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  • Werewolf 10 - LR

    Kario 13 years ago
    Lynch Amarth R
    E_net4 13 years ago

    Narvius - Grim Reaper, Endymion

    As he was set on fire, the last drop of faith fell from the villagers, as if a curse had been cast.


    Amarth - Endymion, Kario
    Endymion - Amarth

    And finally, the once accused was sent to justice. Amarth's death was good, but not what could save them from imbalance... and destruction.

    Narvius was a Seer in L, Amarth was a Werewolf in R.

    These were not just times of despair, but of doom. The skies seemed tranquil, but dense, dark clouds covered the realms from one moment to another. A strong storm came afterwards, damaging the fortifications and supplies of the village.


    "Quick! Let's find some cover!" - Grim Reaper shouted.
    "Not so fast!" - Endymion replied out loud.

    Endymion's hidden claws pierced Grim's body, leaving him to die in the rain.


    Endymion and Kario made their way into the guard tower. It wouldn't take long before it was destroyed, but it was long enough for Endymion to sharpen his claws on Kario's skull, who was no longer his partner.

    The breakers of all that is good and balanced had won. The worlds could not stand strong to that day, and so they had to give up.

    Endymion was a Werewolf in both worlds. Kario and Grim Reaper were Villagers in their respective worlds.

    To be continued. Game Over

    Statistics and the rest of the story will soon be published.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Interesting game. Probably would have been better for me if I wasn't killed on the first night. I like this variant of the game though.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    "Shingo" said:

    Sent: *************************************
    From: speedblade
    To: ******************************************
    Crazy and Marvolo were wolves in L

    And THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is why we successfully lynched a wolf, yesterday. Crazy is a [censored] wolf, and has previously attempted to use flawed logic to attempt to draw suspicion away from Amarth, in IRC chat. He has also claimed to be a guardian, but then announced it to the world, both on IRC and now in this thread. What kind of
    idiot guardian lets *everyone* know he is a guardian?

    Lynch Amarth in R, Lynch Crazy in L
    "Crazy" said:
    "Crazy" said:
    Basically, I'm guessing, MK, Speedblade and Shingo.
    Ahaha, I'm so awesome. We may lose the game, but I'd just like to note that I so totally won.

    Also. Why, exactly, did Speedblade feel the need to send that PM? And could you provide us with a screenshot?

    But basically, it comes down to this - you either agree with me and lynch both MK and Shingo and we retain some chance or we lynch Amarth and me and we are screwed.

    So yeah, I change my vote to lynch MK in R and L. Or Shingo, if I can't vote against MK for some reason.

    NeoGangster 13 years ago
    Wow this werewolf was epic. I didn't expect endymion to be a Wolf/Wolf. Actually I would've suggested to lynch Endymion if the wolves didn't kill me that night. Curse you wolves!
    Shingo 13 years ago
    Stupid idiots are idiots. I called Endy being a WW way back.
    Endymion 13 years ago
    Yay I won!
    I was sure that we'd be done for when Crazy sided with lynching Amarth but thank god Shingo helped him change his mind!
    But yeah very interesting game.
    Also I think it might've been even more interesting if Amarth hadn't died in the beginning since he was the only wolf with an interesting role combination. But that would have meant me being the only non-villager(which was a pretty interesting experience).
    speedblade 13 years ago
    For those interested to play more, here's a forum endorsed in Zack Scott's minecraft-werewolf videos games: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Werewolf here is close to the standard (not anything like LR or Quantum), but there are a lot of special roles such as the Illusionist, Spirit Guide, and Cult Leader. Unfortunately for the busy, each day lasts 24 hours and night actions are given to the judge before the end of each day so that the night passes instantaneously, immediately resuming the next real-life day.

    I got myself lynched 3 times at my first game . Join and figure out how that was so.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    I would just like to say I called there being a wolf/wolf combo and Endymion being a wolf. Anyway, this variant was stupid; too many wolves, not enough fun.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Yeah well, having wolf/wolf and every half-wolf deciding to go all-in-wolf kind of made the wolf team OP.

    Telling you, I would have screwed over the wolves so hard if my guardian half didn't die.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    The worlds seemed hopeless. With the lack of men to balance the realms, the entire existance was at risk. The first few changes were felt by the chaotic survivor, but even he failed to resist the tempest. It was curious that soon after, the skies cleared, letting the earth struggle for survival: their presence was far more real than any other moment in time, as the realms were forced to coexist in the same space. It was indeed, a matter of time before they collided into a new world! A world of no need for polarity.

    All is clear now. The assumption has brought existance to an absurd: living in LR cannot be permanent. Enjoy the new world we live in, as it is our home.


    So, I hope you all liked it! This idea came out of my head after I thought of the fact that each action in Quantum Werewolf was attempted in all WW games. "So what if I gave the players awareness of more than a single game..." *spark*
    Anyways, I did think of several situations, but what really happened here was completely unexpected. Not to mention that half-werewolves were usually looking into playing on the Werewolf team, letting the non-werewolf live as a parasite.

    Speedblade's behaviour was quite an example of the unexplainable things that happen in a WW game. Now it's time for you to tell us why you spread that message through Personal Messaging. Marvolo never was a werewolf in L, nor was Crazy. His decision to suicide was also in vain, as he was targeted by the werewolves the very same day. There's another problem: as a half-werewolf dies, any full-werewolf could simply pursue him before any betrayal.

    Switching wasn't very popular. Most of them were afraid of changing and facing the consequences.

    Although it's true that, under the circumstances, the number of werewolves was a bit high, it doesn't mean you were incapable of winning. In fact, several were the times the night actions were missed, which could have made a difference. Crazy... yes, Crazy. I know you warned about your lack of presence on the internet, but once you signed in, you were responsible to take part in the game. I'm telling you this because, as a Guardian in R, you performed no night actions at all in the entire game.

    I'm not up to more criticism, it wasn't so bad overall. Some trivia:

    • The introduction was published in my blog a few days before the start of the game.
    • A total of 2 switches were applied in the game: one by MageKing17 and the other one by Narvius, in the same night. Curiously, both were half Seer half Villager, and they had scanned each other at least once.
    • The Exorcists didn't use their unbinding actions. It's yet another problem of one-time classes: the players want to spare it for the appropriate moment, but no one knows if they'll survive until that. We must've seen the same problem with the Vigilante in previous games.
    • The Soul Matters, out of sheer luck, had both transformed to Villagers. They were given to Murska and Grim Reaper.

    I'll give you more soon.
    Shingo 13 years ago
    Uh.... wolf/nonwolf is stupid for so many reasons. If they decide to go wolf, then it's essentially a wolf/wolf (until such time as the wolf half dies)that may or may not have interesting powers. If they decide to be villager, they already know exactly who half of the wolves are, and are in a great position to betray the wolves. Furthermore, they know who the non-wolves are, in their world, thus giving them a whole bunch of people that they can safely attempt to out the wolves to. As for what speedblade did, it's called good old fashioned lying, in order to advance the motives of the wolves, it seems. You know, that thing that people do quite often in WW games?

    Edit: Also, the only wolf/nonwolf who's wolf half died without the villager half dying at the same time or first, committed suicide after sending out a misleading PM to some villagers. Pretty damn hardcore loyalty to the wolf faction was displayed by all of the half-wolves in this game.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Speedblade's behaviour was quite an example of the unexplainable things that happen in a WW game. Now it's time for you to tell us why you spread that message through Personal Messaging. Marvolo never was a werewolf in L, nor was Crazy. His decision to suicide was also in vain, as he was targeted by the werewolves the very same day.
    Yay, time to brag!

    To be clear though, I played completely for the werewolves even though I had a villager half, and Kario and Endy were the only wolves, my fellow L wolves, that I ever knew. All I got from Endy was that he "got in contact" with the R wolves and that he wanted to get all the wolves to R. That didn't seem like a good idea because of possible voting issues so I didn't trust his claim.

    When the votes unexpectedly changed to me and killed me, I thought it would be cool to induce chaos by pulling one of those dramatic give-controversial-answers-before-death scenes as my final bang. Me being revealed as a part-wolf on the first day was key in my final bang before I made my dramatic exit: There isn't much information to go off of on early in the game, so to act upon wolf-naming from someone who still could be for the villagers even though he was proven to be one of the wolves would be appealing, even irresistable if one of the people named as a wolf is suspiciously inactive like Marvolo.

    Since Crazy was immediately proven correct about me being a werewolf, I decided that I would try to lead people to believe that he was also correct about Mageking and Shingo, who I knew were not originally wolves in L, and that I was trying to get rid of him for it. The suicide was to make it look like I thought I was going to be killed for betrayal, although I actually did get targeted which only amplified the effect.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    And finally:

    The Vault

    In the origin,
    As you gain sight of the key,
    Stand on forty-five.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    The ww10.txt is passworded.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "speedblade" said:
    The ww10.txt is passworded.
    All of it is passworded! It wouldn't be as entertaining to just give in these files. Therefore, it's encrypted with a 1-word password.
    Shingo 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "speedblade" said:
    The ww10.txt is passworded.
    All of it is passworded! It wouldn't be as entertaining to just give in these files. Therefore, it's encrypted with a 1-word password.
    So, from this - I gather that you are trolling, yet again. Thanks. A. Lot. Let me know if you want to drop that behavior and give out the password...


    Further edit: Tell us the fucking password already, this fucking game is not amusing.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Oh, silly you. Did you think I would give you a passworded case without giving you any clues? Look again. See that haiku? Yes.
    Shingo 13 years ago
    Have any of the other WW hosts made the participants play a twisted little word puzzle in order to get the synopsis of the game? This is really low of you.
    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    Have any of the other WW hosts made the participants play a twisted little word puzzle in order to get the synopsis of the game? This is really low of you.
    Well, there was that time when Amarth had the final message from the MonkOS (I think that's what it was called) encrypted in his WW, plus there was another WW hosted by E_net4 where he had some image with a puzzle of some sort at the end of the WW. Cannae remember if any others had stuff like that.
    Murska 13 years ago
    Hm. I don't have time to try and break this password. I did figure out Amarth's one, but I never even attempted the previous E one.

    Looking at the haiku, origin sounds like it could point to 'source'. Perhaps the page source has something. Dunno. If anyone else decides to try it, prod me with the results.

    EDIT: Oh, by the way. I think it's a coincidence, but funnily enough, the fourty-fifth row of the sourcecode of this page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> has the title of the page in it.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    I failed to find that link on the 45th row. Nevertheless, you're not far from the answer.
    Kario 13 years ago
    It's on a Row of something?
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Kario" said:
    It's on a Row of something?
    How cute. I'm afraid the clues I gave are enough.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    I'd be astonished if anyone actually cared about silly riddles protecting files that, quite frankly, I'm not terribly interested in reading in the first place. When I password a file, I straight up tell people the password, because I'm not doing it to prevent people from viewing it; if I post information publicly, it's so that people will be able to view it, if they want. Go be masturbatorily cryptic by yourself.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I'd be astonished if anyone actually cared about silly riddles protecting files that, quite frankly, I'm not terribly interested in reading in the first place. When I password a file, I straight up tell people the password, because I'm not doing it to prevent people from viewing it; if I post information publicly, it's so that people will be able to view it, if they want. Go be masturbatorily cryptic by yourself.
    There's no need to be so annoyed by a challenge, on the other hand. A challenge. If you're not interested in it, you're free to stand aside and let other people try. They might even tell the password after they find out, it's ok. The thing is that a sort of behaviour like Shingo's was completely unnecessary.

    "MageKing17" said:
    be masturbatorily cryptic
    speedblade 13 years ago
    I give up too. :/

    Returneth I shalt to the shadows!
    lurking 'til the chance to rise with the curtains again.
    Murska 13 years ago
    The password is 'proximity'.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Well done. Enjoy the vault. Not only it contains the game log, but also the Java project I used for the assignments and the like. With some extra work, it could turn into a complete WW simulator.
    Shingo 13 years ago
    I called it. At least 6 WW halves.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    I called it. At least 6 WW halves.
    Would you mind? I know you're upset, but that's too much whining. The general werewolf ratio we've used is of 1 for each 4 players, thus why I've used it as well. The variation is awkward, everybody got that. And the "Werewolf/Non-Werewolf" bindings are its only flaws.
    Bear in mind that the villagers were actually closer to victory than you think: If Grim Reaper and Narvius had chosen to go after Endymion in L, I would've had no choice but to merge the worlds sooner, letting the game continue in a single world. Like so, it would have been Endymion against Narvius, Grim and Kario. And who knows if Endymion claimed himself as a Werewolf/Werewolf amongst the other werewolves. Be it or not, it was a chance for the Villagers to win. And I don't really want to remind you of facts I've already revealed.

    Oh well, it's done. Who's hosting the next forum game?
    Shingo 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Shingo" said:
    I called it. At least 6 WW halves.
    Would you mind? I know you're upset, but that's too much whining. The general werewolf ratio we've used is of 1 for each 4 players, thus why I've used it as well. The variation is awkward, everybody got that. And the "Werewolf/Non-Werewolf" bindings are its only flaws.
    Bear in mind that the villagers were actually closer to victory than you think: If Grim Reaper and Narvius had chosen to go after Endymion in L, I would've had no choice but to merge the worlds sooner, letting the game continue in a single world. Like so, it would have been Endymion against Narvius, Grim and Kario. And who knows if Endymion claimed himself as a Werewolf/Werewolf amongst the other werewolves. Be it or not, it was a chance for the Villagers to win. And I don't really want to remind you of facts I've already revealed.

    Oh well, it's done. Who's hosting the next forum game?
    No, I don't think I mind being annoyed at how this was handled, for a variety of reasons. Apparently I need to go over, yet again, why the wolf halves, especially in the quantity we played with, are problematic.

    So, there's two options for a wolf half.
    1. Wolf/non-wolf
    2. wolf/wolf

    Wolf/wolf is very straightforward and is obvious, in that the player will always be fully devoted to the wolf team.

    wolf/non-wolf isn't AS straightforward, but isn't too far away, either. If the wolf/non-wolf decides to play as a wolf, then for all intents and purposes, it is a wolf/wolf that may or may not have special powers to aid the wolves, and will remain so unless the wolf half dies before the non-wolf half does. If the wolf/non-wolf decides to play as a villager, they are a villager who knows the identity of every wolf, and knows who is /not/ a wolf in whatever world they started off as a wolf, until switches are made. All it takes is one wolf/non-wolf to screw over at least 50% of the wolves, in such a model, with very very little risk. They also get to try to screw up the night votes of the wolv

    Edit: No, I am not going to finish re-explaining why this was bad and why I am upset. But I will say that putting a password on that file served as the final nail in the coffin of pissing me off.
    Murska 13 years ago
    Jeesh. It's just a game. A minimal time investment. If it doesn't provide enjoyment, at least there's nothing particularly significant lost either and it was, in my opinion, a worthwhile experiment. Now we know the halves are problematic and won't be making the same mistake again.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Bump! I think it's about time we go for another forum game. Who's with me?
    Amarth 12 years ago
    Sure, I'm willing to host if it requires hosting. Another Werewolf variant, or does anyone have a better idea?

    Maybe some werewolf/rpg/detective story hybrid? I'll have to think it through but something has to be possible.
    Forum » Werewolf 10 - LR
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