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  • Nameless mod (for now)

    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Dude, this mod isn't that old. There's a 99.9% chance that Pete (the developer of this mod) has this.
    Okay, okay, sorry. It's just that Spiritfire did the same thing on that years-old mod IIRC, and ever since then, he REALLY bothers me.

    If one of you moderators think this should be deleted, do so. I sent him a PM with an extended version anyways.
    harwe 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    If one of you moderators think this should be deleted, do so. I sent him a PM with an extended version anyways.
    theres a longer version?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    If one of you moderators think this should be deleted, do so. I sent him a PM with an extended version anyways.
    theres a longer version?
    A longer version of his post, not the mod.

    Anywho, Pete, care to upload it somewhere else? Like iHud, for example?
    Pete 17 years ago
    Workin on it.

    EDIT: Ihud gave me a bug so I posted it here... again...
    harwe 17 years ago
    my sig... MY SIG!!! i have it......
    angus 17 years ago
    Please forgive me for being Really skeptical about the chances of this ever being finished.
    angus 17 years ago
    Please forgive me for being Really skeptical about the chances of this ever being finished.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Is there an echo in here?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    Is there an echo in here?
    He probably got an error whilst pressing the Submit button. I PMed him to delete one of the posts, but thanks to you and your post, the PM was in vain.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    my sig... MY SIG!!! i have it......

    I just downloaded it ... lemme try

    EDIT: (censored) this mod is HARD. Only way to kill aliens is to paralyse them and then to puch em. I just can't hit with the pipe.
    angus 17 years ago
    Whoops! Sorry Grim.
    Yeah, there was an error.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    I think i found a bug. When you open a desk there's a CLOSE DESK object (in your desk). Well... i got to the part with rooms left and right.(deck 4... i think). I open the desks and they're empty! Not even a CLOSE DESK object. Then i got beck to deck 5, opened "my" desk and it was EMPTY too. So i think i'm missing some good items
    Pete 17 years ago
    ...Dunno about you, but I have heard that people sometimes DO NOT put stuff in drawers of their desks.

    Also, weird that there was no close desk item. All the empty desks use the same inventory, so I guess you accidentaly dropped it out somewhere.

    Edit: And I will finish the mod. Someday. After I get bored of making a huge map in deus ex, and stop my feemble attempts at making an adventure game, and will finnaly get ultra-bored of playing CS:S and there will be nothing interesting on the net...
    Aphiberg 17 years ago
    Hey Pete... its been a while since last update related to a new version of the mod. Are you working on it atm?
    Pete 17 years ago
    -old post-

    Define working.

    I have a few ideas, but I am yet to put them in code.

    -new post-

    Some work is going to be done this weekend.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Anything actually happening with the mod in question?

    "Pete" said:
    Some work is going to be done this weekend.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Old post
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Anything actually happening with the mod in question?

    "Pete" said:
    Some work is going to be done this weekend.
    And it was! I made most of the textures for deck 4, changed the small alien (finally) and some other small stuff.
    New post.

    Over the last days I went on a modding frenzy, and the results are two more completed decks that are more complex than ever, plus the ability to go outside the ship. Once Im done improving the graphics and details like that I can release a new version.
    Pete 17 years ago

    New version is up! This time including...

    Deck 2
    Deck 1
    Asteroid surface
    Two more secret areas
    Some more story
    Much more world interaction(you get to press some buttons)
    Two new major weapons and five(?) minor ones
    One normal new creature and two special secret new ones
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I think I've had a brainfart for a record amount of time. I just realized which mod this is! XD

    Too bad I don't have (And won't have) Notrium.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Gah! I forgot to fix the toxin pistol graphic!... oh well, youll have to bare with the ugly picture from MSpaint till I make it XD...
    harwe 17 years ago
    you've got a bad uploading site... doesn't allow me to download.. says its server is busy....
    Pete 17 years ago
    Weird, it works for me...
    Pete 17 years ago
    Backup link.

    EDIT: Oopsie, double postied.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "D0M0" said:
    I think i found a bug. When you open a desk there's a CLOSE DESK object (in your desk). Well... i got to the part with rooms left and right.(deck 4... i think). I open the desks and they're empty! Not even a CLOSE DESK object. Then i got beck to deck 5, opened "my" desk and it was EMPTY too. So i think i'm missing some good items

    I think i got it. When i open that desk (close to the computer) which has a log in it, it DOESN'T have a close desk object
    Pete 17 years ago
    Oh no... no nononononono! I double checked the desks! They should work! *moans*
    D0M0 17 years ago
    same thing with the desk where you find the broken mouse.

    that desk displays a "you look into the desk" message when i use it
    EDIT: i downloaded the new version and it still has the same problem
    Pete 17 years ago
    ...Can you at least find the actual items that are suppesed to be inside? If so, its not that big deal, as you can just right click.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    well, i found the log and there was nothing at the "mouse" desk, but i tried playing without opening those two desks and then other desks had the "close desk item", but when i open one of them, all desks "lode" the "close desk item" (even the ones that had it before)
    Pete 17 years ago
    What the hell? How can that possibly happen? I never used a effect thta removes the item!
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Maybe it switched to the wrong inventory.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Maybe it switched to the wrong inventory.

    Could be, anyway i just wanted to report this ?bug? beacuse it seems VERY strange
    Rizzen325 17 years ago
    Ummm.... none of the download links work. Does anyone know where I can get this?
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Pete 17 years ago
    Right. For some weird and understand-unable reason, I cant change the pool, so, anybody who would play it if a new version came out, please say so here so I have some motivation.
    D0M0 16 years ago
    I'd like to see this new version so, dig in it
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