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  • Got a great idea for a mod? Post it here!

    Arcade 20 years ago
    I saw a few people posting ideas for mods, so I thought how about making a thread for mod ideas. This is where anyone can post an idea for a mod they have but are too lazy to make it themselves [cough] me [cough] This should be an excellent thread for those without any solid ideas for a mod. This is how you should put them......

    Name This is where you put the name of the mod.
    Theme This is where you put the theme of the mod. The [insert name here] mod is in a dark city with gangs and thugs.
    Contribution Anything you could make for the mod Ex. graphics, sound, music ect.
    Requirements What the mod needs. Ex. My [insert name here] mod needs three types of vehicles and etc.
    Items Here you put some items the mod would need in a nice order. Ex.
    Club - Hit people with it. Does 10 Damage.
    Milk - Drink from it. Feeds you for 15 points.
    Computer - Play it! Destroys your eyesight
    Story What happens in your mod. Ex. This guy hits this guy and now they all want to kill you. You have to kill them before they kill you.

    And you can add anything else you can think off
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    Name: Office Wars
    Theme: Office Blok, bout 10 stories high.
    Contribution: Item pics, plot objects pics
    Requirements: Someone to actually mod it some creature and player pics
    - Staple Gun = Stapler + Spring
    - Pen = Refil + Tube
    - Peeshooter = Tube + Paper
    - Peasooter Ammo = Paper + Water (Cooler)
    - Staple Gun Ammo = Staples
    - Poisoned Staple Gun Ammo = Staples + Ink Cartrage
    - Shrap Ruler (Knife) = Ruler + Scisours
    - Spear = Sharp Ruler + Broom
    - Strips of paper = Paper + Scisours
    - Rubber Band Ammo = Strips of Paper + Staples
    - Rubber band (Small Bow) = Rubber Band
    - Bended Ruler = "U"sed Ruler
    - Shattered Ruler = "U"sed Bended Ruler
    - Office Bow = Bended Ruler + Rubber Band
    - Office Crossbow = Office Bow + Broom
    - Office Bow Ammo = Shattered Ruler + Refill
    - Poisoned Bow Ammo = Office Bow Ammo + Ink Cartrage
    - Office Crossbow Ammo = Office Bow Ammo + Paper Strips
    - Poisoned Office Crossbow Ammo = Office Crossbow Ammo + Ink Cartrage
    Story: Your Boss just fired you and you cracked. Fight your way thru 10 Stories To kill your boss.
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    Name: AvP (Alien vs Predator)
    Theme: AvP (Survival, kill everything or lv based)
    Contribution: Item Pics, Plot Objects
    Requirements: Someone to actually mod it some creature and player pics
    - Assault Rifle
    - Med kits
    - Flame thrower
    - Sadar (Roket launsher)
    - Smart gun
    - Mini Gun
    - Armour
    - Grenade launsher
    - Prox mines
    - disc
    - Wrist blades
    - Night vision goggles
    - Spear gun
    - shoulder cannon
    - Energy Pistol
    - Medicomp
    - Ammo for most of the above
    - Alien claws
    - Alien head kill
    - anything else in the AvP universe

    1. Plain survival agains lots of aliens
    2. play as alien and kill lots of marines/predators
    3. lv based like the FPS[/b]
    Arcade 20 years ago
    Name Thresh's Survival
    Theme Dark gloomy jungles, eden area, ancient ruins, and an underground city.
    Contribution Absolutely nothing , but I could try to do journal entries.
    Requirements This mod takes place before the captain lands on Notrium (From the Notrium Story) you are Tresh and have to survive by doing missions.
    Wooden Battle Staff - Uses a bit of your stamina (food) but does decent damage. (20 Hp per hit)
    Red antimatter gun - Uses a high number of energy, but does extreme damage. (75 Hp per hit)
    Dagger - Too weak to be used as a weapon. Can carve wood, vines etc.
    Stick - Can be sharpened to be used as a weak spear for either fishing or throwing. (Note- If fishing will be possible this will be the fishing tool, when you throw the spear you can retrieve it once you kill the animal (If possible). 50Hp Per hit.
    Spear - See Stick
    Vine - Sturdy imitation for rope, use to tie things together.
    Tent - (I'm sorry torment) combine five sticks with two vines. Regenerates Hp When deployed.
    And other things (keep in mind to stick with the Notrium Story.
    Story - You are Thresh, one of the last surviving Notrimeye. You have survived many attacks of the Ville Corp Marines and now it's your turn to stricke back.

    Creatures - Blue Aliens, Vile Corp Marines, Walking plants, and some animals just for the enviroment.
    What's the ending? - First you start in a small village of five Notrimeye, you talk to some of them and they give you missions to get this and kill that and make this stuff. Later in the game when you return to the village. Everything is burned down and the Notrimeyes are dead. Now you try to run away from a band of VC marines and train. (Alien experience bar) after a while of "Leveling Up" your Hp and stamina increases. Then you do this and that. And for the last mission...... you have to get to a temple and light a fire. I hope some of you know what happens then

    NOTE - I just thought if there are some fans of my story (Which is being reworked on) would try to do something similar to my story. Here is the idea. If you want me to help you with the quests, journals and any other writting stuff just PM or E-mail me
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    I am actually going to start this but this is my basic idea
    Name Undecided (Which could be a good name within itself)
    Theme Original Notrium style, except different planet with different atmosphere. Ship crash lands on a desert planet and the scientific experements have escaped. Either destroy them (it/they will have set up a nest/den of some sort) or fix ship.
    Contribution Most/all of it
    Requirements Graphics
    Items Thinking
    Story See theme

    Edit: I realised (again) how shite I am at graphics, so i changed the requirements
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Here's one, I might make it if someone wants me to. And if I have the time to make it.

    Name Don't know.
    Theme Jesus!!!
    Contribution Story
    Requirements Someone to make the gfx
    Items Holy Bible, Holy Cross, etc.
    Story You are Jesus and you have to spread Da Religion
    Arcane 20 years ago
    Holy crap, I have a GOOD IDEA

    Name Resident Evil >.>
    Theme see Name
    Contribution I'm too busy with DOOMTrium. If anyone wants to pull this off, yay
    Requirements If anyone wants to screw around with it until I get to it
    The Plants.
    Starlight (Cures Zombie meter)
    Story :Arrow: Your character is a horror fan from Possum City. (Yay no copyright breaks). He has a job at Little Wooden Martini Decoration Corp. One day, as he's mixing various chemicals... He creates... The PITY DA FOO' VIRUS.
    The higher ups boredly try to sell it as a drink.
    Everyone turns into a Survivor Fan--- Er, I mean, zombie.
    Horror Fan somehow has a resistance.

    I picture it with a Food Bar, Infection Bar, Health Bar, and Ammo Bar.
    Zombies can be a edited version of Captain. I never liked 'im anyway.
    the reaper 20 years ago
    name:tha fat man
    theme: you are fat and need food fast

    sorry dont got more thean that
    the reaper 20 years ago
    Name:tha murtal arts
    Theme:murtal arts
    Contributin:cant mod (sorry)
    story: you are to prove that your murtal art are best
    spcies:karate man-teakwondo man-judo man
    Requirements: a modder
    Items : wooden stick (basic)
    sharp metal (basic)
    short wooden stick (basic)
    knife (sharp metal-short wooden stick)
    punch (always there)
    kick (see punch)
    jump (can be comboed)
    flying kick (jump-kick)
    flying punch (jump-punch)
    spear (wooden stick-knife)
    throw item (ability to throw)
    throwing knife (throw-knife)
    throwing spear (throw-spear)
    high (ability to do something high)
    low (ability to do something low)
    low punch (punch-low)
    low kick (kick-low)
    high punch (punch-high)
    high kick (kick high)
    high flying punch (highpunch-jump)
    low flying punch (lowpunch-jump)
    high flying kick (highkick-jump)
    low flying kick (lowkick-jump)
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    I think you mean 'martial arts', and I also believe it's 'taekwondo'.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    "the reaper" said:
    name:tha fat man
    theme: you are fat and need food fast
    Other Items

    Places:Kitchen, Cafetiria, Chef's Bedroom, players' warehouses

    Story:You'll start in a city. You are very phat and you must eat eat and eat, rob people for food and cook then eat them. Competitate with 7 CPUs. Who survive the longest is the winner. You cannot kill each other but you can injure them to make them even more hungry or rob their food. When you have more food you're levelled up, you can run faster and have more strength and a bigger stomach for more food.
    quzbuk 20 years ago
    Back in elementary school I had an idea for a Playground Fighter game much like Contra. That might be intersting, running around the school using red bouncy balls, yo-yos, paper airplanes, etc. Top down would work just as well as side scrolling.
    Some other stuff that might be neat that I'm 99.99% certain I'll never have the time for.
    A space game much like the escape pod level. Possibly straight shoot-em-up, possibly action/adventure.
    In a similar vein some kind of car game. Though a straight racing or race/shooting game would be fun I've always loved post-apocalyptic games (Fallout, Wasteland), and I used to play alot of Car Wars. Some kind of post-apocalyptic/car game where you salvage wrecks and motor through the wasteland looking for fuel would be just awesome.
    Right now, I'm experimenting with a little fantasy themed game to test out the game, but an in depth fantasy game could be interesting. The system is there to make a magic system allowing you to combine runes or magic words into spells.
    muffinman 19 years ago
    Name: (might be offensive) Barney Killer

    Contribution: Change the name, change the pics, change what they say, change aroud the ancient ruin map.

    Requirements: Barney pics and other pics. Have to be a human.

    Item: Barney killer shotgun: Pebble shotgun.
    Barney minion killer: Pulse laser.
    Rapid barney killer: Rapid fire pistol.
    Brain takeaway: Battery discharger.
    More: Battery extension.
    Anti barney infection: Health pack.
    Assasination gun: Sniper gun.
    Barney minion body #1: S. blue alien corpes.
    Barney minion body #2: Blue alien corpes.
    Barney minion body #3: Brown alien corpes.
    Cooked barney minion body #4: Grilled meat.
    Barney loyal gaurd body: Brown alien queen corpes.
    Barney body: Blue alien queen corpes.
    Release barney control: Wooden dart.
    Pistol: Pistol
    Bullet: Bullet
    Assasination gun bullets: Sniper bullets.

    Story: Barney has taken over the earth. You are right now at mars. Fly back to earth and kill barney and destroy the barney reproduction to stop barney reproduction. Kill the Royal barney gaurd (Brown alien queen), Barney (Blue alien queen), and the barney reproduction (Eggs) to win.
    cheezisgud4u 19 years ago
    I'm not sure whether this would be classified as a mod but what if you had regular notrium, only somehow you could incorporate new maps into the main game. or possiby some one could make it so the world was sphere like, (run over one side and come out the opposite) you could run over the top and come out another top place:
    hereby making the world a little mo' nonlinear. ie no corners no red lines. but maybe the going over the top thing would make it so you could just jump across the world really easily.
    another thing: what if instead of tiles representing a single object, you could have tiles representing a space maybe 3x3 or something. (sorry i think this goes under ideas ). ops:
    Doogsy 19 years ago
    nice idea cheeze, i think this should be done too.
    ville 19 years ago
    Actually I don't think wrapping the whole map would be possible at the moment, not unless you used a whole lot of teleporters (hundreds!).
    Kejardon 19 years ago
    Name: Gauntlet
    Theme: Erm... Gauntlet. It'll be similar to Notrium's equipment, inventory, and item combination, but it'll be a race through levels, one-way. So you'll have to pick what equipment to carry on next, and what equipment to leave behind.
    Contribution: Items, races, maps, hopefully I can figure out weapons.
    Requirements: Graphics, sounds, music.
    Physicist, human. Based on the Alchemist class from Tales of Middle Earth, can extract various substances from items, and create entirely different items. Lower stats in general.
    Soldier, human. Slightly higher stats all around, will be able to use almost all weapons.
    Scout, human. Higher speed, high stamina, lower weight max. Will have some unique skills.
    I may add more later, but I'll stick with these for now (If I make aliens, I'll want to have different levels to go through).

    Items: Oh boy...
    Extracter: Physicist only item, given at start. Combined with other items to break them apart (doesn't dissapear after combination)
    Dust: Physicist only. Unusable by itself. Considering whether this should be found anywhere, or requires sand.
    Acid: Self-explanatory. Unusable by itself
    Base: Opposite of acid. Unusable by itself
    Water: I'm *considering* putting in thirst... but I was planning on doing away with food entirely and just having your health drain slowly. Whether or not I do, this'll be another Physicist-usable item.
    Oil: Unusable by itself.
    Molten steel: Physicist only, unusable by itself.
    Radioactive isotopes: Probably Physicist only, unusable by itself. Not sure what I want to do with this, but I'm sure I'll think of something. XD
    Clay mold: Physicist only. Unusable by itself (Water + Dust). Combine with a desired item to create a soft mold. (Does not use up desired item)
    Soft mold of (item): Physicist only. Can't be used yet, needs a fire to harden.
    Hard mold of (item): Physicist only. Combine with the correct substances to create another item. (Does not use up mold)
    Vial: Unusable by itself.
    Vial of Acid: Can be thrown as a weapon, will be effective against some enemies.
    Torches will be altered to provide light around the player. (I'll probably do away with temperature)
    Salt: Unusable by itself. Unsure of what to do with it if I decide to do away with food.
    Keys: Open locked doors. One key per use, ala Gauntlet. May or mahy not come up with a reasonable excuse.
    Trap mine: Good sized explosion, one use. Use to deploy, next enemy that comes nearby will trigger it. You can be hurt from the explosion, too, though, you just can't trigger it.
    Explosive: Biiig explosion, one use. Use to deploy, then run. Timed explosion.
    Many weapons to hold over, new weapons to be made.

    Treasure can be collected, will increase your max health. It may add other things too (increased weight max, increased stamina, stuff like that)
    Stamina. It will regain quickly, slower regain if walking (if I can, I'll make it depend on how much stuff you're carrying). Can dash to use up Stamina. I'll probably think of other things for it, too (using certain items, maybe).
    Levels will be mostly preplaced rather than random. I'll probably put in a lot of random items, but there's a good chance many will be stuck in places you can't get (like lava, just worse). So it'll all be optional equipment. What you get is up to the RNG. (Again, influence from Tales of Middle Earth. )

    Physicist class started. Currently have the extracter, many of the substances, clay mold. Will use Notrium presets until I've done a significant amount of work.

    Most of this is just ideas, I have very little solid planned. The main thing I want is a game similar to Gauntlet.
    slyvena 19 years ago
    Name: Marrine Pressence
    Theme: Notrium Revisited with some new maps and a few new enemys plus mabye other extras(can only be alien)
    Contrabution: Nothing
    Requirements:Absolutly everything i can't mod for cra*
    Items: *all the origanal Notrium Items.
    *Just some new guns and thing you know stuff like, rear photo
    blasters and space time malecular rocket launcher.
    Story: You have lived on Notrium for years now and have become the altimate alien monster, But one day as you are walking around you see the age old marrine ships landing everywhere, a few weeks later you are struggling to suvive with marrines always attacking you everywhere, it's time to eliminate this marrine pressence from your planet.
    Scorchsaber 19 years ago
    NAME: ...(I am not really sure what to call it heh...)
    THEME: The starting steps of civilization. The stone Age.
    CONTRIBUTION: I am not really sure what I could do to help, maybe I could make the journal entries, or other useless crap that is of no use to anybody..concept art...etc.
    REQUIREMENTS: Just about anything I guess. Not like this idea will ever become a mod
    sharp rock
    animal skin
    Y shaped stick
    (some of these woudl go onto each other, such as animal corpse+sharp rock= animal skin. animal skin+Y shaped stick=slingshot. this technique could be used to advance the technology, but given I do have never modded before, and further never modded THIS engine, I do no know how feasable this is.)
    STORY: you are a genius stone age man trying to survive in the wild, and discovering new ways to do things along the way. If this story is to go really far into the future, perhaps this man could be immortal. who knows?

    I dont know if this is all possible, for example, to make it more convincing, people around you would weild the weapons that you invented, and use the technology that is created.

    Oh, and Ville Monkkonen? YOU ROCK!
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    An Unreal Tournament remake for Notrium....
    burgerking 19 years ago
    How bout a counter strike mod. Use weapons + sounds from counter strike.
    Armageddon1212 19 years ago
    NameYB (Defend your base)
    Theme: self explanitory
    Requirements: A a money system to buy stuff
    defending against zombies
    aliied troops
    lots of cool realistic guns
    story: In 2005 an outbreak occurs and small bands of people are defending thier homes. Military and police forces are present too helping you alot. You have fled to a near by military fortress where lots or refugees are. You and your teammates have to defend your base.

    It will be like defend your castle only better.
    White Bear 19 years ago
    Name: Fantasy Mod

    Theme: idea is that there are many difrent kind of worlds... like Sub-world, Top-World, Hell, Heaven and etc. then there are difrent many gods e.g. three in Sub-world, one in Top-world, one in Hell, two in Heaven etc.

    Contribution: Scripting (moding is basicly that)

    Requirements: some one to make some Graficks to mod (weapons, items bullets, land tiles and etc.) and for mod coming faster done... it woud be fun if there is two or more moders...


    -Skill: Slow Motion (or Bullet Time)
    -Skill: Stop Time (you can aim but everything else is still)
    -Spell: turn to # (# is any creature that may come to your side)*
    -Spell: Summon # (# is amy creature)*
    -Spell: # Blast (# is some elementall e.g. fire or ice)*
    -Spell: # Wave (# is some elementall e.g. fire or ice)*
    -Spell: Transform to # (# is amy creature)*
    -Double pistol
    -Mustarge Granade (don`t know if able to do)
    -Homing Missile

    Other: RGP motor (i have done it once

    Story: don`t know yet
    slyvena 19 years ago
    Name: Rebels of the Future
    Theme:You are a soldier/alien captive/or phconic medic and have been feeling down latly about the treatment of your person on the ship, at a very short lunch break(cause the commanders mean) you discover your co worker feel the same way, so you start a rebelain.
    Items: practicly Human style weapons and mabye some alien ones too.
    Story:If you are a Soldier, you start the rebelion/mutany, if you are a phconic you deffect to the muttony, and if you are a alien the rebels come to kill you but there is a power falt, so you and all your alien freinds are released from your prison(only in your cell not in thw whole ship. So then cause your free you sort of rebel execpt it's more of a just go around a slaughter everyone massacure more the a rebelion(this will be a big mod)
    Contribution:To inexpereanced to do anything expect give ideas
    Enemys: rebel Humans(if your a alien), Crazy Aliens(if your a alien), Aliens(if your a human or phconic),Loyal Soldiers(everyone),Crazy people(everyone) and escaped human criminals(everyone expecpt mabye sometime they join rebels)
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    Well, Minesweeper game. You right click on a block and if it doesn't have mine it'll change into a number according to general rules for games like this, else..........
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    A stargate themed mod! You walk around collecting technology, going through the gate, and recieving missions!
    (Note: I haven't watched the show recently, correct my mistakes plz)

    Your Characters: All 4 members of stargate team

    AI Characters: Scientist, Commander, Tokra (typo?), Gould

    Weapons: Staff, pistol, grenade-launching rifle, gould tazer thingy, armed rover thingy

    10 types of technologies minimum (Scientist eat items)
    Armors of creatures
    The stargate (Changes every time you return from a mission)
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    A stargate themed mod! You walk around collecting technology, going through the gate, and recieving missions!
    (Note: I haven't watched the show recently, correct my mistakes plz)

    Your Characters: All 4 members of stargate team

    AI Characters: Scientist, Commander, Tokra (typo?), Gould

    Weapons: Staff, pistol, grenade-launching rifle, gould tazer thingy, armed rover thingy

    10 types of technologies minimum (Scientist eat items)
    Armors of creatures
    The stargate (Changes every time you return from a mission)

    I believe Tokra is supposed to spell Tok'Ra. And Gouls should be goa'uld.

    And btw, that mod has already been planned for.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Has anyone actually taken these ideas and started to build a mod with them?
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    A stargate themed mod! You walk around collecting technology, going through the gate, and recieving missions!
    (Note: I haven't watched the show recently, correct my mistakes plz)

    Your Characters: All 4 members of stargate team

    AI Characters: Scientist, Commander, Tokra (typo?), Gould

    Weapons: Staff, pistol, grenade-launching rifle, gould tazer thingy, armed rover thingy

    10 types of technologies minimum (Scientist eat items)
    Armors of creatures
    The stargate (Changes every time you return from a mission)

    I believe Tokra is supposed to spell Tok'Ra. And Gouls should be goa'uld.

    And btw, that mod has already been planned for.

    Goa'uld Tazor Thingy = Zatnyikital (I don't think anyone can spell that) A.K.A. Zat guns

    And some Tak's would be nice... maybe some intars...
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    And some Tak's would be nice... maybe some intars...

    What were those? I can't remember.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    And some Tak's would be nice... maybe some intars...

    What were those? I can't remember.
    Tak = Goa'uld gun turrets
    Intar (mayber In'tar) = Weapon that looks like a real weapon, but just stuns (can look like anything), used for training (but the mod could use it like a long-range tazor).
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    N/A (doesn't mean the mod would be named as N/A)

    Interstellar travel, cities

    Some ideas

    Someone to mod it, gfx, musics, sfx, story

    Some kind of com link, something to make player unable to fire weapons at certain areas

    N/A (great story, eh? )

    Just wanted to see some citys in notrium engine, but alas, I'm too lazy and/or inexperienced to mod something like that w/ Notrium.
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    You could probably do cities, but you'd need some way to direct the AI through them. Either that or have no roaming AI and have the cities act as a sort of hub for missions. I believe Casanova has probably made the most progress on custom path finding, the kind you'd see in a RTS that is.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I meant that there would be cities w/ people that you can talk with, or at least try to talk with. And also as a place to get missions.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    You could probably do cities, but you'd need some way to direct the AI through them. Either that or have no roaming AI and have the cities act as a sort of hub for missions.
    Doesn't the AI automatically move around stuff like rocks?
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