital items in the game

    Expect ALOT more diversity in the game not only with the races you can play, but those you encounter. It'll be up to you to discover which weapons work best on which creatures. Of course the option to go in guns blazing with your favorite weapon will always be there, just don't expect to kill everything using just one weapon.

    So this is your update, keep an eye on this thread per usual
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Well I've finished my latest Content Pack for Ville, so you wont be seeing any updates from me on a while. You should see an update or two from Ville if he has anything signifigant to inform you of addition or change wise to the game.
    ville 20 years ago
    I've made it possible for creatures to carry lights. You can now even change the light the player carries. Expect to see torches!
    ville 20 years ago
    There are now rag dolls for the player characters. That means you can equip your character using slots for items. Now the flashlight goes to the left hand slot, and the weapons to the right hand slot. The really big weapons will take both hands, so you cannot hold the flashlight.
    Svenne 20 years ago
    Sounds nice
    superknijn 20 years ago
    What if you add some kind of head-armour, and that you will be able to put a flashlight ontop of it, like that hats that people wear in mines.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    knijn dont you mean goggles? .
    ville 20 years ago
    There will be separate slots for what you wear on your body, head, and feet. But the slots will be completely moddable. Quanrian's power boots will be transformed into a wearable item instead of a weapon. This will be done by turning the stun effect to have a variable for speed.

    Here's a teaser picture of what the human will look like:
    Eternal 20 years ago
    is this gonna be like a diablo styled inventory, i dont think thats such a bad idea .
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    So say for instance will we be able to have different types of armour that goes on different places of the body, like helmets, breastplates and shoulder guards?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    The ragdoll will be moddable just like anything else. So how the slots for the ragdoll are setup should be fairly configurable. Shoulder pads will be a new slot which you'll probably have to add.
    superknijn 20 years ago
    "Eternal" said:
    knijn dont you mean goggles? .
    no, i mean this.
    ville 20 years ago
    A modder can delete the slots completely if they wish, but the main Notrium game will have several slots. I made this system up to handle the toggleable items. Now the flashlight for example runs a script to reduce energy on each frame, but only when it is in it's right slot.
    superknijn 20 years ago
    And what about my idea ?
    and how does the claws of an Alien work ?
    ville 20 years ago
    Head gear may or may not be added. We haven't yet decided if it's needed or not.

    Alien's claws won't probably be placed in slots.
    NeoGangster 20 years ago
    wow an inventory thats great. Now if someone wanted to make an Rpg mod he can do it the only thing he would need is to speak with creatures or is it already possible.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    You should be able to do speech with creatures, one way or another. I know I could at least simulate a one way conversation with just the earlier build I've got. How complex it ultimately gets is yet to be seen.
    ville 20 years ago
    Here's a little teaser of the new effects for Zex: If you're not a modder, or planning to be one, don't expect to understand what's this about.

    //effect numbers:
    1=multiply speed by parameter3 for time parameter1 with creature visual effect from weapon parameter2, parameter4=disable speed change when bullet hits (0=no/1=yes)
    2=start alien attack
    3=drop item parameter1, amount parameter2, random area size parameter3 pixels, maximum amount of similar items in area parameter4 (0=infinite)
    4=increase creature's bar parameter3 with parameter1 (if parameter2=1, don't increase over maximum or decrease below minimum)
    5=activate scanner with distance parameter1
    6=set targeting beam, type parameter1 (0=disabled, 1=normal, 2=turns green when hits enemy), length = parameter2 + weapon length * parameter3
    7=set light parameter1 size parameter2 to creature (if parameter1=-1, disable light)
    8=set light level addition, parameter1=type (0=map tiles, 1=items/plot_objects, 2=props, 3=creatures), parameter2=r, parameter3=g, parameter4=b
    9=select gun parameter1
    10=drop creature number parameter1 side parameter2 (-1=same side) tactic parameter3 (-1=default) tactic2 parameter4 (-1=default). Player can switch between a friendly creature's tactics by right clicking the creature. Don't forget to set parameter3 to -1 if you're not planning on changing the default tactic specified in creatures.dat.
    11=change maximum bar parameter1 amount by parameter2
    12=change armor level to parameter1
    13=enable creature detector with distance parameter1
    14=play sound parameter1 (from sounds.dat) with volume parameter2
    15=change creature into creature number parameter1 for time parameter2 (-1 for infinite) with creature visual effect from weapon parameter3
    16=give item parameter2
    17=set creature's bar parameter3 to parameter1
    18=increase player's body temperature by parameter1
    19=drop plot_object parameter1 random area size parameter3 pixels, maximum amount of similar items in area parameter4 (0=infinite)
    20=enable large map
    21=teleport to area parameter1 (if -1, game finds the right area) plot_object parameter2
    22=change side to parameter1 target for time parameter2 with creature visual effect from weapon parameter3
    23=continuously increase bar parameter3 by parameter1 for time parameter4 with creature visual effect from weapon parameter2
    24=fire weapon parameter1, times parameter2
    25=show animation parameter1, and if (parameter2=0, continue game) (parameter2=1, end game)
    26=fire particle parameter1 times parameter2 with parameters (spread, speed, time) taken from weapon number parameter3
    27=make light number parameter1 for time parameter2 (-1=infinite) size min parameter3, max parameter4
    28=bar parameter1 += bar parameter2 * parameter3
    29=run script parameter1, parameter2=check conditions (0=no, 1=yes)
    30=set creature's eat item amount to parameter1
    31=kill creature (set all bars to minimum)
    32=change creature's anger level to parameter1 (between 0 and 1)
    33=stagger mouse by parameter1, speed parameter2 for time parameter3
    34=change player race into parameter1
    35=activate/disable script parameter1, (parameter2: 0=disable, 1=activate)
    36=wind speed = wind speed + parameter1
    37=start rain for time parameter1 (0=stop rain)
    38=change game speed to parameter1 (don't set it to negative)
    39=show bar parameter1
    40=destroy plot_objects parameter1 from area size parameter2 pixels (not entirely accurate, use with care)
    41=destroy items parameter1 from area size parameter2 pixels (not entirely accurate, use with care)

    //condition numbers:
    0=must have item parameter0 amount parameter1
    1=must be distance parameter2 + object size from plot_object parameter0
    2=must be distance parameter2 + object size from plot_object class parameter0
    3=bar parameter0 is greater or equal to parameter1
    4=killed all creatures parameter0 from area parameter1 (-1=current area)
    5=bar parameter0 is smaller than parameter1
    6=player is race parameter0
    7=player is not race parameter0
    8=random integer between 0 and parameter0 is 0
    9=player is in shade
    10=creature has eaten parameter0 eat items
    11=item parameter0 is (parameter1=0=wielded, parameter1=1=not wielded)
    12=game difficulty is (parameter0=0=higher than, parameter0=1=lower than, parameter0=2=equal to) parameter1
    13=area is parameter0
    14=creature nearer than distance parameter1 + creature size pixels from creature parameter0
    15=player is nearer than parameter0 pixels

    I have yet to implement at least the talking system. If you have any notions of obvious effects that definitely should be there, tell me in the ideas thread.
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    maybe it sounds weird... but i dont like the idea of aliens standing on the lava fields, like it wouldnt matter... like they have to keep their body warmth at some level, or not?!? so, please, try to fix this litle thingie, ok? thnx a lot...
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    Thanks for the modding chart. I got the point.

    (thinks:When to release 1.3?!?!? I wanna convert my 1.2 mod!)
    ville 20 years ago
    Release of 1.3 is pending this summer. We're not giving exact dates.

    I'd say that it is not possible to convert your mod to 1.3. There are too many new things for any converter to work correctly.
    cobra_banshee 20 years ago
    Can't you release a teaser demo? That would be great!
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    When we hold the beta testing, that WILL be the teaser demo and will allow our loyal following of forum goers to play the nearly finished albeit unpolished version of 1.3. Don't ask for a date on the beta test please.

    On another note I've been testing and working with the newest build and things are coming along nicely, with the usual bumps and hiccups. For all you afraid things might get a bit complex, well.. it certainly will be, sorry Eternal The plus side to things getting more complex is that you are able to do so much more than you could before and alot more can be checked and done now. To put things in a mathmatical point of view there are more than 615 effect/condition combinations possible with the current list of effects and conditions. Though I'm not so great at math so I might be way off

    Why bother even mentioning this ? Well in 1.2 you were not only limited to a large degree in what you could edit, but also what type of gameplay style your mod would reflect. While the broadness wont go way into other genres you can go into different spectrums more efficiently, some examples would be..

    Crimsonland type clone [Because I know just about everyone has thought of this at one point or another, especially when they use the same engine ]

    Action/RPG [This is a pretty popular genre now adays so I'm sure we'll see alot of mods in this department.]

    Simulation [Maybe you want to create your own ecosystem, something in the vein of the popular Harvest Moon series.]

    RPG [While I'm sure it wouldn't be the easiest thing to create a non Action/RPG and create a more oldschool RPG it should very well be possible. This would require alot of scripting.]

    Adventure [Something perhaps more geared towards solving tricky puzzles and exploring a vast world.]

    Graphical Novel [While this probably wouldn't interest anyone, think about something almost entirely story driven with interactions done. The simple fact that 1.3 will allow you to show images and sounds in a storyboard type fashion does at least merit me mentioning this.]

    Well there is a host of very general gameplay styles which can be simulated in 1.3.

    So there are some things you can do withit when its out. But how about I share a few things you'll see in the main game itself.

    You'll be able to throw those small pebbles you find all over the place. Obviously not an effective means of defending yourself it will allow some means of protecting yourself until you build your first weapon.

    The Alien will evolve. I wont go into the specifics on this, but it should be there in one form or another.

    At least a couple new weapons are planned and upgrades for several of the weapons will be added as well. As a teaser, one new weapon will be a type of mine you'll be able to place as a defensive measure. One new upgrade will be the Napalm Gun

    There will be more than just the Blue Alien as a pet in 1.3. It will depend on your race as to which pets you'll be able to get

    That's enough for now, that should give you some things to look forward to hopefully
    cobra_banshee 20 years ago
    Can you raise new races? Cool!

    I hope this demo will come out soon...
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    The Alien will evolve. I wont go into the specifics on this, but it should be there in one form or another.

    u mean sth like the freezer-creature in DBZ
    Arcade 20 years ago

    That's all I'm saying, it looks like this version will be a blast! Aliens will evolve, hmmm I'm guessing that you mean that they will be like getting faster, stronger, and smarter, (Just as the journal says) and the rock idea was added, cool! How about the journal? I am fascinated in the journal, are there tons of new pages on it? Are all the questions un-answered in the last version answered? (Now I am sounding like some kind of comercial) or are we still going to sit and think about them?

    P.S. I can't wait
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    When I said the Alien will evolve I was talking about the player race, not the creatures you kill in the game by the way

    As far as the journal entries go, they were never really changed to fit each of the specific races, with the exception of something being omitted from the Androids about eating, since he doesn't eat. So what you can expect is my feeble attempt to actually give each of them their own storylines so you feel like you're like you're not only playing a different race, but an actual individual that had a life before Notrium. How many questions are answered and how many new ones will be created is yet to be seen

    Remember to keep an eye on the forum and be active so you don't miss your chance to partake in the Open Beta when it happens. It'll be your chance to try the game out before its release and no it isn't a demo. It will simply be an unpolished version. You'll still likely be able to play it from beginning to end.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    whats this beta Not going to have!?, can i start modding striaght away!? is it just missing some of Quan's content?!
    ville 20 years ago
    The open beta is still an unspecified time away. The current version we have will still have significant updates that would prevent you from modding it. But we're hoping that all the important updates will be done before we start the open beta, so you should be able to start modding. Of course nothing comes guaranteed.

    In other news I've already added the polygonal collision detection. Now you can have props and plot_objects that can be of any shape. The aliens even avoid them a bit with their new pathfinding, but they will never be able to navigate a labyrinth. But they should be able to navigate corners without getting stuck.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    To answer your question Eternal. No, its not just missing some of my content. Its actually missing a decent chunk of my content, but asides from that there are still a handful of bugs with the features added and some of the bigger features are not there yet, like the map editor. We are getting closer now, and I think it might be safe to say we're at least past the halfway point.

    One of the biggest things I see you guys hopefully wanting is that each player race will not only get to be on their own unique side with their own unique enemies, but also get to have their own unique start area. Originally this was not planned and all player races were meant to be side 0 and it was not truely a moddable feature since an enemy of one player race would be an enemy of them all. To boot all player races had to start in area 0 this is no longer true.

    This is useful in many ways, one is if you decide to have player races that are on complete opposite sides or have different alliances. You can even craft out area layouts so in starting a race in a certain are they have a different selection of areas to explore. Perhaps just to create intricate enemy/ally systems, which could not be done if all the races were on the same side.
    superknijn 20 years ago
    and it could fit in the story by having some escape pods landing in different areas...
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