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    ville 15 years ago
    We're hard at work coming up with talents that are new. I'm still probably going to have the classics like weapon talents and the like, but there will be a lot of talents you'll likely want to get just for seeing what it does.

    You might be onto something with the farming example there, as there will be food in the game and you'll need some way to get more soon after beginning.

    But make no mistake, Driftmoon will not be a casual game in the sense that the term is used these days. While I'm not going to make it as excessively difficult to play as Notrium, and I'm putting extra work on making the interface user friendly, it will still be a very involved experience. As for RPG's, it will be less hard core than say the Avernum series of games, but quite a bit more hard core than Wandering Willows.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    it will be less hard core than say the Avernum series of games
    Oh thank god.
    ville 15 years ago
    I'm quite a bit of a fan of their games, but truth be told, people expect a lot simpler interfaces these days. The Avernum interface is just hard to grasp in the beginning before you get into it, then it gets easier. In Driftmoon you shouldn't notice the interface that much as there are few windows and dialogues.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I'm quite a bit of a fan of their games, but truth be told, people expect a lot simpler interfaces these days. The Avernum interface is just hard to grasp in the beginning before you get into it, then it gets easier. In Driftmoon you shouldn't notice the interface that much as there are few windows and dialogues.
    I am in favour of simplicity when it comes to gaming. Especially when it's easy to play but hard to master.
    DRL 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I'm quite a bit of a fan of their games, but truth be told, people expect a lot simpler interfaces these days. The Avernum interface is just hard to grasp in the beginning before you get into it, then it gets easier. In Driftmoon you shouldn't notice the interface that much as there are few windows and dialogues.
    Will there by any pets / mutations / transformations (or metamorphosis) / party ?
    Well maybe you find anything that changes you... And well you may find/buy a pet, or recruit/hire a party member... Not to mention that some people might join you permanetly for reasons of their own.
    And will there be any other playable races than just human? It´s ok if we have to stick to being human, but you know... I (and many people) love interesting options regarding character creation

    P.S.: What is "Avernum"?
    ville 15 years ago
    -At the moment I'm not planning on using a party/pet for the game. It is first on my list of things to do after the initial release though.
    -There is likely to be some sort of morphing, if not for you, then for someone else.
    -As stated above somewhere, the first playable race will be just human. We are hoping to add more after the initial release. And they may still be human, just different types of characters.
    -Avernum is a classic indie RPG. I'm a fan myself, and they're still going strong. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    DRL 15 years ago
    Great ville!, now that´s all going to add something to the game & plot... Plus, I love morphing!
    But for the first release, I have no objection regarding to the limitations; basically, I believe it will only be the smell of the cake... Not the cake itself (If you know what I mean )
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "DRL" said:
    Great ville!, now that´s all going to add something to the game & plot... Plus, I love morphing!
    But for the first release, I have no objection regarding to the limitations; basically, I believe it will only be the smell of the cake... Not the cake itself (If you know what I mean )
    DRL 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "DRL" said:
    Great ville!, now that´s all going to add something to the game & plot... Plus, I love morphing!
    But for the first release, I have no objection regarding to the limitations; basically, I believe it will only be the smell of the cake... Not the cake itself (If you know what I mean )
    Cake = Main Game
    Smell of the Cake = A tiny portion of the Game
    And well, no, my phrase there has nothing to do with romanticism.

    P.S.: Well, returning to Driftmoon,... I think it will be a great game, phearps the greatest ville has ever made
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "DRL" said:
    my phrase there has nothing to do with romanticism.
    And "romance" (in the sense of the above-linked article) has almost nothing to do with "romanticism".

    "ville" said:
    You might be onto something with the farming example there, as there will be food in the game and you'll need some way to get more soon after beginning.
    Sorry, but I just noticed this. Will we have a full range of... for lack of a better word, "occupational" skills (fishing, farming, blacksmithing, et cetera)? These usually add nice opportunities for minigames and/or ways to make money (and, of course, a blacksmith can fashion their own weapons and fun stuff like that). Another nice thing (if done properly) is to pull a D&D and allow magic (or whatever it winds up being called) users to sell their services.
    DRL 15 years ago
    Well, first let me first apologize for the confusion... For in Spanish (My native language) the word "Romanticism" means being Romantic. Sorry about that MageKing17.

    And well, ragarding to the idea of "selling your services" it would be pretty cool, so far I have not seen it in any computer game (I have not seen it in any of the magic/fantasy games that I have) and it will add something interesting to the game... Basically if you are a sorcerer (or mage, or similar) you will allways have a way to make money, which is usefull .
    ville 15 years ago
    I will likely keep the minigame portion minimal, as well as anything that is tedious and time consuming grind. Driftmoon will be a game where you can explore the world, see new places, and take part in a grand story. I believe the place for minigames and time consuming farming, as well as selling your services is mostly in the field of MMORPGs, not single player. Which is not to say there won't be interesting minigames somewhere in the world, but they're not something I will be focusing on.
    DRL 15 years ago
    Well, that sounds fine by me. And regarding modding, how one will be able to mod the game, and what are the limitations?
    LastDay 15 years ago
    Very interesting, I used to play Notrium quite a bit a long time ago so I'm looking forward to this, too!
    ville 15 years ago
    "DRL" said:
    Well, that sounds fine by me. And regarding modding, how one will be able to mod the game, and what are the limitations?

    I will be blogging about that later during the fall. At the moment it is a bit undecided, though my plan is to make it much easier than in Notrium.

    I'm glad to hear you're interested LastDay. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter so you don't forget to check it out when it comes.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I will likely keep the minigame portion minimal, as well as anything that is tedious and time consuming grind. Driftmoon will be a game where you can explore the world, see new places, and take part in a grand story. I believe the place for minigames and time consuming farming, as well as selling your services is mostly in the field of MMORPGs, not single player. Which is not to say there won't be interesting minigames somewhere in the world, but they're not something I will be focusing on.
    Well, the way time-consuming things are usually handled in a singleplayer game is by having them consume ingame time without consuming out-of-game time, with all the advantages and disadvantages that implies. I guess if the game won't have anything time-based (I.E. missions that require you to do something in a month, say), you don't need anything like that.
    DRL 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    "DRL" said:
    Well, that sounds fine by me. And regarding modding, how one will be able to mod the game, and what are the limitations?

    I will be blogging about that later during the fall. At the moment it is a bit undecided, though my plan is to make it much easier than in Notrium.

    I'm glad to hear you're interested LastDay. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter so you don't forget to check it out when it comes.
    Not to be an annoyance ville, but how exactly modding will be easier? I mean...
    We are modding using code, parameters, both, or another method?
    ville 15 years ago
    All I can say at the moment is that you'll mostly use the map editor, so there are fewer files to edit by hand. I will elaborate on all of that later, as I'm still working on many of these things.
    shadowfire123 15 years ago
    Hi guys james here just registered but have known about monnkkenen for ages and check here every day. (big fan) so I hear that a new game has come out so i decided to register!!!
    ville 15 years ago
    Welcome aboard!
    shadowfire123 15 years ago
    So where did you get the idea of driftmoon from?
    ville 15 years ago
    "shadowfire123" said:
    So where did you get the idea of driftmoon from?

    I got it in a dream. See here.
    shadowfire123 15 years ago
    Interesting So i was thinking that in this game could you get magic or imbuement of weapons or something just a thought
    shadowfire123 15 years ago
    I think that would be cool like also you could create weapons or join weapons together to create even more powerful weapons and each wepon had levels and you could go up the levels if you had the rite equipment in your invent
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    That certainly does sound like an interesting idea, Shadowfire.

    On a bit more off-topic note, I suggest you refrain from posting a new post after one of your own posts unless significant time (e.g. 24 hours) has passed since the time you posted the earlier one

    If you simply want to add something to your post, you can use the nifty "Edit Post" button.
    ville 15 years ago
    I'd say this is not out of the question. If you've ever played Baldur's Gate II, that was a particularly nicely done feature there. You could enhance some of your unique weapons with the magical stuff you found in the game. Once you had one part of the combination, the smith would tell you that you need a part for it.
    shadowfire123 15 years ago
    OOOOOOOps i'll remember!!! have you got an intro story for driftmoon because if not my cousin (he is big fan but tooshy to join) has come up with a great one and i'll email it to you if you want??? Just need emal and just a little bit off topic but does anyone else here live in WA???
    ville 15 years ago
    I do have an intro story already, it will mostly be told within the game and not in any kind of animated part. The story has already changed slightly from what I've previously told. So I probably won't use the story that you have, but I'm always eager to read good stories. If you want to mail it, my email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.
    DRL 15 years ago
    Hey ville sorry to sound a bit off-topic, but Velvet looks nice . The party system is fine by me, I love the games where your party members have a "life" and not simply obey your orders like... well, zombies ? I think that when they are wounded they may seek for cover or stay near a friend, so that they do not get that easily killed.
    Venom31 15 years ago
    From what I've seen by now, everything looks just great!
    One of the screenshots shows an open inventory. There was a barrel or something, with '8' numbers of it, but the torches are all not stacked? Mayhap it's better to stack them too? Since they run out one-by-one in a pausable manner, 'tis quite a piece of work, I presume. For example, Bethesda didn't manage to do that piece of work correctly in Morrowind, a whole century back .
    ville 15 years ago
    Oh, torches do stack as do most things in the game. I think I must have been just testing something there.
    spoons 14 years ago
    Don't Forget to have the first town you visit burn down, that's a must!

    oh and to shadowfire123, yes, yes i do.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    I play Metroid. It bores me very much that in every game in the series that features space stations, the first one blows up. EVERY TIME.

    ... Come to think of it, so do the first couple of planets. Zebes goes twice.

    So, no, the first town must specifically NOT burn down, IMO.
    spoons 14 years ago
    aww come on! everyone's doing it! Microsoft blows up the ships in Halo (1 & 2) , George Lucas has the Tantive 4 destroyed (immobilized / watevr), and don't forget the pillaging of the shire in Tolkein's Lord of The Rings Saga.(even though happens later in 3rd book).

    wait will the main character even live in a town?

    ooh and you should give him a pet parrot named Pete who says alot of lame puns!

    (or am i heading off on the too piraty side?) misewell throw in a few dozen ninjas and a few robots for good measure...
    E_net4 14 years ago
    Hey, even in Castle of the Winds you have your village burnt. It's ok, as long as there is somewhere else to stay.
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