"void" said: I have a few questions for you Ville.
How did you get Notrium to search for certain data and read it from the data files. What I really want to know how to do is search for a perticular number or string in a file and then read the parts concerning it. I'm sure this is pretty complex and not something you're going to want to go into detail about but could you just give a summary of what you did, how you did it, maybe where you learn't to do it so I can read about it? Thanks. 
I'm assuming you used a scripting language? Which one? Sorry I'm a bit late, moved to a new apartment.
To your question, Notrium doesn't do anything fancy. It just loads everything into huge arrays in the beginning of the mod loading. The ID's in the files are translated into array indexes by inserting empty elements for missing numbers.
There is no scripting language used, Notrium uses my invention, the numbered parameter system you've gotten to know so well. Not a day goes by that I wish I had made it use XML. With the numbers the engine just goes through a list of things to do, that's how all the effects are done.