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    DiXiE 19 years ago
    help, how do i get boots??? i searched almost everywhere and i cant found any clue ...
    cobra_banshee 19 years ago
    Look in the crates in the Ville area. In one of them theres Propulsion Boots.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Tha SHPOILERSH -> It's the one you must get a keycard to open. Fiddle with the creatures.dat to get it show w/out scanner, and to be killed by every kind of weapon. From the crate you'll find a security box. Fiddle with items.dat to make it open without the need to have that keycard in your inventory. <- Tha SHPOILERSH
    cobra_banshee 19 years ago
    How do I build the Ice Pack generator?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    This is the moved post of Kina Blindado de Prata. Please post any other questions in this thread from here on.

    See my problem

    PLZZZZ Help me :{
    I have last version of directx 9c
    Kina Blindado de Prata 19 years ago
    Plz, help me in post up
    ville 19 years ago
    Either your screen really doesn't like 640x480 screen mode, or your graphics card doesn't support 3D acceleration. In both cases, not much to be done I'm afraid.
    macaco 19 years ago
    what happend to the map editor? i did not see it in notrium.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Did you remember to edit the file in the data folder?
    macaco 19 years ago
    edit what file? i looked and saw a setup it's for the editor right? i have three questions, 1: am i talking about the corect file? 2: what program should i grab to use it? 3: what should i edit?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    1) Yes, if you're talking about setup.dat.

    2) Any program that is capable of editing text (e.g. Notepad).

    3) Change the line "0;//create game initialization debug file" to "1;//create game initialization debug file" (don't include the quotation marks).

    After you've done that, just start Notrium, select New game, choose a mod and select Start Editor.
    macaco 19 years ago
    thanks! it worked! but why do you have to do that?
    Pete 19 years ago
    Just because editor allows every ****ing i*iot to cheat in this mighty game.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Because Ville is to lazy to do it himself

    I got a question for you, Ville; Why can't you make patches, like the bigger games, instead of a whole new Notrium version? It would be more easy that way.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I think patches are kind of useless. It works fine this way and it would only cost our hard working Ville more work. I am willing to spend a minute of the load of free time I got to reinstall the thing. Ville should focus on his new game.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Argh... That patch thingie gave me an idea (which I think I might've mentioned before)...
    ville 19 years ago
    Patches are for people with version controlling software. I don't have any for Notrium. Might be a good idea for future games though.
    Oozy197 19 years ago

    um ok i new to Notrium and i am doing the alien. i have a egg that i found in the hive what i need to know is how do u hatch it. i have looked every where in this forum and all the info on the subject i dont get. so i would like to know how u hach it

    i also would like to know how meny dang blue aliens do i have to kill to evolve is. do i have to get to 350 in my points or what

    o ya and what do u evolve to wen u get there/and/or what do u get
    ville 19 years ago
    "Oozy197" said:

    um ok i new to Notrium and i am doing the alien. i have a egg that i found in the hive what i need to know is how do u hatch it. i have looked every where in this forum and all the info on the subject i dont get. so i would like to know how u hach it

    There's a nest somewhere in the hive.

    "Oozy197" said:

    i also would like to know how meny dang blue aliens do i have to kill to evolve is. do i have to get to 350 in my points or what

    You need a specific type of blue alien. If you need to kill small blue aliens, it won't help to kill the larger ones, and vice versa. And yes, you need to kill lots of them.
    Fusion 19 years ago
    Yes, Baby Blue Aliens, Small Blue Aliens, Blue Aliens and Queen Blue Aliens are all diffrent flavours.

    Little hint, The hive is the best place for all your evolution needs.

    Oozy197 19 years ago
    ok im kinda relly bad at this game and im not very smart so i have some more ?'s and i would like it if u gave me a relly ezy to understand awnser so ill get it ops:

    1: on my psionic where do u find water. is it in a random place or is it in a set plase and dont just say it is in the ship graveyard or what ever it is called tell me if it is randome or not.

    2: how do u heal the android(think that is how u spell it ).

    3:after u have to kill all the brown alien's what do u have to kill? cuz i dont wanna kill al of them be4 i have to.

    ok like i said im not very bright so go ezy on me and plz awnser
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    OK, answers:

    1. Those psionic gates are placed randomly, but in a certain area. The water gate are placed in the ship cemetary. If you downloads the mod "Notrium relocation Mod", the gates are in set position.

    2. You need a repair unit, computer unit+battery.

    3.I dont know.

    I hope that helped
    void 19 years ago
    I have a few questions for you Ville.

    How did you get Notrium to search for certain data and read it from the data files. What I really want to know how to do is search for a perticular number or string in a file and then read the parts concerning it. I'm sure this is pretty complex and not something you're going to want to go into detail about but could you just give a summary of what you did, how you did it, maybe where you learn't to do it so I can read about it? Thanks.

    I'm assuming you used a scripting language? Which one?
    Oozy197 19 years ago
    ok like i said in the last post by me i am not rell good at notrium
    (i suck relly bad ) and i have come upon a problem with the dople at the lifeforce area and i would like to know how u kill him he ses u need do be agresive wen u attack him but he dose not get here what am i supsed to do to kill him

    man i relly need to try to beat this game without askin so meny ?'s lol ya that is what i need to do lol :
    Shovel-Whipped 19 years ago
    Is there any way to keep my alien larva from going everywhere? I've tried fencing them in with barriers and while I'm on the screen, it seems to work okay and they can't push through(on flee OR follow), but as soon as I wander off to fetch them some corpses they break through. Is there either a "stay" command or a way to confine them better?
    Oozy197 19 years ago
    ^Anwser my ?'s plz^
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Oozy197" said:
    ok like i said in the last post by me i am not rell good at notrium
    (i suck relly bad ) and i have come upon a problem with the dople at the lifeforce area and i would like to know how u kill him he ses u need do be agresive wen u attack him but he dose not get here what am i supsed to do to kill him

    man i relly need to try to beat this game without askin so meny ?'s lol ya that is what i need to do lol :

    When I got Notrium, Ide only managed to survive in ca two days.(that was on easy people!).
    So dont give up!
    Ide never played with psionic( ) so I cant answer your questions.
    my advice is to play with the human in the begining, and when you've become familiar with the planet Notrium, switch to an other race.
    Oozy197 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    "Oozy197" said:
    ok like i said in the last post by me i am not rell good at notrium
    (i suck relly bad ) and i have come upon a problem with the dople at the lifeforce area and i would like to know how u kill him he ses u need do be agresive wen u attack him but he dose not get here what am i supsed to do to kill him

    man i relly need to try to beat this game without askin so meny ?'s lol ya that is what i need to do lol :

    When I got Notrium, Ide only managed to survive in ca two days.(that was on easy people!).
    So dont give up!
    Ide never played with psionic( ) so I cant answer your questions.
    my advice is to play with the human in the begining, and when you've become familiar with the planet Notrium, switch to an other race.

    i have almost beat the alien and the humen so i dont need to try one of them but i do need to know how u beat that dang dople in the lifeforce area so thanks for trying and someone help me cuz i cant think of anything else to do

    o ya and i have only had this game 4 2 weeks and i have almost beat the alien and the humen wow i need to get a life huh lol
    Myrmidon 19 years ago
    is it possible to make armor?
    how do you make it?
    if you can
    if you cant
    where do you find it?

    as a human can you get the blue alien egg and hatch it into an ally?
    and can the android get an ally at all?

    and where does the circular panel in the ship graveyard take you and what is there waiting for you after using the panel thing?
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    I do not consider myself as an advanced notrium gamer, by one thing:
    The tentacle you get from a dead drone plant, what does it do?
    Pete 19 years ago
    I think that when you get enough of them that they can be turned into turret...
    ville 19 years ago
    "void" said:
    I have a few questions for you Ville.

    How did you get Notrium to search for certain data and read it from the data files. What I really want to know how to do is search for a perticular number or string in a file and then read the parts concerning it. I'm sure this is pretty complex and not something you're going to want to go into detail about but could you just give a summary of what you did, how you did it, maybe where you learn't to do it so I can read about it? Thanks.

    I'm assuming you used a scripting language? Which one?

    Sorry I'm a bit late, moved to a new apartment.

    To your question, Notrium doesn't do anything fancy. It just loads everything into huge arrays in the beginning of the mod loading. The ID's in the files are translated into array indexes by inserting empty elements for missing numbers.

    There is no scripting language used, Notrium uses my invention, the numbered parameter system you've gotten to know so well. Not a day goes by that I wish I had made it use XML. With the numbers the engine just goes through a list of things to do, that's how all the effects are done.
    void 19 years ago
    Thanks, that was the information I was looking for. Sheads a bit of light into the mess of programming that is my head.
    Crazy 19 years ago

    where the hell is that tattered paper?!
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    where the hell is that tattered paper?!

    In one of the boxes in the ville corp area.


    When I was modding notrium, I found two strange things there. Gthan and Maja, strange leaf and strange bark. Ville and quanrian, what is this? A joke? Or something that will pop up in the next version? I looked everywere, and mostley in the eden area, but I didn't find these items at all.
    Ive searched for them in the .dat files, but I can't find them there either(except in the items.dat)

    WHAT IS THEY???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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