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  • TPoD (TPoD12! At last!)

    Shingo 17 years ago
    No. There is no Hope, Grimsy. Just as there is no Try. WWMYS!!! (What Would Master Yoda Say). There is only Do or Do Not. And if MK doesn't make a new TPoD soon (Hopefully with me as a character ) His brain will have a new ornament, ala a long steel pole sticking into it.
    Pete 17 years ago

    Could not resist.

    Also, I would make it better but for some reason the picture allows only black, white and blue...
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Are you using Gimp? Because that's the reason I stopped using it. I would attempt to edit a picture and it would only allow colours that were already in that picture.
    Shingo 17 years ago
    Bwahaha. And so shall his demise be swift and sudden, should his endeavors fail to please.
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    Are you using Gimp? Because that's the reason I stopped using it. I would attempt to edit a picture and it would only allow colours that were already in that picture.

    The newer version? I thought you could use any colour anywhere. That's kind of how graphics editing is supposed to work. It probably is just giving you suggestions to help it actually look like part of the picture instead of a crappy paint draw-in. You can probably override it somewhere. Gimp is crazy like that.
    Pete 17 years ago
    I even tried mspaint but the colors were limited the same way... red painted dark grey for example.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    Are you using Gimp? Because that's the reason I stopped using it. I would attempt to edit a picture and it would only allow colours that were already in that picture.
    It's a basic property called 'indexed' colors, and it's part of the GIF standard. If you open a GIF, your picture will be in Indexed mode.

    Switch to RGB mode with Image > Mode > RGB.
    Solus Lupus 17 years ago
    No ya'll just gotta change the mode of the picture to an 8-bit or higher if the image is monochromatic.

    ...oops ya what the guy before me said
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    [OT] There's a delete button for a reason. [/OT]
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    I could be convinced to work on the TPoD some more... however, that would require you to convince me that working on the TPoD would be more entertaining than playing Supreme Commander, a feat you are unlikely to accomplish.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I could be convinced to work on the TPoD some more... however, that would require you to convince me that working on the TPoD would be more entertaining than playing Supreme Commander, a feat you are unlikely to accomplish.
    ... But according to IRC, you're not playing that. You're playing Castlevania.

    Reason enough for you?
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    I could be convinced to work on the TPoD some more... however, that would require you to convince me that working on the TPoD would be more entertaining than playing Supreme Commander, a feat you are unlikely to accomplish.
    ... But according to IRC, you're not playing that. You're playing Castlevania.

    Reason enough for you?
    I said I bought Symphony of the Night. I didn't say I was playing it. My name still clearly says "|SupCom" at the end. Besides, Symphony of the Night is a PlayStation game, which I bought over the internet, so I need it to actually get shipped before I can play it.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    I could be convinced to work on the TPoD some more... however, that would require you to convince me that working on the TPoD would be more entertaining than playing Supreme Commander, a feat you are unlikely to accomplish.
    ... But according to IRC, you're not playing that. You're playing Castlevania.

    Reason enough for you?
    I said I bought Symphony of the Night. I didn't say I was playing it. My name still clearly says "|SupCom" at the end. Besides, Symphony of the Night is a PlayStation game, which I bought over the internet, so I need it to actually get shipped before I can play it.
    My bad. Not only did I not see the suffix, but I'm not that good with the newer consoles (>2000) for some reason, as you can clearly see.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I could be convinced to work on the TPoD some more... however, that would require you to convince me that working on the TPoD would be more entertaining than playing Supreme Commander, a feat you are unlikely to accomplish.

    Hmm. That's going to be hard. Working on ANYTHING can't be as entertaining as playing a nice game like SC. BUT. If we could make your SC so frustrating you'd rather work on TPoD, that would be a better choice. So, we need to concentrate NOT to making TPoD entertaining to work on, but to make SC frustrating to play.

    How could we make MK's SC copy corrupt all savefiles, make Tech2-4 unobtainable, make it crash all the time, or introduce a tactic that always wins? (One that even computer opponents use.)
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    That's easy. We train ourselves and go against him head-on.


    But then I'll lose.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    That's easy. We train ourselves and go against him head-on.


    But then I'll lose.

    Go against him in SC? Well, I'll be an Aeon, and use the hover tank rush. Someone use Cybran and their Destroyers. Put them on land, of course.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    I'd join you, but that'd require about 500€ with which I could get a computer that can ACTUALLY RUN the soddin' game.
    Murska 17 years ago
    You were waiting for me to win the lottery, remember?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    You were waiting for me to win the lottery, remember?
    That's just one of the back-up plans.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    You were waiting for me to win the lottery, remember?
    IF you win, can I have some?
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I'm not that good with the newer consoles (>2000)
    PlayStation 1.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I'm not that good with the newer consoles (>2000)
    PlayStation 1.
    ... Okay, >1995 then. Although I do know a bit about the Dreamcast. Maybe Saturn. Well, actually, all I know about the Saturn is that the controllers work on a C64, or the other way 'round.
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    im good with all the consoles. havnt tried the Wii yet, and the PS3 was crappy at Walmart so i gotta find somebody with a PS3 and some decent games so i can play that and give a review. 360 is pretty good though. i only have the ps2, xbox, nintendo 64, pc, gameboys (XD) and sometimes a gamecube
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "zerocoal" said:
    i only have the ps2, xbox, nintendo 64, pc, gameboys (XD) and sometimes a gamecube
    ... ONLY!? I barely have an overclocked NES (I have yet to fix the pitch problem (If/Had you been reading my ramblings on IRC, you'd know what this is), if possible at all, which will NOT be possible if I do no research (I should go do that after writing this))!

    ... Something tells me that this needs it's own topic. IF YOU WANT TO RESPOND TO THIS POST OR CONTINUE TO DISCUSS CONSOLES, DO SO IN THE GARBAGE SUBFORUM. Thank you.

    [edit] Actually, I don't think it NEEDED its own topic. More like I subconsciously wanted one.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    And why are you actually talking about consoles in here?
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    And why are you actually talking about consoles in here?
    They were. The discussion has been shifted now.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I didn't think you were THAT stupid, E. Until five seconds ago, that is.
    MageKing17 17 years ago

    Pictures have been added to TPoD6 (I'll be uploading it in a minute, I'm hunting for updated avatars right now).

    EDIT: Surprisingly, there are none. 0_o

    Uploading now...
    Murska 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:

    Pictures have been added to TPoD6 (I'll be uploading it in a minute, I'm hunting for updated avatars right now).

    EDIT: Surprisingly, there are none. 0_o

    Uploading now...

    Yay! And I got two lines! Anyway, most of the older-type people DO give off steam after they've been with me for a moment.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:

    Pictures have been added to TPoD6 (I'll be uploading it in a minute, I'm hunting for updated avatars right now).

    EDIT: Surprisingly, there are none. 0_o

    Uploading now...
    Why did you leave the "Grimsy:" in my first line?
    Idiota 17 years ago
    I think it was left there after adding the avatars, and it used to function as a reminder to what avatar needed to be there and who said it.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    I finished the TPoD6... and yes, Grim, I noticed that when I was working on it, but lacking working internets at that moment, I couldn't do anything about it until now.

    So... uploading TPoD6 now!
    Binky 17 years ago
    This is full of epic-ness.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Due to viewer response, Thaimodz is now in with three lines and Crazy gets an extra line. I won't bother with updating the main post, I figure it isn't that important.
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