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  • WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!

    ZeXLR8er 14 years ago
    "Romah" said:
    AWESOME mod!!!

    Ive only started at it, but im already immersed!

    But, I must point out some issues...

    Maybe its me, but i simply get swamped with fighters over and over again!!! I finally was able to buy some off my own, but they never really follow me, but fly off. The only way i ever see them again is if i use the cloak. Then they return... And as soon as i kill them more fly in... sometimes twice in numbers!

    The biggest bug that makes the game utterly unplayable is, after i complete the mission where you must kill parked fighters on the planets side. I go and kill some ships in space.. To the point where im simply swarmed beyond it being impossible... I land, and my character cannot move. Well, his feel seem to move in circles as i try to turn him. then he goes toward the direction of where his feet point. I have the option of movement according to the map. No matter what i do... Anything I can do to fix these issues???

    Thanks Romah! Good to have some new blood on board this mod.

    Ahh, the fighter swamping is a well known issue; a problem with Notrium itself more than with the mod. Essentially, alien battleships have a random chance (1 in 10 I think) of spawning alien fighters every 20 seconds. When you leave an area however, instead of the spawning stopping until you return, it continues, making all the fighters that would have spawned if you were in the area all spawn at once as soon as you reenter. Since they're all spawned in one place, they keep together in a pack and all "swamp" you at once, making them impossible to fight. I've tried many things to solve it in the past but to no avail, so I'm hoping I might be able to find something, somehow, that works for this release.

    As for the second problem, I'm a bit confused about what you mean. Could you clarify? After you try to land after being swamped you can't move? What planet does this occur on?

    And also, have you installed the latest 5.03 patch?
    Romah 14 years ago

    Wow that was a really quick reply ^^
    I must say, this game and mod surprised me MUCH with how deep it is!
    There is serious and unlimited potential!
    Hmm... Would it not be possible to talk with the game creator and see if you guys can work overspawning issue out? If only I knew how to mod, Id give you a hand...
    The mod itself is a game of its own I think. Deserving it recognition

    The second issue i had was the controls get stuck in secondary option (where you walk in direction your feet facing. Which would not be so bad, except there is really no way of telling which direction they are facing at the moment... This makes movement nearly impossible, for me anyways.

    I also encountered an issue where a wall of numbers and letters keeps appearing then slowly grow smaller and smaller into a map. Sometimes it appears "stuck" half way on a screen. At first I couldn't figure out what was the that big patch covering up half of my screen until the second time it happened. This time like i mentioned, growing smaller and eventually disappearing into the map. Both the times happened to be aboard Wolf.
    The wall of text looked something like this...

    A B C D E F G H I J
    K L M N O P Q R S
    T U V W X Y Z
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

    Also, my first game I had the map grew very tiny. Almost unreadable. Not the map window itself but the map picture within.

    I really hope there is a solution to this! This mod is crazy fun! But, sadly due to mentioned issues unplayable >.<
    And thank you for kind welcome! Im really glad I stumbled on this gem of a game!
    Redemption 14 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er" said:
    When you leave an area however, instead of the spawning stopping until you return, it continues, making all the fighters that would have spawned if you were in the area all spawn at once as soon as you reenter. Since they're all spawned in one place, they keep together in a pack and all "swamp" you at once, making them impossible to fight. I've tried many things to solve it in the past but to no avail, so I'm hoping I might be able to find something, somehow, that works for this release.
    I'm fairly certain this problem was solved a while ago by having an event interval of 0 for plot_objects.
    I can't remember where I read that though, and have come up with another idea in case it doesn't work. I'm not using my usual computer so I can't test this, but it could be possible to eliminate the problem by having a plot_object that is set up to drop not creatures, but spawner pot_objects. I'm fairly certain the problem is caused by the Notrium engine counting all of the times an action should have been performed when the player is in a different area. When the player returns to the area the action is repeated all of the times it should have been. I think this problem might be able to be avoided by making the spawner plot_object on the map drop another plot_object instead of the creature. If this plot_object is made to drop the creature on the condition that it is not near an identical plot_object then it might help stop the problem. I'm not sure though, as I can't test it right now. Might be worth a shot.
    Romah 14 years ago
    Also, for another issue i had that is not a bug, is it possible for us to somehow get a better control of the fighters? Keeping them closer. Say, to remain within a certain distance of the Wolf? As I mentioned, mine tend to wander off and i never get to see them unless i use cloak as a recall device Too bad they wander off again when i turn cloak off...
    Romah 14 years ago
    Hmm... Played 4th try...
    Every play file has been bugged....
    This time, my items do not show up in the inventory as well as the movement bug again...
    ZeXLR8er 14 years ago
    "Romah" said:
    Hmm... Played 4th try...
    Every play file has been bugged....
    This time, my items do not show up in the inventory as well as the movement bug again...
    What planet does the movement bug occur on, Romah? And are you playing with the 5.03 patch? The mod is buggy, I know, but almost all of what you've mentioned are unfortunately problems that I think are Notrium-engine related, or are so built into my coding that I have no idea how to extract them. I'll reply to your message in more detail now, but the screen being blocked by a graphic inside the Wolf is one of the most annoying bugs I've found. It only seems to occur in the Wolf, and I've even tried completely clearing the map and re-building it up from scratch, one item at a time to see what was wrong, but to no avail. Unless Ville has seen it and can shed any light, I'm at a complete loss. Same goes for the items disappearing from the inventory. All my coding is clean for that problem, so I can only think it's a Notrium issue, involved with the changing between both races and inventories.
    A good hint is to save the game when you find a bug, and reload it (after reloading Notrium). That works a lot for me. Apart from that, saving, saving, saving, saving, saving, saving, saving, saving is the way to go.
    Ahh, you've been unlucky, you seem to have encountered every single major bug there is in one go. I bet you anything next time you play, you'll get the player-not-speeding-up-after-being-overburdened bug. Ah well.
    Romah 14 years ago
    Oh... haha
    The "overburdened" movement bug was the first one ive encountered
    I used the save-reload trick to clear that up... (too bad it doesnt work combined with disappearing items glitch) But for Game getting stuck in a directional movement, the reload does not work either unfortunately This has happened on the first planet you see. (the one that gets nuked later on, giving you fighter sabotage mission) and yes, im using 5.3 version.

    I think you should talk to the game creator (who is the guy anyways? Ville?)
    To see if he is able and willing to help. But given, what youve done with the game I dont see why he would mind. If only I knew how to mod Id be happy to help out if im able...

    Again, thanks for a really fun and deep mod...

    *Edit... Sorry I ended up repeating myself on some things...
    ville 14 years ago
    Who am I you say?
    I'd be happy to help with the debugging were it not so darn difficult to get Notrium to compile. I will give it a try if you can point to just what the engine is doing wrong with a test case.
    Romah 14 years ago
    Oh! so you are the brains behind this masterpiece? ^^ Nice meeting ya!
    Thanks for an amazing game! I wonder... In times of diablo 1 you could have made a good buck publishing it... Maybe... If you could somehow get up to date graphics, you could even make some money on it. Have people like ZeXLR8er and guy who did the Werivar to help with design. You got a good game to back you up for publishers to take you seriously. : D
    Ermm... Sorry lol got carried away.

    As for mods, it seems there is mainly an issue with creating working re-spawns as Im sure you have read Its same with Werivar mod also. We simply get over spammed with multiple enemies that insta-kill you in such numbers. I never tried modding myself so I dont know exactly whats going on in the coding. But Id hate to see such good work done by these guys get wasted. HELP!!! *begs*
    Pato 14 years ago

    I am new to the forum, I registered to talk about the mod, and if my English sound “strange” sorry it's not my native language

    The first sensation I got from the mod was that it is impressive, but now I am stuck

    At first I thought it was because I started playing 5.0 then noticed the patch, applied it and loaded a salve of 5.03 on 5.0, but I was having some bugs (like the letters on the screen bug Romah described)

    Then I uninstalled the mod, uninstalled Notrium, Installed they again, applied the patch and I started my game all over again, and got stuck again

    I have everything, got every item (Except two other versions of alien artifacts that I got the first time on the egg layers, that I didn't got this time, instead receiving 2 versions of a third artifact), cleared every planet and every system from every enemy, found the easter egg on Zycar, I even have a wa wolf 'pet' but the mod doesn't seen to end or to give me some directions, it does have an ending?

    Also I have some things to point out (all of those are on version 5.03)

    *Jetpack detonates landmines

    *You can use the turrets on your ship (northeast of bridge) BUT when you leave the turret you stay on outer space, but you can leave this area going down near the hull and using the bridge from there, also it's better to block using the jetpack on the ship for the same reason (like its blocked to use AirStrikes)

    *Sometimes in space battle, if an enemy mother ship goes “out of map”, like beyond the normal boundary, the game crashes

    *Sometimes when one of my deployed ships gets a hit, I receive the hit (oddly I didn't have this bug on 5.0 but it appeared on 5.03) and with large battles i often die if i not glue my finger on the H key and pray to have enough repair units...

    *I can enter a confederate battleship and jump to other system, its very tricky but possible, when I did it after the jump I started shooting one of those lamps around the JumpGate for fun, then after about 5 seconds I died for no apparent reason

    *When the Laser Bean ”hits” one of those lamps around the Jumpgate, it releases a sound like a weapon hitting something, like “trrrtrrrtrrr” witch I think it's a odd sound for a laser bean, also when there are no enemies around the laser bean just points northwest, I think instead it should only says “no enemies nearby” and deactivates

    *Tiodia System with no enemies gets a thousand neutral ships, but I can’t kill a single one because when I turn pirate every one attacks me at the same time, and my deployed ships don’t attack them, also viper missiles don't lock on them

    *Would be nice to have a way to determine the default standing of the deployable ships, like attack or follow me, because if I want then to attack while I stay away, I have to click every single of them to give the order for them to attack the enemy by themselves, and that is veeeeeery hard (to click on every one of them floating arround)

    *More AirStrikes? So far I only got the ones from the mission of the former human planet, and one on the eastmost exit of Zycar mines, I don’t like the idea of having them buyable because they are too powerfull, but maybe spawning randomly on very hard to go places

    Thanks for the attention, your mod is awesome, I hope in the future we get more planets with tanks, confederate ships bombarding a planet like the aliens can, big battles, confederate tanks vs alien tanks, etc etc etc (I am saying that only because I am not sure if I saw everything of the mod).
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    My my, it's been some time since I had a chance to play this, and let me tell you it is great. I just had a load of fun taking down the alien motherships in Errxelz. One odd thing... a single missile was able to kill me at Commander rank and no hull damage. That was a little odd. Still, ZeX, it's great to see the progress that's been made on this thing. We've come a long way from that first beta...
    guthixmodman 14 years ago
    is there anything to do after you get to admiral rank???
    PS: great game
    ShiftyIIs 14 years ago
    something funny happened...
    I went to what formerly was errazle (butched, sorry) and then left and right (A & D) didn't work. W and S made him/her/it move in 1.5 D (line) and if I did a combo of A D with WS I get this funny circly path, which changed the angle that WS made player move in. X(

    I have since reinstalled the latest version and have not encountered it again.
    ZeXLR8er 13 years ago
    I just want to let all you guys know that the promised 'last ever release' of this mod is under current construction, and will be ready very soon. Only one year late! I'm sorry, again. But once it's done, it should give you something nice and complete to play while you're waiting until the next build of Driftmoon. Any last minute (by last minute I mean last week or so) requests for items or weapons will be eagerly included!

    A taster: the Captain has a journal, and in that journal is lots of useful information.
    [attachment=1]<!-- ia1 -->book3.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment][attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->book1.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]
    What else could be in the journal? I'd love to work on a few more pages!
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    List of ship types? Weapons? Known species? Just throwing out ideas.
    Anarion 13 years ago
    Diplomatic Relationships?
    Kario 13 years ago
    possible planet descriptions and if they are "good" ,"bad" or "neutral"?
    perhaps even rank descriptions for example:
    private:a lowly class not worthy of acknowledgment it's a wonder you're still employed and your pay is low.NOW go out there earn yourself some respect.
    Gawmonster 13 years ago
    5.03 patch appears to be broken
    5.0 (unpatched) worked fine, but it's also hosted offsite.

    Error: central directory not found

    when attempting to open the .zip

    Did something happen fairly recently with the hosting that may have corrupted various archives hosted inside the phpbb forum?
    Rowanthepreacher 13 years ago
    I've had the same thing. apparently it fixes some bugs, and I'm hoping that they are the bugs I need fixing, but I want the patch anyway
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Gawmonster" said:
    5.03 patch appears to be broken
    5.0 (unpatched) worked fine, but it's also hosted offsite.

    Error: central directory not found

    when attempting to open the .zip

    Did something happen fairly recently with the hosting that may have corrupted various archives hosted inside the phpbb forum?
    I think so, since the NMV archives were corrupted a while back. The 5.03 patch was probably corrupted around the same time and nobody noticed. I may have the 5.03 patch lying around, though.
    Rowanthepreacher 13 years ago
    As soon as I leave the first planet, I am rendered incapable of firing my weapon forever. Not just the weapon I was using, but all weapons.
    ville 13 years ago
    When is the new version coming out?
    Guest (guest) 13 years ago
    So um...anyone still working on this...?
    Kario 13 years ago
    Of course!
    ShiftyIIs 13 years ago
    Ah good. yay!
    (by the by, I'm having trouble with C, T-- tanks, turrets, battleship. Same thing as Hoverbike... no fix to this, is there?)
    Guest (guest) 12 years ago
    When this update is coming. Is it still in progress.
    Pete 12 years ago
    I wouldnt hold my breath if I were you.
    Narvius 12 years ago
    It seems ZeX held his breath.
    Guest1123 (guest) 12 years ago
    anyone knows this author, still waiting that something would shown up. Is he still around in community, can anyone of members send him pm / email if he has it somewhere in his profile.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    Provided we can find his email address and send him a message, I don't think he'd be up for coming back to finish Wazzal 2. When he originally announced this final release, he had just come back from another long absence/disappearance. Notrium is way past its prime, and I'm pretty sure TNN17 is the only guy both crazy and talented enough to make a mod for such a game.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    Provided we can find his email address and send him a message
    Forum PMs send email notification; we don't need to find his email address to send an email to the address associated with his account.
    Kario 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    Provided we can find his email address and send him a message, I don't think he'd be up for coming back to finish Wazzal 2. When he originally announced this final release, he had just come back from another long absence/disappearance. Notrium is way past its prime, and I'm pretty sure TNN17 is the only guy both crazy and talented enough to make a mod for such a game.
    Praise TNN17!
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    Kario said:
    Praise TNN17!
    SpeedBlade 12 years ago
    Who? >.<
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    That guy.

    Kinda surprised you had to ask.
    Forum » WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!
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