"ville" said: I will likely keep the minigame portion minimal, as well as anything that is tedious and time consuming grind. Driftmoon will be a game where you can explore the world, see new places, and take part in a grand story. I believe the place for minigames and time consuming farming, as well as selling your services is mostly in the field of MMORPGs, not single player. Which is not to say there won't be interesting minigames somewhere in the world, but they're not something I will be focusing on. Well, the way time-consuming things are usually handled in a singleplayer game is by having them consume ingame time without consuming out-of-game time, with all the advantages and disadvantages that implies. I guess if the game won't have anything time-based (I.E. missions that require you to do something in a month, say), you don't need anything like that.